23,809 research outputs found

    QCD Corrections in two-Higgs-doublet extensions of the Standard Model with Minimal Flavor Violation

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    We present the QCD corrections to R_b and to the Delta B=1 effective Hamiltonian in models with a second Higgs field that couples to the quarks respecting the criterion of Minimal Flavor Violation, thus belonging either to the (1,2)_1/2 or to the (8,2)_1/2 representation of SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1). After the inclusion of the QCD corrections, the prediction for R_b becomes practically insensitive to the choice of renormalization scheme for the top mass, which for the type-I and type-II models translates in a more robust lower bound on tan(beta). The QCD-corrected determinations of Rb and BR(B->Xs gamma) are used to discuss the constraints on the couplings of a (colored) charged Higgs boson to top and bottom quarks.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. v2: version published in Phys. Rev. D, with additional reference and not

    Custodial SO(4) symmetry and CP violation in N-Higgs-doublet potentials

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    We study the implementation of global SO(4)∼SU(2)L⊗SU(2)RSO(4)\sim SU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R symmetry in general potentials with N-Higgs-doublets in order to obtain models with custodial SO(3)CSO(3)_C symmetry. We conclude that any implementation of the custodial SO(4) symmetry is equivalent, by a basis transformation, to a canonical one if SU(2)LSU(2)_L is the gauge factor, U(1)YU(1)_Y is embedded in SU(2)RSU(2)_R and we require NN copies of the doublet representation of SU(2)RSU(2)_R. The invariance by SO(4) automatically leads to a CP invariant potential and the basis of the canonical implementation of SO(4) is aligned to a basis where CP-symmetry acts in the standard fashion. We show different but equivalent implementations for the 2HDM, including an implementation not previously considered.Comment: 22pp, REVTeX4. Published versio

    Feasibility model of a high reliability five-year tape transport. Volume 3: Appendices

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    Detailed drawings of the five year tape transport are presented. Analytical tools used in the various analyses are described. These analyses include: tape guidance, tape stress over crowned rollers, tape pack stress program, response (computer) program, and control system electronics description

    Efficient computation of matched solutions of the Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij envelope equations for periodic focusing lattices

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    A new iterative method is developed to numerically calculate the periodic, matched beam envelope solution of the coupled Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij (KV) equations describing the transverse evolution of a beam in a periodic, linear focusing lattice of arbitrary complexity. Implementation of the method is straightforward. It is highly convergent and can be applied to all usual parameterizations of the matched envelope solutions. The method is applicable to all classes of linear focusing lattices without skew couplings, and also applies to all physically achievable system parameters -- including where the matched beam envelope is strongly unstable. Example applications are presented for periodic solenoidal and quadrupole focusing lattices. Convergence properties are summarized over a wide range of system parameters.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Mathematica source code provide

    Lost in translation: data integration tools meet the Semantic Web (experiences from the Ondex project)

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    More information is now being published in machine processable form on the web and, as de-facto distributed knowledge bases are materializing, partly encouraged by the vision of the Semantic Web, the focus is shifting from the publication of this information to its consumption. Platforms for data integration, visualization and analysis that are based on a graph representation of information appear first candidates to be consumers of web-based information that is readily expressible as graphs. The question is whether the adoption of these platforms to information available on the Semantic Web requires some adaptation of their data structures and semantics. Ondex is a network-based data integration, analysis and visualization platform which has been developed in a Life Sciences context. A number of features, including semantic annotation via ontologies and an attention to provenance and evidence, make this an ideal candidate to consume Semantic Web information, as well as a prototype for the application of network analysis tools in this context. By analyzing the Ondex data structure and its usage, we have found a set of discrepancies and errors arising from the semantic mismatch between a procedural approach to network analysis and the implications of a web-based representation of information. We report in the paper on the simple methodology that we have adopted to conduct such analysis, and on issues that we have found which may be relevant for a range of similar platformsComment: Presented at DEIT, Data Engineering and Internet Technology, 2011 IEEE: CFP1113L-CD

    Sr Isotope Zoning in Plagioclase from Parinacota Volcano (Northern Chile): Quantifying Magma Mixing and Crustal Contamination

