2,204 research outputs found

    Don\u27t Worry

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    When I was really young something at the core of my being whispered to me, “she won’t live very long.” At the time I didn’t know where that voice was coming from, but I knew it was true. It was unsettling. Over the years I realized that I was being prepared for the eventuality of my mother’s death and that I wouldn’t know when or how it would happen. When it did occur, suddenly I knew there was nothing between death and me but time. This thought has haunted me to the point that I have developed a fear of my body. Advisor: Karen Kunc Death is a mystery – a reality and yet an unknown. It is an abstract concept that we push away and think we do not have to deal with until later. We indirectly understand death in terms of loss and absence, but ultimately we are aware of this concept of death through the vulnerability of our bodies. Living with that awareness is a delicate balance between fear and hope. As an artist, my process of making is an embodiment of that balance. I confront my vulnerability through the act of mark making. I allow the act of drawing to be a meditative state where I transfer my anxiety to the surface of the paper. The paper becomes a reference to the body as a site of ambiguity – a space of physical and psychological tension activated by transference, strength, construction and dissolution. Erasing, incising, rubbing, scratching and spilling create smooth and roughened surface textures that speak of the struggle of the physical body. I create a place of psychological tension by reworking and repeating these processes to make elemental shapes and details. The imagery often grows out of my gestures and the way the materials are applied. Forms and marks appear to be bending, stretching, floating away, separating, isolated, oozing, joining, and colonizing. What results is an imagined space that could be interpreted as of the body and or the mind, but the exact subject of the imagery is hidden. This allows me to create a contemplative experience that is seductive and unsettling and allows space for the viewer to interpret the imagery. Like entering a darkened room, the viewer needs time to adjust and re-adjust to this environment. By doing so, they become immersed in the rich nuances of the surfaces that are simultaneously visual and physical. Details are seen and secrets moments can be found. The phrase “don’t worry” is often said or thought to reassure that all will be okay, and yet it’s ironic. If repeated over and over, “don’t worry” goes from being a calming mantra to a low humming anxiety – a reminder that something is wrong. As a child I used to tell my mother, “Don’t worry so much,” but I had no idea what those words really meant. Now that I am older, I often find it impossible to not worry; I wonder how much is learned behavior and how much is genetic. The title of the exhibition and each piece form a poem, reminding us of the reality and need for hope. Through this work, I have realized that until I take my last breath, I will be discovering what my body is and what it can be – a vessel in a state of constant change, vulnerable, seeking comfort and relief. Don’t worry; let it go

    Use of an index to reflect the aggregate burden of long-term exposure to criteria air pollutants in the United States.

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    Air pollution control in the United States for five common pollutants--particulate matter, ground-level ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide--is based partly on the attainment of ambient air quality standards that represent a level of air pollution regarded as safe. Regulatory and health agencies often focus on whether standards for short periods are attained; the number of days that standards are exceeded is used to track progress. Efforts to explain air pollution to the public often incorporate an air quality index that represents daily concentrations of pollutants. While effects of short-term exposures have been emphasized, research shows that long-term exposures to lower concentrations of air pollutants can also result in adverse health effects. We developed an aggregate index that represents long-term exposure to these pollutants, using 1995 monitoring data for metropolitan areas obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Aerometric Information Retrieval System. We compared the ranking of metropolitan areas under the proposed aggregate index with the ranking of areas by the number of days that short-term standards were exceeded. The geographic areas with the highest burden of long-term exposures are not, in all cases, the same as those with the most days that exceeded a short-term standard. We believe that an aggregate index of long-term air pollution offers an informative addition to the principal approaches currently used to describe air pollution exposures; further work on an aggregate index representing long-term exposure to air pollutants is warranted

    Role of home visiting in improving parenting and health in families at risk of abuse and neglect : results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation

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    Objectives – To evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intensive home visiting programme in improving outcomes for vulnerable families. Design – Multicentre randomised controlled trial in which eligible women were allocated to receive home visiting (n=67) or standard services (n=64). Incremental cost analysis. Setting – 40 GP practices across two counties in the UK Participants – 131 vulnerable pregnant women. Intervention: Selected health visitors were trained in the Family Partnership Model to provide a weekly home visiting service from 6-months antenatally to 12 months postnatally. Main outcome measures – mother-child interaction, maternal psychological health attitudes and behaviour, infant functioning and development, and risk of neglect or abuse. Results – At 12-months differences favouring the home visited group were observed on an independent assessment of maternal sensitivity (p<0.04) and infant cooperativeness (p<0.02). No differences were identified on any other measures. There was a non-significant increase in the likelihood of intervention group infants being the subject of child protection proceedings, or being removed from the home, and one death in the control group. The mean incremental cost per infant of the home visiting intervention was £3,246 (bootstrapped 95% confidence interval for the difference: £1,645 - £4,803). Conclusion – This intervention may have the potential to improve parenting and increase the identification of infants at risk of abuse and neglect in vulnerable families. Further investigation is needed together with long term follow up to assess possible sleeper effects

