565 research outputs found

    Intoxicated eyewitnesses:the effects of alcohol on eyewitness recall across repeated interviews

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    The study evaluated the usefulness of repeat-interviewing of witnesses to crimes who were intoxicated by alcohol at the time of the incident and their first interview, and then re-interviewed when not intoxicated the following day. Sixty young, social drinkers were divided into three groups. One group was given a “placebo” (alcohol-like) beverage, a second was given a “low dose” of alcohol (0.2 g/kg men; 0.17 g/kg women), and a third was given a “high dose” of alcohol (0.6 g/kg men; 0.52 g/kg women) over a 15 minute period. Twenty minutes later they viewed a 4-minute video of a crime, and afterwards they were given two opportunities to recall everything that they could remember from the incident; the first opportunity was immediately after the event, and the second was 24 hours later. Analyses of the quantity and accuracy of the details recalled revealed no overall increase in the total amount of information recalled between the first and second recall opportunities. However, on average, 18% of the details recalled by participants in the second test were new and accurate. The incidence of contradictions between the first and second recall opportunities was less than 1%. Surprisingly, none of the effects were influenced by alcohol, even at the highest dose. The results imply that 1) memory for at least some incidents observed under the influence of alcohol is resilient even up to relatively high blood-alcohol levels; and 2) the repeated interviewing of witnesses who were intoxicated at the time of the crime can reveal additional, reliable information that is not present at the initial interview, just as is the case for non-intoxicated witnesses

    Evidence for Action on HIV Treatment and Care Systems in low and middle-income countries: background and introduction.

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    Despite the unprecedented scale-up of treatment for HIV in low and middle-income countries over the past decade, 49% of adults and 77% of children in need of HIV treatment still do not have access to it. ART programmes that were initially set up as an emergency response now need to be adapted to ensure that they include all the essential components and are well integrated with other health services; meet the needs of special groups, including children, adolescents, pregnant women and older people; address the mental health needs of HIV-positive people; and monitor as well as report their impact in valid and comparable ways.This supplement is an output from the Evidence for Action on HIV Treatment and Care Systems research programme consortium. Evidence for Action was a 5-year, multidisciplinary research programme, which ran from 2006 to 2011, with partners in India, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia and the United Kingdom.The primary aim of this supplement is to stimulate reflection and provide guidance on what should be in the package of HIV treatment and care systems, as national programmes look to maintain the major advances of the past decade and scale-up treatment to the other 50% of people in need of it

    Reporting war: Grammar as 'covert operation'

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    While it is often said that 'truth is the first casualty of war', this aphorism covers only one feature of how wars are reported, namely the deliberate use of misinformation by parties to a war. But language is by its nature a higly plastic resource: there is never just one way to report a set of events, even when the 'facts' may be uncontested. Drawing on data from newspaper reports and media briefings of the recent war in Iraq, we illustarte some of the basic grammtical systems which underlie the choice a journalist has to make, particularly in reporting 'high impact' events of the war. Using a functional apporach to grammar—where grammar is seen not as rules but as a theory of reality— we introduce some basic grammatical concepts or undertsanding the idelogical impact if different gramatical choices in contruing the events of war.&nbsp

    The developing bilingual lexicon

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    PhD ThesisIt is often said that bilinguals are not two monolmguals in one person. But what does this really mean, especially in the context of bilingual acquisition? Despite the upsurge of case studies of bilingual children since the 1990's, the main central issue within the literature has largely remained focused on the one-vs. -two-system debate. Earlier studies focused on the question of whether bilingual children had a single/fused system or two separate/differentiated ones. There are a growing number of more recent studies focusing, instead, on the relationship between the two languages in the developing language system of the child. The study on which this thesis is based is the first longitudinal group study of lexical development of French-English bilingual children. The study aims to investigate the nature of the developing bilingual lexicon and its impact on the development of syntax. The key questions addressed in this new body of research include: are bilingual children developing in the same way and at the same rate as their monolingual peers; are there cross-linguistic influences on bilingual acquisition; are there features, patterns or processes specific to bilingual acquisition? We report findings from a longitudinal group study of 13 children between 1;4 and 3;0 who are acquiring French and English simultaneously within the one person - one language framework. The originality of this study lies in several main points. First of all, a larger number of children have been studied systematically than in traditional longitudinal studies, which are usually based on either cross-sectional sample or on single cases. Secondly, the children in this study have been systematically selected according to a set of sociolinguistic variables. This allows meaningful comparisons of the results as well as possible future replications of the study with even larger samples or with other language pairs. Furthermore, the methods used in the study are innovative in that both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used longitudinally as opposed to onLy longitudinal qualitative data or only quantitative cross-sectional data. The profiling of the bilingual lexicon reports that bilingual children's lexical categories in each language develop in a parallel manner whether or not the children are dominant in a language. The results also show that their development is very similar to previously reported data for monolingual children. Despite current theories,the evidence suggests that bilingual children produce translation equivalents before the 50-word stage. However, I attempt to bring forward the idea that cross-linguistic equivalents are different from synonyms within a language and so bilinguals cannot be compared to monolinguals in that respect. This thesis also sets the age of first word combinations for bilingual children to around 1 ;8 while claiming that this is only achieved after each language has reached the 50-word milestone. Finally, great variability is noted throughout the thesis in terms of lexical development amongst the children. Some of the differences are explained by socio-linguistic factors such as parental strategies and language exposure. Therefore, the importance of accounting for such factors when studying bilingual language development is underlined. Our understanding of bilingual acquisition centrally contributes to our understanding of language acquisition in general. Similar features of bilingual and monolingual acquisition have been highlighted throughout this thesis. Thus, the bilingual lexicon has shown to develop at a similar rate and in a similar manner as the monolingual one despite being strongly influenced by individual socio-linguistic factors.ESR

