9 research outputs found

    Effects of Exercise Training under Hyperbaric Oxygen on Oxidative Stress Markers and Endurance Performance in Young Soccer Players: A Pilot Study

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of three weeks of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) training on oxidative stress markers and endurance performance in young soccer players. Participants (18.6±1.6 years) were randomized into hyperbaric-hyperoxic (HH) training (n=6) and normobaric normoxic (NN) training (n=6) groups. Immediately before and after the 5th, 10th, and 15th training sessions, plasma oxidative stress markers (lipid hydroperoxides and uric acid), plasma antioxidant capacity (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid [TROLOX]), arterial blood gases, acid-base balance, bases excess (BE), and blood lactate analyses were performed. Before and after intervention, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and peak power output (PPO) were determined. Neither HH nor NN experienced significant changes on oxidative stress markers or antioxidant capacity during intervention. VO2max and PPO were improved (moderate effect size) after HH training. The results suggest that HBO2 endurance training does not increase oxidative stress markers and improves endurance performance in young soccer players. Our findings warrant future investigation to corroborate that HBO2 endurance training could be a potential training approach for highly competitive young soccer players

    Effects of Plyometric Training on Explosive and Endurance Performance at Sea Level and at High Altitude

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    Plyometric training performed at sea level enhance explosive and endurance performance at sea level. However, its effects on explosive and endurance performance at high altitude had not been studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of a sea level short-term (i.e., 4-week) plyometric training program on explosive and endurance performance at sea level and at high altitude (i.e., 3,270 m above sea level). Participants were randomly assigned to a control group (n = 12) and a plyometric training group (n = 11). Neuromuscular (reactive strength index – RSI) and endurance (2-km time-trial; running economy [RE]; maximal oxygen uptake - VO2max) measurements were performed at sea level before, at sea level after intervention (SL +4 week), and at high altitude 24-h post SL +4 week. The ANOVA revealed that at SL +4 week the VO2max was not significantly changed in any group, although RE, RSI and 2-km time trial were significantly (p < 0.05) improved in the plyometric training group. After training, when both groups were exposed to high altitude, participants from the plyometric training group showed a greater RSI (p < 0.05) and were able to maintain their 2-km time trial (11.3 ± 0.5 min vs. 10.7 ± 0.6 min) compared to their pre-training sea level performance. In contrast, the control group showed no improvement in RSI, with a worse 2-km time trial performance (10.3 ± 0.8 min vs. 9.02 ± 0.64 min; p < 0.05; ES = 0.13). Moreover, after training, both at sea level and at high altitude the plyometric training group demonstrated a greater (p < 0.05) RSI and 2-km time trial performance compared to the control group. The oxygen saturation was significantly decreased after acute exposure to high altitude in the two groups (p < 0.05). These results confirm the beneficial effects of sea level short-term plyometric training on explosive and endurance performance at sea level. Moreover, current results indicates that plyometric training may also be of value for endurance athletes performing after an acute exposure to high altitude

    INNOVA Research Journal

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo determinar la importancia del Órgano de Solución de Diferencias de la OMC dentro de las negociaciones sobre el acceso a los mercados internacionales. El área que se está investigando es el funcionamiento de la OMC especialmente, cómo esta resuelve las diferencias entre países, especialmente teniendo en cuenta el análisis de costo-beneficio que se incurre. La investigación se lleva a cabo a través de la revisión de fuentes primarias y secundarias con un enfoque cualitativo y comparativo así como perspectiva analítica y descriptiva. El resultado que se obtuvo después de estudiar dos casos específicamente en Ecuador, nos muestra cómo el organismo proporciona buenas oportunidades de desarrollo comercial a nivel mundial con ahorro de recursos. Se recomienda que los países hagan conciencia y permitan que estos organismos les asesoren al momento de tomar decisiones y resolver conflictos en búsqueda de un comercio más eficaz y eficiente

