1,261 research outputs found

    Exploring potential germline associated roles of the TRIM-NHL protein NHL-2 through RNAi screening

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    TRIM-NHL proteins are highly conserved regulators of developmental pathways in vertebrates and invertebrates. The TRIM-NHL family member NHL-2 in Caenorhabditis elegans functions as a miRNA cofactor to regulate developmental timing. Similar regulatory roles have been reported in other model systems, with the mammalian ortholog in mice, TRIM32, contributing to muscle and neuronal cell proliferation via miRNA activity. Given the interest associated with TRIM-NHL family proteins, we aimed to further investigate the role of NHL-2 in C. elegans development by using a synthetic RNAi screening approach. Using the ORFeome library, we knocked down 11,942 genes in wild-type animals and nhl-2 null mutants. In total, we identified 42 genes that produced strong reproductive synthetic phenotypes when knocked down in nhl-2 null mutants, with little or no change when knocked down in wild-type animals. These included genes associated with transcriptional processes, chromosomal integrity, and key cofactors of the germline small 22G RNA pathway.Gregory M. Davis, Wai Y. Low, Joshua W.T. Anderson and Peter R. Boa

    Exotic torus manifolds and equivariant smooth structures on quasitoric manifolds

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    In 2006 Masuda and Suh asked if two compact non-singular toric varieties having isomorphic cohomology rings are homeomorphic. In the first part of this paper we discuss this question for topological generalizations of toric varieties, so-called torus manifolds. For example we show that there are homotopy equivalent torus manifolds which are not homeomorphic. Moreover, we characterize those groups which appear as the fundamental groups of locally standard torus manifolds. In the second part we give a classification of quasitoric manifolds and certain six-dimensional torus manifolds up to equivariant diffeomorphism. In the third part we enumerate the number of conjugacy classes of tori in the diffeomorphism group of torus manifolds. For torus manifolds of dimension greater than six there are always infinitely many conjugacy classes. We give examples which show that this does not hold for six-dimensional torus manifolds.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, results about quasitoric manifolds adde

    Low energy collective excitations in a superfluid trapped Fermi gas

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    We study low energy collective excitations in a trapped superfluid Fermi gas, that describe slow variations of the phase of the superfluid order parameter. Well below the critical temperature the corresponding eigenfrequencies turn out to be of the order of the trap frequency, and these modes manifest themselves as the eigenmodes of the density fluctuations of the gas sample. The latter could provide an experimental evidence of the presence of the superfluid phase.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX, referencies correcte

    The steady state quantum statistics of a non-Markovian atom laser

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    We present a fully quantum mechanical treatment of a single-mode atomic cavity with a pumping mechanism and an output coupling to a continuum of external modes. This system is a schematic description of an atom laser. In the dilute limit where atom-atom interactions are negligible, we have been able to solve this model without making the Born and Markov approximations. When coupling into free space, it is shown that for reasonable parameters there is a bound state which does not disperse, which means that there is no steady state. This bound state does not exist when gravity is included, and in that case the system reaches a steady state. We develop equations of motion for the two-time correlation in the presence of pumping and gravity in the output modes. We then calculate the steady-state output energy flux from the laser.Comment: 14 pages (twocloumn), 6 figure

    Generating Non-Linear Interpolants by Semidefinite Programming

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    Interpolation-based techniques have been widely and successfully applied in the verification of hardware and software, e.g., in bounded-model check- ing, CEGAR, SMT, etc., whose hardest part is how to synthesize interpolants. Various work for discovering interpolants for propositional logic, quantifier-free fragments of first-order theories and their combinations have been proposed. However, little work focuses on discovering polynomial interpolants in the literature. In this paper, we provide an approach for constructing non-linear interpolants based on semidefinite programming, and show how to apply such results to the verification of programs by examples.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Diffusion and Innovation Theory: Past, Present, and Future Contributions to Academia and Practice

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    Part 4: PanelInternational audienceThe field of information systems (IS) has throughout its history experienced extensive changes in technology, research, and education. These renewals will continue into the foreseeable future [10]. It is recognized that IS is a key force in the ongoing societal and organizational renewal and change [2, 8, 14]. For example, in the US business sector, IS continues yearly to consume about 30% of total investments made [5]. Recent research document that IS supports the creation of business value, with particular emphasis on an organization’s innovation and change capabilities [1, 3]. Traditionally, research in IS has been interdisciplinary in nature - since it draws on innovation theory, models of value creation, actors’ roles and behaviors, the creation and running of task oriented groups, and how these relate to organizational structures and mechanisms [24]. Throughout its history the question of benefits from investing in IS has been lively discussed

    Operator-Algebraic Approach to the Yrast Spectrum of Weakly Interacting Trapped Bosons

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    We present an operator-algebraic approach to deriving the low-lying quasi-degenerate spectrum of weakly interacting trapped N bosons with total angular momentum \hbar L for the case of small L/N, demonstrating that the lowest-lying excitation spectrum is given by 27 g n_3(n_3-1)/34, where g is the strength of the repulsive contact interaction and n_3 the number of excited octupole quanta. Our method provides constraints for these quasi-degenerate many-body states and gives higher excitation energies that depend linearly on N.Comment: 7 pages, one figur

    Chaos assisted instanton tunneling in one dimensional perturbed periodic potential

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    For the system with one-dimensional spatially periodic potential we demonstrate that small periodic in time perturbation results in appearance of chaotic instanton solutions. We estimate parameter of local instability, width of stochastic layer and correlator for perturbed instanton solutions. Application of the instanton technique enables to calculate the amplitude of the tunneling, the form of the spectrum and the lower bound for width of the ground quasienergy zone

    Momentum flux density, kinetic energy density and their fluctuations for one-dimensional confined gases of non-interacting fermions

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    We present a Green's function method for the evaluation of the particle density profile and of the higher moments of the one-body density matrix in a mesoscopic system of N Fermi particles moving independently in a linear potential. The usefulness of the method is illustrated by applications to a Fermi gas confined in a harmonic potential well, for which we evaluate the momentum flux and kinetic energy densities as well as their quantal mean-square fluctuations. We also study some properties of the kinetic energy functional E_{kin}[n(x)] in the same system. Whereas a local approximation to the kinetic energy density yields a multi-valued function, an exact single-valued relationship between the density derivative of E_{kin}[n(x)] and the particle density n(x) is demonstrated and evaluated for various values of the number of particles in the system.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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