36 research outputs found

    Economic Value of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Management in Spain s Jucar Basin

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    [EN] Although many recent studies have quantified the potential effects of climate change on water resource systems, the scientific community faces now the challenge of developing methods for assessing and selecting climate change adaptation options. This paper presents a method for assessing impacts and adaptation strategies to global change in a river basin system at different temporal horizons using a hydro-economic model. First, a multiobjective analysis selects climate change projections based on the fitting of the climate models to the historical conditions for the historical period. Inflows for climate change scenarios are generated using calibrated rainfall-runoff models, perturbing observed meteorological time series according to the projected anomalies in mean and standard deviation. Demands are projected for the different scenarios and characterized using economic demand curves. With the new water resource and demand scenarios, the impact of global change on system performance is assessed using a hydro-economic model with reliability and economic indices. A new economic loss index is defined to assess the economic equity of the system. Selected adaptation strategies are simulated to compare performance with the business-as-usual scenario. The approach is applied to the Jucar River water resource system, in eastern Spain, using climate projections from the European Union (EU) ENSEMBLES project. Results show that the system is vulnerable to global change, especially over the long term, and that adaptation actions can save Euro3-65million/year. (C) 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.This research was partially supported by the IMPADAPT project (CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R and CGL2013-48424-C2-2-R) of the National Research Plan (Plan Estatal I+D+I 2013-2016), funded by the Spanish Ministry MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and European Federation funds. It was also partially funded by the PMAFI06/14 project (UCAM). The work was also partially supported by a stay grant from the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission under the Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering-TEE Project. The authors would like to thank Professor Jay R. Lund (University of California, Davis) for his insights. The ENSEMBLES data used in this work was funded by the EU FP6 Integrated Project ENSEMBLES (Contract Number 505539) whose support is gratefully acknowledged. The data can be downloaded from http://ensembles-eu.metoffice.com/.Escrivà Bou, À.; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Pulido-Velázquez, D. (2017). Economic Value of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Management in Spain s Jucar Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 143(5):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000735S113143

    Management Alternatives of Aquifer Storage, Distribution, and Simulation in Conjunctive Use

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    [EN] Aquifers are ubiquitous, and their water is easy to obtain with low extraction costs. On many occasions, these characteristics lead to overexploitation due to important water level declines, reduction of river base flows, enhanced seawater intrusion, and wetland affection. The forecasted increase in water demands and global warming will impact the future availability of water resources. Conjunctive use of surface and subsurface waters can help in mitigating these impacts. There are two main conjunctive use strategies: artificial recharge (AR) and alternate conjunctive use (ACU). AR stores waters that are not to be used directly in aquifers. ACU utilizes groundwater in dry periods, while surface waters are preferred in wet ones; this allows the increase of water supply with lower dam storage, economic gains, and environmental advantages. Efficient conjunctive use can prevent soil salinization and waterlogging problems in semiarid countries due to excessive recharge from irrigation return flows or other origins. Groundwater is a neglected and generally misused resource to maintain environmental conditions. When considering the solution to a water resources problem, groundwater should always be part of the design as an alternative or a complementary resource. Aquifers have large inertia, and changes in their volumes are only noticeable after years of observations. Unfortunately, groundwater observation networks are much poorer than surface ones, something that should be changed if groundwater is to come to the rescue in these times of climate change. Human and material resources should be made available to monitor, control, analyze, and forecast groundwater.This research was funded by AGREEMAR Project (PCI2022-133001 funded by Spain's MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, by European Union's NextGenerationEU/PRTR), the SIGLOAN project (RTI2018-101397-B-I00) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Programa Estatal de I + D + i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad) and by project eGROUNDWATER funded by the PRIMA programme supported by the European's Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant number 1921.Sahuquillo, A.; Cassiraga, EF.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ.; Andreu Álvarez, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Pulido Velázquez, D.; Álvarez-Villa, ÓD.... (2022). Management Alternatives of Aquifer Storage, Distribution, and Simulation in Conjunctive Use. Water. 14(15):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14152332115141

    Dynamic Bayesian Networks as a Decision Support Tool for assessing Climate Change impacts on highly stressed groundwater systems