    Detrital zircon geochronology of Paleoproterozoic sedimentary rocks from the upper Huronian Supergroup, Canada

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    The Huronian Supergroup is a well-known succession of primarily sedimentary rocks exposed north of Lake Huron. Deposition of the succession is constrained between 2450 and 2220 Ma (million years), which corresponds with Earth’s rise of atmospheric oxygen, however the depositional timing of the uppermost formations cannot be refined further due to a lack of interbedded volcanic rocks. A geochronological study of detrital zircon grains from sandstone and claystone beds from the two youngest Huronian formations, the Gordon Lake and Bar River formations, was completed in order to confine the maximum age of deposition. Zircon is a mineral that commonly forms in trace amounts in felsic igneous rocks and records the age of lava or magma crystallization. Over time, weathering of the parent rock leads to erosion of zircon grains, which frequently become incorporated into sedimentary deposits. Detrital zircons can therefore provide a maximum depositional age for sedimentary rocks. Uranium-lead age data was collected using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Data from the youngest zircon grains indicate that deposition occurred sometime after 2315 ± 5 Ma, but prior to emplacement of igneous intrusions approximately 95 million years later. These results are consistent with reported U-Pb zircon ages from purported tuff beds in the Gordon Lake Formation, however our results support a detrital origin of the zircon grains, as opposed to a period of volcanic activity. Determining the depositional age of sedimentary successions is critical for reconstructing ancient environments and provides important information on the tectonic processes operating at the time of deposition

    Translocating Common Nighthawks at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas to Reduce Aircraft Strikes

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    McConnell Air Force Base (MAFB) experiences a unique bird/aircraft hazard problem with migrating common nighthawks (Chordeiles minor) from August-October. Nighthawks are the most commonly struck species at MAFB, representing about 38% of total reported bird/aircraft strikes and 82% of the strikes from August-October. Factors that contribute to an over abundance of nighthawks on MAFB are: abundant foraging opportunities in close proximity to the airfield, available roosting habitat for nighthawks on and around the airfield, the lack of a Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard program to address nighthawks, and the location of MAFB on a nighthawk migration route. Approaches for managing nighthawks on and around airfields are limited because of their nocturnal behavior, logistics, and an incomplete understanding of nighthawk behavior. At MAFB, we determined the number of nighthawks using the airfield; their foraging, loafing and roosting areas; and their feeding habits. Based on this information, we developed a management strategy to reduce the nighthawk hazard to aircraft. From August-October in 1999 and 2000, we recorded 540 and 920 observations, respectively, of nighthawks using the airfield. The number of individuals increased rapidly during August and September, reaching a peak between 9-14 September in 1999 and 27-30 September in 2000. During one 2-hour survey period each in 1999 and 2000, 37 and 59 nighthawks, respectively, were flushed from the airfield. Most nighthawk foraging activity at the airfield occurred between 1800-2200. Nighthawks started roosting on the airfield about 1800 with a peak between 2200-0200. Thirty-seven nighthawks collected during the study period consumed a variety of insects, consisting mostly of corn earworm moths (Noctuidae—47% of stomach contents) and beetles (Scarabaeidae). Insect sweeps of the airfield indicated a low density of these species of insects, suggesting that most nighthawks foraging activity occurred away from the airfield. Management of nighthawks on MAFB has been difficult because commonly used hazing techniques seem to be ineffective. Furthermore, nighthawks have a behavior of returning to the same roosting location after being flushed which can present an even greater risk to aircraft. We developed and evaluated a unique live-capture technique for nighthawks using the airfield for the purpose of evaluating nighthawk relocation. During 1999 and 2000, 215 nighthawks were captured and relocated to sites 44 km north and 88 km south from MAFB. Only one nighthawk returned to MAFB after being relocated 44 km north. The nighthawk returned after 11 days to within 100 m of its capture location. Relocation of nighthawks from MAFB in 1999 and 2000 reduced nighthawk/aircraft strikes from 9 in 1998 when no relocation was conducted to 0 in 1999 and 3 in 2000


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    The authors evaluated the effectiveness of ReJeX-iTÂź AG-145, MesurolÂź, activated charcoal, lime, and fipronil to reduce homed lark damage to lettuce seeds and seedlings. In Experiment 1, homed larks consumed significantly more feed mixture (50:50 grains and lettuce seed) than untreated clay-coated lettuce seed in a three-day choice-test. In Experiment 2, where clay-coated lettuce seed was treated with ReJeX-iTÂź AG- 145, MesurolÂź, activated charcoal, or lime, there was no significant difference in consumption of untreated clay-coated lettuce seed and treated clay-coated lettuce seed. Homed larks consumed insignificant amounts of all seed treatments including untreated coated lettuce seed. In this experiment homed larks lost an average of 28 % of their body weight over the three-day test period. It was concluded that the clay seed coating alone reduced damage significantly. In the aviary test, flats of sprouting lettuce seedlings were sprayed with MesurolÂź (4 kg/ha), ReJeX-iTÂź AG-145 (64 kg/ha), lime (32 kg/ha), activated charcoal (32 kg/ha), and fipronil(4 kg/ha). MesurolÂź, ReJeX-iTÂź AG-145, and lime significantly reduced consumption of lettuce seedlings over a four-day test period. Even though lime significantly reduced consumption, homed larks still consumed over 50% of the available lettuce seedlings. Field evaluations are warranted with MesurolÂź and ReJeX-iTÂź AG-145

    Pharmacokinetics of a Single Feeding of Pelleted Cannabidiol in Horses

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    Claims about cannabidiol (CBD) supplementation improving health and behavior are extensive, but research is lacking. Some studies have shown decreased anxiety behavior in rats, and increased activity in osteoarthritic dogs supplemented with CBD, but even less research exists on horses. This study monitored pharmacokinetics and short-term safety for 3 CBD dosages. Eighteen Quarter Horse geldings were randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups: 50 mg (TXT1), 100 mg (TXT2), and 250 mg (TXT3). Dosage was derived from manufacturer recommendations and existing literature on other species. Horses were fed a single dose of CBD pellets. Blood was collected pre- and post-treatment at 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 12 hr. Serum was analyzed for CBD and serum chemistry, and plasma was analyzed for a complete blood chemistry (CBC) evaluation. Statistics were completed on serum chemistry using PROC MIXED procedure of SAS. Serum chemistry and CBC results were within normal parameters; however, treatment differences were observed for BUN (TXT1=15.50, TXT2=16.52, TXT3=18.61; P≀0.03) and creatinine (TXT1=1.41, TXT2=1.22, TXT3=1.49; P≀0.01). In other species, peak CBD concentrations occur approximately 2 hr post treatment. Peak serum concentrations were detected in 1 of 6 TXT2 horses and 5 of 6 TXT3 horses at 2 hr post treatment. This data can be used to support further research to determine correct and safe doses of CBD in horses

    Telencephalic lesions and behavior in the teleost, macropodus opercularis: Reproduction, startle reaction, and operant behavior in the male

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    Bilateral ablation of the telecephalon at the level of the anterior commissure blocked reproduction in male paradise fish. Lesioned males performed species typical displays at the start of the spawning trial but thereafter avoided the female, and they did not build nests. All the sham-operated males spawned and built nests. The reaction of the male to a startle stimulus and the rate of operant responding for visual reinforcement were used as additional, independent measures of the behavioral effects of the ablation. Removal of the telencephalon greatly increased startle reactivity and decreased the rate of operant responding. Hyperreactivity could account for long response latencies, reduced mobility, and other reported effects of telencephalic ablation in teleosts which have previously been attributed to impaired nonspecific arousal.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/21665/1/0000052.pd

    Telencephalic lesions and behavior in the teleost, Macropodus opercularis: Further analysis of reproductive and operant behavior in the male

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    Ablation of the telencephalic hemispheres blocked reproductive behavior and decreased the rate of operant responding for conspecific visual reinforcement. Repeated administration of operant conditioning sessions for 4 weeks following the ablation resulted in a partial recovery of the operant rate but not of reproductive behavior. Social isolation, which increases reactivity in Macropodus, had no significant effect on the operant rate in sham-operated or lesioned males. Lesioning resulted in a significant reduction of testes weight and the gonadosomatic index in 8 weeks.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/21667/1/0000054.pd
