864 research outputs found

    Geoengineering and Non-Ideal Theory

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    The strongest arguments for the permissibility of geoengineering (also known as climate engineering) rely implicitly on non-ideal theory—roughly, the theory of justice as applied to situations of partial compliance with principles of ideal justice. In an ideally just world, such arguments acknowledge, humanity should not deploy geoengineering; but in our imperfect world, society may need to complement mitigation and adaptation with geoengineering to reduce injustices associated with anthropogenic climate change. We interpret research proponents’ arguments as an application of a particular branch of non-ideal theory known as “clinical theory.” Clinical theory aims to identify politically feasible institutions or policies that would address existing (or impending) injustice without violating certain kinds of moral permissibility constraints. We argue for three implications of clinical theory: First, conditional on falling costs and feasibility, clinical theory provides strong support for some geoengineering techniques that aim to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Second, if some kinds of carbon dioxide removal technologies are supported by clinical theory, then clinical theory further supports using those technologies to enable “overshoot” scenarios in which developing countries exceed the cumulative emissions caps that would apply in ideal circumstances. Third, because of tensions between political feasibility and moral permissibility, clinical theory provides only weak support for geoengineering techniques that aim to manage incoming solar radiation

    Generalised Kinematics for Double Field Theory

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    We formulate a kinematical extension of Double Field Theory on a 2d2d-dimensional para-Hermitian manifold (P,η,ω)(\mathcal{P},\eta,\omega) where the O(d,d)O(d,d) metric η\eta is supplemented by an almost symplectic two-form ω\omega. Together η\eta and ω\omega define an almost bi-Lagrangian structure KK which provides a splitting of the tangent bundle TP=LL~T\mathcal{P}=L\oplus\tilde{L} into two Lagrangian subspaces. In this paper a canonical connection and a corresponding generalised Lie derivative for the Leibniz algebroid on TPT\mathcal{P} are constructed. We find integrability conditions under which the symmetry algebra closes for general η\eta and ω\omega, even if they are not flat and constant. This formalism thus provides a generalisation of the kinematical structure of Double Field Theory. We also show that this formalism allows one to reconcile and unify Double Field Theory with Generalised Geometry which is thoroughly discussed.Comment: 41 pages, v2: typos corrected, references added, published versio

    Nursery school, Třebíč

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    Diplomová práce na téma „Mateřská škola v Třebíči“ řeší návrh novostavby mateřské školy. Objekt se nachází v Třebíči v hustě obydlené části Podklášteří. Jedná se o zděnou jednopodlažní samostatně stojící stavbu, osazenou v mírném svahu se vzrostlou zelení. Dispozičně je objekt členěn na tři oddělení a provozní část. V jednotlivých odděleních se nachází šatna, výdejna jídla, pracovna s jídelnou, herna s lehárnou, sklad hraček, sklad lehátek a lůžkovin, umývárna, WC, úklidová místnost a technická místnost pro vzduchotechnické jednotky. Oddělení jsou zastřešeny dřevěnými vazníky, které vynáší jednoplášťovou sedlovou střechu s extenzivní zelení. Nad provozní částí je řešena plochá jednoplášťová střecha. Stěnový systém je tvořen z keramických tvárnic systému Porotherm a vazníky od firmy Vazníky D.N.K.This diploma thesis on a topic “Nursery school in Třebíč” deals with a new building proposal of a nursery school. The building is situated in Třebíč, in a densely populated part of the town which is called Podklášteří. It is a brick single-storey detached building, mounted on a gentle slope with green vegetation. The layout of the building is divided into three departments and an operational part. In each department, there is a dressing room, food distribution, study and dining room, playroom with a cushy job, toy store, warehouse of folding beds and bedding, washroom, toilet, utility room and room for the air handling units. Departments are covered by wooden trusses which bear single-layer saddle-shaped roof with an extensive green vegetation. Above the operational part, there is a single-layer flat roof. Wall system is made of ceramic blocs of a system Porotherm and trusses are from a company called Vazníky D.N.K.


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    Modification of smeared phase transitions by spatial disorder correlations

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    Phase transitions in disordered systems can be smeared if rare spatial regions develop true static order while the bulk system is in the disordered phase. Here, we study the effects of spatial disorder correlations on such smeared phase transitions. The behaviors of observables are determined within optimal fluctuation theory. We show that even short-range correlations can qualitatively modify smeared phase transitions. For positive correlations (like impurity atoms attract each other), the order parameter is enhanced, while it is suppressed for repulsive correlations (like atoms repel each other). We use computer simulations to generate various types of disorder correlations, and to verify our theoretical predictions.Comment: submitted to the Proceedings of the XVII Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems, builds on arXiv:1109.4290, 5 pages, 2 figure


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    教師の多くは、オーラルコミュニケーションのクラスにおいて、様々な形式を組み合わせることで評価を実施する。口述試験は、その構成や内容、測定方法が最も困難であると考えられているが、本稿では、大学のコミュニケーションコースにおいて生徒を評価するうえで、 重要な構成要素であるとの視点から論じる。理論的枠組みや実践的考察を通して、本研究では、関西大学における English Communication 1a コースで、何故( why )、どのような( what )、そして、どのように(how)口述試験を実施すべきかについて述べる。また、本稿の目的は、Fluency-Driven Curriculum における教師への実践的支援を提示することである。研究論