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    Bayesian Networks (BNs) are powerful tools for assessing and predicting consequences of water management scenarios and uncertain drivers like climate change, integrating available scientific knowledge with the interests of the multiple stakeholders. However, among their major limitations, the non-transient treatment of the cause-effect relationship stands out. A Decision Support System (DSS) based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) is proposed here aimed to palliate that limitation through time slicing technique. The DSS comprises several classes (Object-Oriented BN networks), especially designed for future 5 years length time steps (time slices), covering a total control period of 30 years (2070-2100). The DSS has been developed for assessing impacts generated by different Climate Change (CC) scenarios (generated from several Regional Climatic Models (RCMs) under two emission scenarios, A1B and A2) in an aquifer system (Serral-Salinas) affected by intensive groundwater use over the last 30 years. A calibrated continuous water balance model was used to generate hydrological CC scenarios, and then a groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was employed in order to analyze the aquifer behavior under CC conditions. Results obtained from both models were used as input for the DSS, considering rainfall, aquifer recharge, variation of piezometric levels and temporal evolution of aquifer storage as the main hydrological components of the aquifer system. Results show the evolution of the aquifer storage for each future time step under different climate change conditions and under controlled water management interventions. This type of applications would allow establishing potential adaptation strategies for aquifer systems as the CC comes into effectThis study has been partially supported by the European Community 7th Framework Project GENESIS (226536) on groundwater systems and from the subprogram Juan de la Cierva (2010) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as well as from the Plan Nacional I+D+i 2008-2011 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Subprojects CGL2009-13238-C02-01 and CGL2009-13238-C02-02). T. Finally, the authors want to thank the Segura River Basin Agency (Confederacion Hidrografica del Segura) for the data and information facilitated, and to all the stakeholders who have collaborated in this research.Molina, JL.; Pulido Velázquez, D.; García-Arostegui, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2013). Dynamic Bayesian Networks as a Decision Support Tool for assessing Climate Change impacts on highly stressed groundwater systems. Journal of Hydrology. 479:113-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.11.038S11312947

    Developing a pan-European high-resolution groundwater recharge map – Combining satellite data and national survey data using machine learning

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    Groundwater recharge quantification is essential for sustainable groundwater resources management, but typically limited to local and regional scale estimates. A high-resolution (1 km × 1 km) dataset consisting of long-term average actual evapotranspiration, effective precipitation, a groundwater recharge coefficient, and the resulting groundwater recharge map has been created for all of Europe using a variety of pan-European and seven national gridded datasets. As an initial step, the approach developed for continental scale mapping consists of a merged estimate of actual evapotranspiration originating from satellite data and the vegetation controlled Budyko approach to subsequently estimate effective precipitation. Secondly, a machine learning model based on the Random Forest regressor was developed for mapping groundwater recharge coefficients, using a range of covariates related to geology, soil, topography and climate. A common feature of the approach is the validation and training against effective precipitation, recharge coefficients and groundwater recharge from seven national gridded datasets covering the UK, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Spain, representing a wide range of climatic and hydrogeological conditions across Europe. The groundwater recharge map provides harmonised high-resolution estimates across Europe and locally relevant estimates for areas where this information is otherwise not available, while being consistent with the existing national gridded datasets. The Pan-European groundwater recharge pattern compares well with results from the global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB 2. At country scale, the results were compared to a German recharge map showing great similarity. The full dataset of long-term average actual evapotranspiration, effective precipitation, recharge coefficients and groundwater recharge is available through the EuroGeoSurveys' open access European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI)

    Hydro-economic river basin modelling: The application of a holistic surface-groundwater model to assess opportunity costs of water use in Spain

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    Combined hydro-economic models of river basins are fundamental tools for assessing management and infrastructure strategies to improve the economic efficiency of water use in a context of competition over scarce water resources. Integrated hydro-economic models have to be capable to properly reproduce the physical behavior of the system, with a realistic representation of the different surface and groundwater resources, including their interaction, and the spatial and temporal variability of resource availability. On the other hand, such models must incorporate the value of water for different urban, agricultural and industrial uses and users. Economic values for water use are defined according to the marginal residual value of water for production (for agricultural and industrial uses) or the aggregated willingness-to-pay (WTP) for urban supply and other final water uses. In this paper, we present a systematic approach to estimate the marginal economic value of surface and groundwater resources at different locations within a complex water resources system. Based on a holistic conjunctive optimization model applied to the Adra river system in Spain we asses the total and marginal opportunity costs of capacity and operation constraints, including the opportunity cost of imposing environmental constraints on water use as foreseen in future Spanish water policy following the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. The resulting opportunity costs provide important information to water managers about economic inefficiencies of current water allocation policy or infrastructure design, and about the resource opportunity costs to be considered in the design of efficient pricing policies in regions with water scarcity issues.

