1,814 research outputs found

    Case Studies of the Economic Impact of Highway Bypasses in Kansas

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    The construction of highway bypasses has resulted in many economic benefits both for intercity motorists as well as residents of towns with bypasses. Despite the benefits of bypasses, they remain controversial. Local business owners in the town being bypassed fear that the reduction of traffic passing through the town will adversely affect their sales. The purpose of this study is to add to the literature concerning the economic impact of highway bypasses on small towns. The measured impacts are (1) total employment of bypass towns, (2) retail sales of the towns' travel-related businesses, (3) employment of the towns' travel-related businesses, and (4) the bypass town as a whole. To measure the impact of the bypasses on total employment of bypass towns, each of the nine sample towns was matched with a group of control towns. Total employment of each bypass town was regressed on total employment of its control towns and a bypass dummy variable used to measure the effect of the bypass. The equations were estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The other three impacts were obtained by interviewing the owners and managers of 54 travel-related businesses located in the nine bypass towns. The statistical results are consistent with the hypothesis that the bypass did not have a statistically significant effect on total employment of the bypass towns. In the opinion of most of the owners and managers of the travel-related businesses the bypasses had a negative impact on their retail sales and employment, and on the town as a whole. There was a substantial variation in opinion regarding the impact of the bypass on company retail sales, employment, and on the town as a whole among the industry groups in the sample

    NXY-059 for the treatment of acute stroke: pooled analysis of the SAINT I and II trials

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    <p><b>Background and Purpose:</b> In animal models of acute ischemic stroke (AIS), the free radical-trapping agent NXY-059 showed promise as a neuroprotectant. SAINT I and II were randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials to investigate the efficacy of NXY-059 in patients with AIS.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> Patients with AIS received an infusion of intravenous NXY-059 or placebo within 6 hours from the onset of stroke symptoms. A pooled individual patient analysis was prespecified to assess the overall efficacy and to examine subgroups. The primary end point was the distribution of disability scores measured on the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at 90 days. Neurologic and activities of daily living scores were investigated as secondary end points. We also evaluated whether treatment with NXY-059 would reduce alteplase-related intracranial hemorrhages. Finally, we evaluated possible predictors of good or poor outcome.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> An intent-to-treat efficacy analysis was based on 5028 patients. Baseline parameters and prognostic factors were well balanced between treatment groups. The distribution of scores on the mRS was not different in the group treated with NXY-059 (n = 2438) compared with the placebo group (n = 2456): odds ratio for limiting disability = 1.02; 95% CI, 0.92 to 1.13 (P = 0.682, Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test). Comparisons at each level of the mRS confirmed an absence of benefit. There was no evidence of efficacy in prespecified subgroups or from the secondary outcome analyses. Mortality was equal in the 2 groups (16.7% vs 16.5%), and adverse event rates were similar. Among patients treated with alteplase, there was no decrease in rates of symptomatic or asymptomatic hemorrhage associated with NXY-059 treatment versus placebo. Subgroup analyses identified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, age, markers of inflammation, blood glucose, and right-sided infarct as predictors of poor outcome.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> NXY-059 is ineffective for treatment of AIS within 6 hours of symptom onset. This is also true for subgroups and the prevention of alteplase-associated hemorrhage.</p&gt

    Additional outcomes and subgroup analyses of NXY-059 for acute ischemic stroke in the SAINT I trial

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    <p><b>Background and Purpose:</b> NXY-059 is a free radical-trapping neuroprotectant demonstrated to reduce disability from ischemic stroke. We conducted analyses on additional end points and sensitivity analyses to confirm our findings.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We randomized 1722 patients with acute ischemic stroke to a 72-hour infusion of placebo or intravenous NXY-059 within 6 hours of stroke onset. The primary outcome was disability at 90 days, as measured by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS), a 6-point scale ranging from 0 (no residual symptoms) to 5 (bed-bound, requiring constant care). Additional and exploratory analyses included mRS at 7 and 30 days; subgroup interactions with final mRS; assessments of activities of daily living by Barthel index; and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) neurological scores at 7 and 90 days.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> NXY-059 significantly improved the distribution of the mRS disability score compared with placebo at 7, 30, and 90 days (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test P=0.002, 0.004, 0.038, respectively; 90-day common odds ratio 1.20; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.42). The benefit was not attributable to any specific baseline characteristic, stratification variable or subgroup interaction. Neurological scores were improved at 7 days (odds ratio [OR], 1.46; 95% CI, 1.13, 1.89; P=0.003) and the Barthel index was improved at 7 and 30 days (OR, 1.55; 95% CI, 1.22, 1.98; P<0.0001; OR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.01, 1.59; P=0.02).</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> NXY-059 within 6 hours of acute ischemic stroke significantly reduced disability. Benefit on neurological scores and activities of daily living was detectable early but not significant at 90 days; however, our trial was underpowered to measure effects on the neurological examination. The benefit on disability is not confounded by interactions and is supported by other outcome measures.</p&gt

    Safety and tolerability of NXY-059 for acute intracerebral hemorrhage: the CHANT trial

