42 research outputs found

    Luminescence-based characterization of crystalline silicon solar cells

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    Impact of contacting geometries on measured fill factors

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    The fill factor determined from a measured current-voltage characteristic of a bare solar cell depends on the number and positions of the electrical contacting probes. Nine different geometries for contacting the front side busbars are used to measure the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a 5 busbar industrial-type passivated emitter and rear totally diffused (PERT) solar cell under standard testing conditions. The fill factors of the measured I-V characteristics vary from 78.5 %abs to 80.6 %abs. We further measure the contacting resistance of 3 different contacting probes to estimate the sensitivity of measurements with different contacting geometries on random resistance variations. The contacting resistance is 60 mΩ for nine-point probes and 80 mΩ for four- and single-point probes. We determine the magnitude of contacting resistance variations from measurements at different probe positions to be ±30 mΩ. Using this variation, we perform numerical simulations and find a larger sensitivity on random resistance variations for tandem- (pairs of current- and sense probes) compared to triplet (one sense- between two current probes) configurations. The corresponding fill factor deviation is approximately 0.1%abs for tandem configurations when the contacting resistances of up to two current probes are altered. The sensitivity for triplet configurations is negligible

    Determination of the collection diffusion length by electroluminescence imaging

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    The electroluminescence emission of crystalline silicon solar cells at near-bandgap wavelengths is investigated. We show that the intensity of the emitted luminescence at near-bandgap wavelengths is directly proportional to the collection diffusion length Lc which is a measure of bulk and rear surface recombination properties and determines the short circuit current of a solar cell illuminated with light of near-bandgap wavelengths. We provide experimental evidence for the determination of Lc by carrying out electroluminescence measurements on a set of 15 specially prepared monocrystalline silicon solar cells with different thicknesses. Moreover, we demonstrate and discuss the applicability of the proposed method to obtain images of the collection diffusion length Lc of multicrystalline silicon solar cells. The values determined by electroluminescence imaging coincide with values obtained from spectrally resolved quantum efficiency measurements with a relative accuracy of 13 %.German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

    Impact of Ag Pads on the Series Resistance of PERC Solar Cells

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    Screen-printed passivated emitter and rear cells (PERC) require Ag pads on the rear side to enable solderable connections for module integration. These Ag pads are separated from the silicon by a dielectric layer to avoid recombination of minority charge carriers. The drawback of this configuration is an elongated transport path for the majority charge carriers generated above the pads. This results in an increase in series resistance. The strength of this effect depends on charge carrier generation above the Ag pads that critically depends on shading of the cell's front side. Ag pads are usually wider than the busbars or the interconnector ribbons and thus are only partially shaded. We build PERC test structures with various rear side configurations of Ag and Al screen printing as well as with and without laser contact openings (LCO). Using experiments and finite element simulations we investigate the impact of shading the Ag pads by the busbars and other means. While fully shaded regions do not increase the lumped solar cell's series resistance, unshaded Ag pads lead to an increase of about 37%.German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/032564

    Calibrating spectrometers for measurements of the spectral irradiance caused by solar radiation

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    Measuring the spectral irradiance of solar radiation is required in many fields of science and technology. In this work, we present an in-depth discussion of the measuring procedure and required corrections for such measurements. We also describe our measurement uncertainty analysis, which is based on a Monte-Carlo procedure in accordance with the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (JCGM, Paris, 2008). For this purpose, fifteen uncertainty sources are identified, analyzed and described analytically. As a specific application example, we describe the instrumentation and procedure for determining the spectral irradiance of a solar simulator at the ISO/IEC 17 025 accredited solar cell calibration laboratory ISFH CalTeC and the corresponding measurement uncertainty analysis. Moreover, we provide a Python implementation for this calculation along with the paper. We show that for state-of-the-art instrumentation, significant uncertainty contributions arise from the reference lamp (primary calibration standard), stray light and signal-to-noise ratio. If sharp spectral features are present (which is common, e.g. for Xenon lamps), spectral bandwidth and wavelength uncertainty also contribute significantly to the overall uncertainty. © 2020 BIPM & IOP Publishing Lt