    GIS-SWIAS: Tool to Summarize Seawater Intrusion Status and Vulnerability at Aquifer Scale

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    In this paper, we introduce GIS-SWIAS, a novel generalized ArcGIS ArcToolbox that helps to analyze seawater intrusion (SWI) status and vulnerability at aquifer scale (SWIAS). It is a user-friendly tool that can be applied to any aquifer and is fully integrated in the ArcGIS environment, which is a widely available software tool. It is the first ArcGIS tool with these characteristics focusing on SWI analyses that we can find in the literature. GIS-SWIAS is able to deal with georeferenced information; it is easy to introduce the required data (inputs) and to efficiently perform the demanding computational operations required. Its outputs are in the form of shapes, reports, and images (maps, conceptual cross sections, and time series of lumped indices) to summarize the magnitude, intensity, and temporal evolution of SWI within an aquifer for specific dates or by showing statistics for a chosen time period. It can be applied to assess historical SWI dynamic in cases where there is no groundwater flow model. In those cases, the spatial distribution is assessed by applying simple interpolation techniques. Nevertheless, if we want a rational quantitative analysis of the sustainability of alternative management scenarios to the SWI problem, the GIS-SWIAS tool requires that information on hydraulic head and chloride concentration distribution is generated from simulations of their impacts by a calibrated density-dependent flow model. In such cases, adaptation strategies to potential future scenarios—whose distributed impacts have to be propagated within the previously calibrated models—could usefully be analyzed and compared using this tool. Given all these ways that the GIS-SWIAS tool can be applied, it provides a valuable tool for both the researcher and technician to assess SWI dynamics and aquifer resilience under different scenarios. It can support the decision-making process by helping to make a rational selection of sustainable management strategies. Its performance for the analyses of historical and potential future scenarios has been tested and confirmed in two case studies described in previous research works

    A Novel Approach to Harmonize Vulnerability Assessment in Carbonate and Detrital Aquifers at Basin Scale

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    The DRASTIC (D: Depth to water; R: Net recharge; A: Aquifer media; S: Soil media; T: Topography; I: Impact of vadose zone; C: Hydraulic conductivity) index is usually applied to assess intrinsic vulnerability in detrital and carbonate aquifers, although it does not take into account the particularities of karst systems as the COP (C: Concentration of flow; O: Overlying layers above water table; P: precipitation) method does. In this paper we aim to find a reasonable correspondence between the vulnerability maps obtained using these two methods. We adapt the DRASTIC index in order to obtain reliable assessments in carbonate aquifers while maintaining its original conceptual formulation. This approach is analogous to the hypothesis of “equivalent porous medium”, which applies to karstic aquifers the numerical solution developed for detrital aquifers. We applied our novel method to the Upper Guadiana Basin, which contains both carbonate and detrital aquifers. Validation analysis demonstrated a higher confidence in the vulnerability assessment provided by the COP method in the carbonate aquifers. The proposed method solves an optimization problem to minimize the differences between the assessments provided by the modified DRASTIC and COP methods. Decision trees and spatial statistics analyses were combined to identify the ranges and weights of DRASTIC parameters to produce an optimal solution that matches the COP vulnerability classification for carbonate aquifers in 75% of the area, while maintaining a reliable assessment of the detrital aquifers in the Basin

    Impacts of Climate on Renewable Groundwater Resources and/or Stream–Aquifer Interactions

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    The evaluation of aquifer recharge is essential to make a quantitative evaluation of renewable groundwater resources required to implement proper water policies aimed at maintaining stream–aquifer interactions, guaranteeing water supply to human activities, and preserving groundwater-dependent ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales and climate conditions [...