    Qui sont les repreneurs potentiels d’entreprises ? Proposition de typologie en fonction de l’état de santé de la firme

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    La question de recherche est la suivante : selon l’état de santé de la firme, quelles sont les caractéristiques des repreneurs potentiels ? Cet article vise à déterminer s’il est possible de caractériser les repreneurs potentiels et à établir qui sont les acteurs capables de reprendre certaines catégories d’entreprises. Les réponses apportées ici peuvent s’avérer particulièrement pertinentes pour les institutionnels en charge du développement économique de leurs territoires (CCI, incubateurs, pôles de compétitivité, etc.). Cette recherche repose sur une enquête menée en 2008 auprès de 44 porteurs de projet de reprise du Languedoc-Roussillon. Les résultats de la recherche, issus d’une analyse typologique, montrent que trois groupes de repreneurs potentiels se profilent : les prudents, les indifférents et les aventuriers. D’un point de vue managérial, cette recherche contribue à une meilleure connaissance des repreneurs potentiels et permet d’améliorer leur accompagnement dans leur démarche de reprise.The research question is the following one : according to the firm’s health, what are the features of management buy-in realized by individuals ? The goal of this article is double : to characterize individuals who want to buy-in companies, and to understand who are the people able to buy-in specific companies. The strength of this study is to propose contributions to help public and private actors who have in charge development of their territory (for example, chamber of commerce). The sample is composed of 44 individuals who have a project of management buy-in in the Languedoc Roussillon area. Thanks to a typological analysis, three types of entrepreneurs are identified : the adventurous, cautious and indifferent managers. On a managerial point of view, this research contributes to a better knowledge of potential manager buy-in in order to help them to develop their projects.La cuestión de investigación es la siguiente : ¿ según el estado de salud de la empresa, cuáles son las características de las personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales ? Este artículo tiene por objeto determinar si es posible caracterizar las personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales, y a incluir que son los protagonistas capaces reanudar algunas categorías de empresas. Las respuestas establecidas aquí pueden resultar especialmente pertinentes para institucionales en carga del desarrollo económico de sus territorios (CCI, incubadoras, polos de competitividad, etc.). Esta investigación se basa en una investigación realizada en 2008 ante 44 portadores de proyecto de reanudación del Languedoc-Roussillon. Los resultados de la investigación, resultantes de un análisis tipológico, ponen de manifiesto que tres grupos de personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales aparecen : los prudentes, los indiferentes y los aventureros. Desde un punto de vista de gestión, esta investigación contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de las personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales con el fin de mejorar su acompañamiento en su planteamiento de reanudación.Die Forschungsfrage lautet : Kann aufgrund des Zustandes eines Unternehmens auf die Eigenschaften eines potenziellen Übernehmers geschlossen werden ? Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels ist die Diskussion der Frage, für welche Art von Unternehmen welche Nachfolger mit welchen Eigenschaften in Frage kommen. Die vorgeschlagenen Antworten sind besonders interessant für Institutionen, die in diesem Bereich tätig sind. Diese Forschung basiert auf einer Umfrage aus dem Jahre 2008 bei 44 Projektverantwortlichen für geplante Übernahmen im Languedoc-Roussillon. Die Cluster-Analyse ergab drei Gruppen von potenziellen Übernehmern : die Vorsichtigen, die Gleichgültigen und die Abenteurer. Aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht trägt diese Forschung zu einem besseren Verständnis der potenziellen Übernehmer bei, um die Unterstützung im Übernahmeprozess zu verbessern

