5 research outputs found

    Malformações congênitas e abortos induzidos experimentalmente pela ingestão de Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L. P. Queiroz (Catingueira) em ovelhas

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    A ovinocultura no Nordeste do Brasil representa importante papel social e econômico e as perdas econômicas causadas pelas plantas tóxicas neste setor podem ser indiretas como o aumento dos custos de produção ou diretas como a diminuição dos índices reprodutivos causados principalmente devidos a ocorrência de malformação congênita e aborto. No Nordeste as plantas tóxicas que se destacam como causadoras de problemas reprodutivos são a Mimosa tenuiflora, Aspidosperma pyrifolium e Poincianella pyramidalis. Um dos principais diagnósticos diferenciais das intoxicações por plantas que causam distúrbios reprodutivos é a ocorrência de agentes infecciosos relacionados a aborto e malformação, dentre estes se destacam Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii e o Vírus da Língua azul. A P. pyramidalis (catingueira) é descrita como causa de aborto, morte embrionária e malformações congênitas em caprinos e ratos. Sendo as principais malformações descritas em cabeça e membros. Estudos de campo na região agreste do estado de Pernambuco foram realizados durante os anos de 2012-2016 e revelaram a ocorrência de diversos surtos e casos espontâneos de malformações congênitas e abortos em ovinos associados a intoxicação por P. pyramidalis por ser a planta predominante nas propriedades. Como não há relatos na literatura de intoxicação experimental pela P. pyramidalis em ovinos é necessário a realização de experimento para confirmar seu efeito fetotóxico, descrever as principais malformações e as doses capazes de causar os distúrbios reprodutivos nesta espécie.Sheep breeding in Northeast of Brazil represents an important social and economic role and the economic losses caused by toxic plants in this sector may be indirect as the increase in production costs or direct as the decrease of the reproductive indexes caused mainly due to the occurrence of congenital malformation and abortion. In the Northeast the toxic plants that stand out causing reproductive problems are Mimosa tenuiflora, Aspidosperma pyrifolium and Poincianella pyramidalis. One of the main differential diagnoses of plant poisoning that causes reproductive disorders is the occurrence of infectious agents related to abortion and malformation, as Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii and Blue tongue vírus. P. pyramidalis (catingueira) is described causing abortion, embryonic death and congenital malformations in goats and rats. Main malformations are described in head and limbs. Field studies in the agrarian region of the State of Pernambuco were conducted during the years 2012-2016 and revealed the occurrence of several outbreaks and spontaneous cases of congenital malformations and abortions in sheep associated with poisoning by P. pyramidalis because it is the predominant plant in the properties. As there are no reports in the literature of experimental poisoning by P. pyramidalis in sheep, it is necessary to perform an experiment to confirm its fetotoxic effect, to describe main malformations and doses capable to develop reproductive disorders in the sheep

