10 research outputs found

    Involvement of Glucocorticoids in the Reorganization of the Amphibian Immune System at Metamorphosis

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    In recent years, integrative animal biologists and behavioral scientists have begun to understand the complex interactions between the immune system and the neuroendocrine system. Amphibian metamorphosis offers a unique opportunity to study dramatic hormone-driven changes in the immune system in a compressed time frame. In the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, the larval pattern of immunity is distinct from that of the adult, and metamorphosis marks the transition from one pattern to the other. Climax of metamorphosis is characterized by significant elevations in thyroid hormones, glucocorticoid hormones, and the pituitary hormones, prolactin and growth hormone. Previously, we and others have shown that elevated levels of unbound glucocorticoid hormones found at climax of metamorphosis are associated with a natural decline in lymphocyte numbers, lymphocyte viability, and mitogen-induced proliferation. Here we present evidence that the mechanism for loss of lymphocytes at metamorphosis is glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis. Inhibition of lymphocyte function and loss of lymphocytes in the thymus and spleen are reversible by in vitro or in vivo treatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, RU486, whereas the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, RU26752, is poorly effective. These observations support the hypothesis that loss of larval lymphocytes and changes in lymphocyte function are due to elevated concentrations of glucocorticoids that remove unnecessary lymphocytes to allow for development of immunological tolerance to the new adult-specific antigens that appear as a result of metamorphosis

    Thymus Ontogeny in Frogs: T-Cell Renewal at Metamorphosis

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    Metamorphosis in amphibians presents a unique problem for the developing immune system. Because tadpoles are free-living, they need an immune system to protect against potential pathogens. However, at metamorphosis, they acquire a variety of new adultspecific molecules to which the tadpole immune system must become tolerant. We hypothesized that Xenopus laevis tadpoles may avoid potentially destructive antiself responses by largely discarding the larval immune system at metamorphosis and acquiring a new one. By implanting triploid (3N) thymuses into diploid (2N) hosts, we examined the influx and expansion of host T-cell precursors in the donor thymus of normally metamorphosing and metamorphosis-inhibited frogs. We observed that donor thymocytes are replaced by host-derived cells during metamorphosis, but inhibition of metamorphosis does not prevent this exchange of cells. The implanted thymuses export T cells to the spleen. This donor-derived pool of cells declines after metamorphosis in normally developing frogs but is retained to a greater extent if metamorphosis is inhibited. These studies confirm previous observations of a metamorphosis-associated wave of expansion of T cells and demonstrate that it is not dependent on the relatively high concentrations of thyroid hormones required for metamorphosis. Although some larval T cells persist through metamorphosis, others may be destroyed or the larval population is significantly diluted by the expanding adult population

    Involvement of Thyroid Hormones in the Expression of MHC class I Antigens During Ontogeny in Xenopus

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a cluster of genes encoding products central to all major functions of the vertebrate immune system. Evidence for an MHC can be found in all vertebrate groups that have been examined except the jawless fishes. Expression of MHC class I and class II antigens early in ontogeny is critically important for development of T lymphocytes capable of discriminating self from nonself. Because of this essential role in T-cell development, the ontogeny of MHC expression in the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was studied. Previous studies of MHC class I expression in Xenopus laevis suggested that class I antigens are virtually absent from tadpole tissues until climax of metamorphosis. We therefore examined the possible role of thyroid hormones (TH) in the induction of class I. By flow cytometry, a small amount of class I expression was detectable on splenocytes and erythrocytes in untreated frogs at prometamorphic stages 55-58, and the amount increased significantly at the conclusion of metamorphic climax. Thus, metamorphosis is associated with increased intensity of class I expression. Neither inhibition nor acceleration of metamorphosis altered the timing of onset of class I expression. However, inhibition of metamorphosis prevented the increase in class I expression characteristic of adult cell populations. Because expression was not accelerated in TH-treated frogs or delayed in metamorphosis-inhibited frogs, it is unlikely that TH are the direct developmental cues that induce expression, although they seem to be required for the upregulation of class I expression occurring at metamorphosis. Differences in the pattern of expression in different subpopulations of cells suggest a complex pattern of regulation of expression of class I antigens during ontogeny

    Involvement of Thyroid Hormones in the Expression of MHC class I Antigens During Ontogeny in Xenopus

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a cluster of genes encoding products central to all major functions of the vertebrate immune system. Evidence for an MHC can be found in all vertebrate groups that have been examined except the jawless fishes. Expression of MHC class I and class II antigens early in ontogeny is critically important for development of T lymphocytes capable of discriminating self from nonself. Because of this essential role in T-cell development, the ontogeny of MHC expression in the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was studied. Previous studies of MHC class I expression in Xenopus laevis suggested that class I antigens are virtually absent from tadpole tissues until climax of metamorphosis. We therefore examined the possible role of thyroid hormones (TH) in the induction of class I. By flow cytometry, a small amount of class I expression was detectable on splenocytes and erythrocytes in untreated frogs at prometamorphic stages 55-58, and the amount increased significantly at the conclusion of metamorphic climax. Thus, metamorphosis is associated with increased intensity of class I expression. Neither inhibition nor acceleration of metamorphosis altered the timing of onset of class I expression. However, inhibition of metamorphosis prevented the increase in class I expression characteristic of adult cell populations. Because expression was not accelerated in TH-treated frogs or delayed in metamorphosis-inhibited frogs, it is unlikely that TH are the direct developmental cues that induce expression, although they seem to be required for the upregulation of class I expression occurring at metamorphosis. Differences in the pattern of expression in different subpopulations of cells suggest a complex pattern of regulation of expression of class I antigens during ontogeny