    Qui sont les repreneurs potentiels d’entreprises ? Proposition de typologie en fonction de l’état de santé de la firme

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    La question de recherche est la suivante : selon l’état de santé de la firme, quelles sont les caractéristiques des repreneurs potentiels ? Cet article vise à déterminer s’il est possible de caractériser les repreneurs potentiels et à établir qui sont les acteurs capables de reprendre certaines catégories d’entreprises. Les réponses apportées ici peuvent s’avérer particulièrement pertinentes pour les institutionnels en charge du développement économique de leurs territoires (CCI, incubateurs, pôles de compétitivité, etc.). Cette recherche repose sur une enquête menée en 2008 auprès de 44 porteurs de projet de reprise du Languedoc-Roussillon. Les résultats de la recherche, issus d’une analyse typologique, montrent que trois groupes de repreneurs potentiels se profilent : les prudents, les indifférents et les aventuriers. D’un point de vue managérial, cette recherche contribue à une meilleure connaissance des repreneurs potentiels et permet d’améliorer leur accompagnement dans leur démarche de reprise.The research question is the following one : according to the firm’s health, what are the features of management buy-in realized by individuals ? The goal of this article is double : to characterize individuals who want to buy-in companies, and to understand who are the people able to buy-in specific companies. The strength of this study is to propose contributions to help public and private actors who have in charge development of their territory (for example, chamber of commerce). The sample is composed of 44 individuals who have a project of management buy-in in the Languedoc Roussillon area. Thanks to a typological analysis, three types of entrepreneurs are identified : the adventurous, cautious and indifferent managers. On a managerial point of view, this research contributes to a better knowledge of potential manager buy-in in order to help them to develop their projects.La cuestión de investigación es la siguiente : ¿ según el estado de salud de la empresa, cuáles son las características de las personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales ? Este artículo tiene por objeto determinar si es posible caracterizar las personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales, y a incluir que son los protagonistas capaces reanudar algunas categorías de empresas. Las respuestas establecidas aquí pueden resultar especialmente pertinentes para institucionales en carga del desarrollo económico de sus territorios (CCI, incubadoras, polos de competitividad, etc.). Esta investigación se basa en una investigación realizada en 2008 ante 44 portadores de proyecto de reanudación del Languedoc-Roussillon. Los resultados de la investigación, resultantes de un análisis tipológico, ponen de manifiesto que tres grupos de personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales aparecen : los prudentes, los indiferentes y los aventureros. Desde un punto de vista de gestión, esta investigación contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de las personas que se hace cargo de la empresa en crisis potenciales con el fin de mejorar su acompañamiento en su planteamiento de reanudación.Die Forschungsfrage lautet : Kann aufgrund des Zustandes eines Unternehmens auf die Eigenschaften eines potenziellen Übernehmers geschlossen werden ? Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels ist die Diskussion der Frage, für welche Art von Unternehmen welche Nachfolger mit welchen Eigenschaften in Frage kommen. Die vorgeschlagenen Antworten sind besonders interessant für Institutionen, die in diesem Bereich tätig sind. Diese Forschung basiert auf einer Umfrage aus dem Jahre 2008 bei 44 Projektverantwortlichen für geplante Übernahmen im Languedoc-Roussillon. Die Cluster-Analyse ergab drei Gruppen von potenziellen Übernehmern : die Vorsichtigen, die Gleichgültigen und die Abenteurer. Aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht trägt diese Forschung zu einem besseren Verständnis der potenziellen Übernehmer bei, um die Unterstützung im Übernahmeprozess zu verbessern

    Book Reviews

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    Book Reviews of: G. de Bertier de Sauvigny, La France et les français vus par les voyageurs américains, 1814-1948 (Flammarion, 1982-1985) Mary Midgley, Wickedness: A Philosophical Essay (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984) Jerome Bruner, Actual Minds, Possible Worlds (Harvard University Press, 1986

    HIV treatment and care systems: the way forward.

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    This article summarizes the conclusions and recommendations from the articles in this supplement. It presents a call for greater clarity of thinking related to projections of future need for HIV treatment and care. The demands placed on HIV treatment and care services will increase for the foreseeable future while the resources available for this are likely to remain constant or to decline. This highlights the need for realistic budgeting by national governments. The key strategies that should be employed to sustain HIV treatment and care programmes in high HIV-prevalence low and middle-income countries over the coming decade include further decentralization, task shifting, and integration of HIV services with other chronic disease treatment services. At the same time, greater attention will need to be given to the provision of mental healthcare for those living with HIV; to the specific treatment needs of children, adolescents, pregnant women and older people; and to the standard collection of validated indicators of treatment outcomes within national programmes. For the considerable gains that have been achieved to be sustained, funders--both internal and external to the country concerned--need to prioritize investment in operations research to maximise the efficiency of their other investments in HIV treatment and care services

