1,137 research outputs found

    Is Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Nucleus Pulposus Cells a Possibility for Biological Spinal Fusion?

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    Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a simple, biologically robust method for inducing calcification of degenerate intervertebral discs (IVD) could be developed to provide an alternative treatment for patients requiring spinal fusion. Design Nucleus pulposus (NP) cells isolated from 14 human IVDs were cultured in monolayer and exposed to osteogenic medium, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (VitD3), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) 2/7 to determine if they could become osteogenic. Similarly explant cultures of IVDs from 11 patients were cultured in osteogenic media with and without prior exposure to VitD3 and BMP-2. Osteogenic differentiation was assessed by alkaline phosphatase activity and areas of calcification identified by alizarin red or von Kossa staining. Expression of osteogenic genes during monolayer culture was determined using polymerase chain reaction and explant tissues assessed for BMP inhibitors. Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) were used for comparison. Results Standard osteogenic media was optimum for promoting mineralization by human NP cells in monolayer. Some osteogenic differentiation was observed with 10 nM VitD3, but none following application of PTH or BMPs. Regions of calcification were detected in 2 of the eleven IVD tissue explants, one cultured in osteogenic media and one with the addition of VitD3 and BMP-2. Conclusions Human NP cells can become osteogenic in monolayer and calcification of the extracellular matrix can also occur, although not consistently. Inhibitory factors within either the cells or the extracellular matrix may hinder osteogenesis, indicating that a robust biological fusion at this time requires further optimization

    Re-weighting of somatosensory inputs from the foot and the ankle for controlling posture during quiet standing following trunk extensor muscles fatigue

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    The present study focused on the effects of trunk extensor muscles fatigue on postural control during quiet standing under different somatosensory conditions from the foot and the ankle. With this aim, 20 young healthy adults were asked to stand as immobile as possible in two conditions of No fatigue and Fatigue of trunk extensor muscles. In Experiment 1 (n = 10), somatosensation from the foot and the ankle was degraded by standing on a foam surface. In Experiment 2 (n = 10), somatosensation from the foot and ankle was facilitated through the increased cutaneous feedback at the foot and ankle provided by strips of athletic tape applied across both ankle joints. The centre of foot pressure displacements (CoP) were recorded using a force platform. The results showed that (1) trunk extensor muscles fatigue increased CoP displacements under normal somatosensatory conditions (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2), (2) this destabilizing effect was exacerbated when somatosensation from the foot and the ankle was degraded (Experiment 1), and (3) this destabilizing effect was mitigated when somatosensation from the foot and the ankle was facilitated (Experiment 2). Altogether, the present findings evidenced re-weighting of sensory cues for controlling posture during quiet standing following trunk extensor muscles fatigue by increasing the reliance on the somatosensory inputs from the foot and the ankle. This could have implications in clinical and rehabilitative areas

    Differential postural effects of plantar-flexor muscles fatigue under normal, altered and improved vestibular and neck somatosensory conditions

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of plantar-flexor muscles fatigue on postural control during quiet standing under normal, altered and improved vestibular and neck somatosensory conditions. To address this objective, young male university students were asked to stand upright as still as possible with their eyes closed in two conditions of No Fatigue and Fatigue of the plantar-flexor muscles. In Experiment 1 (n=15), the postural task was executed in two Neutral head and Head tilted backward postures, recognized to degrade vestibular and neck somatosensory information. In Experiment 2 (n=15), the postural task was executed in two conditions of No tactile and Tactile stimulation of the neck provided by the application of strips of adhesive bandage to the skin over and around the neck. Centre of foot pressure displacements were recorded using a force platform. Results showed that (1) the Fatigue condition yielded increased CoP displacements relative to the No Fatigue condition (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2), (2) this destabilizing effect was more accentuated in the Head tilted backward posture than Neutral head posture (Experiment 1) and (3) this destabilizing effect was less accentuated in the condition of Tactile stimulation than that of No tactile stimulation of the neck (Experiment 2). In the context of the multisensory control of balance, these results suggest an increased reliance on vestibular and neck somatosensory information for controlling posture during quiet standing in condition of altered ankle neuromuscular function

    Effects of fatigue on trunk stability in elite gymnasts

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    The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that fatigue due to exercises performed in training leads to a decrement of trunk stability in elite, female gymnasts. Nine female gymnasts participated in the study. To fatigue trunk muscles, four series of five dump handstands on the uneven bar were performed. Before and after the fatigue protocol, participants performed three trials of a balancing task while sitting on a seat fixed over a hemisphere to create an unstable surface. A force plate tracked the location of the center of pressure (CoP). In addition, nine trials were performed in which the seat was backward inclined over a set angle and suddenly released after which the subject had to regain balance. Sway amplitude and frequency in unperturbed sitting were determined from the CoP time series and averaged over trials. The maximum displacement and rate of recovery of the CoP location after the sudden release were determined and averaged over trials. After the fatigue protocol, sway amplitude in the fore-aft direction was significantly increased (p = 0.03), while sway frequency was decreased (p = 0.005). In addition, the maximum displacement after the sudden release was increased (p = 0.009), while the rate of recovery after the perturbation was decreased (p = 0.05). Fatigue induced by series of exercises representing a realistic training load caused a measurable decrement in dynamic stability of the trunk in elite gymnasts