    Metastastic Melanoma in a Goat

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    Background: Melanoma is one of the 5 neoplasia types of that most frequently affect skin and subcutaneous tissue, es-pecially in Northeastern Brazil, where there is a high incidence of solar rays. It is a tumor that affects melanocytes and is characterized by diverse morphologies ranging from round to polygonal cells, including epithelioid cells, spindle cells, star-shaped or with a mesenchymal appearance, and presenting large amounts of melanin in the cytoplasm. The pigment can be found in the cytoplasm of macrophages, indicating the phagocytic activity at the site. The nucleus is basophilic, and mitotic figures are not numerous.Case: A 12-year-old female goat with a history of nodular lesion in the nasal region with progressive increase and recur-rence was submitted to clinical evaluation. The tumor presented suggestive characteristics of melanoma, such as elevated irregular and surface with a central region of black colored skin. After surgical removal of the nodule, recurrence was observed in infra-orbital and parotid regions with infiltration of the mandible. Hence, the malignant behaviour of the tumor indicated euthanasia of the animal. The owner authorized the procedure and the individual was then submitted to necropsy at the Animal Pathology Sector of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Academic Unit of Garanhuns (UAG/UFRPE). At necropsy, findings included a tumor in the parotid region with infiltration to the mandible, multiple tumors of black or grayish-white color in liver, multifocal nodules of grayish color in the right kidney and left kidney also had tumors of the same colorations, in the thoracic cavity, blackened spots were observed in the sternum. The lungs had several black colored nodules distributed throughout the organ. Microscopic examination revealed metastatic cells with intracytoplasmic brown pigments, in addition to granular and pleomorphic aspect. The lymph nodes presented the higher number of metastatic foci. Tumor cells were observed in metastatic nodes surrounded by disorganized tissue in organs, such as liver, right kidney, mandible and lungs.Discussion: The diagnosis was concluded based on the metastatic foci found in the several organs along with macroscopic aspects of the tumors and the histopathological evaluation. In addition, the findings were also confirmed with data found in the scientific literature. The clinical evolution and the appearance of new metastatic foci in only three weeks indicated that it was a tumor with a high degree of invasiveness. The evolution period was shorter than the reports described in the literature. Also in an unusual manner, the numerous metastatic foci in several organs compromised the general status of the animal. The involvement of the liver and lung parenchyma by the tumor, considerably diminishing the functionality of these organs, and the macroscopic characteristics with darkened aspect, microscopically correspond to areas of metastatic foci. The histopathological evaluation of the white or yellow areas revealed necrosis with adjacent tissue disorganization. The alterations described in the kidney, sternum and mandible were also described in the literature as possible sites of metastasis. However, there are few reports describing elevated numbers of metastases in a single animal, and in such rich detail with macroscopic and microscopic records, allowing the conclusion of this case as a malignant melanoma

    Metastastic Melanoma in a Goat

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    Background: Melanoma is one of the 5 neoplasia types of that most frequently affect skin and subcutaneous tissue, es-pecially in Northeastern Brazil, where there is a high incidence of solar rays. It is a tumor that affects melanocytes and is characterized by diverse morphologies ranging from round to polygonal cells, including epithelioid cells, spindle cells, star-shaped or with a mesenchymal appearance, and presenting large amounts of melanin in the cytoplasm. The pigment can be found in the cytoplasm of macrophages, indicating the phagocytic activity at the site. The nucleus is basophilic, and mitotic figures are not numerous.Case: A 12-year-old female goat with a history of nodular lesion in the nasal region with progressive increase and recur-rence was submitted to clinical evaluation. The tumor presented suggestive characteristics of melanoma, such as elevated irregular and surface with a central region of black colored skin. After surgical removal of the nodule, recurrence was observed in infra-orbital and parotid regions with infiltration of the mandible. Hence, the malignant behaviour of the tumor indicated euthanasia of the animal. The owner authorized the procedure and the individual was then submitted to necropsy at the Animal Pathology Sector of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Academic Unit of Garanhuns (UAG/UFRPE). At necropsy, findings included a tumor in the parotid region with infiltration to the mandible, multiple tumors of black or grayish-white color in liver, multifocal nodules of grayish color in the right kidney and left kidney also had tumors of the same colorations, in the thoracic cavity, blackened spots were observed in the sternum. The lungs had several black colored nodules distributed throughout the organ. Microscopic examination revealed metastatic cells with intracytoplasmic brown pigments, in addition to granular and pleomorphic aspect. The lymph nodes presented the higher number of metastatic foci. Tumor cells were observed in metastatic nodes surrounded by disorganized tissue in organs, such as liver, right kidney, mandible and lungs.Discussion: The diagnosis was concluded based on the metastatic foci found in the several organs along with macroscopic aspects of the tumors and the histopathological evaluation. In addition, the findings were also confirmed with data found in the scientific literature. The clinical evolution and the appearance of new metastatic foci in only three weeks indicated that it was a tumor with a high degree of invasiveness. The evolution period was shorter than the reports described in the literature. Also in an unusual manner, the numerous metastatic foci in several organs compromised the general status of the animal. The involvement of the liver and lung parenchyma by the tumor, considerably diminishing the functionality of these organs, and the macroscopic characteristics with darkened aspect, microscopically correspond to areas of metastatic foci. The histopathological evaluation of the white or yellow areas revealed necrosis with adjacent tissue disorganization. The alterations described in the kidney, sternum and mandible were also described in the literature as possible sites of metastasis. However, there are few reports describing elevated numbers of metastases in a single animal, and in such rich detail with macroscopic and microscopic records, allowing the conclusion of this case as a malignant melanoma

