8 research outputs found

    SEM analiza kvaliteta adhezivne veze glasjonomercementnih restauracija

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    Introduction. Lack of proper adhesion is one of the most common problems in modern restorative dentistry and the main cause of the occurrence of microcracks at the interface between materials and hard dental tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of bond between two types of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) class V restorations and hard dental tissues by SEM. Materials and Methods. This clinical study included 20 intact teeth (premolars and molars) recently extracted for orthodontic reasons in patients of both genders and different ages. Class V cavity with rounded walls was prepared on vestibular and oral surfaces of all teeth (3x2x2 mm). Conventional GIC Fuji II was applied on vestibular surface of teeth whereas on oral surface resin-reinforced glass ionomer Fuji II LC was placed. The bond between fillings and hard dental tissue was assessed by SEM. Results. Both materials showed microcracks, however, microleakage was lower with Fuji II LC than with Fuji II. Microcracks were observed in 65% of cases (13 restorations) restored with GIC Fuji II and 35% (7 fillings) restored with GIC Fuji II LC. The size of microcracks for Fuji II LC was 9 μm while this value for Fuji II was 17 μm. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion. Better bond between material and hard dental tissue was achieved with the material of new generation, resin modified GIC.Uvod. Nedostatak odgovarajuće adhezivnosti je jedan od najčešćih problema u savremenoj restaurativnoj stomatologiji i glavni uzrok nastanka mikropukotine na spoju materijala i tvrdih zubnih tkiva. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se SEM (skening-elektronska mikroskopija) analizom proveri kvalitet veze dve vrste glasjonomercementnih (GJC) restauracija za tvrda zubna tkiva kod kaviteta V klase. Materijal i metode rada. Kliničko istraživanje je obuhvatilo 20 sveže ekstrahovanih intaktnih zuba (premolari i molari), odstranjenih iz ortodontskih razloga kod pacijenata oba pola i različite starosti. Na svim zubima su sa vestibularne i oralne strane urađene jednopovršinske preparacije V klase adhezivnog tipa sa zaobljenim zidovima kaviteta (dimenzija 3×2×2 mm). Sa vestibularne strane primenjen je klasični GJC Fuji II, a sa oralne smolom ojačani GJC Fuji II LC. Kvalitet veze između ispuna i zubnih tkiva je procenjivan SEM analizom. Rezultati. Dobijeni nalazi su pokazali da je kod oba materijala zabeležena mikropukotina i da je stepen mikrocurenja kod Fuji II LC bio manji nego kod Fuji II. Kod zuba restaurisanih sa GJC Fuji II mikropukotina je uočena u 65% slučajeva (13 ispuna), a kod zuba restaurisanih sa GJC Fuji II LC u 35% slučajeva (sedam ispuna). SEM analizom je utvrđena srednja vrednost mikropukotine za Fuji II LC od 9 µm, dok je ova vrednost za Fuji II bila 17 µm. Razlika je bila statistički značajna. Zaključak. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je bolji kvalitet veze ostvaren primenom materijala novije generacije, odnosno primenom GJC modifikovanih smolom

    Traumatic extraction of upper central incisors

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    Introduction Tooth and other oral tissue damage can occur at any time of life. Traumatic extraction is a complex traumatic injury characterized by complete dislodgement of the tooth from its alveolus. The diagnosis of traumatically injured teeth includes X-rays and a detailed clinical examination. Case report A twelve-year-old boy reported at the dental clinic of the Faculty of Medicine due to the injury in the anterior maxillary region. It was a sport injury. The time elapsed since the accident was 2 hours and 20 minutes. According to the clinical examination and X-rays the diagnosis was: The teeth 11 and 21 - Complete traumatic dental avulsion and fracture; 22- Hypodontia and chin contusion and laceration. The teeth were brought in physiological solution. After applying local anesthetic, soft tissue was cleaned, the teeth positioned back in their alveoli and an immobilizing splint of fiberglass fibers placed. The patient was administered antibiotics and recommended tetanus prophylaxis. Seven days after the injury, teeth were treated endodontically. After one month, the immobilizing splint was removed. The tooth 21 was definitely obturated and composite buildups were done on both teeth. Calcium hydroxide dressing was left in the canal of the tooth 11. One month and 3 weeks after the injury, a fistula appeared above the tooth 11, and the treatment was finally completed after seven months. Conclusion Traumatic tooth injuries, of any kind, require urgent treatment as time loss usually reduces chances for successful treatment. One year after the injury, the patient had no symptoms and the result was functional and aesthetically acceptable

