2,946 research outputs found

    A review of the densities and refractive indices of the terpenes

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    The physical properties of pure terpenes. Part 1, Myrcene

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    The odour of Opercularia aspera (Goertn)

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    Pumps and Watering Systems for Managed Beef Grazing (2000)

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    Water for beef cattle may come from wells, ponds, creeks, springs or public water supplies, although the last of these sources can be too costly for watering a large herd year-round. Wells are a prime source of water at the farmstead. However, cattle on pasture are usually watered from surface sources in Missouri. Keeping the animals from entering the water source will generally maintain higher water quality and result in better livestock production.New 10/00/7M; Reviewed 4/0

    'n Ondersoek na die betekenis van die konsep "gemeenskap" en die implikasies daarvan vir "demokratiese opvoeding" in Suid-afrika

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    Magister Artium - MAIn hierdie mini-tesis probeer ek om die aard van die verband tussen, "gemeenskap", "demokrasie" en "opvoeding" in Suid- Afrika te bepaal. Die motivering vir die keuse van hierdie onderwerp spruit uit die algemene gebruik van die term "gemeenskap" deur beide die regering sowel as die polities uitgeslotenes, en feitlik altyd in 'n gunstige sin. Sodanige gebruik maak die konsep problematies en is daar dus die behoefte om dit meer deursigtig te maak ten einde groter helderheid omtrent die gebruik daarvan te verkry. Die belangrikheid van so 'n onderneming blyk veral wanneer die aard van die verband tussen gemeenskap, demokrasie en opvoeding bepaal word. In suid-Afrika met sy gefragmenteerde bevolking, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die Apartheidsbeleid van die suid-Afrikaanse regering, het die pOlities-uitgeslotenes die regering die stryd aangesê ten einde fn aandeel te verkry in politieke besluitneming. fn Deel van hierdie stryd speel in fn betekenisvolle mate af op die opvoedingsterrein

    Pumps and Watering Systems for Managed Beef Grazing (2007)

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    Water for beef cattle may come from wells, ponds, creeks, springs or public water supplies, although the last of these sources can be too costly for watering a large herd year-round. Wells are a prime source of water at the farmstead. However, cattle on pasture are usually watered from surface sources in Missouri. Keeping the animals from entering the water source will generally maintain higher water quality and result in better livestock production.Reviewed April 200

    Unravelling the underlying causes of price volatility in world coffee and cocoa commodity markets

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    In recent years, Commodity Dependent Developing Countries (CDDCs) have faced multiple global food, energy and climate crises, compounded by the recent financial and economic crises, which have increased their vulnerability to excessive price volatility in commodity markets. Moreover, structural vulnerabilities in most CDDCs render their economies more vulnerable to increased commodity market turbulence than developed countries, given their comparatively lower income and high dependence on commodity exports. This paper aims to empirically examine the patterns and underlying causes of excessive price volatility for two major soft commodities of critical importance to many of the poorest CDDCs: coffee and cocoa. It aims to identify interactions, similarities and causalities between coffee and cocoa prices on the one hand and, oil and futures prices on the other hand. Our analysis of coffee and cocoa historical prices shows that, coffee price volatility has uneven or varied impact depending on the nature of the market shock. Oil price spillover effects on coffee and cocoa markets are also assessed using cointegration and error-correction models. Long-run causality is found between oil prices, and coffee and cocoa prices but, only cocoa has an equilibrium relationship with oil in the long-term. Given the results, this study proposes some policy recommendations for managing price risk and addressing regulation in cocoa and coffee exporting countries