18 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Sosio Historis Strategi Pengembangan Kemampuan Menulis dalam Konteks Implementasi Kebijakan Penulisan Jurnal Pendidikan Tinggi

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    Surat Edaran Dikti 152/E/T/2012 telah disikapi pro dan kontra, seolah kebijakan Dikti merupakan tagihan pada sisi hilir namun melupakan fakta bahwa menulis bukan sekedar persoalan pada sisi hilir, namun merupakan persoalan hulu sampai dengan hilir yang melibatkan pengalaman, pendidikan dan latihan, dan motivasi sehingga memerlukan kajian secara komprehensif. Menulis merupakan proses mental yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial historis yaitu pengalaman. Latihan, dan motivasi. Menulis bukanlah persoalan sederhana semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, namun menulis menyangkut persoalan kultural. Strategi pengembangan yang dilakukan seharusnya juga mencerminkan adanya aktualisasi ilmu pendidikan antara lain melalui; (1) pengembangan kemampuan menulis sejak dini secara tepat, (2) memberikan motivasi dengan menempatkan menulis sebagai pilihan karir prima, (3) pemerintah memberikan pelayanan primer terstandar seperti memberikan wadah terbitnya berbagai jurnal, (4) revitalisasi pengembangan minat baca, dan (5) menyediakan pendidikan dan latihan menulis yang memadai. Edaran Dikti 152/E/T/2012 harus dipandang sebagai langkah awal yang baik dan menjadi bagian koheren dari strategi pengembangan budaya menulis yang transformatif

    Additional file 5: Table S4. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    Genes presenting conserved endocrine expression. The ZMH excel page shows the genes with endocrine-enriched expression in zebrafish, mice and human. The ZM, ZH and HM excel pages show genes with endocrine-enriched expression in two species (ZM: zebrafish and mice; ZH: zebrafish and human; HM: human and mice). The tables give the expression mean in endocrine cells (Normalized counts) and the enrichment (FC: fold change) in the three species. (XLSX 123 kb

    Additional file 17: Table S10. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    Primers used for RNA probe synthesis. List of primers used for the synthesis of the RNA probes for in situ hybridization, antisense primers contain the T3 minimal promoter sequence. (XLSX 10 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    Gene expression levels in alpha, beta, and delta cell subtypes. The expression is given in Normalized counts for the three replicates of alpha, beta, and delta cell libraries. (XLSX 4416 kb

    Additional file 8: Table S6. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    List of endocrine-enriched genes with an expression level above 100 counts in embryonic endocrine cells at 27 hpf. List of 911 genes with endocrine-enriched expression in adult and showing an expression level above 100 Normalized counts. Gene expression is provided for the three replicates (selection of pancreatic cells at 27 hpf from Tg(pax6:GFP)) as well as the mean expression level. (XLSX 99 kb

    Additional file 9: Table S7. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    Classification of endocrine-enriched genes according to their expression in alpha, beta, and delta endocrine cells. Gene expression ratio was calculated for all pair-wise comparison (alpha versus beta: A&B; beta versus delta: B&D and alpha versus delta: A&D). The enrichment is given as Log2 fold change with the adjust value. Classification was done using the cut-off threshold of Log2 fold change > 2 and adjusted P < 0.05. (XLSX 265 kb

    Additional file 14: Table S8. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    Conserved beta cell markers. The ZMH excel page shows the genes with beta cell-enriched expression in zebrafish, mice and human. The ZM, ZH, and HM excel pages show genes with beta cell-enriched expression in two species (ZM: zebrafish and mice; ZH: zebrafish and human; HM: human and mice). Beta cell versus alpha cell expression ratio is given as fold change (FC) for each species. The ZMH, ZH, and HM genes also detected as enriched in specific pancreatic cell types in the human single-cell transcriptomic studies [19–21] are also noted in the columns on the right part. (XLSX 18 kb

    Additional file 10: Figure S3. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis for endocrine cell subtypes. Left. Bar plot displaying the number of genes constituting enriched GO terms. P values are denoted on the bars. Right. Fold of change (in Log2) of genes constituting the most enriched GO terms, (A) GO enrichment for the 70 beta-enriched genes. (B) GO enrichment for the 73 alpha-enriched genes. (C) GO enrichment for the 192 delta-enriched genes. (B-A: pairwise beta versus alpha; B-D: pairwise beta versus delta). (TIF 13089 kb

    Additional file 11: Figure S4. of Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes

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    Expression of spon1b gene in beta pancreatic cells of zebrafish embryos. Co-labeling by FISH of spon1b with insulin (ins) (A, arrows show colocalization), while no expression was detected in delta cells (B) (n > 10). ins: insulin, sst2: somatostatin 2, N-orth: Endocrine enriched zebrafish gene with no described ortholog in human and/or mouse. (TIF 5116 kb

    Additional file 9: Figure S8. of Progenitor potential of nkx6.1-expressing cells throughout zebrafish life and during beta cell regeneration

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    Ductal expression of id2a during zebrafish development. Whole mount fluorescent in situ hybridization showing id2a (green) and the ductal marker sox9b (red) in a 3-dpf larva. The expression of both genes overlaps as highlighted by yellow labeling. In addition to expression in the intrapancreatic ducts (IPD), id2a is also expressed in the intrahepatic (IHD). HPD hepatopancreatic ducts. (PNG 537 kb