    Uticaj lajnera na zapaljenje zubne pulpe

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    Introduction The study included application of liners and dental composites in to cavities of six experimental animals - rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Objective The aim of the study was to investigate rabbit dental pulp response to different liners. Methods Cavity preparation for class V were made on the maxillary central incisors and one lower incisor, while the second lower incisor served as a control tooth. These teeth were restored with the use of one of the following liners - Calcimol LC, ANA Liner and Fuji II LC Improved, and Ceram-X mono dental composite. After an observation period of five days animals were sacrificed and prepared for histological analysis. The existence and degree of the pulp inflammation was determined by using a light microscope. Results Results showed that the used liners do not cause distortion of the structure and continuity of the odontoblastic layer. Inflammation was not registered in the control group, while in each group of tested materials one tooth with mild signs of hyperemia was registered. Results showed that all three tested liners demonstrated favorable effects on the pulp of the tooth and did not lead to inflammatory reactions. Conclusion Histological analysis of the dental pulp of experimental animals suggests that the liners used in this study do not compromise the integrity of the odontoblastic layer, if it is applied over a thin layer of dentin. In each group of tested materials one tooth with mild signs of hyperemia and vasodilation was registered.Uvod Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo primenu lajnera i kompozitnog materijala u kavitete intaktnih zuba šest eksperimentalnih životinja - kunića. Cilj rada Cilj istraživanja je bio da se proveri uticaj različitih lajnera na nastanak i stepen zapaljenja pulpe nakon primene u kavitete zuba kunića. Metode rada Kod svake životinje su urađene preparacije V klase na dva gornja centralna sekutića i na jednom donjem sekutiću, dok je drugi donji sekutić služio kao kontrolni zub. U preparisane kavitete su aplikovani materijali koji su indikovani za primenu kod dubokih kaviteta neposredno pre postavljanja kompozitnih restauracija na zubima: Calcimol LC, ANA Liner i Fuji II LC improved. Svi kaviteti su restaurisani kompozitnim materialom CeramX-mono. Posle opservacionog perioda od pet dana životinje su žrtvovane i pripremljene za histopatološku analizu. Rezultati Svetlosnom mikroskopijom analizirani su postojanje i stepen zapaljenja u zubnoj pulpi. Rezultati su pokazali da korišćeni lajneri ne narušavaju strukturu i kontinuitet odontoblastnog sloja. Na zubima kontrolne grupe nije uočeno zapaljenje, dok je kod testiranih materijala u svakoj grupi zabeležen jedan zub sa blagim znacima hiperemije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su sva tri ispitana lajnera povoljno uticala na pulpu zuba i nakon aplikacije nisu doveli do zapaljenjskih reakcija u pulpi. Zaključak Histološka analiza zubne pulpe eksperimentalnih životinja je pokazala da lajneri korišćeni u ovom istraživanju ne narušavaju integritet odontoblasta eksperimentalnih životinja ukoliko se nanose preko tankog sloja dentina. Utvrđeno je samo postojanje blage hiperemije i vazodilatacije u po jednom uzorku pulpe zuba zaštićenih testiranim lajnerima

    Ispitivanje mikrocurenja kod restauracija zuba glasjonomer-cementom

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    Introduction. A lack of appropriate adhesiveness is one of the biggest problems in the restorative dentistry today and the main cause of the microleakage between restorations and hard dental tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the adhesiveness of two different glass ionomer cement restorations class V on the hard dental tissue using the SEM analysis and dye penetration test. Material and methods. The study included 80 extracted teeth for orthodontic reasons (premolars and molars) in both genders and different age. On the vestibular and oral side of the teeth, adhesive preparations class V were done (size 3Ч2Ч2 mm). On the vestibular preparation, GC Fuji II was applicated and GC Fuji II LC-improved on the oral side. The quality of the adhesiveness between restorations and hard dental tissue was evaluated using the SEM analysis and dye penetration test (0.5% basic fuxsin). Linear penetration of the dye was observed using 10 times magnification. Results. The results showed that microleakage was presented with both materials but a ratio was less with Fuji II LC compared with Fuji II. Also, the microleakage was less on the occlusal parts of the restorations than on the gingival, with both materials. Microleakage was noticed in 93.44% teeth with Fuji II GJC restorations with index of microleakage of 148 on all edges. Fuji II LC GJC restorations showed microleakage in 68.4% teeth with index of microleakage 75 on all edges. The SEM analysis showed that both glass ionomer materials had better adhesiveness to the enamel than to the dentin. The average gap length between Fuji II LC and dentin was 9 μm and Fuji II 17 μm, respectively. Conclusion. Better adhesiveness to the hard dental tissue was achieved with materials of the newer generations, resin modificated glas ionomer cements.Uvod. Nedostatak odgovarajuće adhezivnosti je jedan od najčešćih problema u savremenoj restaurativnoj stomatologiji i glavni uzrok nastanka mikropukotine na spoju materijala i tvrdih zubnih tkiva. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se SEM analizom i semikvantitativnim ispitivanjima, odnosno metodom bojenih rastvora proveri kvalitet veze dve vrste glasjonomer-cementnih (GJC) restauracija za tvrda zubna tkiva kod kaviteta V klase. Materijal i metode rada. Klinička ispitivanja su obuhvatila 80 sveže ekstrahovanih intaktnih zuba (premolari i molari), izvađenih iz ortodontskih razloga, kod pacijenata oba pola i različite starosti. Na svim zubima su sa vestibularne i oralne strane urađene jednopovršinske preparacije V klase adhezivnog tipa sa zaobljenim zidovima kaviteta (dimenzija 3x2x2 mm). Sa vestibularne strane primenjen je GJC Fuji II, a s oralne GJC Fuji II LG improved. Kvalitet veze je procenjivan semikvantitativnim ispitivanjima rubnog zaptivanja metodom bojenih rastvora i SEM analizom kvaliteta veze ispuna i zubnih tkiva. Kao bojeni rastvor korišćen je 0,5-procentni rastvor bazičnog fuksina, a linearni prodor boje na gingivalnom i okluzivnom delu kaviteta posmatran je pod lupom i pri uvećanju od deset puta. Rezultati. Dobijeni nalazi su pokazali da je kod oba materijala zabeležena mikropukotina i daje stepen mikrocurenja kod Fuji II LC bio manji nego kod Fuji II. Kod oba materijala je utvrđen manji stepen mikrocurenja na okluzivnim ivicama ispuna nego na gingivalnim. Mikrocurenje je ustanovljeni u 93,44% zuba restauriranih sa Fuji II GJC, s ukupnim indeksom mikrocurenja 148 na svim ivicama. Kod Fuji II LCGJC mikrocurenjejezabeleženo u 68,4% zuba, s ukupnim indeksom mikrocurenja 75 na svim ivicama. SEM analizom je utvrđeno da je veza oba ispitivana GJC sa gleđi mnogo bolja nego sa dentinom, a srednja vrednost mikropukotine otkrivene za Fuji II LC bila je 9 um, dok je ova vrednost za Fuji II bila 17 um. Zaključak. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je bolji kvalitet veze ostvaren primenom materijala novije generacije, odnosno primenom GJC modifikovanih smolom.

    Antimikrobna aktivnost novosintetisanog endodontskog nanomaterijala na bazi kalcijum-aluminata

