1,891 research outputs found

    Double Time Window Targeting Technique: Real time DMRG dynamics in the PPP model

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    We present a generalized adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) scheme, called the {\it double time window targeting} (DTWT) technique, which gives accurate results with nominal computational resources, within reasonable computational time. This procedure originates from the amalgamation of the features of pace keeping DMRG algorithm, first proposed by Luo {\it et. al}, [Phys.Rev. Lett. {\bf 91}, 049701 (2003)], and the time-step targeting (TST) algorithm by Feiguin and White [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 72}, 020404 (2005)]. Using the DTWT technique, we study the phenomena of spin-charge separation in conjugated polymers (materials for molecular electronics and spintronics), which have long-range electron-electron interactions and belong to the class of strongly correlated low-dimensional many-body systems. The issue of real time dynamics within the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model which includes long-range electron correlations has not been addressed in the literature so far. The present study on PPP chains has revealed that, (i) long-range electron correlations enable both the charge and spin degree of freedom of the electron, to propagate faster in the PPP model compared to Hubbard model, (ii) for standard parameters of the PPP model as applied to conjugated polymers, the charge velocity is almost twice that of the spin velocity and, (iii) the simplistic interpretation of long-range correlations by merely renormalizing the {\it U} value of the Hubbard model fails to explain the dynamics of doped holes/electrons in the PPP model.Comment: Final (published) version; 39 pages, 13 figures, 1 table; 2 new references adde

    Deposition And Drying Dynamics Of Liquid Crystal Droplets

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    Drop drying and deposition phenomena reveal a rich interplay of fundamental science and engineering, give rise to fascinating everyday effects (coffee rings), and influence technologies ranging from printing to genotyping. Here we investigate evaporation dynamics, morphology, and deposition patterns of drying lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal droplets. These drops differ from typical evaporating colloidal drops primarily due to their concentration-dependent isotropic, nematic, and columnar phases. Phase separation occurs during evaporation, and in the process creates surface tension gradients and significant density and viscosity variation within the droplet. As a result, the drying multiphase drops exhibit different convective currents, drop morphologies, and deposition patterns (coffee-rings)

    SPIFI: a Direct-Detection Imaging Spectrometer for Submillimeter Wavelengths

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    The South Pole Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (SPIFI) is the first instrument of its kind -a direct-detection imaging spectrometer for astronomy in the submillimeter band. SPIFI ’s focal plane is a square array of 25 silicon bolometers cooled to 60 mK; the spectrometer consists of two cryogenic scanning Fabry-Perot interferometers in series with a 60-mK bandpass filter. The instrument operates in the short submillimeter windows (350 and 450 μm) available from the ground, with spectral resolving power selectable between 500 and 10,000. At present, SPIFI’s sensitivity is within a factor of 1.5-3 of the photon background limit, comparable with the best heterodyne spectrometers. The instrument ’s large bandwidth and mapping capability provide substantial advantages for specific astrophysical projects, including deep extragalactic observations. We present the motivation for and design of SPIFI and its operational characteristics on the telescope

    Short-Pulse, Compressed Ion Beams at the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment

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    We have commenced experiments with intense short pulses of ion beams on the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX-II) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, with 1-mm beam spot size within 2.5 ns full-width at half maximum. The ion kinetic energy is 1.2 MeV. To enable the short pulse duration and mm-scale focal spot radius, the beam is neutralized in a 1.5-meter-long drift compression section following the last accelerator cell. A short-focal-length solenoid focuses the beam in the presence of the volumetric plasma that is near the target. In the accelerator, the line-charge density increases due to the velocity ramp imparted on the beam bunch. The scientific topics to be explored are warm dense matter, the dynamics of radiation damage in materials, and intense beam and beam-plasma physics including select topics of relevance to the development of heavy-ion drivers for inertial fusion energy. Below the transition to melting, the short beam pulses offer an opportunity to study the multi-scale dynamics of radiation-induced damage in materials with pump-probe experiments, and to stabilize novel metastable phases of materials when short-pulse heating is followed by rapid quenching. First experiments used a lithium ion source; a new plasma-based helium ion source shows much greater charge delivered to the target.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Submitted to the proceedings for the Ninth International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, IFSA 201

    Unified Universal Seesaw Models

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    A set of Grand Unified Theories based upon the gauge groups SU(5)_\L \times SU(5)_\R, SO(10)_\L \times SO(10)_\R and SU(4)_\C \times SU(4)_\L \times SU(4)_\R is explored. Several novel features distinguish these theories from the well-known SU(5)SU(5), SO(10)SO(10) and SU(4)_\C \times SU(2)_\L \times SU(2)_\R models which they generalize. Firstly, Standard Model quarks and leptons are accompanied by and mix with heavy SU(2)_\L \times SU(2)_\R singlet partners. The resulting fermion mass matrices are seesaw in form. Discrete parity symmetries render the determinants of these mass matrices real and eliminate CP violating gauge terms. The unified seesaw models consequently provide a possible resolution to the strong CP problem. Secondly, \sinsq at the unification scale is numerically smaller than the experimentally measured ZZ scale value. The weak angle must therefore increase as it evolves down in energy. Finally, proton decay is suppressed by small seesaw mixing factors in all these theories.Comment: 22 pages with 2 figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-185

