583 research outputs found

    Quantum anomalous Hall phase in synthetic bilayers via twistronics without a twist

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    We recently proposed quantum simulators of "twistronic-like" physics based on ultracold atoms and syntheticdimensions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 030504 (2020)]. Conceptually, the scheme is based on the idea that aphysical monolayer optical lattice of desired geometry is upgraded to a synthetic bilayer system by identifyingthe internal states of the trapped atoms with synthetic spatial dimensions. The couplings between the internalstates, i.e. between sites on the two layers, can be exquisitely controlled by laser induced Raman transitions.By spatially modulating the interlayer coupling, Moir\'e-like patterns can be directly imprinted on the latticewithout the need of a physical twist of the layers. This scheme leads practically to a uniform pattern across thelattice with the added advantage of widely tunable interlayer coupling strengths. The latter feature facilitates theengineering of flat bands at larger "magic" angles, or more directly, for smaller unit cells than in conventionaltwisted materials. In this paper we extend these ideas and demonstrate that our system exhibits topologicalband structures under appropriate conditions. To achieve non-trivial band topology we consider imanaginarynext-to-nearest neighbor tunnelings that drive the system into a quantum anomalous Hall phase. In particular,we focus on three groups of bands, whose their Chern numbers triplet can be associated to a trivial insulator(0,0,0), a standard non-trivial (-1,0,1) and a non-standard non-trivial (-1,1,0). We identify regimes of parameterswhere these three situations occur. We show the presence of an anomalous Hall phase and the appearance oftopological edge states. Our works open the path for experiments on topological effects in twistronics without atwistComment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Description of two Enterococcus strains isolated from traditional Peruvian artisanal-produced cheeses with a bacteriocin-like inhibitory activity

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    The aim of this work was to isolate and to characterize strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with bacteriocin-like inhibitory activity from 27 traditional cheeses artisanal-produced obtained from different Peruvian regions. Twenty Gram+ and catalasenegative strains among 2,277 isolates exhibited bacteriocin-like inhibitory activity against Listeria monocytogenes CWBIB2232 as target strain. No change in inhibitory activity was observed after organic acid neutralization and treatment with catalase of the cell-free supernatant (CFS). The proteinic nature of the antimicrobial activity was confirmed for the twenty LAB strains by proteolytic digestion of the CFS. Two strains, CWBI-B1431 and CWBI-B1430, with the best antimicrobial activity were selected for further researches. These strains were taxonomically identified by phenotypic and genotypic analyses as Enterococcus mundtii (CWBI-B1431) and Enterococcus faecium (CWBI-B1430). The two strains were sensitive to vancomycin (MIC 2 ÎĽg.ml-1) and showed absence of haemolysis

    Nanoscale phase separation and pseudogap in the hole-doped cuprates from fluctuating Cu-O-Cu bonds

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    The pseudogap phenomenology is one of the enigmas of the physics of high-Tc superconductors. Many members of the cuprate family have now been experimentally characterized with high resolution in both real and momentum space, which revealed highly anisotropic Fermi arcs and local domains which break rotational symmetry in the CuO2 plane at the intraunit cell level. While most theoretical approaches to date have focused on the role of electronic correlations and dopinginduced disorder to explain these features, we show that many features of the pseudogap phase can be reproduced by considering the interplay between electronic and nonlinear electron-phonon interactions within a model of fluctuating Cu-O-Cu bonds. Remarkably, we find that electronic segregation arises naturally without the need to explicitly include disorder. Our approach points not only to the key role played by the oxygen bond in the pseudogap phase, but opens different directions to explore how nonequilibrium lattice excitations can be used to control the properties of the pseudogap phase.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry MINECO (National Plan 15 Grant: FISICATEAMO No. FIS2016-79508-P, SEVERO OCHOA No. SEV2015-0522, FPI), European Social Fund, Fundacio Cellex, Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR Grant No. 2017 SGR 1341 and CERCA/Program), EU FEDER, ERC AdG OSYRIS and NOQIA, ERC StG SEESUPER, EU FETPRO QUIC, and the National Science Centre, PolandSymfonia Grant No. 2016/20/W/ST4/00314. A.D. was financed by a Juan de la Cierva fellowship (IJCI-2017- 33180). R.W.C. acknowledges funding from the Polish National Center via Miniatura-2 Program Grant No. 2018/02/X/ST3/01718.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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