358 research outputs found

    A Predictive Model for Convective Flows Induced by Surface Reactivity Contrast

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    Concentration gradients in a fluid along a reactive surface due to contrast in surface reactivity generate convective flows. These flows result from contributions by electro and diffusio osmotic phenomena. In this study we have analyzed reactive patterns that release and consume protons, analogous to bimetallic catalytic conversion of peroxide. Here, we present a simple analytical model that accurately predicts the induced potentials and consequent velocities in such systems over a wide range of input parameters. Our model is tested against direct numerical solutions to the coupled Poisson, Nernst-Planck, and Navier-Stokes equations. Our analysis can be used to predict enhancement of mass transport and the resulting impact on overall catalytic conversion, and is also applicable to predicting the speed of catalytic nanomotors

    Brexit is damaging UK science already. Here is a plan to fix it

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    British science and technology are already haemorrhaging talent and collaborations because of the Brexit vote, write Mike Galsworthy (left) and Rob Davidson of Scientists for EU. The government’s promise to underwrite Horizon 2020 funding was a bare minimum and uncertainty about future funding has made the UK a much less attractive place for research. They present an eight-point plan to limit damage to UK science and put its knowledge economy back in contention

    Debunking the myths about British science after an EU exit

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    In this extract from their evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, Dr Mike Galsworthy (left) and Dr Rob Davidson explore the relationship between EU membership and the effectiveness of science, research and innovation in the UK

    Investigating teeth eruption and eating quality

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    In Australia, a sheep ceases to be a lamb as soon as the eruption of its first permanent incisor teeth is evident. As part of a wider program to investigate a number of aspects of sheep meat eating quality, a project was undertaken to determine whether lamb eating quality would be compromised if sheep with partially erupted teeth continued to be classified as lamb. Overall, the results indicated that meat from young sheep with partially erupted teeth was unlikely to be inferior in eating quality than the meat currently classified as lamb

    Elevating People: Planning for Equitable Travel to Marquam Hill

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    Plan581, a team of urban planning graduate students at Portland State University, presents the Elevating People plan and its Transportation Equity Lens to help guide OHSU’s future transportation investments. Together, the plan and lens are aimed at improving travel to Marquam Hill by identifying Priority Communities and advancing transportation equity through internal and regional efforts

    Studija uticaja pandemije COVID-19 na ponašanje i očekivanja turista - slučaj Srbije

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    Due to the spread of COVID-19 and the closing of the borders of a large number of countries, tourists’ interest in domestic tourist destinations has grown. The objective of this paper is to identify future behaviour patterns of tourists and to propose measures that would affect the interest of domestic tourists in domestic destinations after COVID-19. The study starts with an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on global tourism, then focuses on trends in the tourism market in Serbia and ends by examining citizens' attitudes towards key factors for domestic tourism development. It is estimated that tourism can benefit from an essential understanding of tourists’ demands for a safe journey. Research results indicate statistically significant differences in the attitudes of respondents in relation to age, gender and education, but most respondents believe that it is necessary for the state to invest more in tourist infrastructure and to adjust pricing policy to remain competitive domestic destinations after Covid-19.Publishe

    Sheep Updates 2003 - Meat

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    This session covers seven papers from different authors: 1. Economic analysis of using terminal sires in a self replacing Merino flock Lucy Anderton, Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Katanning 2. Is the mating of ewe weaners an option for increasing the numbers of lambs in WA? Rob Davidson University of WA, Crawley and Keith Croker Department of Agriculture Western Australia, South Perth 3.Dehydration of lambs at the time of slaughter Robin Jacob, School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Murdoch University 4.Feeding prime lambs for slaughter Rachel Kirby, Outback Solutions 5. Live sheep export R&D Steve Meerwald, Wellard Rural Exports 6. Confinement feeding sheep in Western Australia John Milton, The University of Western Australia 7. Sheepmeat eating quality - affects of animal age, finishing and processing David Pethick, School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Murdoch Universit