    Bibliometric analysis of South American research in sports science from 1970 to 2012

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    Sports science article publication in South American countries (n=11) was studied between 1970-2012, using all citation database of ISI Web of Knowledge. We evaluated: number of published articles; the number of publications divided by the number of people in science and technology (number pub/number peo); the top incidence of research subjects; public or private institutional predominance; impact factor (IF); average citations per document per country; and frequency of published articles per journals per country. Brazil showed the highest number of published articles, followed by Argentina. Bolivia showed the highest number pub/number peo, followed by Peru. Most studied themes were physiology, orthopedic and rehabilitation. Public institutions showed a higher published articles number than did private institutions. Peru and Bolivia were the only countries with a mean IF of 2 or higher. Average citation was higher in Peru (higher coefficient variation). In conclusions, our results show that, in most South American countries, their published articles rate has increased over time. This could be related to new government and institutional policies. However, production was low compared with other areas of science

    The mass and galaxy distribution around SZ-selected clusters

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    ABSTRACT We present measurements of the radial profiles of the mass and galaxy number density around Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ)-selected clusters using both weak lensing and galaxy counts. The clusters are selected from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Data Release 5 and the galaxies from the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data set. With signal-to-noise ratio of 62 (45) for galaxy (weak lensing) profiles over scales of about 0.2–20 h−1 Mpc, these are the highest precision measurements for SZ-selected clusters to date. Because SZ selection closely approximates mass selection, these measurements enable several tests of theoretical models of the mass and light distribution around clusters. Our main findings are: (1) The splashback feature is detected at a consistent location in both the mass and galaxy profiles and its location is consistent with predictions of cold dark matter N-body simulations. (2) The full mass profile is also consistent with the simulations. (3) The shapes of the galaxy and lensing profiles are remarkably similar for our sample over the entire range of scales, from well inside the cluster halo to the quasilinear regime. We measure the dependence of the profile shapes on the galaxy sample, redshift, and cluster mass. We extend the Diemer & Kravtsov model for the cluster profiles to the linear regime using perturbation theory and show that it provides a good match to the measured profiles. We also compare the measured profiles to predictions of the standard halo model and simulations that include hydrodynamics. Applications of these results to cluster mass estimation, cosmology, and astrophysics are discussed

    Lensing without borders – I. A blind comparison of the amplitude of galaxy–galaxy lensing between independent imaging surveys

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    ABSTRACT Lensing without borders is a cross-survey collaboration created to assess the consistency of galaxy–galaxy lensing signals (ΔΣ) across different data sets and to carry out end-to-end tests of systematic errors. We perform a blind comparison of the amplitude of ΔΣ using lens samples from BOSS and six independent lensing surveys. We find good agreement between empirically estimated and reported systematic errors which agree to better than 2.3σ in four lens bins and three radial ranges. For lenses with zL > 0.43 and considering statistical errors, we detect a 3–4σ correlation between lensing amplitude and survey depth. This correlation could arise from the increasing impact at higher redshift of unrecognized galaxy blends on shear calibration and imperfections in photometric redshift calibration. At zL > 0.54, amplitudes may additionally correlate with foreground stellar density. The amplitude of these trends is within survey-defined systematic error budgets that are designed to include known shear and redshift calibration uncertainty. Using a fully empirical and conservative method, we do not find evidence for large unknown systematics. Systematic errors greater than 15 per cent (25 per cent) ruled out in three lens bins at 68 per cent (95 per cent) confidence at z < 0.54. Differences with respect to predictions based on clustering are observed to be at the 20–30 per cent level. Our results therefore suggest that lensing systematics alone are unlikely to fully explain the ‘lensing is low’ effect at z < 0.54. This analysis demonstrates the power of cross-survey comparisons and provides a promising path for identifying and reducing systematics in future lensing analyses

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: The Two-season ACTPol Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect Selected Cluster Catalog

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    Suicidal ideation in a European Huntington's disease population.

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