45 research outputs found

    Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Developmental Origins and Ontogenetic Stability of Neurexin Alternative Splicing Profiles

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    Neurexins are key synaptic organizers that are expressed in thousands of alternatively spliced isoforms. Because transsynaptic neurexin interactions with different postsynaptic molecules are largely isoform dependent, a cell type-level census of different neurexin isoforms could predict molecular interactions relating to synapse identity and function. Using single-cell transcriptomics to study the origin of neurexin diversity in multiple murine mature and embryonic cell types, we have discovered shared neurexin expression patterns in developmentally related cells. By comparing neurexin profiles in immature embryonic neurons, we show that neurexin profiles are specified during early development and remain unchanged throughout neuronal maturation. Thus, our findings reveal ontogenetic stability and provide a cell type-level census of neurexin isoform expression in the cortex

    Transcriptional and morphological profiling of parvalbumin interneuron subpopulations in the mouse hippocampus

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    The diversity reflected by >100 different neural cell types fundamentally contributes to brain function and a central idea is that neuronal identity can be inferred from genetic information. Recent large-scale transcriptomic assays seem to confirm this hypothesis, but a lack of morphological information has limited the identification of several known cell types. In this study, we used single-cell RNA-seq in morphologically identified parvalbumin interneurons (PV-INs), and studied their transcriptomic states in the morphological, physiological, and developmental domains. Overall, we find high transcriptomic similarity among PV-INs, with few genes showing divergent expression between morphologically different types. Furthermore, PV-INs show a uniform synaptic cell adhesion molecule (CAM) profile, suggesting that CAM expression in mature PV cells does not reflect wiring specificity after development. Together, our results suggest that while PV-INs differ in anatomy and in vivo activity, their continuous transcriptomic and homogenous biophysical landscapes are not predictive of these distinct identities

    Pcdh11x controls target specification of mossy fiber sprouting

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    Circuit formation is a defining characteristic of the developing brain. However, multiple lines of evidence suggest that circuit formation can also take place in adults, the mechanisms of which remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the epilepsy-associated mossy fiber (MF) sprouting in the adult hippocampus and asked which cell surface molecules define its target specificity. Using single-cell RNAseq data, we found lack and expression of Pcdh11x in non-sprouting and sprouting neurons respectively. Subsequently, we used CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to disrupt the Pcdh11x gene and characterized its consequences on sprouting. Although MF sprouting still developed, its target specificity was altered. New synapses were frequently formed on granule cell somata in addition to dendrites. Our findings shed light onto a key molecular determinant of target specificity in MF sprouting and contribute to understanding the molecular mechanism of adult brain rewiring

    Activation of feedforward wiring in adult hippocampal neurons by the basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor Ascl4

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    Although evidence indicates that the adult brain retains a considerable capacity for circuit formation, adult wiring has not been broadly considered and remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigate wiring activation in adult neurons. We show that the basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor Ascl4 can induce wiring in different types of hippocampal neurons of adult mice. The new axons are mainly feedforward and reconfigure synaptic weights in the circuit. Mice with the Ascl4-induced circuits do not display signs of pathology and solve spatial problems equally well as controls. Our results demonstrate reprogrammed connectivity by a single transcriptional factor and provide insights into the regulation of brain wiring in adults

    Commissural dentate granule cell projections and their rapid formation in the adult brain

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    Dentate granule cells (GCs) have been characterized as unilaterally projecting neurons within each hippocampus. Here, we describe a unique class, the commissural GCs, which atypically project to the contralateral hippocampus in mice. Although commissural GCs are rare in the healthy brain, their number and contralateral axon density rapidly increase in a rodent model of temporal lobe epilepsies. In this model, commissural GC axon growth appears together with the well-studied hippocampal mossy fiber sprouting and may be important for the pathomechanisms of epilepsy. Our results augment the current view on hippocampal GC diversity and demonstrate powerful activation of a commissural wiring program in the adult brain

    Transcriptomically-guided pharmacological experiments in neocortical and hippocampal NPY positive GABAergic interneurons

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    Cortical GABAergic interneurons have been shown to fulfil important roles by inhibiting excitatory principal neurons. Recent transcriptomic studies have confirmed seminal discoveries that used anatomic and electrophysiological methods highlighting the existence of multiple different classes of GABAergic interneurons. Although some of these studies have emphasized that inter-regional differences may exist for a given class, the extent of such differences remains unknown. To address this problem, we used single-cell Patch-RNAseq to characterize neuropeptide Y (NPY)-positive GABAergic interneurons in superficial layers of the primary auditory cortex (AC) and in distal layers of area CA3 in mice. We found that more than 300 genes are differentially expressed in NPY-positive neurons between these two brain regions. For example, the AMPA receptor (AMPAR) auxiliary subunit Shisa9/CKAMP44 and the 5HT2a receptor (5HT2aR) are significantly higher expressed in auditory NPY-positive neurons. These findings guided us to perform pharmacological experiments that revealed a role for 5HT2aRs in auditory NPY-positive neurons. Specifically, although the application of 5HT led to a depolarization of both auditory and CA3 NPY-positive neurons, the 5HT2aR antagonist ketanserin only reversed membrane potential changes in auditory NPY-positive neurons. Our study demonstrates the potential of single-cell transcriptomic studies in guiding directed pharmacological experiments

    Functional specification of CCK plus interneurons by alternative isoforms of Kv4.3 auxiliary subunits

