93 research outputs found

    Identification of C-band radio frequency interferences from Sentinel-1 data

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    We propose the use of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to provide a continuous and global monitoring of Radio Frequency Interferences (RFI) in C-band. We take advantage of the first 8-10 echo measures at the beginning of each burst, a 50-70 MHz wide bandwidth and a ground beam coverage of ~25 km (azimuth) by 70 km (range). Such observations can be repeated with a frequency better than three days, by considering two satellites and both ascending and descending passes. These measures can be used to qualify the same Sentinel-1 (S1) dataset as well as to monitor the availability and the use of radio frequency spectrum for present and future spaceborne imagers and for policy makers. In the paper we investigate the feasibility and the limits of this approach, and we provide a first Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) map with continental coverage over Europe

    Pre-Flight SAOCOM-1A SAR Performance Assessment by Outdoor Campaign

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    In the present paper, we describe the design, execution, and the results of an outdoor experimental campaign involving the Engineering Model of the first of the two Argentinean L-band Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs) of the Satelite Argentino de Observacion con Microondas (SAOCOM) mission, SAOCOM-1A. The experiment's main objectives were to test the end-to-end SAR operation and to assess the instrument amplitude and phase stability as well as the far-field antenna pattern, through the illumination of a moving target placed several kilometers away from the SAR. The campaign was carried out in Bariloche, Argentina, during June 2016. The experiment was successful, demonstrating an end-to-end readiness of the SAOCOM-SAR functionality in realistic conditions. The results showed an excellent SAR signal quality in terms of amplitude and phase stability

    Assembly and functional analysis of an S/MAR based episome with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene

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    Improving the efficacy of gene therapy vectors is still an important goal toward the development of safe and efficient gene therapy treatments. S/MAR (scaffold/matrix attached region)-based vectors are maintained extra-chromosomally in numerous cell types, which is similar to viral-based vectors. Additionally, when established as an episome, they show a very high mitotic stability. In the present study we tested the idea that addition of an S/MAR element to a CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) expression vector, may allow the establishment of a CFTR episome in bronchial epithelial cells. Starting from the observation that the S/MAR vector pEPI-EGFP (enhanced green fluorescence protein) is maintained as an episome in human bronchial epithelial cells, we assembled the CFTR vector pBQ-S/MAR. This vector, transfected in bronchial epithelial cells with mutated CFTR, supported long term wt CFTR expression and activity, which in turn positively impacted on the assembly of tight junctions in polarized epithelial cells. Additionally, the recovery of intact pBQ-S/MAR, but not the parental vector lacking the S/MAR element, from transfected cells after extensive proliferation, strongly suggested that pBQ-S/MAR was established as an episome. These results add a new element, the S/MAR, that can be considered to improve the persistence and safety of gene therapy vectors for cystic fibrosis pulmonary disease

    Per un Atlante storico digitale di Ferrara. Note sul progetto-pilota Ferrara1881

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    Un piccolo gruppo di lavoro interdisciplinare, con l’aiuto di laboratori didattici, può realizzare il ‘pilota’ di un più ampio Atlante storico-urbano: è il caso di Ferrara1881 un progetto di WebGIS in corso di realizzazione. Il progetto si basa sulla saldatura dei fogli di famiglia del censimento 1881 (che riportano anche informazioni sull’alloggio) e della cartografia catastale, attraverso la mediazione dei repertori dei possessori, che stabiliscono relazioni fra numeri di particella catastale e numerazione civica storica (verificabile negli stati di sezione anche oltre gli usi residenziali). Gli oltre settemila records delineano l’immagine di una popolazione urbana in una città ordinaria dell’Ottocento europeo, che sarà precisata dall’aggancio puntuale alla geografia urbana: non senza sorprese, come ad esempio l’esistenza di una dialettica fra centro e periferia, dunque di elementi di segregazione sociale, anche negli spazi ristretti della città intramuraria e nella loro popolazione ridotta (meno di 30.000 abitanti).A small interdisciplinary working group, with the help of students’ workshops, can create the ‘pilot’ of a broader historical-urban Atlas: this is the case of Ferrara 1881, a WebGIS project under construction. The project is based on the welding of family sheets of 1881 census (which also contain information on houses) and cadastral cartography, through the mediation of the owners’ repertories, which establish relationships between cadastral parcel numbers and historical civic numbering (verifiable on other census registers even beyond residential uses). More than seven thousand records outline the image of an urban population in an ordinary European nineteenth century city: an image which will be specified by the connection to urban geography. Not without surprises, such as the existence of a dialectic between center and periphery, therefore of elements of social segregation, even in the confined spaces of the intramural city and in their small population (less than 30,000 inhabitants)

