11 research outputs found

    Endocytosis-like DNA uptake by cell wall-deficient bacteria

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    Horizontal gene transfer in bacteria can occur through mechanisms such as conjugation, transduction and transformation, which facilitate the passage of DNA across the cell wall. Here, Kapteijn et al. show that cell wall-deficient bacteria can take up DNA and other extracellular materials via an endocytosis-like process.Horizontal gene transfer in bacteria is widely believed to occur via conjugation, transduction and transformation. These mechanisms facilitate the passage of DNA across the protective cell wall using sophisticated machinery. Here, we report that cell wall-deficient bacteria can engulf DNA and other extracellular material via an endocytosis-like process. Specifically, we show that L-forms of the filamentous actinomycete Kitasatospora viridifaciens can take up plasmid DNA, polysaccharides (dextran) and 150-nm lipid nanoparticles. The process involves invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane, leading to formation of intracellular vesicles that encapsulate extracellular material. DNA uptake is not affected by deletion of genes homologous to comEC and comEA, which are required for natural transformation in other species. However, uptake is inhibited by sodium azide or incubation at 4 degrees C, suggesting the process is energy-dependent. The encapsulated materials are released into the cytoplasm upon degradation of the vesicle membrane. Given that cell wall-deficient bacteria are considered a model for early life forms, our work reveals a possible mechanism for primordial cells to acquire food or genetic material before invention of the bacterial cell wall.Microbial BiotechnologySupramolecular & Biomaterials Chemistr

    SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids

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    Kidney failure is frequently observed during and after COVID-19, but it remains elusive whether this is a direct effect of the virus. Here, we report that SARS-CoV-2 directly infects kidney cells and is associated with increased tubule-interstitial kidney fibrosis in patient autopsy samples. To study direct effects of the virus on the kidney independent of systemic effects of COVID-19, we infected human-induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived kidney organoids with SARS-CoV-2. Single-cell RNA sequencing indicated injury and dedifferentiation of infected cells with activation of profibrotic signaling pathways. Importantly, SARS-CoV-2 infection also led to increased collagen 1 protein expression in organoids. A SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor was able to ameliorate the infection of kidney cells by SARS-CoV-2. Our results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 can directly infect kidney cells and induce cell injury with subsequent fibrosis. These data could explain both acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients and the development of chronic kidney disease in long COVID

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids for personalized congenital and idiopathic nephrotic syndrome modeling

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    Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is characterized by severe proteinuria as a consequence of kidney glomerular injury due to podocyte damage. In vitro models mimicking in vivo podocyte characteristics are a prerequisite to resolve NS pathogenesis. The detailed characterization of organoid podocytes resulting from a hybrid culture protocol showed a podocyte population that resembles adult © 2022. Published by The Company of Biologists Lt