51 research outputs found

    Developmental Outcomes of Using Physical Violence Against Dates and Peers

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    The negative impact on adolescents of being a victim of violence is well documented, but the impact of being a perpetrator of violence is less well known. Knowing the negative outcomes of being a perpetrator could inform clinical interactions with adolescents, development of violence prevention strategies, and estimates of the societal burden of violence. This longitudinal study examined the effects of physical dating violence (DV) and peer violence (PV) perpetration on internalizing symptoms, relationships with friends and family, academic aspirations and grades, and substance use

    Growing Up in Violent Contexts: Differential Effects of Community, Family, and School Violence on Child Adjustment

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    Although different than in war-torn areas, violence affects children even in the most economically developed countries. In this chapter we review the empirical evidence supporting the detrimental effects of early violence exposure on a wide range of developmental outcomes. We also provide an examination of mechanisms linking violence exposure to negative developmental outcomes, as well as the predisposing and precipitating factors that intervene in these complex relationships. We conclude that the problem of exposure to violence in children is often underestimated and discuss the implications for child welfare policy and preventive interventions
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