2,360 research outputs found

    Loop Quantum Cosmology and the Fine Structure Constant

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    The cosmological implications of introducing a variation to the fine structure `constant', \alpha are examined within the context of Loop Quantum Cosmology. The evolution of \alpha is described using the model introduced by Bekenstein, Sandvik, Barrow and Magueijo, in which a ghost scalar field produces the variation. The dynamics of the system are examined in flat and closed cosmological settings. Matter consisting of the scalar field and radiation are examined with a thermodynamically motivated coupling between the two, which can lead to a series of bounces induced by both the negative density effects of the ghost field and the loop effects.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Minimal Coupling and Attractors

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    The effects of minimally coupling a gravity to matter on a flat Robertson-Walker geometry are explored. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the symplectic structure and the Liouville measure it defines. We show that the rescaling freedom introduced by choice of fiducial cell leads to a symmetry between dynamical trajectories, which together with the Liouville measure provides a natural volume weighting explanation for the generic existence of attractors.Comment: 11 page

    First-order action and Euclidean quantum gravity

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    We show that the on-shell path integral for asymptotically flat Euclidean spacetimes can be given in the first-order formulation of general relativity, without assuming the boundary to be isometrically embedded in Euclidean space and without adding infinite counter-terms. For illustrative examples of our approach, we evaluate the first-order action for the four-dimensional Euclidean Schwarzschild and NUT-charged spacetimes to derive the corresponding on-shell partition functions, and show that the correct thermodynamic quantities for the solutions are reproduced.Comment: 8 pages; v2: references added; minor corrections; v3: typos corrected in eqns (20) and (21); v4: substantially revised; addition of NUT-charged spacetimes; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Probability of Inflation in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Inflationary models of the early universe provide a natural mechanism for the formation of large scale structure. This success brings to forefront the question of naturalness: Does a sufficiently long slow roll inflation occur generically or does it require a careful fine tuning of initial parameters? In recent years there has been considerable controversy on this issue. In particular, for a quadratic potential, Kofman, Linde and Mukhanov have argued that the probability of inflation with at least 65 e-foldings is close to one, while Gibbons and Turok have argued that this probability is suppressed by a factor of ~ \10^{-85}. We first clarify that such dramatically different predictions can arise because the required measure on the space of solutions is intrinsically ambiguous in general relativity. We then show that this ambiguity can be naturally resolved in loop quantum cosmology (LQC) because the big bang is replaced by a big bounce and the bounce surface can be used to introduce the structure necessary to specify a satisfactory measure. The second goal of the paper is to present a detailed analysis of the inflationary dynamics of LQC using analytical and numerical methods. By combining this information with the measure on the space of solutions, we address a sharper question than those investigated in the literature: What is the probability of a sufficiently long slow roll inflation WHICH IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE SEVEN YEAR WMAP DATA? We show that the probability is very close to 1. The material is so organized that cosmologists who may be more interested in the inflationary dynamics in LQC than in the subtleties associated with measures can skip that material without loss of continuity.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    A Homogeneous Model of Spinfoam Cosmology

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    We examine spinfoam cosmology by use of a simple graph adapted to homogeneous cosmological models. We calculate dynamics in the isotropic limit, and provide the framework for the aniostropic case. The dynamical behaviour is calculating transition amplitudes between holomorphic coherent states on a single node graph. The resultant dynamics is peaked on solutions which have no support on the zero volume state, indicating that big bang type singularities are avoided within such models.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Inflationary Attractors and their Measures

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    Several recent misconceptions about the measure problem in inflation and the nature of inflationary attractors are addressed. We show that within the Hamiltonian system of flat Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker cosmology coupled to a massive scalar field, the focussing of the Liouville measure on attractor solutions is brought about by a spread in a gauge degree of freedom - the spatial volume. Using this we show how the Liouville measure formulated on a surface of constant Hubble rate induces a probability distribution function on surfaces of other Hubble rates, and the attractor behaviour is seen through the focussing of this function on a narrow range of physical observables. One can conclude then that standard techniques from Hamiltonian dynamics suffice to provide a satisfactory description of attractor solutions and the measure problem. Updated to match published version.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    A Hamiltonian Formulation of the BKL Conjecture

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    The Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz conjecture \cite{bkl1} posits that on approach to a space-like singularity in general relativity the dynamics are well approximated by `ignoring spatial derivatives in favor of time derivatives.' In \cite{ahs1} we examined this idea from within a Hamiltonian framework and provided a new formulation of the conjecture in terms of variables well suited to loop quantum gravity. We now present the details of the analytical part of that investigation. While our motivation came from quantum considerations, thanks to some of its new features, our formulation should be useful also for future analytical and numerical investigations within general relativity.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures. Two references added. Minor typos corrected. To appear in PR

    Using multimedia to enhance the accessibility of the learning environment for disabled students: reflections from the Skills for Access project

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    As educators' awareness of their responsibilities towards ensuring the accessibility of the learning environment to disabled students increases, significant debate surrounds the implications of accessibility requirements on educational multimedia. There would appear to be widespread concern that the fundamental principles of creating accessible web‐based materials seem at odds with the creative and innovative use of multimedia to support learning and teaching, as well as concerns over the time and cost of providing accessibility features that can hold back resource development and application. Yet, effective use of multimedia offers a way of enhancing the accessibility of the learning environment for many groups of disabled students. Using the development of ‘Skills for Access’, a web resource supporting the dual aims of creating optimally accessible multimedia for learning, as an example, the attitudinal, practical and technical challenges facing the effective use of multimedia as an accessibility aid in a learning environment will be explored. Reasons why a holistic approach to accessibility may be the most effective in ensuring that multimedia reaches its full potential in enabling and supporting students in learning, regardless of any disability they may have, will be outlined and discussed
