39 research outputs found

    An Extension of Herglotz\u27s Theorem to the Quaternions

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    A classical theorem of Herglotz states that a function n↦r(n) from Z into Cs×s is positive definite if and only there exists a Cs×s-valued positive measure dμ on [0,2π] such that r(n)=∫2π0eintdμ(t)for n∈Z. We prove a quaternionic analogue of this result when the function is allowed to have a number of negative squares. A key tool in the argument is the theory of slice hyperholomorphic functions, and the representation of such functions which have a positive real part in the unit ball of the quaternions. We study in great detail the case of positive definite functions

    The moment problem on curves with bumps

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    AbstractThe power moments of a positive measure on the real line or the circle are characterized by the non-negativity of an infinite matrix, Hankel, respectively Toeplitz, attached to the data. Except some fortunate configurations, in higher dimensions there are no non-negativity criteria for the power moments of a measure to be supported by a prescribed closed set. We combine two well studied fortunate situations, specifically a class of curves in two dimensions classified by Scheiderer and Plaumann, and compact, basic semi-algebraic sets, with the aim at enlarging the realm of geometric shapes on which the power moment problem is accessible and solvable by non-negativity certificates

    The Spectral Theorem for Quaternionic Unbounded Normal Operators Based on the S-Spectrum

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    In this paper we prove the spectral theorem for quaternionic unbounded normal operators using the notion of S-spectrum. The proof technique consists of first establishing a spectral theorem for quaternionic bounded normal operators and then using a transformation which maps a quaternionic unbounded normal operator to a quaternionic bounded normal operator. With this paper we complete the foundation of spectral analysis of quaternionic operators. The S-spectrum has been introduced to define the quaternionic functional calculus but it turns out to be the correct object also for the spectral theorem for quaternionic normal operators. The fact that the correct notion of spectrum for quaternionic operators was not previously known has been one of the main obstructions to fully understanding the spectral theorem in this setting. A prime motivation for studying the spectral theorem for quaternionic unbounded normal operators is given by the subclass of unbounded anti-self adjoint quaternionic operators which play a crucial role in the quaternionic quantum mechanics

    Matrix-valued moment problems

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    We will study matrix-valued moment problems. First, we will study matrix-valued positive semide nite function on a locally compact Abelian group. We will show that matrix-valued positive semide nite functions and matrix-valued moment functions are in a one-to-one correspondence on a locally compact Abelian group. Next, we will explore the truncated matrix-valued K-moment problem on Rd, Cd, and Td. As a consequence, we get a solution criteria for data which is indexed up to an odd-degree to admit a minimal solution. Moreover, the representing measure is easily constructed from the given data. We will use this criterion to partially solve the complex cubic moment problem and show that it is di erent from the results that were obtained in the quadratic case. Finally, we will extend Tchakalo 's theorem, for the existence of cubature rules, to the matrix-valued case.Ph.D., Mathematics -- Drexel University, 201

    Universality property of the SS-functional calculus, noncommuting matrix variables and Clifford operators

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    The spectral theory on the SS-spectrum was born out of the need to give quaternionic quantum mechanics (formulated by Birkhoff and von Neumann) a precise mathematical foundation. Then it turned out that this theory has important applications in several fields such as fractional diffusion problems and, moreover, it allows one to define several functional calculi for nn-tuples of noncommuting operators. With this paper we show that the spectral theory on the SS-spectrum is much more general and it contains, just as particular cases, the complex, the quaternionic and the Clifford settings. More precisely, we show that the SS-spectrum is well defined for objects in an algebra that has a complex structure and for operators in general Banach modules. We show that the abstract formulation of the SS-functional calculus goes beyond quaternionic and Clifford analysis. Indeed we show that the SS-functional calculus has a certain {\em universality property}. This fact makes the spectral theory on the SS-spectrum applicable to several fields of operator theory and allows one to define functions of noncommuting matrix variables, and operator variables, as a particular case

    Wiener algebra for the quaternions

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    We define and study the counterpart of the Wiener algebra in the quaternionic setting, both for the discrete and continuous case. We prove a Wiener-L\'evy type theorem and a factorization theorem. We give applications to Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf operators

    An extension of Herglotz's theorem to the quaternions

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    A classical theorem of Herglotz states that a function n↦r(n)n\mapsto r(n) from Z\mathbb Z into Cs×s\mathbb C^{s\times s} is positive definite if and only there exists a Cs×s\mathbb C^{s\times s}-valued positive measure dμd\mu on [0,2π][0,2\pi] such that r(n)=∫02πeintdμ(t)r(n)=\int_0^{2\pi}e^{int}d\mu(t)for n∈Zn\in \mathbb Z. We prove a quaternionic analogue of this result when the function is allowed to have a number of negative squares. A key tool in the argument is the theory of slice hyperholomorphic functions, and the representation of such functions which have a positive real part in the unit ball of the quaternions. We study in great detail the case of positive definite functions.Comment: to appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 201