29 research outputs found

    La résonance lectorale

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    À quoi tient qu'une œuvre littéraire nous émeut, nous touche, nous donne à penser ? L’incursion dans l’imaginaire de l’autre, dans ses fantasmes, la reconnaissance des éléments de l’histoire (la grande et la petite) convoqués dans le roman, la pièce de théâtre ou le poème viennent élargir notre expérience. Toute création est sans doute dépassement d’un donné arrière-textuel par la confrontation avec la langue, ses contraintes et ses potentialités. Mais que se passe-t-il si l’on replace l’acte créatif dans la relation littéraire comme co-création ? C’est ce phénomène d’écho qu’explore, sous le nom de résonance, le présent volume, dixième de la collection Approches Interdisciplinaires de la Lecture, entre harmonie et dissonance, dans la confrontation des espaces socioculturels liés à la production du texte et à ses lectures successives, dans la recherche, par-delà les problèmes de longueur d’onde, d’un noyau de vérité à exhumer ou à faire advenir

    Le corps à l'œuvre

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    L'implication du corps dans la création artistique ne fait guère de doute : il constitue la quatrième dimension de l'arrière-texte, la plus secrète. Il en va de cette entité fuyante, proche et insaisissable, comme du temps selon saint Augustin : on croit savoir ce dont il s’agit, mais si on y réfléchit un peu, tout se brouille. Cet en-deçà du langage, culturellement (re)construit, fonctionne dans la langue comme un signe articulé à un référent barré, inaccessible. Encodant symboliquement la trace refoulée de pulsions ou hantée par la présence de cet innommable, la langue littéraire joue néanmoins le double jeu d’inscrire et d’ex-crire le corps, selon le mot d’Antonin Artaud

    Influence of TYK2 in systemic sclerosis susceptibility: a new locus in the IL-12 pathway

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    Objectives: TYK2 is a common genetic risk factor for several autoimmune diseases. This gene encodes a protein kinase involved in interleukin 12 (IL-12) pathway, which is a well-known player in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Therefore, we aimed to assess the possible role of this locus in SSc. Methods: This study comprised a total of 7103 patients with SSc and 12 220 healthy controls of European ancestry from Spain, USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and the UK. Four TYK2 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (V362F (rs2304256), P1104A (rs34536443), I684S (rs12720356) and A928V (rs35018800)) were selected for follow-up based on the results of an Immunochip screening phase of the locus. Association and dependence analyses were performed by the means of logistic regression and conditional logistic regression. Meta-analyses were performed using the inverse variance method. Results: Genome-wide significance level was reached for TYK2 V362F common variant in our pooled analysis (p=3.08×10−13, OR=0.83), while the association of P1104A, A928V and I684S rare and low-frequency missense variants remained significant with nominal signals (p=2.28×10−3, OR=0.80; p=1.27×10−3, OR=0.59; p=2.63×10−5, OR=0.83, respectively). Interestingly, dependence and allelic combination analyses showed that the strong association observed for V362F with SSc, corresponded to a synthetic association dependent on the effect of the three previously mentioned TYK2 missense variants. Conclusions: We report for the first time the association of TYK2 with SSc and reinforce the relevance of the IL-12 pathway in SSc pathophysiology


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    PURPOSE. To compare the clinical outcomes of immediately loaded cross-arch maxillary prostheses supported by zygomatic implants versus conventional implants placed in augmented bone. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Seventy-one edentulous patients with severely atrophic maxillae not having sufficient bone volumes for placing dental implants, or when it was possible to place only two implants of minimal diameter 3.5 mm and length of 8 mm in the frontal area and there was less than 4 mm of bone height subantrally were randomi-sed according to a parallel-group design to receive either zygomatic implants (35 patien-ts) to be loaded immediately or xenograft followed, after 6 months of graft consolidation, by placement of six to eight conventional dental implants submerged for 4 months (36 patients). Outcome measures were: prosthesis, implant and augmentation failures, any complica-tions, quality of life (OHIP-14), number of days with totally or partially impaired activity, time to function, and number of dental visits, as assessed by independent assessors. Patients were followed up to 3 years after loading. RESULTS. Eight patients from the augmentation group dropped out versus three from the zygomatic group. One augmentation procedure failed. Eight prostheses could not be fitted or failed in the augmentation group versus two prostheses in the zygomatic group, the difference being not statistically significant (difference in proportions = 18.18%; 95% CI: 1.44 to 34.91; P = 0.082). Nine patients in the augmentation group lost 42 implants versus three patients who lost six zygomatic implants, the difference being not statistically significant (difference in proportions = 21.65%; 95% CI: 2.02 to 41.20; P = 0.052). Sixteen augmented patients were affected by 30 complications versus 29 zygomatic patients (55 complications), the difference being statistically significant (difference in proportions =-30.87 %; 95% CI:-51.88 to-9.86; P = 0.007). The 3-year OHIP-14 score was 4.11±7.27 in augmented patients and 4.51±6.23 in zygomatic patients, with no statistically significant differences between groups (mean difference = 0.40; 95% CI:-2.80 to 3.61; P = 0.624). Both groups had significantly improved OHIP-14 scores from before rehabilitation (P < 0.01 for both augmentation and zygomatic patients). Days of total infirmity were, on average, 7.42±3.17 in the augmentation group and 7.17±1.96 in the zygomatic group, the difference not being statistically significant (mean difference =-0.25; 95% CI:-1.52 to 1.02; P = 0.692). Days of partial infirmity were on average, 14.24±4.64 in the augmented group and 12.17±3.82 in the zygomatic group, the difference being statistically significant (mean difference =-2.07; 95% CI:-4.12 to-0.02; P = 0.048). The mean number of days to functional prosthesis fitting were 444.32±207.86 in augmentation patients and 1.34±2.27 in zygomatic patients, the difference being statistically significant (mean difference =-442.98; 95% CI:-513.10 to-372.86; P < 0.001). The average number of dental appointments was 23.00±11.80 for augmentation patients and 20.05±6.23 for zygomatic patients, the difference not being statistically significant (mean difference =-2.94; 95% CI:-7.62 to 1.74; P = 0.213)