89 research outputs found

    Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix.

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    Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and Yaa, hydroxyproline (Hyp/O). It is known that hydroxyproline in the Yaa position stabilises the triple helix, and that lack of proline hydroxylation in vivo leads to dysfunctional collagen extracellular matrix assembly, due to a range of factors such as a change in hydration properties. In addition, we note that in model peptides, when Yaa is unmodified proline, the Xaa proline has a strong propensity to adopt an endo ring conformation, whilst when Yaa is hydroxyproline, the Xaa proline adopts a range of endo and exo conformations. Here we use a combination of solid-state NMR spectroscopy and potential energy landscape modelling of synthetic triple-helical collagen peptides to understand this effect. We show that hydroxylation of the Yaa proline causes the Xaa proline ring conformation to become metastable, which in turn confers flexibility on the triple helix.The authors acknowledge BBSRC grant number BB/G021392/1 (MJD, DGR), EPSRC DTA studentship and Doctoral Prize (WYC), British Heart Foundation RG/09/003/27122 and PG/08/011/24416 (RWF, DB, DAS), Wellcome Trust 094470/Z/10/Z (RWF, DB, DAS), ERC and EPSRC (DJW).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep1255

    The properties conferred upon triple-helical collagen-mimetic peptides by the presence of cysteine residues

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    AbstractRecently, the ability of polymeric collagen-like peptides to regulate cell behavior has generated great interest. A triple-helical peptide known as collagen-related peptide (CRP) contains the sequence (Gly-Pro-Hyp)10. With Gly-Pro-Cys triplets appended to both of its termini, designated CRPcys, chemical cross-linking using heterobifunctional reagents generates CRPcys-XL, a potent, widely used, polymeric agonist for platelet Glycoprotein VI, whereas non-cross-linked, monomeric CRPcys antagonizes Glycoprotein VI. Here, we describe how cysteine in these triplets may also undergo random air-induced oxidation, especially upon prolonged storage or repeated freeze–thawing, to form disulphide bonds, resulting in a lesser degree of polymerization than with chemical cross-linking. We investigated the monomeric and polymeric states of these and other cysteine-containing collagen-derived peptides, using gel filtration and dynamic light scattering, allowing the size of a CRP-XL aggregate to be estimated. The effect of cysteine thiols upon peptide adsorption to surfaces and subsequent platelet responses was investigated. This demonstrated that cysteine is required for strong binding to glass coverslips and to plastic plates used in ELISA assays

    The recognition of collagen and triple-helical toolkit peptides by MMP-13: sequence specificity for binding and cleavage.

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    Remodeling of collagen by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is crucial to tissue homeostasis and repair. MMP-13 is a collagenase with a substrate preference for collagen II over collagens I and III. It recognizes a specific, well-known site in the tropocollagen molecule where its binding locally perturbs the triple helix, allowing the catalytic domain of the active enzyme to cleave the collagen α chains sequentially, at Gly(775)-Leu(776) in collagen II. However, the specific residues upon which collagen recognition depends within and surrounding this locus have not been systematically mapped. Using our triple-helical peptide Collagen Toolkit libraries in solid-phase binding assays, we found that MMP-13 shows little affinity for Collagen Toolkit III, but binds selectively to two triple-helical peptides of Toolkit II. We have identified the residues required for the adhesion of both proMMP-13 and MMP-13 to one of these, Toolkit peptide II-44, which contains the canonical collagenase cleavage site. MMP-13 was unable to bind to a linear peptide of the same sequence as II-44. We also discovered a second binding site near the N terminus of collagen II (starting at helix residue 127) in Toolkit peptide II-8. The pattern of binding of the free hemopexin domain of MMP-13 was similar to that of the full-length enzyme, but the free catalytic subunit bound none of our peptides. The susceptibility of Toolkit peptides to proteolysis in solution was independent of the very specific recognition of immobilized peptides by MMP-13; the enzyme proved able to cleave a range of dissolved collagen peptides.This work was supported by a British Heart Foundation programme grant, RG/009/003/27122, and peptide synthesis, by grants from Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version can be found on the publisher's website at: http://www.jbc.org/content/early/2014/07/09/jbc.M114.58344

    Proline provides site-specific flexibility for in vivo collagen.

