5,881 research outputs found

    Civitas: Implementation of a Threshold Cryptosystem

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    This paper describes the implementation of a threshold cryptosystem for Civitas, a secure electronic voting system. The cryptosystem improves the availability of Civitas by enabling tabulation to complete despite the failure of some agents. The implementation includes a sophisticated distributed key generation protocol, which was designed by Gennaro, Jarecki, Krawczyk, and Rabin. The cryptosystem is implemented in Jif, a security-typed language

    Evidence of an established population of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in south Texas, USA

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    Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) is a large parastacid crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) native to Australia and Papua New Guinea. Due to various factors, C. quadricarinatus is an emerging invasive species in an increasing number of regions across the world. Deleterious ecological effects of C. quadricarinatus introduction have been documented in many of these regions, and its spread has been monitored and restricted where possible. Previously, only a small, isolated population of C. quadricarinatus in southern California had been reported within the continental United States. Here, we report the collection of three adult C. quadricarinatus from Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, the first record of this species in the state and only the second record for the continental United States. Given the connectivity of aquatic habitats in the area and the duration for which the population has likely been present, there is evidence that C. quadricarinatus is poised to invade subtropical watersheds of the southern United States. The ecological effects of C. quadricarinatus on aquatic ecosystems in the region are not yet fully understood, but further research is warranted to effectively mitigate negative impacts that may occur and to guide efforts to manage or eradicate these population

    Attitudes of Religious Leaders Toward Integrating Psychology and Church Ministry

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    Although psychology and religion deal with overlapping subject matter, the relationship between psychology and the church has a tumultuous history. The current study examined religious leaders’ attitudes toward integrating psychological science into church ministry. Religious leaders (N = 394) completed measures of (a) congregants’ mental health and social concerns, (b) attitudes toward psychological science (i.e., perceived barriers of integration, compatibility with church ministry), and (c) hypothesized predictors of attitudes toward the integration of psychology and church ministry (i.e., political conservatism, intratextual fundamentalism, religious intellectual humility, emotional intelligence). Overall, religious leaders expressed both positive and negative attitudes toward psychology. Conservative political orientation and intratextual fundamentalism were associated with negative attitudes toward integration, whereas religious intellectual humility and emotional intelligence were associated with positive attitudes. We conclude by discussing limitations, suggestions for future research, and practical applications for psychologists and church leaders

    Strong lensing constraints on the velocity dispersion and density profile of elliptical galaxies

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    We use the statistics of strong gravitational lensing from the CLASS survey to impose constraints on the velocity dispersion and density profile of elliptical galaxies. This approach differs from much recent work, where the luminosity function, velocity dispersion and density profile were typically {\it assumed} in order to constrain cosmological parameters. It is indeed remarkable that observational cosmology has reached the point where we can consider using cosmology to constrain astrophysics, rather than vice versa. We use two different observables to obtain our constraints (total optical depth and angular distributions of lensing events). In spite of the relatively poor statistics and the uncertain identification of lenses in the survey, we obtain interesting constraints on the velocity dispersion and density profiles of elliptical galaxies. For example, assuming the SIS density profile and marginalizing over other relevant parameters, we find 168 km/s < sigma_* < 200 km/s (68% CL), and 158 km/s < sigma_* < 220 km/s (95% CL). Furthermore, if we instead assume a generalized NFW density profile and marginalize over other parameters, the slope of the profile is constrained to be 1.50 < beta < 2.00 (95% CL). We also constrain the concentration parameter as a function of the density profile slope in these models. These results are essentially independent of the exact knowledge of cosmology. We briefly discuss the possible impact on these constraints of allowing the galaxy luminosity function to evolve with redshift, and also possible useful future directions for exploration.Comment: Uses the final JVAS/CLASS sample, more careful choice of ellipticals, added discussion of possible biases. Final results essentially unchanged. Matches the MNRAS versio

    Method and apparatus for electromagnetically braking a motor

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    An electromagnetic braking system and method is provided for selectively braking a motor using an electromagnetic brake having an electromagnet, a permanent magnet, a rotor assembly, and a brake pad. The brake assembly applies when the electromagnet is de-energized and releases when the electromagnet is energized. When applied the permanent magnet moves the brake pad into frictional engagement with a housing, and when released the electromagnet cancels the flux of the permanent magnet to allow a leaf spring to move the brake pad away from the housing. A controller has a DC/DC converter for converting a main bus voltage to a lower braking voltage based on certain parameters. The converter utilizes pulse-width modulation (PWM) to regulate the braking voltage. A calibrated gap is defined between the brake pad and permanent magnet when the brake assembly is released, and may be dynamically modified via the controller

    The Decrease of n-3 Fatty Acid Energy Percentage in an Equicaloric Diet Fed to B6C3Fe Mice for Three Generations Elicits Obesity

