1,685 research outputs found

    Assessing the Vegetative Diversity of an East Texas Golf Course using Principles of Landscape Ecology

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    The objectives of this study was to determine the vegetative diversity and the effects of the edge between fairways (introduced patches) and out-of-bounds areas (remnant patches) to determine if such management activities influence plant diversity. This study was conducted at the Pineywoods Country Club in the Pineywoods Region of East Texas near Nacogdoches, TX, USA by assessing the spatial distribution of these matrices and patches and their influence on edge effect composition and structure in the matrix; and, if species diversity and composition differed between these edges and interior of the matrices. Nested plots were placed along transects and canopy cover, percent cover, number of individuals by species, tree density, and percent cover of ground cover materials were analyzed using ordination. Dbh, shrub and herbaceous percent cover, and canopy cover were tested for normality utilizing a Shapiro-Wilk normality test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney was used to analyze edge plots and interior plots, and @RISK goodness-of-fit measures were utilized to identify percent cover data distributions. Statistical differences (0.05 α level) between the edge and interior dbh and shrub datasets and a similarity between the edge and interior datasets of the overstory and herbaceous strata were found. Many of the interior shrub plots had a higher H’ (Shannon-Wiener index) and D (Simpson’s index) than the edge plots. Canopy cover was often over 70%, and herbaceous species abundance was often higher (1-11 species) than that of the shrub stratum (1-3 species). Beta diversity indicated that the remnant patches were diverse ( between 0.19-0.30) within all three strata. Natural and anthropogenic disturbances altered the structure and function of the remnant patches: tree density decreased in edge plots due to management. Canopy cover was high over edge plots; however, light was able to reach the ground at an angle across the fairway. Past and current management practices combined with disturbance events have caused the interior of the remnant patches to be disturbed to the degree that they were not representative of the Pineywoods eco-region. The exceptional drought in 2011 may have influenced these results. It was not determined whether the fairway patches within the forest matrix resulted in edge effects

    Evidence of longer life; a cohort of 39 labrador retrievers.

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    A panel of veterinary and academic experts reviewed current available evidence on age at death for Labrador and reached a consensus that their average/typical lifespan was 12 years of age (Adams and others, 2016). A prospective cohort study that described the longevity of 39 pedigree adult neutered Labradors, showed that 89.7% lived to meet/exceed this typical lifespan. The study showed that maintenance of lean body mass and reduced accumulation of body fat were associated with attaining a longer than average lifespan whilst gender and age at neutering were not associated with longevity (Adams and others 2016)

    How do individual-level sociodemographics and neighbourhood-level characteristics influence residential location behaviour in the context of the food and built environment? Findings from 25 years of follow-up in the CARDIA Study

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    Little is known about how diet-related and activity-related amenities relate to residential location behaviour. Understanding these relationships is essential for addressing residential self-selection bias

    Optimization of the Touchscreen-Based Visuomotor Conditional Learning Task in Mice

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    The translational gap between animal models and clinical trials is a longstanding, yet largely unresolved, limitation in the study of cognition. This discrepancy is largely due to the differences in how cognition is assessed in animal models compared to those in clinical populations. In the stimulus-response (S-R) learning literature, for example, the techniques used to assess the acquisition of habitual behaviour differ greatly across species, leading to poor cross-species translation and often conflicting results. As a result, we set out to optimize a S-R learning task in mice using the touchscreen-based operant technologies. Similar to human studies, this touchscreen technique encourages animals to respond to visual stimuli displayed on a touchscreen according to a specific rule. Allowing for very similar, if not identical, cognitive assays in mice and men, this technique promotes high translational potential and a high degree of standardisation. Originally developed for rats, the Visuomotor Conditional Learning (VMCL) task encourages animals to learn arbitrary associations between visual stimuli and motor responses. In naïve C57BL/6 mice, we sought to optimize VMCL task parameters to promote better and more efficient responding, identifying the length of inter-trial intervals and the limited hold period as two potential candidates. The validation of this task will provide a novel means through which to study the neural correlates of S-R learning, and its use in conjunction with fiber photometry recordings may be provided

    An economic analysis of community-level fast food prices and individual-level fast food intake: A longitudinal study

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    While dietary intake is shaped by cost, there is minimal research on the association between community-level food prices and dietary intake

    Beyond Supermarkets: Food Outlet Location Selection in Four U.S. Cities Over Time

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    Understanding what influences where food outlets locate is important for mitigating disparities in access to healthy food outlets. However, few studies have examined how neighborhood characteristics influence the neighborhood food environment over time, and whether these relationships differ by neighborhood-level income

    Prevalence, Nature, Severity and Risk Factors for Prescribing Errors in Hospital Inpatients : Prospective Study in 20 UK Hospitals

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    Funding This study was funded by the General Medical Council (GMC). The study funders had no role in the study design, in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, in the writing of this manuscript or in the decision to submit the article for publication. Acknowledgements The EQUIP team would like to thank the following people: Members of the Expert Reference Group (Graham Buckley, Gary Cook, Dianne Parker, Lesley Pugsley and Mike Scott); Members of the Error Validation Group (Lindsay Harper, Katy Mellor, Steven Williams, Keith Harkins, Steve McGlynn, Ray George, Tim Dornan, Penny Lewis); Tribal Consulting Ltd. (Heather Heathfield, Emma Carter) for database design; Study co-ordinators at hospitals (Linda Aldred, Deborah Armstrong, Isam Badhawi, Kathryn Ball, Neil Caldwell, Vanya Fidling, Nicholas Fong, Heather Ford, Andrea Gill, Lindsay Harper, Jean Holmes, Sally James, Christopher Poole, Sally Shaw, Heather Smith, Julie Street, Atia Rifat, David Thornton, Tracey Thornton, Jane Warren, Steven Williams), and all pharmacists at the study sites who collected data for this study.Peer reviewedPublisher PD