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    Fibrillar collagens have mechanical and biological roles, providing tissues with both tensile strength and cell binding sites which allow molecular interactions with cell-surface receptors such as integrins. A key question is: how do collagens allow tissue flexibility whilst maintaining well-defined ligand binding sites? Here we show that proline residues in collagen glycine-proline-hydroxyproline (Gly-Pro-Hyp) triplets provide local conformational flexibility, which in turn confers well-defined, low energy molecular compression-extension and bending, by employing two-dimensional 13C-13C correlation NMR spectroscopy on 13C-labelled intact ex vivo bone and in vitro osteoblast extracellular matrix. We also find that the positions of Gly-Pro-Hyp triplets are highly conserved between animal species, and are spatially clustered in the currently-accepted model of molecular ordering in collagen type I fibrils. We propose that the Gly-Pro-Hyp triplets in fibrillar collagens provide fibril "expansion joints" to maintain molecular ordering within the fibril, thereby preserving the structural integrity of ligand binding sites.BBSRC, EPSRC, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Fund for Physics of Medicine, Wellcome Trust, ER

    NMR spectroscopy of native and in vitro tissues implicates polyADP ribose in biomineralization.

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is useful to determine molecular structure in tissues grown in vitro only if their fidelity, relative to native tissue, can be established. Here, we use multidimensional NMR spectra of animal and in vitro model tissues as fingerprints of their respective molecular structures, allowing us to compare the intact tissues at atomic length scales. To obtain spectra from animal tissues, we developed a heavy mouse enriched by about 20% in the NMR-active isotopes carbon-13 and nitrogen-15. The resulting spectra allowed us to refine an in vitro model of developing bone and to probe its detailed structure. The identification of an unexpected molecule, poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose), that may be implicated in calcification of the bone matrix, illustrates the analytical power of this approach

    The procoagulant activity of tissue factor expressed on fibroblasts is increased by tissue factor-negative extracellular vesicles

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    Tissue factor (TF) is critical for the activation of blood coagulation. TF function is regulated by the amount of externalised phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) on the surface of the cell in which it is expressed. We investigated the role PS and PE in fibroblast TF function. Fibroblasts expressed 6–9 x 104 TF molecules/cell but had low specific activity for FXa generation. We confirmed that this was associated with minimal externalized PS and PE and characterised for the first time the molecular species of PS/PE demonstrating that these differed from those found in platelets. Mechanical damage of fibroblasts, used to simulate vascular injury, increased externalized PS/PE and led to a 7-fold increase in FXa generation that was inhibited by annexin V and an anti-TF antibody. Platelet-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs), that did not express TF, supported minimal FVIIa-dependent FXa generation but substantially increased fibroblast TF activity. This enhancement in fibroblast TF activity could also be achieved using synthetic liposomes comprising 10% PS without TF. In conclusion, despite high levels of surface TF expression, healthy fibroblasts express low levels of external-facing PS and PE limiting their ability to generate FXa. Addition of platelet-derived TF-negative EVs or artificial liposomes enhanced fibroblast TF activity in a PS dependent manner. These findings contribute information about the mechanisms that control TF function in the fibroblast membrane

    Housing Affordability, Tenure and Mental Health in Australia and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Panel Analysis

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    The paper contributes insights into the role of tenure in modifying the relationship between housing affordability and health, using a cross-national comparison of similar post-industrial nations ? Australia and the United Kingdom ? with different tenure structures. The paper utilises longitudinal data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA) and British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) to examine change in the mental health of individuals associated with housing becoming unaffordable and considers modification by tenure. We present evidence that the role of tenure in the relationship between housing and health is context dependent and should not be unthinkingly generalised across nations. These findings suggest that the UK housing context offers a greater level of protection to tenants living in unaffordable housing when compared with Australia, and this finds expression in the mental health of the two populations. We conclude that Australian governments could improve the mental health of their economically vulnerable populations through more supportive housing policies

    Mapping the human platelet lipidome reveals cytosolic phospholipase A2 as a regulator of mitochondrial bioenergetics during activation

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    Human platelets acutely increase mitochondrial energy generation following stimulation. Herein, a lipidomic circuit was uncovered whereby the substrates for this are exclusively provided by cPLA2, including multiple fatty acids and oxidized species that support energy generation via β-oxidation. This indicates that acute lipid membrane remodeling is required to support energetic demands during platelet activation. Phospholipase activity is linked to energy metabolism, revealing cPLA2 as a central regulator of both lipidomics and energy flux. Using a lipidomic approach (LipidArrays), we also estimated the total number of lipids in resting, thrombin-activated, and aspirinized platelets. Significant diversity between genetically unrelated individuals and a wealth of species was revealed. Resting platelets demonstrated ∼5,600 unique species, with only ∼50% being putatively identified. Thrombin elevated ∼900 lipids >2-fold with 86% newly appearing and 45% inhibited by aspirin supplementation, indicating COX-1 is required for major activation-dependent lipidomic fluxes. Many lipids were structurally identified. With ∼50% of the lipids being absent from databases, a major opportunity for mining lipids relevant to human health and disease is presente
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