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    Feeding mice, over 3 generations, an equicaloric diet in which α-linolenic acid, the dietary precursor of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, was substituted by linoleic acid, the dietary precursor of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, significantly increased body weight throughout life when compared with standard diet-fed mice. Adipogenesis observed in the low n-3 fatty acid mice was accompanied by a 6-fold upregulation of stearyl-coenzyme A desaturase 1 (Scd1), whose activity is correlated to plasma triglyceride levels. In total liver lipid and phospholipid extracts, the sum of n-3 fatty acids and the individual longer carbon chain acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n3), docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n3), and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n3) were significantly decreased whereas arachidonic acid (20:4n6) was significantly increased. In addition, low n-3 fatty acid-fed mice had liver steatosis, heart, and kidney hypertrophy. Hence, reducing dietary α-linolenic acid, from 1.02 energy % to 0.16 energy % combined with raising linoleic acid intake resulted in obesity and had detrimental consequences on organ function

    Assembly of Molybdenum/Titanium μ-Oxo Complexes via Radical Alkoxide C−O Cleavage

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    Three-coordinate Ti(NRAr)_3 [R = C(CD_3)_2(CH_3), Ar = C_6H_3Me_2] was prepared in 73% yield by sodium amalgam reduction of ClTi(NRAr)_3 and in 83% yield upon treatment of TiCl_3(THF)_3 with 3 equiv of Li(NRAr)(OEt_2) in the presence of TMEDA. Ti(^tBuNPh)_3 was prepared similarly in 75% yield by treatment of TiCl_3(THF)_3 with 3 equiv of Li(^tBuNPh)(OEt_2) in the presence of TMEDA. Reaction of Ti(NRAr)_3 with NMo(O^tBu)_3 in hydrocarbon solvents at −35 °C generates a thermally unstable intermediate formulated as (^tBuO)_3Mo[μ-N]Ti(NRAr)_3, which readily loses a tert-butyl radical and isomerizes at 25 °C. Kinetics of the latter process were obtained over the temperature range 20−60 °C; the process exhibits clean first-order behavior. The following activation parameters were obtained:  ΔH⧧ = 21.4 ± 0.2 kcal mol^(-1) and ΔS⧧ = −3.7 ± 0.6 cal mol^(-1) K^(-1). The oxo-bridged product (^tBuO)_2(N)Mo[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3 was isolated in 83% yield from this reaction. Full characterization of the latter diamagnetic complex included an X-ray crystal structure and an ^(15)N NMR study. Ti(NRAr)_3 (1 equiv) reacts further with (^tBuO)_2(N)Mo[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3 to generate a species formulated as a second paramagnetic nitrido-bridged intermediate, (^tBuO)_2Mo{[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3}{[μ-N]Ti(NRAr)_3}, which at 25 °C loses a tert-butyl radical and isomerizes to give the final product, (^tBuO)(N)Mo{[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3}_2, isolated as an orange powder in 91% yield. Characterization of the latter diamagnetic complex included an ^(15)N NMR study. Attempts to displace a third tert-butyl radical by treatment of (^tBuO)(N)Mo{[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3}_2 with Ti(NRAr)_3 led to no reaction. Treatment of (^tBuO)(N)Mo{[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3}_2 with neat methyl iodide led to the isolation of (MeO)(N)Mo{[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3}_2 in 51% yield; ^(13)C and nitrido-^(15)N derivatives of this species were prepared for spectroscopic characterization. O_2Mo{[μ-O]Ti(^tBuNPh)_3}_2 was prepared in 59% yield upon treatment of MoO_2(O^tBu)_2 with 2 equiv of Ti(^tBuNPh)_3 in benzene at 65 °C. Full characterization of O_2Mo{[μ-O]Ti(^tBuNPh)_3}_2 included a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study. Previously reported (^iPrO)_3V[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3 was oxidized with ferrocenium triflate to give TfOTi(NRAr)_3 and OV(O^iPr)_3. TfOTi(NRAr)_3 was prepared independently in 80% yield by treatment of Ti(NRAr)_3 with ferrocenium triflate. (^iPrO)_3V[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3 is stable in the presence of methyl iodide. ITi(NRAr)_3 was prepared independently by treatment of Ti(NRAr)_3 with the stoichiometric amount of iodine. Paramagnetic (^tBuO)_3V[μ-O]Ti(NRAr)_3 was prepared as orange-brown needles in 94% yield and was found to be thermally stable. The relatively robust μ-nitrido compound (Me_2N)_3Mo[μ-N]Ti(^tBuNPh)_3, which was prepared in 77% isolated yield, showed no decomposition when heated in benzene at 70 °C for 13 h