    Patchy Interspecific Sequence Similarities Efficiently Identify Positive cis-Regulatory Elements in the Sea Urchin

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    We demonstrate that interspecific sequence conservation can provide a systematic guide to the identification of functional cis-regulatory elements within a large expanse of genomic DNA. The test was carried out on the otx gene of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. This gene plays a major role in the gene regulatory network that underlies endomesoderm specification in the embryo. The cis-regulatory organization of the otx gene is expected to be complex, because the gene has three different start sites (X. Li, C.-K. Chuang, C.-A. Mao, L. M. Angerer, and W. H. Klein, 1997, Dev. Biol. 187, 253–266), and it is expressed in many different spatial domains of the embryo. BAC recombinants containing the otx gene were isolated from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Lytechinus variegatus libraries, and the ordered sequence of these BACs was obtained and annotated. Sixty kilobases of DNA flanking the gene, and included in the BAC sequence from both species, were scanned computationally for short conserved sequence elements. For this purpose, we used a newly constructed software package assembled in our laboratory, “FamilyRelations.” This tool allows detection of sequence similarities above a chosen criterion within sliding windows set at 20–50 bp. Seventeen partially conserved regions, most a few hundred base pairs long, were amplified from the S. purpuratus BAC DNA by PCR, inserted in an expression vector driving a CAT reporter, and tested for cis-regulatory activity by injection into fertilized S. purpuratus eggs. The regulatory activity of these constructs was assessed by whole-mount in situ hybridization (WMISH) using a probe against CAT mRNA. Of the 17 constructs, 11 constructs displayed spatially restricted regulatory activity, and 6 were inactive in this test. The domains within which the cis-regulatory constructs were expressed are approximately consistent with results from a WMISH study on otx expression in the embryo, in which we used probes specific for the mRNAs generated from each of the three transcription start sites. Four separate cis-regulatory elements that specifically produce endomesodermal expression were identified, as well as ubiquitously active elements, and ectoderm-specific elements. We confirm predictions from other work with respect to target sites for specific transcription factors within the elements that express in the endoderm

    Observations of the Crab Nebula and its pulsar in the far-ultraviolet and in the optical

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    We present HST/STIS far-UV observations of the Crab nebula and its pulsar. Broad, blueshifted absorption arising in the nebula is seen in C IV 1550, reaching about 2500 km/s. This can be interpreted as evidence for a fast outer shell, and we adopt a spherically symmetric model to constrain the properties of this. We find that the density appears to decrease outward in the shell. A lower limit to the mass is 0.3 solar masses with an accompanying kinetic energy of 1.5EE{49} ergs. A massive 10^{51} erg shell cannot be excluded, but is less likely if the density profile is much steeper than R^{-4} and the velocity is <6000 km/s. The observations cover the region 1140-1720 A. With the time-tag mode of the spectrograph we obtain the pulse profile. It is similar to that in the near-UV, although the primary peak is marginally narrower. Together with the near-UV data, and new optical data from NOT, our spectrum of the pulsar covers the entire region from 1140-9250 A. Dereddening the spectrum gives a flat spectrum for E(B-V)=0.52, R=3.1. This dereddened spectrum of the Crab pulsar can be fitted by a power law with spectral index alpha_{\nu} = 0.11 +/- 0.04. The main uncertainty is the amount and characteristics of the interstel- lar reddening, and we have investigated the dependence of \alpha_{\nu} on E(B-V) and R. In the extended emission covered by our 25" x 0.5" slit in the far-UV, we detect C IV 1550 and He II 1640 emission lines from the Crab nebula. Several interstellar absorption lines are detected toward the pulsar. The Ly alpha absorption indicates a column density of 3.0+/-0.5\EE{21} cm^{-2} of neutral hydrogen, which agrees well with our estimate of E(B-V)=0.52 mag. Other lines show no evidence of severe depletion of metals in atomic gas.Comment: 18 pages emulateapj style, including 10 figures. ApJ, accepte

    Tunable Depletion Potentials Driven By Shape Variation Of Surfactant Micelles

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    Depletion interaction potentials between micron-sized colloidal particles are induced by nanometer-scale surfactant micelles composed of hexaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12E6), and they are measured by video microscopy. The strength and range of the depletion interaction is revealed to arise from variations in shape anisotropy of the surfactant micelles. This shape anisotropy increases with increasing sample temperature. By fitting the colloidal interaction potentials to theoretical models, we extract micelle length and shape anisotropy as a function of temperature. This work introduces shape anisotropy tuning as a means to control interparticle interactions in colloidal suspensions, and it shows how the interparticle depletion potentials of micron-scale objects can be employed to probe the shape and size of surrounding macromolecules at the nanoscale

    Spectral density asymptotics for Gaussian and Laguerre β\beta-ensembles in the exponentially small region

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    The first two terms in the large NN asymptotic expansion of the β\beta moment of the characteristic polynomial for the Gaussian and Laguerre β\beta-ensembles are calculated. This is used to compute the asymptotic expansion of the spectral density in these ensembles, in the exponentially small region outside the leading support, up to terms o(1)o(1) . The leading form of the right tail of the distribution of the largest eigenvalue is given by the density in this regime. It is demonstrated that there is a scaling from this, to the right tail asymptotics for the distribution of the largest eigenvalue at the soft edge.Comment: 19 page
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