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    CCK-expressing interneurons (CCK+INs) are crucial for controlling hippocampal activity. We found two firing phenotypes of CCK+INs in rat hippocampal CA3 area; either possessing a previously undetected membrane potential-dependent firing or regular firing phenotype, due to different low-voltage-activated potassium currents. These different excitability properties destine the two types for distinct functions, because the former is essentially silenced during realistic 8-15 Hz oscillations. By contrast, the general intrinsic excitability, morphology and gene-profiles of the two types were surprisingly similar. Even the expression of Kv4.3 channels were comparable, despite evidences showing that Kv4.3-mediated currents underlie the distinct firing properties. Instead, the firing phenotypes were correlated with the presence of distinct isoforms of Kv4 auxiliary subunits (KChIP1 vs. KChIP4e and DPP6S). Our results reveal the underlying mechanisms of two previously unknown types of CCK+INs and demonstrate that alternative splicing of few genes, which may be viewed as a minor change in the cells' whole transcriptome, can determine cell-type identity

    Potential function for the Huntingtin protein as a scaffold for selective autophagy

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    Although dominant gain-of-function triplet repeat expansions in the Huntingtin (HTT) gene are the underlying cause of Huntington disease (HD), understanding the normal functions of nonmutant HTT protein has remained a challenge. We report here findings that suggest that HTT plays a significant role in selective autophagy. Loss of HTT function in Drosophila disrupts starvation-induced autophagy in larvae and conditional knockout of HTT in the mouse CNS causes characteristic cellular hallmarks of disrupted autophagy, including an accumulation of striatal p62/SQSTM1 over time. We observe that specific domains of HTT have structural similarities to yeast Atg proteins that function in selective autophagy, and in particular that the C-terminal domain of HTT shares structural similarity to yeast Atg11, an autophagic scaffold protein. To explore possible functional similarity between HTT and Atg11, we investigated whether the C-terminal domain of HTT interacts with mammalian counterparts of yeast Atg11-interacting proteins. Strikingly, this domain of HTT coimmunoprecipitates with several key Atg11 interactors, including the Atg1/Unc-51–like autophagy activating kinase 1 kinase complex, autophagic receptor proteins, and mammalian Atg8 homologs. Mutation of a phylogenetically conserved WXXL domain in a C-terminal HTT fragment reduces coprecipitation with mammalian Atg8 homolog GABARAPL1, suggesting a direct interaction. Collectively, these data support a possible central role for HTT as an Atg11-like scaffold protein. These findings have relevance to both mechanisms of disease pathogenesis and to therapeutic intervention strategies that reduce levels of both mutant and normal HTT.Hereditary Disease Foundation (U.S.)Cure Huntington’s Disease Initiative, Inc.Fox Family Foundatio

    Single‐cell RNA‐Seq characterization of anatomically identified OLM interneurons in different transgenic mouse lines

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    Inhibitory GABAergic interneurons create different brain activity patterns that correlate with behavioural states. In this characterizing study, we used single‐cell RNA‐Seq to analyse anatomically‐ and electrophysiologically identified hippocampal oriens‐lacunosum moleculare (OLM) interneurons. OLMs express somatostatin (Sst), generate feedback inhibition and play important roles in theta oscillations and fear encoding. Although an anatomically‐ and biophysically homogenous population, OLMs presumably comprise of two functionally distinct types with different developmental origins, inferred from the expression pattern of serotonin type‐3a (5‐HT3a, or Htr3a) receptor subunit and 5‐HT excitability in a set of OLMs. To broadly characterize OLM cells, we used the Sst‐Cre and the BAC transgenic Htr3a‐Cre mouse lines and separately analysed SstCre‐OLM and Htr3aCre‐OLM types. We found a surprisingly consistent expression of Npy in OLMs, which was previously not associated with the identity of this type. Our analyses furthermore revealed uniform expression of developmental origin‐related genes, including transcription factors and neurexin isoforms, without providing support for the current view that OLMs may originate from multiple neurogenic zones. Together, we found that OLMs constitute a highly homogenous transcriptomic population. Finally, our results revealed surprisingly infrequent expression of Htr3a in only ~10% of OLMs and an apparently specific expression of the 5‐HT3b subunit‐coding gene Htr3b in Htr3aCre‐OLMs, but not in SstCre‐OLMs. However, additional in situ hybridization experiments suggested that the differential expression of Htr3b may represent an unexpected consequence arising from the design of the Htr3a‐Cre BAC transgenic line

    Broad Ultrastructural and Transcriptomic Changes Underlie the Multinucleated Giant Hemocyte Mediated Innate Immune Response against Parasitoids

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    Multinucleated giant hemocytes (MGHs) represent a novel type of blood cell in insects that participate in a highly efficient immune response against parasitoid wasps involving isolation and killing of the parasite. Previously, we showed that circulating MGHs have high motility and the interaction with the parasitoid rapidly triggers encapsulation. However, structural and molecular mechanisms behind these processes remained elusive. Here, we used detailed ultrastructural analysis and live cell imaging of MGHs to study encapsulation in Drosophila ananassae after parasitoid wasp infection. We found dynamic structural changes, mainly driven by the formation of diverse vesicular systems and newly developed complex intracytoplasmic membrane structures, and abundant generation of giant cell exosomes in MGHs. In addition, we used RNA sequencing to study the transcriptomic profile of MGHs and activated plasmatocytes 72 h after infection, as well as the uninduced blood cells. This revealed that differentiation of MGHs was accompanied by broad changes in gene expression. Consistent with the observed structural changes, transcripts related to vesicular function, cytoskeletal organization, and adhesion were enriched in MGHs. In addition, several orphan genes encoding for hemolysin-like proteins, pore-forming toxins of prokaryotic origin, were expressed at high level, which may be important for parasitoid elimination. Our results reveal coordinated molecular and structural changes in the course of MGH differentiation and parasitoid encapsulation, providing a mechanistic model for a powerful innate immune response