    Fertilizer standards for controlling groundwater nitrate pollution from agriculture: El Salobral-Los Llanos case study, Spain

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    [EN] Although the legislation on groundwater quality targets pollutant concentration, the effects of measures on non-point source pollution control are often evaluated in terms of their emission reduction potential at the source, not on their capacity of reducing the pollutant concentration in groundwater. This paper applies a hydro-economic modelling framework to an aquifer, El Salobral-Los Llanos aquifer (Mancha Oriental, Spain), where nitrate concentrations higher than those allowed by the EU Water Framework Directive and Groundwater Directive are locally found due to the intense fertilizer use in irrigated crops. The approach allows defining the economically optimal allocation of spatially variable fertilizer standards in agricultural basins using a hydro-economic model that links the fertilizer application with groundwater nitrate concentration at different control sites while maximizing net economic benefits. The methodology incorporates results from agronomic simulations, groundwater flow and transport into a management framework that yields the fertilizer allocation that maximizes benefits in agriculture while meeting the environmental standards. The cost of applying fertilizer standards was estimated as the difference between the private net revenues from actual application and the scenarios generated considering the application of the standards. Furthermore, the cost of applying fertilizer standards was compared with the cost of taxing nitrogen fertilizers in order to reduce the fertilizer use to a level that the nitrate concentration in groundwater was below the limit. The results show the required reduction of fertilizer application in the different crop areas depending on its location with regards to the control sites, crop types and soil-plant conditions, groundwater flow and transport processes, time horizon for meeting the standards, and the cost of implementing such a policy (as forgone benefits). According to the results, a high fertilizer price would be required to reduce nitrate concentrations in groundwater below the standard of 50 mg/l. In this particular case, it is more cost-efficient to apply standards to fertilizer use than taxes, although the instrument of fertilizer standards is more difficult to implement and control. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The study was partially funded by the European Community 7th Framework Project GENESIS (226536) on groundwater systems and by the Spanish national research project "Sostenibilidad y adaptacion de sistemas de recursos hidricos a escenarios futuros a largo plazo" from the Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008-2011 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (subprojects CGL2009-13238-C02-01 and CGL2009-13238-C02-02). The authors would like to thank the Junta Central de Regantes de la Mancha Oriental, the Jucar River Basin Authority-Conferacion Hidrografica del Jucar (specially to Oficina de Planificacion Hidrologica y Comisaria de Aguas), and to the Instituto de Desarrollo Regional (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha) for providing access to the required local data and information, also to Dr. Andres Sahuquillo and Dr. Joaquin Andreu (Tech. Univ. of Valencia, Spain), and Dr. Frank Ward (New Mexico State Univ., US) for their comments and advice on an early version of this work. We are also grateful to the EAWAG Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology and to Dr. Hong Yang and Dr. Junguo Liu for their support with the GEPIC model. Finally, the authors thank three anonymous reviewers for their suggestions for improving the paper.Peña Haro, S.; Llopis Albert, C.; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Pulido Velázquez, D. (2010). Fertilizer standards for controlling groundwater nitrate pollution from agriculture: El Salobral-Los Llanos case study, Spain. Journal of Hydrology. 392(3-4):174-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.006S1741873923-

    Hydro-Economic Models: Concepts, Design, Applications, and Future Prospects

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    Future water management will shift from building new water supply systems to better operating existing ones. The variation of water values in time and space will increasingly motivate efforts to address water scarcity and reduce water conflicts. Hydro-economic models represent spatially distributed water resource systems, infrastructure, management options and economic values in an integrated manner. In these tools water allocations and management are either driven by the economic value of water or economically evaluated to provide policy insights and reveal opportunities for better management. A central concept is that water demands are not fixed requirements but rather functions where quantities of water use at different times have varying total and marginal economic values. This paper reviews techniques to characterize the economic value of water use and include such values in mathematical models. We identify the key steps in model design and diverse problems, formulations, levels of integration, spatial and temporal scales, and solution techniques addressed and used by over 80 hydro-economic modeling efforts dating back 45-years from 23 countries. We list current limitations of the approach, suggest directions for future work, and recommend ways to improve policy relevance