491 research outputs found

    Automatic Target Recognition User Interface Tool

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    A computer tool to aid in selecting the best Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) algorithm is developed. The program considers many quantifiers, accepts user-defined parameters, allows for changes in the operational environment and presents results in a meaningful way. It is written for Microsoft Excel. An ATR algorithm assigns a class label to a recognized target. General designations can include Friend and Foe. The error of designating Friend as Foe as well as Foe as Friend comes with a high cost. Studying each algorithm\u27s error can minimize this cost. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves provide only information on the probabilities given a system state of declaring up to three class labels: True, False or Unknown. Other quantifiers, including an alternate ROC curve, are developed in this study to provide information on the probability of a system state given any of multiple declarations, which is more useful to the user. Sensitivity to prior probabilities, suggestions for user-defined parameters and areas for future research are identified as the User Interface Tool is described in detail in this thesis

    Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Larval Distribution on Different Bt Technologies and Evaluating Cotton Plant Tissue Assays for Resistance Monitoring

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    Field trials were conducted in 2018 at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (WTREC) in Jackson, TN and in 2019 at locations in College Station, TX, Tillar, AR, and Jackson, TN. Non-Bt, Cry1Ac + Cry1F, and Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab cotton varieties were either treated with an insecticide or left untreated. After five days, cotton plants were mapped for signs of bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), feeding on floral structures (i.e., bolls, squares, flowers) and the physical presence of larvae. Bt technologies reduced the number of H. zea larvae and the amount of feeding injury, but no major differences in the pattern of feeding injury and distribution of larvae were found among the different cotton varieties. Most larvae and damage were found in the middle portion of the canopy. H. zea feeding appeared to occur slightly lower in the canopy of cotton treated with a pyrethroid when compared with untreated cotton. Results suggest that a standardized scouting methodology for H. zea infestations in cotton could be developed, regardless of if or what Bt technologies were used. Floral structures from the middle portion of the canopy appeared most indicative of H. zea infestation levels. Laboratory experiments were done to evaluate Bt resistance monitoring techniques using purified proteins or various cotton plant tissues. Leaves, bolls, squares, white flowers, and pink flowers were collected from non-Bt cotton or cotton varieties expressing Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab, or Cry1Ac + Cry1F + Vip3A. Collected plant structures were lyophilized and ground into fine powders. Diet-overlay assays using purified proteins (Cry1Ac, Cry2Aa, and Vip3Aa39) and cotton plant tissues were conducted on a Bt-susceptible strain of H. zea and a strain known to be resistant to Cry1Ac, Cry1F, and Cry2Ab. The resistant strain was over 95.2% and 54.5% less sensitive to Cry1Ac and Cry2Aa compared with the susceptible strain, respectively. However, the resistant strain was slightly more susceptible to Vip3Aa39 than the susceptible strain. Boll and leaf tissue from non-Bt cotton severely stunted larval growth, suggesting that these tissues may not be ideal for assessing bollworm Bt resistance. Plant tissue from white flower was best able to detect the differences in susceptibility between the susceptible and resistant strain of H. zea. Assays using plant tissues in conjunction with Bt protein diet-overlay assays would likely provide a better indication of how a bollworm population with resistance to multiple Bt proteins may perform under field conditions

    Analog VLSI Implementation of Multi-dimensional Gradient Descent

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    We describe an analog VLSI implementation of a multi-dimensional gradient estimation and descent technique for minimizing an on-chip scalar function f(). The implementation uses noise injection and multiplicative correlation to estimate derivatives, as in [Anderson, Kerns 92]. One intended application of this technique is setting circuit parameters on-chip automatically, rather than manually [Kirk 91]. Gradient descent optimization may be used to adjust synapse weights for a backpropagation or other on-chip learning implementation. The approach combines the features of continuous multi-dimensional gradient descent and the potential for an annealing style of optimization. We present data measured from our analog VLSI implementation

    Modeling and Analysis of the Rotor Blade Refurbishment Process at the Corpus Christi Army Depot

