160 research outputs found

    The global groundwater situation: overview of opportunities and challenges

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    Groundwater offers us few but precious opportunities for alleviating the misery of the poor; but it poses manyÔˇnd dauntingÔŁhallenges of preserving the resource itself. A big part of the answer is massive initiatives to augment groundwater recharge in regions suffering depletion; but, in the ultimate analysis, these cannot work without appropriate demand-side interventions. The water vision of a world that future generations will inherit will have to be the one in which groundwater plays its full developmental, productive and environmental role but in a sustainable manner; and the framework of action to realize this vision will mean eschewing the current free-for-all in groundwater appropriation and use, and promoting a more responsible management of this precious resource that is easy to deplete or ruinÔ´hrough depletion, salinization and pollutionGroundwater resources, Groundwater depletion, Water scarcity, Water shortage, Poverty, Rural development, River basins, Sustainability, Waterlogging, Salinity, Aquifers, Water pollution, Pumps, Recharge, Water harvesting, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Security and Poverty,

    Irrigation and drainage performance assessment: practical guidelines

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    Irrigation management / Drainage / Performance evaluation / Performance indexes / Evapotranspiration / Precipitation / Water balance / Participatory rural appraisal / Databases / Simulation

    Policies drain the North China Plain: Agricultural policy and groundwater depletion in Luancheng County, 1949-2000

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    Agricultural production / Groundwater / Aquifers / Water shortage / Irigation efficiency / Agricultural policy / Crop production / Wastewaters / Water management / Hydrology / Economic development / Crop yield / Cotton / Wheat / Sprinkler irrigation / Water conservation / Water use efficiency / Pumping / Water balance / Vegetables / Rural economy / Irrigated framing

    Egypt's Nile water

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    Presented at Contemporary challenges for irrigation and drainage: proceedings from the USCID 14th technical conference on irrigation, drainage and flood control held on June 3-6, 1998 in Phoenix, Arizona.Includes bibliographical references.Many irrigated areas worldwide are facing increasing competition from agricultural, municipal, industrial, environmental and other uses of water. In water basins, changes in water use in one area often affect how water is used in another area. It is therefore vital to understand how water resources are presently used, and how changes may affect future use of water. A water accounting methodology is presented to show the use and productivity of water. The methodology was applied to Egypt's Nile River system to evaluate the present status of water use and productivity. It was shown that there has been a trend of increasing consumption of water by agriculture and an increase in the productivity of water available to agriculture. There is little water remaining to be saved, and increases in productivity must focus on gains in productivity per unit of water consumed by evapotranspiration. The example from Egypt demonstrates the use and utility of the water accounting methodology in describing water use patterns by different sectors. It is envisaged that this methodology will be further developed to be useful in a wide range of situations

    Integrated land and water management for food and environmental security

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    Water resource management / Food security / Environmental effects / Soil degradation / Water pollution / Watersheds / Urbanization / Public policy / Water quality / Ecosystems / Land resources / Water scarcity / Developing countries / Poverty / Households / Food supply / Economic aspects / Social aspects / Groundwater depletion / Salinity / Wetlands / Investment / Land use / Water use / Training needs assessment / Research priorities

    Nile Basin Focal Project. Synthesis report

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    The Nile basin experiences wide spread poverty, lack of food and land and water degradation. Because poverty is linked to access to water for crop, fish and livestock based livelihoods, improving access to water and increasing agricultural water productivity can potentially contribute substantially to poverty reduction. The major goal of the Nile Basin Focal project is to identify high potential investments that reduce poverty yet reverse trends in land and water degradation. This is done through the implementation of six interlinked work packages allowing us to examine water availability, access, use, productivity, institutions and their linkages to poverty. Important in the Nile BFP is knowledge management and the uptake of results for ultimate impact

    Revitalizing Asia's irrigation: to sustainably meet tomorrow's food needs

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    Irrigated farming / Food security / Irrigation management / Participatory management / Water users associations / Public sector / Private sector / Farmer managed irrigation systems / Surface irrigation / Pumps / Groundwater irrigation / Water productivity / Models / Reservoirs / Canals / Tanks / Irrigation programs / Climate change / Water conservation / Asia

    The Great Glacier and Snow-Dependent Rivers of Asia and Climate Change: Heading for Troubled Waters

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    The glacier- and snow-fed river basins of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) mountains provide water to 1.9 billion people in Asia. The signs of climate change in the HKH mountains are clear, with increased warming and accelerated melting of snow and glaciers. This threatens the water, food, energy and livelihood security for many in Asia. The links between mountains and plains and the differential impacts of climate change on societies upstream and downstream need to be better established to improve adaptation measures. This chapter sheds light on climate change impacts on the cryosphere and mountains, the impact on river systems and the social consequences of such changes in mountains, hills and plains. In high mountains and hills, the impact of climate change is clear, as seen in changes in agropastoral systems and the increasing occurrence of floods and droughts, with losses and damages already high. Moving downstream, the climate change signal is harder to separate from other environmental and management factors. This chapter outlines how climate change in the mountains will impact various sectors in the hills and plains, such as hydropower, irrigation, cities, industries and the environment. It discusses how climate change will potentially lead to increased disasters and out-migration of people. The chapter concludes by highlighting necessary actions, such as the need to reduce emissions globally, build regional cooperation between HKH countries, increase technical and financial support for adaptation, and more robust and interdisciplinary science to address changing policy needs

    The “I” in us, or the eye on us? Regulatory focus, commitment and derogation of an attractive alternative person

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    When individuals are highly committed to their romantic relationship, they are more likely to engage in pro-relationship maintenance mechanisms. The present research expanded on the notion that commitment redirects self-oriented goals to consider broader relational goals and examined whether commitment interacts with a promotion and prevention focus to activate derogation of attractive alternatives. Three studies used cross-sectional and experimental approaches. Study 1 showed that romantically involved individuals predominantly focused on promotion, but not prevention, reported less initial attraction to an attractive target than single individuals, especially when highly committed to their relationship. Study 2 showed that romantically involved individuals induced in a promotion focus, compared to those in prevention focus, reported less initial attraction, but only when more committed to their relationship. Regardless of regulatory focus manipulation, more committed individuals were also less likely to perceive quality among alternative scenarios and to be attentive to alternative others in general. Finally, Study 3 showed that romantically involved individuals induced in promotion focus and primed with high commitment reported less initial attraction, than those primed with low commitment, or than those induced in prevention focus. Once again, for these latter no differences occurred according to commitment prime. Together, the findings suggest that highly committed promotion focused individuals consider broader relationship goals and activate relationship maintenance behaviors such as derogation of attractive alternatives to promote their relationship
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