    Unacylated ghrelin normalizes skeletal muscle oxidative stress and prevents muscle catabolism by enhancing tissue mitophagy in experimental chronic kidney disease

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    Unacylated ghrelin (UnAG) may lower skeletal muscle oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance in lean and obese rodents. UnAG-induced autophagy activation may contribute to these effects, likely involving removal of dysfunctional mitochondria (mitophagy) and redox state maintenance. In chronic kidney disease (CKD) oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin resistance may negatively influence patient outcome by worsening nutritional state through muscle mass loss. Here we show in a 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx) CKD rat model that 4 d s.c. UnAG administration (200 \ub5g twice a day) normalizes CKD-induced loss of gastrocnemius muscle mass and a cluster of high tissue mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation, high proinflammatory cytokines, and low insulin signaling activation. Consistent with these results, human uremic serum enhanced mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation and lowered insulin signaling activation in C2C12 myotubes while concomitant UnAG incubation completely prevented these effects. Importantly, UnAG enhanced muscle mitophagy in vivo and silencing RNA-mediated autophagy protein 5 silencing blocked UnAG activities in myotubes. UnAG therefore normalizes CKD-induced skeletal muscle oxidative stress, inflammation, and low insulin signaling as well as muscle loss. UnAG effects are mediated by autophagy activation at the mitochondrial level. UnAG administration and mitophagy activation are novel potential therapeutic strategies for skeletal muscle metabolic abnormalities and their negative clinical impact in CKD.-Gortan Cappellari, G., Semolic, A., Ruozi, G., Vinci, P., Guarnieri, G., Bortolotti, F., Barbetta, D., Zanetti, M., Giacca, M., Barazzoni, R. Unacylated ghrelin normalizes skeletal muscle oxidative stress and prevents muscle catabolism by enhancing tissue mitophagy in experimental chronic kidney disease

    Evidence that AMP-activated protein kinase can negatively modulate Ornithine decarboxylase activity in cardiac myoblasts

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    AbstractThe responses of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) to isoproterenol have been examined in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts, AMPK represents the link between cell growth and energy availability whereas ODC, the key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is essential for all growth processes and it is thought to have a role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Isoproterenol rapidly induced ODC activity in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts by promoting the synthesis of the enzyme protein and this effect was counteracted by inhibitors of the PI3K/Akt pathway. The increase in enzyme activity became significant between 15 and 30min after the treatment. At the same time, isoproterenol stimulated the phosphorylation of AMPKα catalytic subunits (Thr172), that was associated to an increase in acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (Ser72) phosphorylation. Downregulation of both α1 and α2 isoforms of the AMPK catalytic subunit by siRNA to knockdown AMPK enzymatic activity, led to superinduction of ODC in isoproterenol-treated cardiomyoblasts. Downregulation of AMPKα increased ODC activity even in cells treated with other adrenergic agonists and in control cells. Analogue results were obtained in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells transfected with a shRNA construct against AMPKα. In conclusion, isoproterenol quickly activates in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts two events that seem to contrast one another. The first one, an increase in ODC activity, is linked to cell growth, whereas the second, AMPK activation, is a homeostatic mechanism that negatively modulates the first. The modulation of ODC activity by AMPK represents a mechanism that may contribute to control cell growth processes

