151 research outputs found

    Late-Time Photometry of Type Ia Supernova SN 2012cg Reveals the Radioactive Decay of 57^{57}Co

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    Seitenzahl et al. (2009) have predicted that roughly three years after its explosion, the light we receive from a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) will come mostly from reprocessing of electrons and X-rays emitted by the radioactive decay chain 57Co  57Fe^{57}{\rm Co}~\to~^{57}{\rm Fe}, instead of positrons from the decay chain 56Co  56Fe^{56}{\rm Co}~\to~^{56}{\rm Fe} that dominates the SN light at earlier times. Using the {\it Hubble Space Telescope}, we followed the light curve of the SN Ia SN 2012cg out to 10551055 days after maximum light. Our measurements are consistent with the light curves predicted by the contribution of energy from the reprocessing of electrons and X-rays emitted by the decay of 57^{57}Co, offering evidence that 57^{57}Co is produced in SN Ia explosions. However, the data are also consistent with a light echo 14\sim14 mag fainter than SN 2012cg at peak. Assuming no light-echo contamination, the mass ratio of 57^{57}Ni and 56^{56}Ni produced by the explosion, a strong constraint on any SN Ia explosion model, is 0.0430.011+0.0120.043^{+0.012}_{-0.011}, roughly twice Solar. In the context of current explosion models, this value favors a progenitor white dwarf with a mass near the Chandrasekhar limit.Comment: Updated to reflect the final version published by ApJ. For a video about the paper, see https://youtu.be/t3pUbZe8wq

    Exotic Axions

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    We show that axion phenomenology may be significantly different than conventionally assumed in theories which exhibit late phase transitions (below the QCD scale). In such theories one can find multiple pseudoscalars with axion-like couplings to matter, including a string scale axion, whose decay constant far exceeds the conventional cosmological bound. Such theories have several dark matter candidates.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, References adde

    Erupting Dwarf Novae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We report the first likely detections of erupting Dwarf Novae (DN) in an external galaxy: the Large Magellanic Cloud. Six candidates were isolated from approximately a million stars observed every second night over 11 nights with the CTIO 8K x 8K Mosaic2 CCD imager. Artificial dwarf nova and completeness tests suggest that we are seeing only the brightest of the LMC DN, probably SS Cygni-like CVs, but possibly SU UMa-type cataclysmics undergoing superoutbursts. We derive crude but useful limits on the LMC DN surface density, and on the number of DN in the LMC. Many thousands of cataclysmic variables in the Magellanic Clouds can be discovered and characterized with 8 meter class telescopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ, 28 pages, 9 figures total, Figures 1 and 8 are supplied separately in jpeg forma

    Entanglement and the Thermodynamic Arrow of Time

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    We discuss quantum entanglement in the context of the thermodynamic arrow of time. We review the role of correlations in entropy-decreasing events and prove that the occurrence of a transformation between two thermodynamic states constitutes a new type of entanglement witness, one not defined as a separating plane in state space between separable and entangled states, but as a physical process dependent on the local initial properties of the states. Extending work by Partovi, we consider a general entangled multipartite system that allows large reversals of the thermodynamic arrow of time. We describe a hierarchy of arrows that arises from the different correlations allowed in a quantum state and examine these features in the context of Maxwell's Demon. We examine in detail the case of three qubits, and also propose some simple experimental demonstrations possible with small numbers of qubits.Comment: 10 pages with 9 figure

    Environment as a Witness: Selective Proliferation of Information and Emergence of Objectivity in a Quantum Universe

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    We study the role of the information deposited in the environment of an open quantum system in course of the decoherence process. Redundant spreading of information -- the fact that some observables of the system can be independently ``read-off'' from many distinct fragments of the environment -- is investigated as the key to effective objectivity, the essential ingredient of ``classical reality''. This focus on the environment as a communication channel through which observers learn about physical systems underscores importance of quantum Darwinism -- selective proliferation of information about ``the fittest states'' chosen by the dynamics of decoherence at the expense of their superpositions -- as redundancy imposes the existence of preferred observables. We demonstrate that the only observables that can leave multiple imprints in the environment are the familiar pointer observables singled out by environment-induced superselection (einselection) for their predictability. Many independent observers monitoring the environment will therefore agree on properties of the system as they can only learn about preferred observables. In this operational sense, the selective spreading of information leads to appearance of an objective ``classical reality'' from within quantum substrate.Comment: New figures, to appear in PR

    Erupting Cataclysmic Variable Stars in the Nearest Globular Cluster, NGC 6397: Intermediate Polars?

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    NGC 6397 is the closest globular cluster, and hence the ideal place to search for faint stellar populations such as cataclysmic variables (CVs). HST and Chandra observers have identified nine certain and likely CVs in this nearby cluster, including several magnetic CV candidates. We have combined our recent UV imagery with archival HST images of NGC 6397 to search for new CV candidates and especially to look for dwarf nova-like eruptive events. We find remarkable and somewhat unexpected dwarf nova-like eruptions of the two well-known cataclysmic systems CV2 and CV3. These two objects have been claimed to be {\it magnetic} CVs, as indicated by their helium emission-line spectra. Magnetic fields in CVs are usually expected to prevent the disk instability that leads to dwarf nova eruptions. In fact, most field magnetic CVs are observed to not undergo eruptions. Our observations of the dwarf nova eruptions of CV2 and CV3 can be reconciled with these objects' HeII emission lines if both objects are infrequently-erupting intermediate polars, similar to EX Hya. If this is the case for most globular cluster CVs then we can reconcile the many X-ray and UV bright CV candidates seen by Chandra and HST with the very small numbers of erupting dwarf novae observed in cluster cores.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. Two additional authors adde

    Real time approach to tunneling in open quantum systems: decoherence and anomalous diffusion

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    Macroscopic quantum tunneling is described using the master equation for the reduced Wigner function of an open quantum system at zero temperature. Our model consists of a particle trapped in a cubic potential interacting with an environment characterized by dissipative and normal and anomalous diffusion coefficients. A representation based on the energy eigenfunctions of the isolated system, i.e. the system uncoupled to the environment, is used to write the reduced Wigner function, and the master equation becomes simpler in that representation. The energy eigenfunctions computed in a WKB approximation incorporate the tunneling effect of the isolated system and the effect of the environment is described by an equation that it is in many ways similar to a Fokker-Planck equation. Decoherence is easily identified from the master equation and we find that when the decoherence time is much shorter than the tunneling time the master equation can be approximated by a Kramers like equation describing thermal activation due to the zero point fluctuations of the quantum environment. The effect of anomalous diffusion can be dealt with perturbatively and its overall effect is to inhibit tunneling.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Far-ultraviolet investigation into the galactic globular cluster M30 (NGC 7099): II. Potential X-ray counterparts and variable sources

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    We present a far-ultraviolet (FUV) study of the globular cluster M30 (NGC 7099). The images were obtained using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS/SBC, F150LP, FUV) and the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2, F300W, UV) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We compare the catalogue of FUV objects to ten known X-ray sources and find six confident matches of two cataclysmic variables (CVs), one RS CVn, one red giant with strong FUV emission and two sources only detected in the FUV. We also searched for variable sources in our dataset and found a total of seven blue stragglers (BSs), four horizontal branch (HB) stars, five red giant branch stars, 28 main sequence stars and four gap objects that demonstrated variability. One BS star is a known W-UMa contact binary, one of the gap objects is a known CV identified in this work to be a dwarf nova, and the three other gap sources are weak variables. The periods and positions of two of the variable HB stars match them to two previously known RR Lyrae variables of types RRab and RRc.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication to MNRA