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    Introduction Materials used for root canal obturation and root perforation are expected to have, in addition to preventing apical, lateral and coronary leakage, antimicrobial effects on microorganisms that are not accessible to chemomechanical instrumentation and intra-canal medications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of a novel calcium aluminate-based endodontic nanostructured biomaterial (ALBO-MCCA) using agar diffusion test. Material and methods the two materials were tested in the study. The nanostructured calcium aluminate was synthesized by the hydrothermal sol-gel method from individual components of calcium aluminate (CaOxAl2 O3 ), calcite (CaCO3 ) and barium sulfate (BaSO4 ) as radiocontrast agent in the ratio of 2:2:1 according to V. Jokanovic's recipe. The other used material was calcium silicate MTA Angelus (Londrina, Brazil). The antimicrobial effect was assessed using agar diffusion test. Standard strains of Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, cultured on blood Mueller-Hinton agar and Candida albicans cultivated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, were used as test microorganisms. Results the best antimicrobial effect after 24 h both materials showed against S. aureus. The mean values of the growth inhibition zone for ALBO MCCA were 5.7 ± 0.25 mm and MTA 6.2 ± 0.4 mm. The ALBO MCCA material showed slightly stronger antibacterial effect against E. coli compared to MTA (p lt 0.05), whereas none of the materials showed antibacterial effect against E. faecalis. Conclusion the ALBO MCCA material showed certain antibacterial effect on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans that was comparable to antibacterial effect of MTA.Uvod Od materijala koji se koriste za opturaciju kanala korena i perforacija na korenu se očekuje da pored sprečavanja apikalnog, lateralnog i koronarnog curenja, poseduju i antimikrobno delovanje na mikroorganizme, koji nisu dostupni hemomehaničkoj obradi i intrakanalnim medikamentima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se testom difuzije u agaru proceni antimikrobni efekat novog endodontskog nanostrukturnog biomaterijala na bazi kalcijum-aluminata (ALBO-MCCA). Materijal i metode U istraživanju su korišćena dva materijala. Nanostrukturni kalcijum-aluminat je sintetisan hidrotermalnom sol-gel metodom od pojedinačnih komponenata kalcijum-aluminata (CaO·Al2 O3 ), kalcita (CaCO3 ) i barijum-sulfata (BaSO4 ) kao rendgen-kontrastnog sredstva u odnosu 2 : 2 : 1 prema recepturi V. Jokanovića. Drugi korišćeni materijal je kalcijum-silikatni MTA Angelus (Londrina, Brazil). Antimikrobni efekat je ispitivan testom difuzije u agaru. Kao test mikroorganizmi korišćeni su standardni sojevi Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, koji su kultivisani na krvnom agaru MuellerHinton, dok je C. albicans kultivisana na agaru Sabouraud Dextrose. Rezultati Najbolji antimikrobni efekat nakon 24 h oba materijala su pokazala prema bakteriji S. aureus. Izmerene prosečne vrednosti zone inhibicije rasta iznosile su kod ALBO-MCCA (5,7 ± 0,25 mm), odnosno kod MTA (6,2 ± 0,4 mm). Materijal ALBO-MCCA je pokazao nešto veći antibakterijski efekat prema bakteriji E. coli u odnosu na MTA (p lt 0,05), dok prema bakteriji E. faecalis nijedan materijal nije ispoljio antibakterijski efekat. Zaključak Materijal ALBO-MCCA je ispoljio određeni antibakterijski efekat na bakterije Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus i Candida albicans komparabilan sa antibakterijskim efektom MTA

    The influence of liners on the pulp inflammation

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    Introduction. The study included application of liners and dental composites in to cavities of six experimental animals - rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate rabbit dental pulp response to different liners. Methods. Cavity preparation for class V were made on the maxillary central incisors and one lower incisor, while the second lower incisor served as a control tooth. These teeth were restored with the use of one of the following liners - Calcimol LC, ANA Liner and Fuji II LC Improved, and Ceram-X mono dental composite. After an observation period of five days animals were sacrificed and prepared for histological analysis. The existence and degree of the pulp inflammation was determined by using a light microscope. Results. Results showed that the used liners do not cause distortion of the structure and continuity of the odontoblastic layer. Inflammation was not registered in the control group, while in each group of tested materials one tooth with mild signs of hyperemia was registered. Results showed that all three tested liners demonstrated favorable effects on the pulp of the tooth and did not lead to inflammatory reactions. Conclusion. Histological analysis of the dental pulp of experimental animals suggests that the liners used in this study do not compromise the integrity of the odontoblastic layer, if it is applied over a thin layer of dentin. In each group of tested materials one tooth with mild signs of hyperemia and vasodilation was registered