    A Novel Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Rapid Confirmation of Medium- and Very Long-Chain acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Newborns

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    BACKGROUND:Newborn screening for medium- and very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD and VLCAD, respectively) deficiency, using acylcarnitine profiling with tandem mass spectrometry, has increased the number of patients with fatty acid oxidation disorders due to the identification of additional milder, and so far silent, phenotypes. However, especially for VLCADD, the acylcarnitine profile can not constitute the sole parameter in order to reliably confirm disease. Therefore, we developed a new liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method to rapidly determine both MCAD- and/or VLCAD-activity in human lymphocytes in order to confirm diagnosis. METHODOLOGY:LC-MS/MS was used to measure MCAD- or VLCAD-catalyzed production of enoyl-CoA and hydroxyacyl-CoA, in human lymphocytes. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:VLCAD activity in controls was 6.95+/-0.42 mU/mg (range 1.95 to 11.91 mU/mg). Residual VLCAD activity of 4 patients with confirmed VLCAD-deficiency was between 0.3 and 1.1%. Heterozygous ACADVL mutation carriers showed residual VLCAD activities of 23.7 to 54.2%. MCAD activity in controls was 2.38+/-0.18 mU/mg. In total, 28 patients with suspected MCAD-deficiency were assayed. Nearly all patients with residual MCAD activities below 2.5% were homozygous 985A>G carriers. MCAD-deficient patients with one other than the 985A>G mutation had higher MCAD residual activities, ranging from 5.7 to 13.9%. All patients with the 199T>C mutation had residual activities above 10%. CONCLUSIONS:Our newly developed LC-MS/MS method is able to provide ample sensitivity to correctly and rapidly determine MCAD and VLCAD residual activity in human lymphocytes. Importantly, based on measured MCAD residual activities in correlation with genotype, new insights were obtained on the expected clinical phenotype

    How do MNC R&D laboratory roles affect employee international assignments?

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    Research and development (R&D) employees are important human resources for multinational corporations (MNCs) as they are the driving force behind the advancement of innovative ideas and products. International assignments of these employees can be a unique way to upgrade their expertise; allowing them to effectively recombine their unique human resources to progress existing knowledge and advance new ones. This study aims to investigate the effect of the roles of R&D laboratories in which these employees work on the international assignments they undertake. We categorise R&D laboratory roles into those of the support laboratory, the locally integrated laboratory and the internationally interdependent laboratory. Based on the theory of resource recombinations, we hypothesise that R&D employees in support laboratories are not likely to assume international assignments, whereas those in locally integrated and internationally interdependent laboratories are likely to assume international assignments. The empirical evidence, which draws from research conducted on 559 professionals in 66 MNC subsidiaries based in Greece, provides support to our hypotheses. The resource recombinations theory that extends the resource based view can effectively illuminate the international assignment field. Also, research may provide more emphasis on the close work context of R&D scientists rather than analyse their demographic characteristics, the latter being the focus of scholarly practice hitherto

    A systematic review of outcomes reported inpediatric perioperative research: A report from the Pediatric Perioperative Outcomes Group

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    The Pediatric Perioperative Outcomes Group (PPOG) is an international collaborative of clinical investigators and clinicians within the subspecialty of pediatric anesthesiology and perioperative care which aims to use COMET (Core Outcomes Measures in Effectiveness Trials) methodology to develop core outcome sets for infants, children, and young people that are tailored to the priorities of the pediatric surgical population. Focusing on four age‐dependent patient subpopulations determined a priori for core outcome set development: (a) neonates and former preterm infants (up to 60 weeks postmenstrual age); (b) infants (>60 weeks postmenstrual age—1‐13‐<18 years), we conducted a systematic review of outcomes reported in perioperative studies that include participants within age‐dependent pediatric subpopulations. Our review of pediatric perioperative controlled trials published from 2008 to 2018 identified 724 articles reporting 3192 outcome measures. The proportion of published trials and the most frequently reported outcomes varied across predetermined age‐groups. Outcomes related to patient comfort, particularly pain and analgesic requirement, were the most frequent domain for infants, children, and adolescents. Clinical indicators, particularly cardiorespiratory or medication‐related adverse events, were the most common outcomes for neonates and infants <60 weeks and were the second most frequent domain at all other ages. Neonates and infants <60 weeks of age were significantly under‐represented in perioperative trials. Patient‐centered outcomes, healthcare utilization, and bleeding/transfusion‐related outcomes were less often reported. In most studies, outcomes were measured in the immediate perioperative period, with the duration often restricted to the postanesthesia care unit or the first 24 postoperative hours. The outcomes identified with this systematic review will be combined with patient‐centered outcomes identified through a subsequent stakeholder engagement study to arrive at a core outcome set for each age‐specific group