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    <p><b>Background and Purpose:</b> NXY-059 is a free radical-trapping neuroprotectant developed for use in acute ischemic stroke. To facilitate prompt administration of treatment, potentially before neuroimaging, we investigated the safety of NXY-059 in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We randomized 607 patients within 6 hours of acute ICH to receive 2270 mg intravenous NXY-059 over 1 hour and then up to 960 mg/h over 71 hours, or matching placebo, in addition to standard care. The primary outcome was safety: the mortality and the frequency of adverse events, and the change from baseline for a variety of serum, imaging, and electrophysiological measurements. We also studied the overall distribution of disability scores on the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and the Barthel index.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> We treated 300 patients with NXY-059 and 303 with placebo. Treatment groups were well matched for prognostic variables including Glasgow Coma Scale, risk factors, and age. The mean National Institute of Health Stroke Scale score on admission was 14 in both groups. The baseline hemorrhage volume was 22.4±20.1 mL in the NXY-059 group and 23.3±22.8 mL in the placebo group (mean±SD). Most hemorrhages were related to hypertension or anticoagulant use. Mortality was similar in both groups: 20.3% for NXY-059 and 19.8% for placebo-treated patients. The proportion of patients who experienced an adverse event was the same for both groups, whereas for serious adverse events the proportion was slightly higher in the NXY-059 group. However, no pattern emerged to indicate a safety concern. Serum potassium fell transiently in both groups, lower in the NXY-059 group. There were no differences in 3-month function, disability, or neurological deficit scores. The odds ratio for an improved outcome in 3-month mRS scores in the NXY-059 group was 1.01 (95% CI 0.75, 1.35).</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> NXY-059 given within 6 hours of acute ICH has a good safety and tolerability profile, with no adverse effect on important clinical outcomes.</p&gt

    Epigenetic profiling linked to multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C): A multicenter, retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Most children and adolescents infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) remain asymptomatic or develop a mild coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that usually does not require medical intervention. However, a small proportion of pediatric patients develop a severe clinical condition, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). The involvement of epigenetics in the control of the immune response and viral activity prompted us to carry out an epigenomic study to uncover target loci regulated by DNA methylation that could be altered upon the appearance of MIS-C. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples were recruited from 43 confirmed MIS-C patients. 69 non-COVID-19 pediatric samples and 15 COVID-19 pediatric samples without MIS-C were used as controls. The cases in the two groups were mixed and divided into discovery (MIS-C = 29 and non-MIS-C = 56) and validation (MIS-C = 14 and non-MIS-C = 28) cohorts, and balanced for age, gender and ethnic background. We interrogated 850,000 CpG sites of the human genome for DNA methylation variants. FINDINGS: The DNA methylation content of 33 CpG loci was linked with the presence of MIS-C. Of these sites, 18 (54.5%) were located in described genes. The top candidate gene was the immune T-cell mediator ZEB2; and others highly ranked candidates included the regulator of natural killer cell functional competence SH2D1B; VWA8, which contains a domain of the Von Willebrand factor A involved in the pediatric hemostasis disease; and human leukocyte antigen complex member HLA-DRB1; in addition to pro-inflammatory genes such as CUL2 and AIM2. The identified loci were used to construct a DNA methylation profile (EPIMISC) that was associated with MIS-C in both cohorts. The EPIMISC signature was also overrepresented in Kawasaki disease patients, a childhood pathology with a possible viral trigger, that shares many of the clinical features of MIS-C. INTERPRETATION: We have characterized DNA methylation loci that are associated with MIS-C diagnosis. The identified genes are likely contributors to the characteristic exaggerated host inflammatory response observed in these patients. The described epigenetic signature could also provide new targets for more specific therapies for the disorder.We thank the Health Department and the Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA) Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation, Fundació La Marató de TV3 and the Cellex Foundation for institutional support. We also wish to thank all the patients, family members and staff from all the units that participated in the studyPeer Reviewed"Article signat per 22 autors/es: Veronica Davalos, Carlos A. García-Prieto, Gerardo Ferrer, Sergio Aguilera-Albesa, Juan Valencia-Ramos, Agustí Rodríguez-Palmero, Montserrat Ruiz, Laura Planas-Serra, Iolanda Jordan, Iosune Alegría, Patricia Flores-Pérez, Verónica Cantarín, Victoria Fumadó, Maria Teresa Viadero, Carlos Rodrigo, Maria Méndez-Hernández, Eduardo López-Granados, Roger Colobran, Jacques G. Rivière, Pere Soler-Palacín, Aurora Pujol, Manel Esteller"Postprint (published version

    Dynamic epigenetic regulation of the microRNA-200 family mediates epithelial and mesenchymal transitions in human tumorigenesis

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    Epithelial-mesenchymal (EMT) and mesenchymal-epithelial (MET) transitions occur in the development of human tumorigenesis and are part of the natural history of the process to adapt to the changing microenvironment. In this setting, the miR-200 family is recognized as a master regulator of the epithelial phenotype by targeting ZEB1 and ZEB2, two important transcriptional repressors of the cell adherence (E-cadherin) and polarity (CRB3 and LGL2) genes. Recently, the putative DNA methylation associated inactivation of various miR-200 members has been described in cancer. Herein, we show that the miR-200ba429 and miR-200c141 transcripts undergo a dynamic epigenetic regulation linked to EMT or MET phenotypes in tumor progression. The 5′-CpG islands of both miR-200 loci were found unmethylated and coupled to the expression of the corresponding miRNAs in human cancer cell lines with epithelial features, such as low levels of ZEB1/ZEB2 and high expression of E-cadherin, CRB3 and LGL2, while CpG island hypermethylation-associated silencing was observed in transformed cells with mesenchymal characteristics. The recovery of miR-200ba429 and miR-200c141 expression by stable transfection in the hypermethylated cells restored the epithelial markers and inhibited migration in cell culture and tumoral growth and metastasis formation in nude mice. We also discovered, using both cell culture and animal models, that the miR-200 epigenetic silencing is not an static and fixed process but it can be shifted to hypermethylated or unmethylated 5′-CpG island status corresponding to the EMT and MET phenotypes, respectively. In fact, careful laser microdissection in human primary colorectal tumorigenesis unveiled that in normal colon mucosa crypts (epithelia) and stroma (mesenchyma) already are unmethylated and methylated at these loci, respectively; and that the colorectal tumors undergo selective miR-200 hypermethylation of their epithelial component. These findings indicate that the epigenetic silencing plasticity of the miR-200 family contributes to the evolving and adapting phenotypes of human tumors

    BER-Adaptive RMLSA Algorithm for Wide-Area Flexible Optical Networks

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    Wide-area optical networks face significant transmission challenges due to the relentless growth of bandwidth demands experienced nowadays. Network operators must consider the relationship between modulation format and maximum reach for each connection request due to the accumulation of physical layer impairments in optical fiber links, to guarantee a minimum quality of service (QoS) and quality of transmission (QoT) to all connection requests. In this work, we present a BER-adaptive solution to solve the routing, modulation format, and spectrum assignment (RMLSA) problem for wide-area elastic optical networks. Our main goal is to maximize successful connection requests in wide-area networks while choosing modulation formats with the highest efficiency possible. Consequently, our technique uses an adaptive bit-error-rate (BER) threshold to achieve communication with the best QoT in the most efficient manner, using the strictest BER value and the modulation format with the smallest bandwidth possible. Additionally, the proposed algorithm relies on 3R regeneration devices to enable long-distances communications if transparent communication cannot be achieved. We assessed our method through simulations for various network conditions, such as the number of regenerators per node, traffic load per user, and BER threshold values. In a scenario without regenerators, the BER-Adaptive algorithm performs similarly to the most relaxed fixed BER threshold studied in blocking probability. However, it ensures a higher QoT to most of the connection requests. The proposed algorithm thrives with the use of regenerators, showing the best performance among the studied solutions, enabling long-distance communications with a high QoT and low blocking probability

    A randomised feasibility study of serial magnetic resonance imaging to reduce treatment times in Charcot neuroarthropathy in people with diabetes (CADOM): A protocol

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    Background Charcot neuroarthropathy is a complication of peripheral neuropathy associated with diabetes which most frequently affects the lower limb. It can cause fractures and dislocations within the foot, which may progress to deformity and ulceration. Recommended treatment is immobilisation and offloading, with a below knee non-removable cast or boot. Duration of treatment varies from six months to more than one year. Small observational studies suggest that repeated assessment with Magnetic Resonance Imaging improves decision making about when to stop treatment, but this has not been tested in clinical trials. This study aims to explore the feasibility of using serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging without contrast in the monitoring of Charcot neuroarthropathy to reduce duration of immobilisation of the foot. A nested qualitative study aims to explore participants’ lived experience of Charcot neuroarthropathy and of taking part in the feasibility study. Methods We will undertake a two arm, open study, and randomise 60 people with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of Charcot neuroarthropathy from five NHS, secondary care multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics across England. Participants will be randomised 1:1 to receive Magnetic Resonance Imaging at baseline and remission up to 12 months, with repeated foot temperature measurements and x-rays (standard care plus), or standard care plus with additional three-monthly Magnetic Resonance Imaging until remission up to 12 months (intervention). Time to confirmed remission of Charcot neuroarthropathy with off-loading treatment (days) and its variance will be used to inform sample size in a full-scale trial. We will look for opportunities to improve the protocols for monitoring techniques and the clinical, patient centred, and health economic measures used in a future study. For the nested qualitative study, we will invite a purposive sample of 10-14 people able to offer maximally varying experiences from the feasibility study to take part in semi-structured interviews to be analysed using thematic analysis. Discussion The study will inform the decision whether to proceed to a full-scale trial. It will also allow deeper understanding of the lived experience of Charcot neuroarthropathy, and factors that contribute to engagement in management and contribute to the development of more effective patient centred strategies. Trial registration ISRCTN, ISRCTN, 74101606. Registered on 6 November 2017, http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN74101606?q=CADom&filters=&sort=&offset=1&totalResults=1&page=1&pageSize=10&searchType=basic-searc