4,925 research outputs found

    Cophenetic metrics for phylogenetic trees, after Sokal and Rohlf

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    Phylogenetic tree comparison metrics are an important tool in the study of evolution, and hence the definition of such metrics is an interesting problem in phylogenetics. In a paper in Taxon fifty years ago, Sokal and Rohlf proposed to measure quantitatively the difference between a pair of phylogenetic trees by first encoding them by means of their half-matrices of cophenetic values, and then comparing these matrices. This idea has been used several times since then to define dissimilarity measures between phylogenetic trees but, to our knowledge, no proper metric on weighted phylogenetic trees with nested taxa based on this idea has been formally defined and studied yet. Actually, the cophenetic values of pairs of different taxa alone are not enough to single out phylogenetic trees with weighted arcs or nested taxa. In this paper we define a family of cophenetic metrics that compare phylogenetic trees on a same set of taxa by encoding them by means of their vectors of cophenetic values of pairs of taxa and depths of single taxa, and then computing the LpL^p norm of the difference of the corresponding vectors. Then, we study, either analytically or numerically, some of their basic properties: neighbors, diameter, distribution, and their rank correlation with each other and with other metrics.Comment: The "authors' cut" of a paper published in BMC Bioinformatics 14:3 (2013). 46 page

    Differences in the conectivity between hippocampi in patients with drug resistant epilepsy of the temporal lobe a resting-state fMRI study

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Investigació en Cervell i Conducta. Codi: SBM024. Curs: 2019/2020.Introduction: Drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy is used to be treated through surgical interventions which resect the epileptogenic focus which is usually found in the hippocampus and/or the amygdala. Sometime this intervention produces some episodic memory loss, for this reason the functionality of this structures must be assessed. The objective from the present research is to observe the connectivity between both hippocampi, their functionality and evaluate their implication before the surgical process. Methodology: The sample was formed by 24 patients, all of them with temporal lobe epilepsy who completed a fMRI resting-state procedure. The images obtained from the fMRI were analysed with the software SPM12. Results: We have found the existence of slight but significative differences between the connectivity of both hippocampi, with les connectivity in patients with lesions in the left hemisphere tan lesions in the right hemisphere, as well as intragroup differences. Conclusions: The differences in connectivity inside of each group, are due to the functionality of the hippocampus, since the disconnection of one hippocampus from the other could indicate a lack of functionality. The pattern of greater affection in patients lefthanded is coherent with the greater prevalence of lack in episodic memory in this group. Neuropsychological studies with memory tasks could be useful to establish the functional connectivity in resting-state as a valid index to predict the hippocampal functionality

    Determinantes de la revelación de información sobre derivados financieros en el mercado español

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    En el presente trabajo estudiamos como las diferentes propuestas normativas que se han ido desarrollando en los últimos años en torno a la información contable sobre derivados financieros con la presencia cada vez más próxima de las proposiciones del IASB tuvieron una influencia significativa en la transparencia y calidad de los datos contables reportados por las entidades cotizadas. Dada la evolución normativa y el período de tiempo considerado (2000 2002), el trabajo centra su atención en información voluntaria sobre derivados financieros y actividades de riesgo, considerando como única obligación legal la consecución de la imagen fiel del patrimonio y de la situación financiera de las entidades emisoras. En función de ello el trabajo se divide en tres partes. En una primera, se analiza si ha existido un cambio en la información voluntaria facilitada por las empresas de la muestra durante el periodo de estudio considerado, evidenciando un aumento estadísticamente significativo durante el periodo de estudio. En una segunda parte del estudio, se emplean los modelos Tobit y Probit para analizar los determinantes que determinan la revelación de información sobre derivados financieros, y se encuentra evidencia de que la mejora informativa sólo se produce justificada por el tamaño de la empresa y el volumen de endeudamiento, corroborando parcialmente otros trabajos desarrollados en mercados internacionales alternativos. En la última parte del estudio hacemos uso de una técnica no paramétrica de clasificación, K-vecinos-más-próximos o Knn, buscando recoger posibles relaciones no lineales no consideradas en los trabajos precedentes

    Pulmonary Mucormycosis in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Neutropenia.

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    Pulmonary mucormycosis is a rare life-threatening fungal infection associated with high mortality. We present the case of a 61-year-old man with history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia who presented with fever and cough, eventually diagnosed with pulmonary mucormycosis after right lung video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. The patient was successfully treated with amphotericin B and right lung pneumonectomy; however, he later died from left lung pneumonia

    Effect of removal of AuraOnce™ laryngeal mask in awake or deep anaesthesia: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The manufacturer Ambu® recommends that the AuraOnce™ laryngeal mask be removed once the patient is fully awake. Studies have shown benefit in removal of the laryngeal mask airway while a patient is deeply anaesthetized. Current evidence is inconclusive, as to which approach is preferable and safer in adults. Methods: one hundred and sixteen adult patients were randomly assigned to two groups of 58. For the deep arm; The AuraOnceTM laryngeal mask was removed after attaining an end tidal minimum alveolar concentration of Isoflurane of 1.15%. Occurrence of airway complication(s) (One or more of the following; Airway obstruction requiring airway manipulation; Laryngospasm; Desaturation to 90% or less on pulse oximetry) was noted until the subject was fully awake (appropriate response to command) in the post-anaesthesia care unit. For the awake arm; The AuraOnceTM laryngeal mask was removed on attaining an end tidal minimum alveolar concentration of Isoflurane of \u3c0.5% and an appropriate response to command or obtaining appropriate response to command irrespective of end tidal concentration. Occurrence of airway complication(s) in theatre and post anaesthesia care unit was recorded. Time to theatre exit was recorded for both groups. Results: Baseline demographic characteristics were similar between the groups. More airway complications were encountered in the Deep arm - 13 (22.4%) relative to the Awake arm -5 (8.6%), this was found to be statistically and clinically significant, P value P=0.040, odds ratio 3.0622; 95% CI, 1.0139 to 9.2483. Conclusion: The removal of the AuraOnceTM laryngeal mask while the patient is still deeply anaesthetised is not as safe as or safer than awake removal