    Malformações congênitas e abortos induzidos experimentalmente pela ingestão de Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz (catingueira) em ovelhas

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    RESUMO: Poincianella pyramidalis (catingueira) é uma planta tóxica associada a abortos, perdas embrionárias e malformações em caprinos e animais de laboratório. Surtos e casos esporádicos de intoxicação espontânea em ovinos vem sendo relatados nos últimos cinco anos no agreste de Pernambuco. Devido à ocorrência destes casos espontâneos e a escassez de pesquisas na espécie ovina, o objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar um estudo experimental para avaliação dos efeitos teratogênicos de P. pyramidalis em ovelhas. No experimento foram utilizadas 16 ovelhas e três carneiros, sem raça definida (SRD). As fêmeas foram divididas em quatro grupos, com quatro animais por grupo e mantidas em baias individuais, foram submetidas a sincronização do estro e acasalamento por monta natural, após 30 dias foi realizado o diagnóstico para confirmação da gestação. Os grupos foram denominados como: grupo 1 (G1), grupo 2 (G2), grupo 3 (G3) e grupo 4 (G4). No G1 (controle) as ovelhas foram alimentadas com 1% de suplementação concentrada (SC) baseado no peso vivo (PV) e 2% de volumoso a base de silagem de milho (SM), com uma ingestão diária de 3% de matéria seca (MS) com base no PV. No G2 a alimentação era constituída de 1% de SC com base no PV e 2% de volumoso. Sendo que destes 2% de volumoso, 50% era feno de P. pyramidalis e os outros 50% de SM. No G3 a alimentação era constituída de 1% de SC com base no PV e 2% de volumoso. Sendo que destes 2% de volumoso, 80% foi de feno de P. pyramidalis e os outros 20% de SM. No G4 as ovelhas foram alimentadas com 1% de SC com base no PV e o volumoso constituído de 100% de feno de P. pyramidalis. Todos os grupos receberam SC à base de farelo de milho, farelo de algodão, sal mineral especifico para ovinos e água ad libitum. Mensalmente os animais foram submetidos à ultrassonografia para detecção de perdas embrionárias ou fetais. Foram realizados exames sorológicos para Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii antes da introdução dos animais no experimento. Os fetos com malformações foram avaliados no setor de Patologia da UFRPE / Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns (UAG) para descrição das lesões. No G2, ocorreram cinco casos de malformações de oito cordeiros nascidos. No G3, ocorreram quatro casos de malformação, sendo um decorrente de aborto. No G4, uma ovelha abortou e as outras três pariram quatro fetos malformados. As principais malformações encontradas no trabalho foram artrogripose, palatosquise, queilosquise, hipoplasia da mandíbula, aplasia do osso incisivo, malformações de olho e língua, polidactilia e monodactilia. Nos grupos de maior percentual de ingestão da planta foram observadas maiores quantidades de malformações e chamou a atenção a ocorrência de retenção de placenta e a alta frequência de mortalidade perinatal nos cordeiros que apresentaram algum tipo de malformação. Demonstrou-se com esse trabalho que a P. pyramidalis é uma importante causa de malformação congênita, aborto e mortalidade perinatal em ovinos, sendo de extrema importância que se mantenha as ovelhas prenhes fora do alcance desta planta durante todo o período gestacional