    The Impact of Measurement Conditions on Solar Cell Efficiency

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    Precise solar cell measurements become more and more challenging due to the increasing complexity of metallization patterns and the sensitivity to rear side illumination for bifacial cell concepts. In this context, the measurement conditions under which conversion efficiencies are determined need to be closely examined: Different efficiency values can occur for the same solar cell because of different measurement conditions. To provide more transparency, a notation has recently been published, which unambiguously characterizes the measurement conditions used and which is included in the calibration documents of the calibration laboratories ISFH CalTeC and Fraunhofer ISE CalLab PV Cells. As this notation is held rather technical and no quantitative assessment is given so far, herein, the effects associated with different measurement conditions are analyzed and quantified in detail for typical industrial-type solar cells. It is shown that varying the measurement conditions as well as the busbar concept can lead to significant differences in measured efficiency of 0.5%abs. The power gains coming from different cell measurement configurations do not occur in the same manner on the module level though and can lead to considerable variations in cell-to-module power factors. Several hints to increase the significance of solar cell measurements are given

    Optimizing the Solar Cell Front Side Metallization and the Cell Interconnection for High Module Power Output

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    Improving the light trapping in a module results in an increase in the generated current. Consequently, an optimization of the front grid metallization of the cell is required for the best trade-off between series resistance, shading, and recombination losses. For this purpose, we combine ray tracing and electrical solar cell and module calculations that explicitly account for cell and module interactions. Our model bases on experimentally verified input parameters: We determine the electrical and optical properties of the front metal fingers of passivated emitter and rear cells (PERC). We show that the effective optical width of the front metal fingers in the module is significantly reduced by 54%. The optimized simulated module has 120 half-size PERC with 20.2% cell efficiency and has an output power of 295.2 W. This is achieved with an increased number of 120 front metal fingers per cell, four white-colored cell interconnection ribbons (CIR), and an increased cell spacing. Applying these optimized design changes to an experimental module we measure a module power output of 294.8 W and a cell-to-module (CTM) factor of 1.02. Measured and simulated power agree and the deviations in Voc, Isc and FF are less than 0.91%rel. We perform a module power gain analysis for the fabricated module and simulate a potential maximum module power of 374.1 W when including further improvements.German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/032564

    Experimental setup for camera-based measurements of electrically and optically stimulated luminescence of silicon solar cells and wafers

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    We report in detail on the luminescence imaging setup developed within the last years in our laboratory. In this setup, the luminescence emission of silicon solar cells or silicon wafers is analyzed quantitatively. Charge carriers are excited electrically (electroluminescence) using a power supply for carrier injection or optically (photoluminescence) using a laser as illumination source. The luminescence emission arising from the radiative recombination of the stimulated charge carriers is measured spatially resolved using a camera. We give details of the various components including cameras, optical filters for electro- and photo-luminescence, the semiconductor laser and the four-quadrant power supply. We compare a silicon charged-coupled device (CCD) camera with a back-illuminated silicon CCD camera comprising an electron multiplier gain and a complementary metal oxide semiconductor indium gallium arsenide camera. For the detection of the luminescence emission of silicon we analyze the dominant noise sources along with the signal-to-noise ratio of all three cameras at different operation conditions. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

    Optical Constants of UV Transparent EVA and the Impact on the PV Module Output Power under Realistic Irradiation

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    We measure and discuss the complex refractive index of conventional ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and an EVA with enhanced UV-transmission based on spectroscopic ellipsometry, transmission and reflection measurements over the wavelength range from 300-1200 nm. Ray tracing of entire solar cell modules using this optical data predicts a 1.3% increase in short circuit current density (Jsc) at standard test conditions for EVA with enhanced UV transmission. This is in good agreement with laboratory experiments of test modules that result in a 1.4% increase in Jsc by using a UV transparent instead of a conventional EVA. Further, ray tracing simulations with realistic irradiation conditions with respect to angular and spectral distribution reveal an even larger Jsc increase of 1.9% in the yearly average. This increase is largest in the summer months with an increase of up to 2.3%.German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/032564