7 research outputs found

    The sustainable development of the knowledge based economy in Lithuania

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    Šio amžiaus valstybių valdymo aplinka pasižymi dinamiškumu, integruotumu, tarpdalykiškumu ir sudaro prielaidas rastis sąveikai tarp žiniomis grįstos ekonomikos (toliau – ŽGE) ir darnaus vystymosi Lietuvoje, tačiau pasigendama vieningos minėtų procesų vertinimo metodikos, todėl šio tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėjus ŽGE ir darnaus vystymosi sąsajas bei sudarius ir apskaičiavus integruotą ŽGE darnaus vystymosi Lietuvoje indeksą, parengti siūlymus, kaip ŽGE gali prisidėti prie darnesnio Lietuvos vystymosi. Apskaičiuotas indeksas sudarytas iš socioekonomikos, aplinkosaugos, inovacijų, žmogiškųjų išteklių ir informacinių, komunikacinių technologijų subindeksų. Lietuvos ŽGE darnus vystymasis vertinamas teigiamai, tačiau nustatyta, kad atskirų subindeksų plėtra nėra vienoda. Tam, kad Lietuvos ŽGE vystymasis būtų darnesnis, siūloma tikslingiau naudotis ES gerąja patirtimi, strateginėmis kryptimis, plėtoti visų analizuotų dimensijų tolygią integraciją į ŽGE ir darnaus vystymosi procesus, efektyviau skleisti ŽGE ir darnaus vystymosi svarbą informacinėmis komunikacinėmis technologijomis, kurios yra viena stipriausių šalies sričių, skatinti mokymo sistemų pritaikymą konkurencingiausioms kompetencijoms įgyti, skirti didesnį dėmesį savivaldos lygmeniu vykdomai politikai ŽGE darnaus vystymosi kontekste.In this century the management of the country is in a dynamic, multiplicity and controversial environment. For their competitiveness is necessary to look for the interaction between the knowledgebased economy and the sustainable development. A strong correlation between those objects.forces scientists to analyze, create new evaluation methodologies. The aim of this study – to examine the role of importance between knowledge–based economy and sustainable development, create and calculate an integrated sustainable knowledge–based economy index of Lithuania and according to the results or research, make proposes for more effective development of Lithuania’s sustainable knowledge–based economy. The index consists of Socio-economic, environmental, innovation, human resources and information and communications technology sub–indices..The calculation showed that the development of a knowledge–based economy is not sustainable, because not all the development of sub–indices.is the same. The biggest positive changes taking place in information and communication technology, and negative – socio-economic areas. The sustainable development of the knowledge–based economy in Lithuania since 2010 is growing up

    The effect of soil pH and natural fertilizers on the productivity of different mixtures and nitrogen accumulation in plant biomass

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    Research aimed at comparing the productivity and nitrogen (N) accumulation in plant biomass of different mixtures and permanent meadow grown in soils with different pH was performed. Most of the N was accumulated in permanent meadow grass biomass. Barley/lupine and barley/pea mixtures accumulated considerably less N. In most cases, soil pH had no significant effect on N accumulation. In fact, N accumulation strongly depended on plant productivity. In 2008, there was a more significant decrease in the productivity of barley/lupine mixture, compared to that of 2007. Permanent meadow was a more stable agroecosystem compared with annual mixtures; therefore different agroclimatic conditions had little effect on yield formation (somewhat bigger in 2008, but insignificantly), whereas increase in grass productivity was obtained. Average data for 2007 and 2008 showed that barley/pea mixture was the most productiveVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The effect of soil pH and natural fertilizers on the productivity of different mixtures and nitrogen accumulation in plant biomass

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    Research aimed at comparing the productivity and nitrogen (N) accumulation in plant biomass of different mixtures and permanent meadow grown in soils with different pH was performed. Most of the N was accumulated in permanent meadow grass biomass. Barley/lupine and barley/pea mixtures accumulated considerably less N. In most cases, soil pH had no significant effect on N accumulation. In fact, N accumulation strongly depended on plant productivity. In 2008, there was a more significant decrease in the productivity of barley/lupine mixture, compared to that of 2007. Permanent meadow was a more stable agroecosystem compared with annual mixtures; therefore different agroclimatic conditions had little effect on yield formation (somewhat bigger in 2008, but insignificantly), whereas increase in grass productivity was obtained. Average data for 2007 and 2008 showed that barley/pea mixture was the most productiveVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij