3,055 research outputs found

    Common beans in Africa and their constraints

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    Beans are grown in Africa in a wide range of environments, mainly in the cool highlands of central and tropical eastern Africa, leading to a diversity of cropping systems and agronomic constraints to production. Beans are cultivated for large-scale production or home consumption either in monoculture or in association. The main constraints to production are poor agronomic practices, soil infertility, lack of improved cv., water stress, weed competition, and diseases and pests. Main diseases affecting bean crops in Africa include viral diseases (BCMV, SBMV, BGMV, and BYMV), bacterial diseases (bacterial wilt and bacterial brown spot), and fungal diseases (angular leaf spot, anthracnose, rust, Ascochyta blight, and floury leaf spot). Suggestions for disease management are given, highlighting the use of integrated control. Estimates of annual production per region and crop losses due to pathogens are given in table form. (CIAT)El frijol se cultiva en Africa en un amplio rango de ambientes, principalmente en las areas montanosas templadas de las regiones central y oriental tropical de Africa, lo cual supone diversos sistemas de cultivo y limitaciones agronomicas a la produccion. El frijol se cultiva para produccion en gran escala o para consumo domestico, sea en monocultivo o en asociacion. Las principales limitaciones a la produccion son practicas agronomicas inadecuadas, infertilidad del suelo, falta de cv. mejorados, estres hidrico, competencia de malezas y plagas y enfermedades. Las principales enfermedades que afectan el cultivo del frijol en Africa son las de tipo viral (BCMV, SBMV, BGMV y BYMV), las bacterianas (anublo bacteriano y mancha parda bacteriana) y las fungicas (mancha angular, antracnosis, roya, anublo por Ascochyta y mancha harinosa). Se dan sugerencias para manejo de enfermedades, destacando el uso de control integrado. Se incluyen en forma de tabla estimativos de produccion anual por region y perdidas de cosecha por patogenos. (CIAT

    Evidence for guild structure in hyperdiverse mammalian communities.

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    43 pages : 1 map ; 26 cm.The ecological mechanisms that sustain high species richness in Neotropical bat communities have attracted research attention for several decades. Although many ecologists have studied the feeding behavior and diets of Neotropical bats on the assumption that food is a limiting resource, other resource axes that might be important for species coexistence are often ignored. Diurnal refugia, in particular, are a crucial resource for bats, many of which exhibit conspicuous morphological or behavioral adaptations to the roost environment. Here we report and analyze information about roost occupancy based on >500 field observations of Amazonian bats. Statistical analyses of these data suggest the existence of distinct groups of species roosting (1) in foliage, (2) exposed on the trunks of standing trees, (3) in cavities in standing trees, (4) in or under fallen trees, (5) beneath undercut earth banks, and (6) in arboreal insect nests; additionally, we recognize other groups that roost (7) in animal burrows, and (8) in rocks or caves. Roosting-guild membership is hypothesized to have a filtering effect on Amazonian bat community composition because some types of roosts are absent or uncommon in certain habitats. Among other applications of our results, cross-classifying bat species by trophic and roosting guilds suggests that the often-reported deficit of gleaning animalivores in secondary vegetation by comparison with primary forest might reflect habitat differences in roost availability rather than food resources. In general, ecological and evolutionary studies of Neotropical bats would be enhanced by considering both trophic- and roosting-guild membership in future analyses, but additional fieldwork will be required to determine the roosting behavior of many data-deficient species

    Characterization of in vitro Transcriptional Responses of Dorsal Root Ganglia Cultured in the Presence and Absence of Blastema Cells from Regenerating Salamander Limbs

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    During salamander limb regeneration, nerves provide signals that induce the formation of a mass of proliferative cells called the blastema. To better understand these signals, we developed a blastema-dorsal root ganglia (DRG) co-culture model system to test the hypothesis that nerves differentially express genes in response to cues provided by the blastema. DRG with proximal and distal nerve trunks were isolated from axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum), cultured for five days, and subjected to microarray analysis. Relative to freshly isolated DRG, 1,541 Affymetrix probe sets were identified as differentially expressed and many of the predicted genes are known to function in injury and neurodevelopmental responses observed for mammalian DRG. We then cultured 5-day DRG explants for an additional five days with or without co-cultured blastema cells. On Day 10, we identified 27 genes whose expression in cultured DRG was significantly affected by the presence or absence of blastema cells. Overall, our study established a DRG-blastema in vitro culture system and identified candidate genes for future investigations of axon regrowth, nerve-blastema signaling, and neural regulation of limb regeneration

    New species of Hsunycteris.

