230 research outputs found

    GDF-9 and BMP-15 direct the follicle symphony

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    Understanding the physiology underlying the complex dialog between the oocyte and it's surrounding somatic cells within the ovarian follicle has been crucial in defining optimal procedures for the development of clinical approaches in ART for women suffering from infertility and ovarian dysfunction. Recent studies have implicated oocyte-secreted factors like growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF-9) and bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP-15), members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) superfamily, as potent regulators of folliculogenesis and ovulation. These two factors act as biologically active heterodimers or as homodimers in synergistic cooperation. Through autocrine and paracrine mechanisms, the GDF-9 and BMP-15 system have been shown to regulate growth, differentiation, and function of granulosa and thecal cells during follicular development playing a vital role in oocyte development, ovulation, fertilization, and embryonic competence. The present mini-review provides an overview of recent findings relating GDF-9 and BMP-15 as fundamental factors implicated in the regulation of ovarian function and discusses they're potential role as markers of oocyte quality in women.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Epigenetic regulation during mammalian oogenesis

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of CSIRO Publishing for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20 (2007): 74-80, doi:10.1071/RD07181.The advent of the epigenetic era has sparked a new frontier in molecular research and the understanding of how development can be regulated beyond direct alterations of the genome. Thus far, the focal point of epigenetic regulation during development has been chromatin modifications that control differential gene expression by DNA methylation and histone alterations. But what of events that alter gene expression without direct influence on the DNA itself? This review focuses on epigenetic pathways regulating development from oogenesis to organogenesis and back that do not involve methylation of cytosine in DNA. We discuss target components of epigenetic modification such as organelle development, compartmentalization of maternal factors and molecular mediators in the oocyte and how these factors acting during oogenesis impact on later development. Epigenetic regulation of development, be it via cytosine methylation or not, has wide ranging effects on the subsequent success of a pregnancy and the intrinsic health of offspring. Perturbations in epigenetic regulation have been clearly associated with disease states in adult offspring including type II diabetes, hypertension, cancers and infertility. A clear understanding of all epigenetic mechanisms is paramount when considering the increased utilization of assisted reproductive techniques and the risks associated with their use.We recognize the NIH (HD42076), ESHE Fund and the Hall Family Foundation for their generous suppor

    Vanishing returns on the investment that is the ovarian reserve

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    Reproducing the most natural way-the changing face of human ARTs

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    The environmental toxicant 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin disrupts morphogenesis of the rat pre-implantation embryo

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    © 2008 Hutt et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The definitive version was published in BMC Developmental Biology 8 (2008): 1, doi:10.1186/1471-213X-8-1.Environmental toxicants, whose actions are often mediated through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway, pose risks to the health and well-being of exposed species, including humans. Of particular concern are exposures during the earliest stages of development that while failing to abrogate embryogenesis, may have long term effects on newborns or adults. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of maternal exposure to the AhR-specific ligand 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on the development of rat pre-implantation embryos with respect to nuclear and cytoskeletal architecture and cell lineage allocation. We performed a systematic 3 dimensional (3D) confocal microscopy analysis of rat pre-implantation embryos following maternal exposure to environmentally relevant doses of TCDD. Both chronic (50 ng/kg/wk for 3 months) and acute (50 ng/kg and 1 μg/kg at proestrus) maternal TCDD exposure disrupted morphogenesis at the compaction stage (8–16 cell), with defects including monopolar spindle formation, f-actin capping and fragmentation due to aberrant cytokinesis. Additionally, the size, shape and position of nuclei were modified in compaction stage pre-implantation embryos collected from treated animals. Notably, maternal TCDD exposure did not compromise survival to blastocyst, which with the exception of nuclear shape, were morphologically similar to control blastocysts. We have identified the compaction stage of pre-implantation embryogenesis as critically sensitive to the effects of TCDD, while survival to the blastocyst stage is not compromised. To the best of our knowledge this is the first in vivo study to demonstrate a critical window of pre-implantation mammalian development that is vulnerable to disruption by an AhR ligand at environmentally relevant doses.This research was supported by NIH/NIEHS-012916 (BKP), ESHE Fund (DFA), Hall Family Foundation (DFA and KJH) and Biomedical Research Training Grant KUMC (KJH)

    Accuracy of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is compromised by degree of mosaicism of human embryos

