353 research outputs found

    Manipulating ethos and pathos: Accents, product complexity, and promotional messages in Chile

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    This dissertation is motivated by fundamental questions about source effects in persuasive communications: Do receiver attributes influence perceptions about the source and about the object of the message? Do source and object cues influence receiver perceptions about the source? Do source and object cues influence receiver perceptions about the object of the message? Traditional conceptions of receiver responses to a source have focused on character trait inferences. Of these character trait inferences, the literature on source credibility appears to converge on two categories: source expertise and source trustworthiness. A more recent stream of research has grown around the concept of homophily, a term coined by Lazarsfeld and Merton (1954) to refer to the tendency of individuals to associate with others similar to themselves. This dissertation conceptualizes as social traits those source attributes associated with receiver perceptions of similarity between themselves and sources. This study tested whether inferences about the social and character traits of a source are separately significant predictors of overall assessments by receivers. The study was conducted in central Chile. Respondents were classified according to socioeconomic background and asked to answer questions about their impressions of a recorded promotional message. Each of the 450 respondents in the study heard only one of six recorded messages. Individual messages promoted one of two products and were recorded in one of three local accents, corresponding to the socioeconomically differentiated neighborhoods in the community. The results of the study imply affirmative answers to each of the basic questions guiding this research. Both social and character trait inferences are found to be significant predictors of overall assessments of source credibility. Of the traditional character traits, expertise is found to play a conditional rather than a permanent role in receiver evaluations of a message. Signals of source-receiver similarity, at least with respect to accent, may elicit unfavorable assessments from lower status receivers

    Incidencia del apoyo de los padres de familia en los hábitos lectores en la disciplina de Lengua y Literatura de los estudiantes de séptimo grado, turno vespertino, del Colegio Público Rubén Darío, Sébaco, Matagalpa, segundo semestre 2016

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    La temática abordada en el presente documento tiene como tema La comprensión lectora en la enseñanza aprendizaje de la disciplina de Lengua y Literatura en la educación secundaria y el subtema es Incidencia del apoyo de los padres de familia en los hábitos lectores en la disciplina de Lengua y Literatura de los estudiantes de séptimo grado, turno vespertino, colegio público Rubén Darío, Sébaco Matagalpa, segundo semestre 2016, cuyo propósito es analizar la incidencia del apoyo de los padres de familia en los hábitos lectores en la disciplina de Lengua y Literatura de los estudiantes de séptimo grado, turno vespertino, colegio público Rubén Darío, Sébaco Matagalpa, segundo semestre 2016. El estudio de esta temática es importante, porque permite saber cómo están incidiendo los padres de familia en la formación de hábitos lectores de sus hijos, ya que el hábito de lectura permite que los estudiantes obtengan conocimientos científicos, mejoren su vocabulario y tengan una visión diferente. Cabe mencionar que en esta investigación se utilizó el enfoque cuantitativo con implicaciones cualitativas. Los instrumentos que se aplicaron fueron: entrevista y encuesta, tomando como muestra el 100% de estudiantes, 67% de padres de familia, un director, un subdirector y un docente de dicho centro. Al finalizar la investigación se llegó a las principales conclusiones: Los discentes no poseen hábito lector, los padres de familia no apoyan a sus hijos en la lectura debido al factor trabajo y tiempo, además las desorganizaciones familiares afectan en la motivación por la lectura a los discentes. Palabras clave: Hábitos lectores, apoyo de los padres de famili

    Management of Mechanical Ventilation During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

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    This chapter explores the best practices of mechanical ventilation during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) through a detailed discussion of the physiologic theory and clinical evidence. Future areas of study and unanswered questions about mechanical ventilation during ECMO are also delineated

