8 research outputs found

    Wing data

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    Wing length, wing width, patch length and patch width, separated for fore- and hindwings and for alive and predated individuals


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    Landmark coordinates for the studied wings in .tps format. There are four files, corresponding to fore- and hindwings and alive and predated individuals

    Wing patches reflectance, wing pictures and dataset on flight style

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    This file contains: 1) individual files on reflectance of the wing patches for the study species ("wing patch reflectance"); 2) individual pictures of the wings of the study species and the outgroup species ("wing contours"); and 3) a dataset that includes the extracted flight parameters for each study species, as well as environmental temperature and forewing length ("flight dataset")

    Reflectance spectra from natural backgrounds.

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    This file contains reflectance spectra for the backgrounds. The first column corresponds to wavelength (wl) and each of the remaining columns to individual backgrounds (bkg1 to bkg78, in percentage of reflectance)

    Reflectance spectra of damselfly wings.

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    This compressed file contains the reflectance spectra data for each individual damselfly. The folders are organized by sex (male/female), then by population, and then by species (virgo/splendens). The sympatric populations are: Focks, Husby, Länna, Skytt, Stora and Valsk. The allopatric populations for C. virgo are Ekdal, Flenm, Läbyv, Nackb, Riala and Svana. The allopatric populations for C. splendens are Bergs, Gurre, Hällby, Orsun, Vatve and Vikst. Each individual file is named as follows: Population_sex (m for male/f for female) species (v for virgo/s for splendens)_individual number_repeated measurement. For example Hallb_fs_05_02 means that this individual was captured at Hallb population, it is the splendens female number 5, and this is the second repeated measurement

    Graded responses from the electroretinograms.

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    This file contains the graded responses for each individual electroretinogram. The first column corresponds to the wavelength (lambda) and the remaining columns to the response (in mV). The results are organized by species (virgo/splendens), sex (female/male) and eye region (dorsal/ventral)

    Datasets on marking encounter history, mating and mobility

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    The file contains 6 datasets (3 for forewings and 3 for hindwings). The "Marking" datasets contain the encounter history for each individual during the mark-recapture study, and the associated individual values of centroid size and the first three PC's of wing shape. These covariates are z-standardized. The "Matings" datasets contain the mating success of each individual (1 for mating, 0 for non-mating), as well as the associated individual values of centroid size and the first three PC's of wing shape. The values are z-standardized. Finally, the "Mobility" datasets include the individual values of centroid size, maximum flight distance, mobility rate, and the first three PC's of wing shape