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    We present analyses of Sr isotope zoning by microdrilling and thermal ionization mass spectrometry in plagioclase crystals from Parinacota volcano (Central Volcanic Zone, northern Chile), which were analysed for major and minor element zoning in a previous study. Although the isotopic range of the bulk-rock samples is small at this volcano (0·7067-0·7070, except for one flow of mafic andesite at 0·7061), significant variations are seen (0·70649-0·70700) within and between plagioclase crystals. A general negative correlation is observed between Sr isotope composition and Sr concentration in the liquid in equilibrium with each plagioclase zone, as calculated from chemical zoning data and partition coefficients. Additional scatter is superimposed on this general trend, indicating a decoupling between isotopic and chemical variations for Sr. In one dacite sample a detailed isotopic profile shows increasing contamination during crystal growth, except for an abrupt decrease correlated with a dissolution surface and interpreted as a recharge event. We apply energy-constrained recharge, assimilation and fractional crystallization modelling to the melt evolution recorded in the chemical and isotopic zoning in this crystal. Results suggest 20% assimilation of the local wall-rock gneiss, at high initial temperatures. The isotopic data confirm the involvement of two contrasting mafic magmas, which are sampled at flank cinder cone vents. One (Lower Ajata) has a low Sr content with high 87Sr/86Sr, the other (Upper Ajata) has a high Sr content with lower 87Sr/86Sr. In some samples from Parinacota, the isotopic composition of plagioclase crystal rims or groundmass crystals is significantly higher than that of the high 87Sr/86Sr mafic magma. In others, where chemical zoning profiles suggest that recharge was from the low 87Sr/86Sr magma, the 87Sr/86Sr of the groundmass and crystal rims is higher than expected. This indicates either additional parent magmas to the two previously identified, or further crustal assimilation, either at lower crustal depths, before crystallization of plagioclase, or just after the last recharge. Our results illustrate the complexity of magma-crust interaction beneath Parinacota, which is likely to be representative of many other Central Andean volcanoes formed on thick crust. Such complex interactions can be revealed by combined study of chemical and isotopic zoning in plagioclase (in a textural petrographic context), despite a small whole-rock isotopic range. The distinct contamination patterns of various samples suggest an important role for the geometry, location and evolution of the magma plumbing system and, in general, variations of the thermal and compositional structure of the crust underneath the volcan

    The clash of symmetries in a Randall-Sundrum-like spacetime

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    We present a toy model that exhibits clash-of-symmetries style Higgs field kink configurations in a Randall-Sundrum-like spacetime. The model has two complex scalar fields Phi_{1,2}, with a sextic potential obeying global U(1)xU(1) and discrete Phi_1 Phi_2 interchange symmetries. The scalar fields are coupled to 4+1 dimensional gravity endowed with a bulk cosmological constant. We show that the coupled Einstein-Higgs field equations have an interesting analytic solution provided the sextic potential adopts a particular form. The 4+1 metric is shown to be that of a smoothed-out Randall-Sundrum type of spacetime. The thin-brane Randall-Sundrum limit, whereby the Higgs field kinks become step functions, is carefully defined in terms of the fundamental parameters in the action. The ``clash of symmetries'' feature, defined in previous papers, is manifested here through the fact that both of the U(1) symmetries are spontaneously broken at all non-asymptotic points in the extra dimension ww. One of the U(1)'s is asymptotically restored as w --> -infinity, with the other U(1) restored as w --> +infinity. The spontaneously broken discrete symmetry ensures topological stability. In the gauged version of this model we find new flat-space solutions, but in the warped metric case we have been unable to find any solutions with nonzero gauge fields.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; minor changes including added references and an updated figure; to appear in Phys Rev

    On the He II Emission In Eta Carinae and the Origin of Its Spectroscopic Events

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    We describe and analyze Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of transient emission near 4680 {\AA} in Eta Car, reported earlier by Steiner & Damineli (2004). If, as seems probable, this is He II λ\lambda4687, then it is a unique clue to Eta Car's 5.5-year cycle. According to our analysis, several aspects of this feature support a mass-ejection model of the observed spectroscopic events, and not an eclipse model. The He II emission appeared in early 2003, grew to a brief maximum during the 2003.5 spectroscopic event, and then abruptly disappeared. It did not appear in any other HST spectra before or after the event. The peak brightness was larger than previously reported, and is difficult to explain even if one allows for an uncertainty factor of order 3. The stellar wind must provide a temporary larger-than-normal energy supply, and we describe a special form of radiative amplification that may also be needed. These characteristics are consistent with a class of mass-ejection or wind-disturbance scenarios, which have implications for the physical structure and stability of Eta Car.Comment: 47 pages (including all appendices, tabs, & figs), 9 figures, 3 tables; submitted to Astrophysical Journal (2005 March 29), accepted for publication in Ap

    A modal model for diffraction gratings

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    A description of an algorithm for a rather general modal grating calculation is presented. Arbitrary profiles, depth, and permittivity are allowed. Gratings built up from sub-gratings are allowed, as are coatings on the sidewalls of lines, and arbitrary complex structure. Conical angles and good conductors are supported
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