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    26 pages : illustrations (some color), map ; 26 cm.A new species of the nectarivorous bat genus Hsunycteris is described from lowland Amazonian forest in northeastern Peru. The new species, H. dashe, can be distinguished from other congeners by its larger size; V-shaped array of dermal chin papillae separated by a wide basal cleft; metacarpal V longer than metacarpal IV; broad rostrum; lateral margin of infraorbital foramen not projecting beyond rostral outline in dorsal view; well-developed sphenoidal crest; large outer upper incisors; weakly developed lingual cusp on P5; and well-developed, labially oriented M1 parastyle. A phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome-b sequence data indicates that H. dashe is sister to a clade that includes all other species of the genus including H. cadenai, H. pattoni, and a paraphyletic H. thomasi. We provide a key based on craniodental and external characters of all four known species of Hsunycteris

    Fractal dimensions of the Q-state Potts model for the complete and external hulls

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    Fortuin-Kastelyn clusters in the critical QQ-state Potts model are conformally invariant fractals. We obtain simulation results for the fractal dimension of the complete and external (accessible) hulls for Q=1, 2, 3, and 4, on clusters that wrap around a cylindrical system. We find excellent agreement between these results and theoretical predictions. We also obtain the probability distributions of the hull lengths and maximal heights of the clusters in this geometry and provide a conjecture for their form.Comment: 9 pages 4 figure

    Positional Plasticity in Regenerating \u3cem\u3eAmybstoma mexicanum\u3c/em\u3e Limbs is Associated with Cell Proliferation and Pathways of Cellular Differentiation

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    BACKGROUND: The endogenous ability to dedifferentiate, re-pattern, and re-differentiate adult cells to repair or replace damaged or missing structures is exclusive to only a few tetrapod species. The Mexican axolotl is one example of these species, having the capacity to regenerate multiple adult structures including their limbs by generating a group of progenitor cells, known as the blastema, which acquire pattern and differentiate into the missing tissues. The formation of a limb regenerate is dependent on cells in the connective tissues that retain memory of their original position in the limb, and use this information to generate the pattern of the missing structure. Observations from recent and historic studies suggest that blastema cells vary in their potential to pattern distal structures during the regeneration process; some cells are plastic and can be reprogrammed to obtain new positional information while others are stable. Our previous studies showed that positional information has temporal and spatial components of variation; early bud (EB) and apical late bud (LB) blastema cells are plastic while basal-LB cells are stable. To identify the potential cellular and molecular basis of this variation, we compared these three cell populations using histological and transcriptional approaches. RESULTS: Histologically, the basal-LB sample showed greater tissue organization than the EB and apical-LB samples. We also observed that cell proliferation was more abundant in EB and apical-LB tissue when compared to basal-LB and mature stump tissue. Lastly, we found that genes associated with cellular differentiation were expressed more highly in the basal-LB samples. CONCLUSIONS: Our results characterize histological and transcriptional differences between EB and apical-LB tissue compared to basal-LB tissue. Combined with our results from a previous study, we hypothesize that the stability of positional information is associated with tissue organization, cell proliferation, and pathways of cellular differentiation

    Navigating to Success in Multi-Modal Human-Robot Collaboration: Analysis and Corpus Release

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    Human-guided robotic exploration is a useful approach to gathering information at remote locations, especially those that might be too risky, inhospitable, or inaccessible for humans. Maintaining common ground between the remotely-located partners is a challenge, one that can be facilitated by multi-modal communication. In this paper, we explore how participants utilized multiple modalities to investigate a remote location with the help of a robotic partner. Participants issued spoken natural language instructions and received from the robot: text-based feedback, continuous 2D LIDAR mapping, and upon-request static photographs. We noticed that different strategies were adopted in terms of use of the modalities, and hypothesize that these differences may be correlated with success at several exploration sub-tasks. We found that requesting photos may have improved the identification and counting of some key entities (doorways in particular) and that this strategy did not hinder the amount of overall area exploration. Future work with larger samples may reveal the effects of more nuanced photo and dialogue strategies, which can inform the training of robotic agents. Additionally, we announce the release of our unique multi-modal corpus of human-robot communication in an exploration context: SCOUT, the Situated Corpus on Understanding Transactions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    The role of flies as pollinators of horticultural crops : an Australian case study with worldwide relevance

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    Australian horticulture relies heavily on the introduced managed honey bee, Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), to pollinate crops. Given the risks associated with reliance upon a single species, it would be prudent to identify other taxa that could be managed to provide crop pollination services. We reviewed the literature relating to the distribution, efficiency and management potential of a number of flies (Diptera) known to visit pollinator-dependent crops in Australia and worldwide. Applying this information, we identified the taxa most suitable to play a greater role as managed pollinators in Australian crops. Of the taxa reviewed, flower visitation by representatives from the dipteran families Calliphoridae, Rhiniidae and Syrphidae was frequently reported in the literature. While data available are limited, there was clear evidence of pollination by these flies in a range of crops. A review of fly morphology, foraging behaviour and physiology revealed considerable potential for their development as managed pollinators, either alone or to augment honey bee services. Considering existing pollination evidence, along with the distribution, morphology, behaviour and life history traits of introduced and endemic species, 11 calliphorid, two rhiniid and seven syrphid species were identified as candidates with high potential for use in Australian managed pollination services. Research directions for the comprehensive assessment of the pollination abilities of the identified taxa to facilitate their development as a pollination service are described. This triage approach to identifying species with high potential to become significant managed pollinators at local or regional levels is clearly widely applicable to other countries and taxa