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    Much of the Army’s equipment is coming to the end of its planned life cycle.  At the same time, the Department of Defense and the Army are facing severe budget reductions for the foreseeable future.  As a result, the planned modernization and acquisition of new equipment will be delayed.  The Army is now forced to keep and maintain current equipment as opposed to retiring old systems and buying new ones.  With the increased investment in the current systems, the organizations and depots that maintain and refurbish the Army’s equipment are becoming increasingly valuable assets.  Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) is the Army’s only facility for repair and overhaul of rotary wing aircraft.  CCAD receives approximately 10 rotor blades per day for the Black Hawk helicopter.  Each blade is routed through a detailed inspection and rework process consisting of approximately 67 sequential operations which take approximately 45 days per blade.  Recently CCAD has expanded and reorganized the rotor blade refurbishment facility which provides an opportunity to re-examine processes, adjust positioning of work stations, and improve efficiency.  In this research we develop a discrete-event simulation model of the CCAD rotor blade refurbishment process in order to identify inefficiencies and examine “what if” scenarios to improve key performance metrics.  The key performance metrics used to analyze model input include throughput, work in progress, mean queue time, mean queue size, and workstation utilization.  The baseline model revealed that there were two crucial bottlenecks that severely limited the throughput and overall performance of the refurbishment process.  Adjusting the capacities of these workstations was very effective in reducing the number of blades in WIP and reducing the impact of the queues in front of these stations, but failed to increase the throughput to the desired amount.  Additionally, we found that the loss of one whirl tower’s production would not be a significant factor for CCAD’s performance in terms of throughput since operating with only one whirl tower did not significantly impact metrics of interest for the process

    Clinically Significant Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Varied Intellectual Functioning.

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    Objective: To evaluate how distinct presentations of anxiety symptoms and intellectual impairment influence the measurement and estimated rate of clinically significant anxiety in autism spectrum disorder (ASD).Method: The sample included 75 children (ages 9-13 years) with ASD and varied IQ and 52 typically developing (TD) controls and parents. Parents completed anxiety symptom scales and a diagnostic interview, designed to (1) differentiate anxiety and ASD and (2) examine DSM-specified and unspecified ("distinct") anxiety presentations in each child, including fears of change, special interests, idiosyncratic stimuli and social confusion rather than evaluation. Children completed standard intellectual and ASD diagnostic assessments.Results: 69% of those with ASD had clinically-significant anxiety, including 21% DSM-specified anxiety disorders, 17% distinct anxiety, and 31% both. Only 8% of TD children had clinically-significant anxiety, all DSM-specified. DSM-specified anxiety disorders in children with ASD and intellectual impairment (IQ<70) were predominantly specific phobias. DSM-specified anxiety other than specific phobia was significantly less common in children with, versus without, intellectual impairment; this was not the case for distinct anxiety. The sensitivities of anxiety scales were moderate to poor, particularly in cases with intellectual impairment.Conclusions: ASD is associated with more frequent and varied presentations of clinical anxiety, which may align with and differ from the specified anxiety disorders of the DSM. Standard parent report anxiety scales have reduced sensitivity to detect clinical anxiety in ASD, particularly in children with intellectual impairment

    Greenbug Biotypes and Greenbug Resistant Grain Sorghum Frequencies in Oklahoma During 1986

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    Suggested Insecticides for Managing Cotton Insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley - 2008

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    14 pp., 5 tablesThis bulletin lists suggested insecticides (by brand name) and application rates for controlling cotton pests found in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. This publication should be used in conjunction with publiation E-7 (non-chemical pest management practices) to avoid insecticide misuse

    Managing Cotton Insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley - 2008

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    16 pp., 3 tables, 9 drawings, 10 chartsCotton insect management practices, including cultural control techniques that reduce the risk of crop damage, are discussed. The emphasis is on monitoring and identifying insect populations in cotton. A supplement (E-7A) lists insecticides recommended for cotton insect control

    Which medications benefit patients with diastolic heart failure?

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    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), propranolol, statins, furosemide, and some angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) benefit patients. Medications that reduce mortality in diastolic heart failure include ACEIs (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, 1 prospective cohort trial with matched controls), propranolol (SOR: B, 1 randomized controlled trial [RCT]), and statins (SOR: C, 1 prospective cohort trial). Furosemide improves symptoms of heart failure and quality of life (SOR: C, 1 RCT, using cohort data). ARBs show mixed results: candesartan decreases hospital admissions (SOR: B, 1 large RCT); losartan improves exercise duration and quality of life (SOR: B, 2 small RCTs); irbesartan doesn't improve heart failure symptoms or other outcomes (SOR: B, 1 large RCT)
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