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    Background To preclude transfer of aneuploid embryos, current preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) usually involves one trophectoderm biopsy at blastocyst stage, assumed to represent embryo ploidy. Whether one such biopsy can correctly assess embryo ploidy has recently, however, been questioned. Methods This descriptive study investigated accuracy of PGS in two ways. Part I: Two infertile couples donated 11 embryos, previously diagnosed as aneuploid and, therefore, destined to be discarded. They were dissected into 37 anonymized specimens, and sent to another national laboratory for repeat analyses to assess (i) inter-laboratory congruity and (ii) intra-embryo congruity of multiple embryo biopsies in a single laboratory. Part II: Reports on human IVF cycle outcomes after transfer of allegedly aneuploid embryos into 8 infertile patients. Results Only 2/11 (18.2 %) embryos were identically assessed at two PGS laboratories; 4/11 (36.4 %), on repeat analysis were chromosomally normal, 2 mosaic normal/abnormal, and 5/11 (45.5 %) completely differed in reported aneuploidies. In intra-embryo analyses, 5/10 (50 %) differed between biopsy sites. Eight transfers of previously reported aneuploid embryos resulted in 5 chromosomally normal pregnancies, 4 delivered and 1 ongoing. Three patients did not conceive, though 1 among them experienced a chemical pregnancy. Conclusions Though populations of both study parts are too small to draw statistically adequately powered conclusions on specific degrees of inaccuracy of PGS, here presented results do raise concerns especially about false-positive diagnoses. While inter-laboratory variations may at least partially be explained by different diagnostic platforms utilized, they cannot explain observed intra-embryo variations, suggesting more frequent trophectoderm mosiaicsm than previously reported. Together with recentl published mouse studies of lineages-specific degrees of survival of aneuploid cells in early stage embryos, these results call into question the biological basis of PGS, based on the assumption that a single trophectoderm biopsy can reliably determine embryo ploidy

    Excess cholesterol induces mouse egg activation and may cause female infertility

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    The HDL receptor scavenger receptor, class B type I (SR-BI) controls the structure and fate of plasma HDL. Female SR-BI KO mice are infertile, apparently because of their abnormal cholesterol-enriched HDL particles. We examined the growth and meiotic progression of SR-BI KO oocytes and found that they underwent normal germinal vesicle breakdown; however, SR-BI KO eggs, which had accumulated excess cholesterol in vivo, spontaneously activated, and they escaped metaphase II (MII) arrest and progressed to pronuclear, MIII, and anaphase/telophase III stages. Eggs from fertile WT mice were activated when loaded in vitro with excess cholesterol by a cholesterol/methyl-β-cyclodextrin complex, phenocopying SR-BI KO oocytes. In vitro cholesterol loading of eggs induced reduction in maturation promoting factor and MAPK activities, elevation of intracellular calcium, extrusion of a second polar body, and progression to meiotic stages beyond MII. These results suggest that the infertility of SR-BI KO females is caused, at least in part, by excess cholesterol in eggs inducing premature activation and that cholesterol can activate WT mouse eggs to escape from MII arrest. Analysis of SR-BI KO female infertility raises the possibility that abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism might underlie some cases of human female infertility of unknown etiology.National Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Pre-doctoral Training Grant T32GM007287)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (International Science and Technology Initiatives Chile Cooperative Grant

    The influence of social factors on gender health

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    Male births exceed female births by 5-6% (for a sex ratio at birth of 1.05-1.06) while a women's life expectancy, on a global scale, is about 6 years longer. Thus within various age groups the male:female ratio changes over time. Until age 50 years men outnumber women; thereafter their numbers show a sharp decline. Consequently at age 80 years, there are many more women than men. An estimated 25% of this male excess mortality is due to biological causes, the rest being explained by behavioural, cultural and environmental factors. For both women and men, the main health risks related to lifestyle are smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. In the year 2010, overweight (BMI: 25-29 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI: >30 kg/m2) were responsible for over 3 million deaths, with similar relative risks in men and women for overweight and obesity. Smoking and alcohol are the major causes of the global gender gap in mortality. For women in some parts of the world however pregnancy is also hazardous. On a global scale, in 2013 about 300 000 deaths were related to pregnancy, with sub-Saharan Africa registering the highest maternal mortality: over 500 maternal deaths per 100 000 births. Additional woman's health risks arise from gender discrimination, including sex-selective abortion, violence against women and early child marriage. Providers should be aware of the effect that these risks can have on both reproductive and general health. © 2016 The Author
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