22 research outputs found

    Effect of diet, age and sex on the renal response to immune injury in the rat

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    Effect of diet, age and sex on the glomerular response to immune injury in the rat. We investigated the effect of three factors, namely dietary protein intake, age and sex, on the susceptibility of the renal glomerulus to the binding of antiglomerular basement membrane antibody (anti-GBM) in the early (heterologous) phase of anti-GBM nephritis, and the consequent reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) as measured by inulin clearance (CIn). The effect of diet was examined in ≈ 8 week-old female Munich-Wistar rats fed a 40% high (HP) or a 6% low (LP) protein diet, and that of sex and age in male and female rats, 6 week or 10 month old. Following an intravenous dose (3 to 20 µg/g body wt) of radiolabeled nephritogenic anti-GBM, assessment of glomerular function was followed by quantitation of anti-GBM binding (values corrected for GBM surface area) in isolated glomeruli. At a given plasma level of antibody, the degree of binding of anti-GBM was slightly but significantly higher in HP than LP-fed rats; the decrease in GFR was significantly more pronounced in HP than LP-fed animals. The amount of anti-GBM binding was significantly greater in adult than young animals; however, the consequent decrease in GFR was more pronounced in the young than adult animals. Sex dependency was not discernible in anti-GBM binding or reduction in GFR. In all of the above experimental groups, the degree of anti-GBM binding was closely correlated with the plasma level of anti-GBM, but not with effective renal plasma flow rate, measured by PAH clearance. Separate groups of rats were subjected to experimental manipulation of single nephron GFR, glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure and glomerular plasma flow rate, by partial aortic constriction and saralasin administration. This set of experiments, using a tracer amount of non-nephritogenic anti-GBM, revealed that glomerular anti-GBM binding is independent of any of the above parameters. The studies indicate that dietary protein intake and age, but not sex, are among the factors determining the susceptibility of the glomerulus to acute immune injury. Since the binding of anti-GBM is determined by the affinity property of the glomerulus per se, and not by the prevailing hemodynamic pattern, the observed dependence of susceptibility to functional impairment on age and protein intake appears to also reflect a property of the glomerulus, which is influenced by age and the degree of dietary protein intake

    Cytosolic calcium ion regulation in cultured endothelial cells

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    Endothelial cells profoundly affect the cardiovascular system by interacting with the blood at the luminal surface and with the underlying smooth muscle of the media. Endothelial secretions carry out multiple and sometimes opposing functions. For example, thrombotic and antithrombotic, proliferative and antiproliferative, as well as vasodilatory and vasoconstrictor substances have been identified with the endothelium

    Coulometric total carbon dioxide analysis for marine studies: Assessment of the quality of total inorganic carbon measurements made during the WOCE Indian Ocean CO2 Survey 1994-1996

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    Two single-operator multiparameter metabolic analyzers (SOMMA)-coulometry systems (I and II) for total carbon dioxide (TCO2) were placed on board the R/V Knorr for the US component of the Indian Ocean CO2 Survey in conjunction with the World Ocean Circulation Experiment-WOCE Hydrographic Program (WHP). The systems were used by six different measurement groups on 10 WHP Cruises beginning in December 1994 and ending in January 1996. A total of 18,828 individual samples were analyzed for TCO2 during the survey. This paper assesses the analytical quality of these data and the effect of several key factors on instrument performance. Data quality is assessed from the accuracy and precision of certified reference material (CRM) analyses from three different CRM batches. The precision of the method was 1.2 μmol/kg. The mean and standard deviation of the differences between the known TCO2 for the CRM (certified value) and the CRM TCO2 determined by SOMMA-coulometry were −0.91±0.58 (n=470) and −1.01±0.44 (n=513) μmol/kg for systems I and II, respectively, representing an accuracy of 0.05% for both systems. Measurements of TCO2 made on 12 crossover stations during the survey agreed to within 3 μmol/kg with an overall mean and standard deviation of the differences of −0.78±1.74 μmol/kg (n=600). The crossover results are therefore consistent with the precision of the CRM analyses. After 14 months of nearly continuous use, the accurate and the virtually identical performance statistics for the two systems indicate that the cooperative survey effort was extraordinarily successful and will yield a high quality data set capable of fulfilling the objectives of the survey