    Le soutien parental offert par les membres du réseau social : le point de vue des mères en situation de vulnérabilité

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    Cet article examine le soutien parental présent dans le réseau social des mères en contexte de vulnérabilité : mères ayant un enfant âgé entre 2 à 6 ans et cumulant au moins deux des facteurs de risque retenus (pauvreté, sous-scolarisation et jeune âge à la naissance du premier enfant). Les données recueillies par le biais d’entrevues semi-structurées effectuées auprès du groupe de mères considérées à risque (groupe cible, n = 49) ont été comparées à celles obtenues auprès d’un groupe de mères jugées peu à risque (groupe normatif, n = 43). Les résultats rapportent le point de vue des mères participantes concernant les membres de leur réseau social (par exemple, les personnes perçues comme étant les plus aidantes ou les plus nuisibles dans l’exercice de leur rôle parental). Les formes de soutien ou de stress attribuées à certaines figures perçues comme centrales par les mères (grands-mères maternelles, conjoints et ex-conjoints) sont également décrites. Certaines pistes d’intervention prenant appui sur les ressources du réseau informel sont suggérées.The present study focuses on informal social networks and the people who give parental support to at-risk mothers (i.e., mothers who display at least two of the following risk factors : low SES, low education, and under 21 years at the birth of their first child). A sample of 49 such mothers, who had children between the ages of 2 and 6 years, participated in semi structured interviews. The group was then matched with a group of low risk mothers (n = 43). Results present mothers’ perspectives on the people in their social network they see as being most helpful or most stressful, as far as parenting is concerned. They also describe the roles played by key members of their immediate environment (maternal grandmothers, spouse or ex-spouse). Practical guidelines towards a network-oriented approach in parental support are outlined.Este artículo examina el apoyo parental presente en la red social de madres en un contexto de vulnerabilidad: madres con un niño de entre 2 y 6 años y con al menos dos de los factores de riesgo retenidos (pobreza, poca escolaridad y juventud al nacer el primer hijo). Los datos recopilados por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas en un grupo de madres consideradas en riesgo (grupo meta, n = 49) fueron comparados con aquellos obtenidos de un grupo de madres consideradas como en poco riesgo (grupo normativo, n = 43). Los resultados reportan el punto de vista de las madres participantes acerca de los miembros de su red social (por ejemplo, las personas percibidas como de más ayuda o las más nocivas en el ejercicio de su papel parental). También se describen las formas de apoyo o de estrés que se atribuyen a ciertas figuras percibidas como centrales por las madres (abuelas maternas, parejas y ex-parejas). Se sugieren ciertas pistas de intervención que se apoyan en los recursos de la red informal.Este artigo examina o apoio parental presente na rede social das mães em contexto de vulnerabilidade: mães que têm um filho com idade entre 2 e 6 anos e que acumulam, pelo menos, dois dos fatores de risco (pobreza, baixa escolaridade, idade jovem no nascimento do primeiro filho). Os dados recolhidos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas junto ao grupo de mulheres consideradas a risco (grupo-alvo, n=49) foram comparadas aos obtidos junto a um grupo de mães julgadas a pouco risco (grupo normativo, n=43). Os resultados revelam o ponto de vista das mães participantes com respeito aos membros de sua rede social (por exemplo, as pessoas vistas como sendo as que mais ajudam ou as que mais atrapalham no exercício de seu papel materno). As formas de apoio ou de estresse atribuídas a algumas figuras vistas como centrais pelas mães (avós maternas, esposos, ex-maridos) são igualmente descritas. São sugeridas algumas pistas de intervenção com base nos recursos de rede informal

    A systematic examination of actor and trainee interviewer behaviour during Joint Investigative Interviewing Training

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    This study is the first systematic examination of trainee interviewer and actor behaviour during Joint Investigative Interviewing Training (JIIT) simulations across two training sites in Scotland. As expected, interviewers were poor at adhering to best practice interview guidelines in the pre-substantive and closure phases of the interviews. Although invitations were used within the range of best practice, they were not used more often and did not elicit more allegation-related details than directive questions. Critically, actors’ responses to invitations were less informative than their responses to all other question types. Furthermore, large differences were observed between the two training sites in the number of questions asked and amount of information elicited by interviewers. Our results show that 1) trainee interviewers are not utilising simulations to practice all required interviewing skills, 2) adult actors are not reinforcing interviewers’ use of invitations as intended, and 3) trainee interviewers are not being afforded the same opportunities to practice their skills due to variation in resources across Scotland. We recommend improvements to the JIIT programme to address these concerns
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