    Android app to record driving lessons and exams routes

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    Diseñar y programar una aplicación en Android donde poder guardar los recorridos de examen de conducción en una base de datos. Eso permitirá analizar posteriormente las zonas más frecuentes por donde se pasa. Permitirá asimismo visualizar el recorrido con imágenes de google street view. En la parte de la base de datos también se podría adjuntar los errores que están tipificados para las pruebas de obtención del carnet de conducir. La visualización de los recorridos puede ser una gran herramienta pedagógica para enseñar los puntos críticos de los recorridos a los alumnos.The great evolution of technology in the field of mobile phones has become accessible to the general public, nowadays almost everyone has one of these devices. They are used day-to-day for a wide variety of uses depending on the applications you have installed. In the driving schools field there is no application that supports the teacher and students during driving lessons. This Android application is designed to fill this gap. What it does is to record the routes of the lesson to be able to consult them later. It provides a display system that allows you to search any point of the route with agility and show its environment. From this visual reference the student can know exactly which one is mentioned and can be taught the elements that have been unnoticed. It is an addition to the driving lessons that increases the quality of teaching and learning, which does not incur an extra financial effort for the owner of the driving school who would be the buyer/consumer of this application. The application could be used during driving tests by the examiners to give explanations of qualifications.La gran evolución de la tecnología en el campo de los teléfonos móviles se ha hecho accesible al público en general, hoy en día prácticamente todo el mundo dispone de uno de estos dispositivos. Se utilizan en el día a día para gran diversidad de usos en función de las aplicaciones que tenemos instaladas. En el campo de las autoescuelas no existe una aplicación que dé soporte al profesor y a los alumnos durante las clases prácticas. Esta aplicación Android está creada para cubrir este vacío. Lo que hace es registrar los recorridos de la clase para posteriormente poderlos consultar. Ofrece un sistema de visualización que permite buscar cualquier punto de la ruta con agilidad y mostrar el entorno de éste. A partir de esta referencia visual el alumno puede saber exactamente a qué punto se hace mención y se le pueden enseñar los elementos que le han pasado desapercibidos. Es un añadido a las clases prácticas que aumenta la calidad de la enseñanza-aprendizaje, que además no supone un esfuerzo económico extra para el propietario de la autoescuela que sería el comprador/consumidor de esta aplicación. La aplicación se podría utilizar durante los exámenes de conducción por parte de los examinadores para poder dar explicaciones de las calificaciones.La gran evolució de la tecnologia dins els camp dels telèfons mòbils l'ha fet accessible al públic en general, pràcticament tothom avui dia disposa d'un d'aquests dispositius. S'utilitzen en el dia a dia per a gran diversitat d'usos en funció de les aplicacions que hi tenim instal·lades. En el camp de les autoescoles no existeix una aplicació que doni suport als professor i als alumnes durant les classe pràctiques. Aquesta aplicació Android està creada per cobrir aquest buit. El que fa és enregistrar els recorreguts de la classe per posteriorment poder-los consultar. Ofereix un sistema de visualització que permet buscar qualsevol punt de la ruta amb agilitat i mostrar l'entorn d'aquest. A partir d'aquesta referència visual l'alumne pot saber exactament a quin punt es fa menció i se li poden ensenyar els elements que li han passat desapercebuts. És un afegit a les classes pràctiques que augmenta la qualitat de l'ensenyament-aprenentatge, que a més no suposa un esforç econòmic extra per al propietari de l'autoescola que seria el comprador/consumidor d'aquesta aplicació. L'aplicació es podria fer servir durant els exàmens de conducció per part dels examinadors per poder donar explicacions de les qualificacions

    2x2 MIMO Prototype for BER and EVM Measurements in Metal Enclosure

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    In this work, we present a 2x2 near-field multi-input multiple-output (MIMO) prototype for bit-error-rate (BER) and error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements in a metal enclosure. The near-field MIMO prototype is developed using software-defined-radios (SDRs) for over-the-air transmission of QPSK modulated baseband waveforms. We check the near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements in three different scenarios in a highly reflecting metal enclosure environment. In the first scenario, the line-of-sight (LOS) communication link is investigated when the mode-stirrer is stationary. In stationary channel conditions near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements are performed. In the second scenario, BER and EVM measurements are performed in dynamic channel conditions when the mode-stirrer is set to move continuously. In the third scenario, LOS communication near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements are performed in stationary channel conditions but now in the presence of MIMO interference. In three different scenarios, near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements are investigated at different Tx USRP gain values and in the presence of varying levels of MIMO interference.Comment: 10 page