8,754 research outputs found

    A New Brown Dwarf Desert? A Scarcity of Wide Ultracool Binaries

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    We present the results of a deep-imaging search for wide companions to low-mass stars and brown dwarfs using NSFCam on IRTF. We searched a sample of 132 M7-L8 dwarfs to magnitude limits of J20.5J \sim 20.5 and K18.5K \sim 18.5, corresponding to secondary-primary mass ratios of 0.5\sim 0.5. No companions were found with separations between 2{\arcsec} to 31{\arcsec} (\sim40 AU to \sim1000 AU). This null result implies a wide companion frequency below 2.3% at the 95% confidence level within the sensitivity limits of the survey. Preliminary modeling efforts indicate that we could have detected 85% of companions more massive than 0.05M0.05 M_{\odot} and 50% above 0.03M0.03 M_{\odot}.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables: accepted to the Astronomical Journa

    The delivery of technology content in one-year initial teacher education partnership schemes

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    This paper describes a model for the delivery of Technology subject content in the new teacher education partnership arrangement starting in 1993. It is based upon the scheme initially tried with articled teachers and which has now been further developed. The University of Manchester model of initial teacher education is based on the principle of empowerment of the classroom, laboratory and workshop teachers in the mentor role, rather than the use of a top-down model in which the school senior management pass the training through the hierarchical structure to the student. The simple subdivision of the work of the higher education institutions and the schools into theory and practice has been shown to be unsatisfactory. It is shown how the two partners in the scheme can jointly improve the quality of the teacher education provided for the students by allowing the students to be the auditors of their own progress; it is shown how individualisation of the students' programmes can be very effective in optimum use of their time and in reducing unnecessary repetition

    Flux calibration of the AAO/UKST SuperCOSMOS H-alpha Survey

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    The AAO/UKST SuperCOSMOS Hα\alpha Survey (SHS) was, when completed in 2003, a powerful addition to extant wide-field surveys. The combination of areal coverage, spatial resolution and sensitivity in a narrow imaging band, still marks it out today as an excellent resource for the astronomical community. The 233 separate fields are available online in digital form, with each field covering 25 square degrees. The SHS has been the motivation for equivalent surveys in the north, and new digital Hα\alpha surveys now beginning in the south such as VPHAS+. It has been the foundation of many important discovery projects with the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg Hα\alpha planetary nebula project being a particularly successful example. However, the full potential of the SHS has been hampered by lack of a clear route to acceptable flux calibration from the base photographic data. We have determined the calibration factors for 170 individual SHS fields, and present a direct pathway to the measurement of integrated Hα\alpha fluxes and surface brightnesses for resolved nebulae detected in the SHS. We also include a catalogue of integrated Hα\alpha fluxes for >>100 planetary and other nebulae measured from the SHS, and use these data to show that fluxes, accurate to ±\pm 0.10 - 0.14 dex (\sim25-35 per cent), can be obtained from these fields. For the remaining 63 fields, a mean calibration factor of 12.0 counts pix1^{-1} R1^{-1} can be used, allowing the determination of reasonable integrated fluxes accurate to better than ±\pm0.2 dex (\sim50 per cent). We outline the procedures involved and the caveats that need to be appreciated in achieving such flux measurements. This paper forms a handy reference source that will significantly increase the scientific utility of the SHS.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables (plus 7 pp. of supplementary online information). Version to appear in MNRA

    Short Cuts

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    A bit of Iowa clay (not any clay, but one that has just the right something in it) and a bit of lard tossed into the vats of sorghum sirup mills on Iowa farms have modified an old process in the making of sorghum that is resulting in clear golden sirup which is fully the equal of the product of the best commercial factories

    Space Station Freedom automation and robotics: An assessment of the potential for increased productivity

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    This report presents the results of a study performed in support of the Space Station Freedom Advanced Development Program, under the sponsorship of the Space Station Engineering (Code MT), Office of Space Flight. The study consisted of the collection, compilation, and analysis of lessons learned, crew time requirements, and other factors influencing the application of advanced automation and robotics, with emphasis on potential improvements in productivity. The lessons learned data collected were based primarily on Skylab, Spacelab, and other Space Shuttle experiences, consisting principally of interviews with current and former crew members and other NASA personnel with relevant experience. The objectives of this report are to present a summary of this data and its analysis, and to present conclusions regarding promising areas for the application of advanced automation and robotics technology to the Space Station Freedom and the potential benefits in terms of increased productivity. In this study, primary emphasis was placed on advanced automation technology because of its fairly extensive utilization within private industry including the aerospace sector. In contrast, other than the Remote Manipulator System (RMS), there has been relatively limited experience with advanced robotics technology applicable to the Space Station. This report should be used as a guide and is not intended to be used as a substitute for official Astronaut Office crew positions on specific issues

    Extreme call amplitude from near-field acoustic wave coupling in the stridulating water insect Micronecta scholtzi (Micronectinae)

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    Underwater acoustic transducers, particularly at low frequencies, are beset by problems of scale and inefficiency due to the large wavelengths of sound in water. In insect mating calls, a high call volume is usually desirable, increasing the range of signal transmission and providing a form of advertisement of the signaller's quality to a potential mate; however, the strength of the call is constrained by body size and by the need to avoid predators who may be listening in. Male crickets and water boatmen avoid some of the limitations of body size by exploiting resonant structures, which produce sharply tuned species specific songs, but call frequency and volume remain linked to body size. Recently, the water boatman Micronecta scholtzi was found to circumvent this rule, producing a louder mating call than that of similar, but much larger, Corixa. The resonant structure in Corixidae and Micronectinae is believed to be the trapped air reserves around the insect as it dives, driven by a stridulatory apparatus. However, the method by which energy is transferred from the striated area to the bubble is unknown. Here, we present modelling of a system of near-field coupling of acoustic sources to bubbles showing an exponential increase in sound power gain with decreasing distance that provides a simple solution to the stimulus of the air bubbles in Corixidae and Micronectinae and explains the discrepancy of M. scholtzi's extreme call volume. The findings suggest a possible route to engineered systems using near-field coupling to overcome size constraints in low-frequency (less than 500 Hz) underwater transducers, where the input efficiency of a piezoelectric device can be coupled through the hydrodynamic field to the high radiative efficiency of a near-ideal monopole emitter

    Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix.

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    Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and Yaa, hydroxyproline (Hyp/O). It is known that hydroxyproline in the Yaa position stabilises the triple helix, and that lack of proline hydroxylation in vivo leads to dysfunctional collagen extracellular matrix assembly, due to a range of factors such as a change in hydration properties. In addition, we note that in model peptides, when Yaa is unmodified proline, the Xaa proline has a strong propensity to adopt an endo ring conformation, whilst when Yaa is hydroxyproline, the Xaa proline adopts a range of endo and exo conformations. Here we use a combination of solid-state NMR spectroscopy and potential energy landscape modelling of synthetic triple-helical collagen peptides to understand this effect. We show that hydroxylation of the Yaa proline causes the Xaa proline ring conformation to become metastable, which in turn confers flexibility on the triple helix.The authors acknowledge BBSRC grant number BB/G021392/1 (MJD, DGR), EPSRC DTA studentship and Doctoral Prize (WYC), British Heart Foundation RG/09/003/27122 and PG/08/011/24416 (RWF, DB, DAS), Wellcome Trust 094470/Z/10/Z (RWF, DB, DAS), ERC and EPSRC (DJW).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep1255