    SATURN: A Technological Demonstration Mission for Distributed SAR Imaging

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    The OHB-Italia S.p.A-led consortium is in the midst of Phase B of SATURN (Synthetic AperTure radar cUbesat foRmation flyiNg), part of ALCOR, an Italian Space Agency (ASI) programme promoting the development of the next generation Italian CubeSats. SATURN is a demonstration mission that features Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology applied to a Swarm of CubeSats equipped with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Earth Observation. MIMO is based on cooperative active sensors, where each one transmits signals and receives the illuminated common area backscatter related to the entire swarm, increasing measurement performances with a trend approximatively equal to the square of the number of sensors. The complete SATURN constellation features 16 mini-swarms, each of 3 CubeSats, spread over 4 SSOs equally spaced by 3 hours of local time. The constellation is designed to provide an average revisit time of 1.5 h and an interferometric revisit time of 1 day worldwide. The aim of this demonstration mission is to verify MIMO technology applied to SAR on a mini-swarm of 3 CubeSats in close formation on a Low Earth Down-Dusk Sun Synchronous Orbit. Using OHB-I’s M3Multi Mission Modular platform equipped with a miniaturized SAR Instrument, developed by ARESYS S.r.l. and Airbus Italia S.p.A., our mission is able to achieve a resolution of 5x5 m over a 30 km swath. Thus, SATURN enables low-cost, scalable SAR missions for affordable access to space for public and private entities, overcoming the single point of failure of one large and complex satellite. Subsequent swarms, deploying from 3 to 48 CubeSats, are expected to bring technological innovations and improve Italy’s competitiveness in the European and global Earth Observation scenario

    The Changing Landscape for Stroke\ua0Prevention in AF: Findings From the GLORIA-AF Registry Phase 2

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    Background GLORIA-AF (Global Registry on Long-Term Oral Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation) is a prospective, global registry program describing antithrombotic treatment patterns in patients with newly diagnosed nonvalvular atrial fibrillation at risk of stroke. Phase 2 began when dabigatran, the first non\u2013vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant (NOAC), became available. Objectives This study sought to describe phase 2 baseline data and compare these with the pre-NOAC era collected during phase 1. Methods During phase 2, 15,641 consenting patients were enrolled (November 2011 to December 2014); 15,092 were eligible. This pre-specified cross-sectional analysis describes eligible patients\u2019 baseline characteristics. Atrial fibrillation disease characteristics, medical outcomes, and concomitant diseases and medications were collected. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results Of the total patients, 45.5% were female; median age was 71 (interquartile range: 64, 78) years. Patients were from Europe (47.1%), North America (22.5%), Asia (20.3%), Latin America (6.0%), and the Middle East/Africa (4.0%). Most had high stroke risk (CHA2DS2-VASc [Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age  6575 years, Diabetes mellitus, previous Stroke, Vascular disease, Age 65 to 74 years, Sex category] score  652; 86.1%); 13.9% had moderate risk (CHA2DS2-VASc = 1). Overall, 79.9% received oral anticoagulants, of whom 47.6% received NOAC and 32.3% vitamin K antagonists (VKA); 12.1% received antiplatelet agents; 7.8% received no antithrombotic treatment. For comparison, the proportion of phase 1 patients (of N = 1,063 all eligible) prescribed VKA was 32.8%, acetylsalicylic acid 41.7%, and no therapy 20.2%. In Europe in phase 2, treatment with NOAC was more common than VKA (52.3% and 37.8%, respectively); 6.0% of patients received antiplatelet treatment; and 3.8% received no antithrombotic treatment. In North America, 52.1%, 26.2%, and 14.0% of patients received NOAC, VKA, and antiplatelet drugs, respectively; 7.5% received no antithrombotic treatment. NOAC use was less common in Asia (27.7%), where 27.5% of patients received VKA, 25.0% antiplatelet drugs, and 19.8% no antithrombotic treatment. Conclusions The baseline data from GLORIA-AF phase 2 demonstrate that in newly diagnosed nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients, NOAC have been highly adopted into practice, becoming more frequently prescribed than VKA in Europe and North America. Worldwide, however, a large proportion of patients remain undertreated, particularly in Asia and North America. (Global Registry on Long-Term Oral Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation [GLORIA-AF]; NCT01468701
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