    Ground Systems Development Environment (GSDE) software configuration management

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    This report presents a review of the software configuration management (CM) plans developed for the Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) and the Space Station Control Center. The scope of the CM assessed in this report is the Systems Integration and Testing Phase of the Ground Systems development life cycle. This is the period following coding and unit test and preceding delivery to operational use. This report is one of a series from a study of the interfaces among the Ground Systems Development Environment (GSDE), the development systems for the SSTF and the SSCC, and the target systems for SSCC and SSTF. This is the last report in the series. The focus of this report is on the CM plans developed by the contractors for the Mission Systems Contract (MSC) and the Training Systems Contract (TSC). CM requirements are summarized and described in terms of operational software development. The software workflows proposed in the TSC and MSC plans are reviewed in this context, and evaluated against the CM requirements defined in earlier study reports. Recommendations are made to improve the effectiveness of CM while minimizing its impact on the developers

    Configuration management and software measurement in the Ground Systems Development Environment (GSDE)

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    A set of functional requirements for software configuration management (CM) and metrics reporting for Space Station Freedom ground systems software are described. This report is one of a series from a study of the interfaces among the Ground Systems Development Environment (GSDE), the development systems for the Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) and the Space Station Control Center (SSCC), and the target systems for SSCC and SSTF. The focus is on the CM of the software following delivery to NASA and on the software metrics that relate to the quality and maintainability of the delivered software. The CM and metrics requirements address specific problems that occur in large-scale software development. Mechanisms to assist in the continuing improvement of mission operations software development are described

    Constrained efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks

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    We investigate the welfare properties of the one-sector neoclassic growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks. We focus on the constrained efficiency notion of the general equilibrium literature, and we demonstrate constrained inefficiency for our model. We provide a characterization of constrained efficiency that uses the first-order condition of a constrained planner's problem that points to the margins of relevance for whether capital is too high or too low: the income composition of the (consumption-)poor. We calibrate our benchmark model parameters governing idiosyncratic risks to the U.S. earnings and wealth distribution, and for this distribution the income of the poor is mainly composed of labor earnings. We compute the constrained-efficient allocations - including transition dynamics - for our model economy, and we conclude that the long-run capital stock in a laissez-faire world is not only too low, but much too low. We also show that one can find parameterizations with different qualitative features: in one case, the steady-state capital stock is too high, and in another case no steady state exists.Constrained efficiency, idiosyncratic risks, neoclassical growth model

    The Illusion Of Art: My Amalgamation Of Illustration And Contemporary Art

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    Drawing on archetypical aspects of human characteristics and personalities, I create images that illustrate our connection to memory, media, and culture. My work is informed by pop culture, including television, movies, cartoons and comic books as it relates to characters in our own physical world and society. The grid is used to represent both childhood games and the frames of a comic strip, where each panel equals an exact moment of time

    Effects of a liquefied petroleum gas stove intervention on gestational blood pressure: Intention-to-treat and exposure-response findings from the HAPIN trial

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately 3 to 4 billion people worldwide are exposed to household air pollution, which has been associated with increased blood pressure (BP) in pregnant women in some studies. METHODS: We recruited 3195 pregnant women in Guatemala, India, Peru, and Rwanda and randomly assigned them to intervention or control groups. The intervention group received a gas stove and fuel during pregnancy, while the controls continued cooking with solid fuels. We measured BP and personal exposure to PM RESULTS: Median 24-hour PM CONCLUSIONS: In intention-to-treat, we found higher gestational BP in the intervention group compared with controls, contrary to expected. In exposure-response analyses, we found a slight increase in BP with higher exposure, but it was not statistically significant. Overall, an intervention with gas stoves did not markedly affect gestational BP

    Ground Systems Development Environment (GSDE) interface requirements analysis

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    A set of procedural and functional requirements are presented for the interface between software development environments and software integration and test systems used for space station ground systems software. The requirements focus on the need for centralized configuration management of software as it is transitioned from development to formal, target based testing. This concludes the GSDE Interface Requirements study. A summary is presented of findings concerning the interface itself, possible interface and prototyping directions for further study, and results of the investigation of the Cronus distributed applications environment