265 research outputs found

    Toepassing van moraliteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens

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    The application of morality in the South African public serviceChange in the South African public service is unavoidable. The political environment dictates the change and the public servant of today faces a dynamic political environment in which political decisions should be executed. The conduct of the public servant is under constant scrutiny and therefore the morality of public servants should exist beyond time and should be supported by a system of values. Public servants are bound by the normative guidelines which restrain them from abusing the set rules and regulations. The contemporary South African public service is manned by officials who represent the whole spectrum of communities in South Africa - not only are they from different backgrounds, but the values of communities differ, reflecting on the morality within the public service. There should ideally be one system of values and norms for public servants, but the dilemma is that there are so many different communities. The question thus remains what or which values should be the guidelines for the public servant of today

    Arbeids- en bestuursetiek in metableties-andragogiese perspektief : 'n poging tot fundering

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    Die inhoud van die studie verklank 'n paging om vanuit 'n meta­ bleties-andragogiese perspektief 'n greep op die onloenbare werk­ likheid van 'n voortdurend veranderende arbeids- en bestuursmi­ lieu te verkry, deur tot die radix van die problematiek rakende die arbeids- en bestuursetiese-ageinsgebeure deur te dring. Die bevindinge waartoe gekom is, dui pertinent daarop dat ar­ beids- en bestuursetiese-begeleiding as gevolg van verskeie de­ struktiewe invloede vanuit die tegnokratiese bestel teenswoordig nie meer so vanselfsprekend en toereikend geskied nie. Inteen­ deel, die eietydse bestuurder se begeleidingsopgawe word al moei­liker en al hoe meer gekompliseerd en in baie gevalle selfs on­moontlik. Hierdie toedrag van sake gee dan oak daartoe aanleiding dat die hedendaagse bestuurder in sy handel en wandel nie meer altyd be­ treffende "etiese kwessies" 'n onderskeid kan tref tussen wat "reg" en wat "verkeerd" is nie. Sodanige gebeure hou verreikende gevolge in vir die begeleideling (ondergeskikte) se toereikende arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassewording, aangesien die bestuurder ten spyte van sy begeleideling se ageinsnood aan etiese-begeleiding, nie daartoe instaat is om 'n nastrewenswaar­ digevoorbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid te kan stel nie. Arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid kan derhalwe slegs be reik word aan die hand van die praktykwording van die normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid. In organisasieverband geskied sodanige praktykwording deur die vestiging en insti­tusionalisering van 'n etiese kultuur met 'n etiese gedragskode wat as meet- en rigsnoer dien ten opsigte van etiese en morele kwessies. Deur middel van hierdie etiese gedragskode kan die kriteria vir 'n normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid dan as norme binne die etiese kultuur van 'n bepaalde organisasie gevestig word.The contents of this study represents an attempt to obtain a metabletic-andragogical perspective-grasp on the indisputable reality of an ever-changing labour- and management-milieu by penetrating to the radix of the problematic nature, regarding the labour- and managerial-ethical-agein occurrence. The resultant findings that were arrived at pertinently indicate that labour- and managerial-ethical-guidance is obviously at present not being sufficiently achieved as a result of various de­structive influences from within the technocratic dispensation. On the contrary, the present-day manager's guidance-role has become so much more difficult and complicated and in many cases even impossible. This state of affairs also gives rise to the fact that the modern-day manager cannot always distinguish the difference between what is "right" and "wrong" regarding "ethical issues" in his daily life. Such an occurrence has particularly far-reaching implications for the protege's (subordinate's) adequate labour­ and managerial-ethical-adulthood, since the manager, in spite of his protege's agein-need for ethical-guidance, is incapable of setting an example of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood worthy of emulation. Labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood could therefore only be attained by putting into practice the norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood. In organisational-context such implementation occurs through the establishment and institutionalisation of an ethical-culture with an ethical code of conduct as criteria for evaluating ethical and moral issues. These cri­teria for a norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adult hood could be established as norms within the ethical climate of a particular organisation by means of such an ethical code of conductPhilosophy, Practical and Systematic TheologyD.Ed. (Philosophy of Education

    Procurement in the South African public service : a reflection of the ethical and legislative framework

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    This paper presents the issue of ethical conduct in the procuring of public goods and services. Procurement in the public sector operates as a business function of an economic activity within a political system. Procurement is also a management function carried out by the public official. Although there is legislation to guide the ethical conduct, with reference to the procuring of goods and services required by the public sector, there is still the increase in corruption. The question thus arises what could be done to prevent corrupt activities. Based on the research conducted, it may be reported that the function of procurement of public goods and services is susceptible to corruption due to large amounts of public funds that are involved. It is a complex environment where public procurement integrity, ethical standards, best value for money and the style of corruption jeopardize the ability of governments to achieve their developmental agendas. Ethics goes beyond the prevention of corruption, fraud and misconduct as modern societies expect public servants to serve the public interest and to serve in a rational and efficient manner.http://businessperspectives.org/component/option,com_journals/task,journal/id,14/Itemid,74am2017School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA

    Adjusting good governance architecture to achieve public service excellence

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    Public reform in developing countries shows characteristics of inefficiencies, lack of political will and public funds. Globalisation has shaped concepts of economic growth and determined perceptions of governance. Worldwide, governments have become preoccupied with “implementation”, performance and how to apply the principles of good governance. Good governance is defined as the betterment of the quality of life of each citizen. Decentralisation is regarded as an indispensable element of participative democracy, as it allows citizens to communicate their preferences to elected officials. Political decentralisation refers to shifting power by selecting political leadership and representatives, from central to local governments. This transfers the power and authority (vertical decentralisation) for socio-politico-economic divisions from central to local government and to communities (horizontal decentralisation). Economic decentralisation becomes the mechanism for financing government expenditure (tax structures) and supplying goods and services in a collective way within a decentralised system. Establishing an institutional framework that promotes decentralisation within a flexible, integrative, innovative and dynamic modern delivery model and that clusters services together in a seamless bureaucratic environment is therefore a key challenge. Ensuring “better government” by implementing a seamless approach implies a common vision and delivery strategy, organisational change, co-operation and collaboration between partners and interacting networks.http://www.assadpam.net/nf201

    The role of public sector enterprises in the South African economy

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    This article focuses on economic growth and development in the South African economy to provide background on the involvement of state owned enterprises (SOEs) in the economy. SOEs make an essential contribution to economic development, not only locally, but also regionally and internationally, by sourcing capital equipment, finance and, most importantly, partnerships for development. This article analyses the role of four SOEs in the Republic of South Africa, namely Eskom, Transnet, South African Airways (SAA) and Denel, and discusses their financial contribution and performance.am201

    The use of performance management for effective governance in public administration

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    The objective of this article is to argue the importance of the use of performance management towards effective governance. Various authors have contextualised good governance and performance management and some of the views differ considerably. The intention of this article will not be to debate the differences but rather assess the applicability of performance management in public administration. As a point of departure globalisation and the business of government is briefly discussed together with the pressure on government to improve service delivery. Good governance will be assessed as a critical component and specific attention will be devoted to administrative governance as it relates to the implementation of public policy. Administrative governance forms the basis for performance management because it can be used as a tool to ensure effective governance. Performance management is normally based on the idea of improving external accountability within the context of governance. For the purpose of this article focus is placed on the modernisation of public sector budget, reporting, management of contracts, benchmarking and comparison, and finally the implementation of a strategy.http://www.assadpam.net/ff201

    Steps to Increase the Reproducibility of Geotechnical Laboratory Test Data

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    Forum papers are thought-provoking opinion pieces or essays founded in fact, sometimes containing speculation, on a civil engineering topic of general interest and relevance to the readership of the journal. The views expressed in this Forum article do not necessarily reflect the views of ASCE or the Editorial Board of the journal

    Technological Approach to Ensure Ethical Procurement Management

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    Various studies have reported a positive connection between the public procurement and economic performance of a country, in terms of value for money, enhanced human welfare and improved economic growth. According to the World Bank, a distinction can be made between accountable governments where public procurement’s share of the GDP is over fourteen percent, medium accountability countries with a share of thirteen percent and low accountability countries with less than twelve percent. In response to the ever-increasing complexity of procurement, many disruptive innovations as well as rapid developments in digitalization are reforming global supply chains. The principles of a sound procurement system include accountability, competitive supply, and consistency, which when viewed together with ethics and good governance, become the corners stones of an effective, efficient, transparent, and reliable procurement system. Ethical risks are possible in every stage of the procurement process; however, e-procurement has become a powerful tool to curb fraud, corruption, and unethical behaviour in public procurement as it reinforces the ethics of transparency, accountability, and integrity in procurement functions. With e-procurement being a relatively new form of procuring goods and services, it has been up against several challenges, notwithstanding the proven benefits of using electronic means in procurement. The movement to e-procurement has been a slow process globally, but various countries such as Germany, Korea, Brazil, and Zambia have already started to reap the fruits of their efforts. The main benefit of introducing e-procurement recorded by the World Bank has been a marked upturn in transparency and competition. This chapter aims to unpack the link between technology, procurement, and ethics towards the provision of goods and services by governments for the greater good of all

    Ethics in municipal supply chain management in South Africa

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    Corruption is an obstacle to democracy and the rule of law. In a democratic system it is therefore essential that public offices and institutions retain their legitimacy by being accountable as stewards for the scare public funds. However, in a developing country such as South Africa, it may be difficult to develop and maintain accountable political leadership in a climate that is widely acknowledged to have become corrupt. This paper reflects on the ethics and the cost of unethical behaviour in general, and of corruption in local government procurement in South Africa in particular.http://lec.sagepub.comhj2018School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA