68 research outputs found

    Process system engineering in biodiesel production: a review

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    Biodiesel is fast becoming a popular alternative to fossil fuels, as it is natural, renewable and has low toxic emissions. Strategies that have been adopted to ensure continued growth of the biodiesel industry are policy development, reduction of biodiesel tax, offset funding for incremental fuel cost from CO2 emission fuel and support for research and development of potential biodiesel feedstocks. Recent innovations of biodiesel processes are focused on the development of more efficient catalysts and in the utilization of novel reaction media such as supercritical fluids as well as on a variety of oil feedstocks such as virgin and waste oils. Biodiesel production involves complex processes which require systematic process design and optimization. The main aim of designing biodiesel plants is to maxime conversion of ethyl or methyl esters at the lowest capital cost of the plant. The design should also consider safety and environmental concerns. Process system engineering (PSE) is a systematic approach to design and analyze complex processes by using a variety of PSE tools for the optimization of biodiesel production. This paper reviews the latest PSE tools used in development of novel biodiesel processes. It describes the main PSE elements such as process model development and product design, simulation of biodiesel processes, optimization of biodiesel synthesis, and integration of reactor and separation systems. This review also highlights the sustainability of biodiesel production

    Process system engineering in biodiesel production: a review

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    Biodiesel is fast becoming a popular alternative to fossil fuels, as it is natural, renewable and has low toxic emissions. Strategies that have been adopted to ensure continued growth of the biodiesel industry are policy development, reduction of biodiesel tax, offset funding for incremental fuel cost from CO2 emission fuel and support for research and development of potential biodiesel feedstocks. Recent innovations of biodiesel processes are focused on the development of more efficient catalysts and in the utilization of novel reaction media such as supercritical fluids as well as on a variety of oil feedstocks such as virgin and waste oils. Biodiesel production involves complex processes which require systematic process design and optimization. The main aim of designing biodiesel plants is to maxime conversion of ethyl or methyl esters at the lowest capital cost of the plant. The design should also consider safety and environmental concerns. Process system engineering (PSE) is a systematic approach to design and analyze complex processes by using a variety of PSE tools for the optimization of biodiesel production. This paper reviews the latest PSE tools used in development of novel biodiesel processes. It describes the main PSE elements such as process model development and product design, simulation of biodiesel processes, optimization of biodiesel synthesis, and integration of reactor and separation systems. This review also highlights the sustainability of biodiesel production

    Budaya Sekolah Rendah: Hubungannya Dengan Kepemimpinan, Komitmen Organisasi Dan Pencapaian Akademik.

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti budaya sekolah positif iaitu hubungan kemanusiaan, sistem terbuka, matlamat rasional, dan proses dalaman (Quinn, 1988) di Sekolah Kebangsaan dan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina mengikut pencapaian akademik. The purpose of this study is to identify the positive school culture base on human relationships, open system, rational goal, and internal process (Quinn, 1988) of primary schools in Sekolah Kebangsaan and Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina in Kedah

    Methyl esters selectivity of transesterification reaction with homogenous alkaline catalyst to produce biodiesel in batch, plug flow, and continuous stirred tank reactors

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    Selectivity concept is essential in establishing the best operating conditions for attaining maximum production of the desired product. For complex reaction such as biodiesel fuel synthesis, kinetic studies of transesterification reaction have revealed the mechanism of the reaction and rate constants. The objectives of this research are to develop the kinetic parameters for determination of methyl esters and glycerol selectivity, evaluate the significance of the reverse reaction in transesterification reaction, and examine the influence of reaction characteristics (reaction temperature, methanol to oil molar ratio, and the amount of catalyst) on selectivity. For this study, published reaction rate constants of transesterification reaction were used to develop mathematical expressions for selectivities. In order to examine the base case and reversible transesterification, two calculation schemes (Case 1 and Case 2) were established. An enhanced selectivity was found in the base case of transesterification reaction. The selectivity was greatly improved at optimum reaction temperature (60 C), molar ratio (9 : 1), catalyst concentration (1.5 wt.%), and low free fatty acid feedstock. Further research might explore the application of selectivity for specifying reactor configurations

    Methyl esters selectivity of transesterification reaction with homogenous alkaline catalyst to produce biodiesel in batch, plug flow, and continuous stirred tank reactors

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    Selectivity concept is essential in establishing the best operating conditions for attaining maximum production of the desired product. For complex reaction such as biodiesel fuel synthesis, kinetic studies of transesterification reaction have revealed the mechanism of the reaction and rate constants. The objectives of this research are to develop the kinetic parameters for determination of methyl esters and glycerol selectivity, evaluate the significance of the reverse reaction in transesterification reaction, and examine the influence of reaction characteristics (reaction temperature, methanol to oil molar ratio, and the amount of catalyst) on selectivity. For this study, published reaction rate constants of transesterification reaction were used to develop mathematical expressions for selectivities. In order to examine the base case and reversible transesterification, two calculation schemes (Case 1 and Case 2) were established. An enhanced selectivity was found in the base case of transesterification reaction. The selectivity was greatly improved at optimum reaction temperature (60 C), molar ratio (9 : 1), catalyst concentration (1.5 wt.%), and low free fatty acid feedstock. Further research might explore the application of selectivity for specifying reactor configurations

    Kompetensi emosi dan kepemimpinan transformasional di sekolah berkesan dan sekolah kurang berkesan

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    Purpose – This research sought to identify leaders' emotional competency levels and transformational leadership in effective and ineffective school.Method – Survey method was employed, using the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI-2) and Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ5x). Respondents were 485 school leaders (233 from effective schools and 251 from less effective schools) from northern Peninsular Malaysia.Findings – Findings show a significant difference in emotional competency levels and transformational leadership in effective and ineffective schools, which would greatly influence the success and image of school leadership.Therefore, to improve school effectiveness, efforts to enhance emotional competencies and transformational leadership levels of leaders in ineffective schools are necessary.The hypothesis for differences in term of age and gender was supported.This study also found that the dimension of the adaptability and influence played an influential role in the process of transformational leadership in effective schools. Significance – The paper explores extensively the possible implications of the study to schools and school leadership, teachers and the Ministry of Education in Malaysia

    Significance of teachers and education in promoting national economic development: A case study of Pakistan

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    The key objective of the present paper is to highlight the consequence of education along with the importance of teacher in education and its overall influence on the national economic development Pakistan.It is crystal clear that the role of education and teachers has become more important in improving human capital and consequently has a positive impact on the national development and prosperity.The results of this study show that teachers in all level including primary school, middle school teacher and high school teacher play a positive and statistically significant role in promoting national economic development.Therefore, these findings have some important policy implications.The government of Pakistan at both the federal and provincial levels needs to formulate appropriate and education promoting oriented policy in order to encourage education and increase quality trained teachers in the country. Consequently, it will further help to promote overall economy performance and largely mitigate poverty and improve social welfare in the country

    Hubungan kecerdasan emosi dengan lima stail disiplin guru

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    Teachers' Disciplinary Committee is directly involved with the schools disciplinary management daily.This study aimed to identify the relationship of emotional intelligence with teacher five disciplinary style (Tomal, 1999), as the Supporter, Abdicator, Compromiser, Enforcer and Negotiator.The survey method used is cross sectional design that was carried out among 269 teachers who are the Disciplinary Committee members in national primary schools in the District of Kubang Pasu, Kedah.Teachers' emotional intelligence is measured using the Emotional Competency Inventory Version 2 (Boyatzis, Goleman and Haygroup, 1999).Teachers' Discipline style Inventory is measured using The Teacher Discipline Five-Style Inventory, (Tomal, 1999).Data are analysed in descriptive statistics and inferential Pearson correlation (r) from SPSS 20.0.The results show that there is a strong positive colleration between the emotional intelligence of teachers with Negotiator discipline style (r =.687, p ˂.01), while, medium colleration exists between emotional intelligence with Supporter discipline style (r =.530, p ˂.01), Compromiser (r =.480, p˂.01), Abdicator (r =.397, p˂.01), and emotional intelligence show weak colleration with Enforcer discipline style (r =.243, p ˂.01).The findings of this study contribute to the planning and selection of disciplinary teacher in handling student disciplinary problems in school

    Pengurusan kokurikulum dan tahap penglibatan pelajar dalam aktiviti kokurikulum di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Daerah Kuala Terengganu

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    Pengetua merupakan individu penting yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan hal ehwal berkaitan kokurikulum. Namun begitu pengetua sering terikat dengan kerja-kerja rutin dalam mentadbir dan mengurus sekolah.Dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan pengurusan kokurikulum sekolah biasanya pengetua akan menyerahkan tugas pengurusan kokurikulum kepada GPKKo.Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti dan memahami perspektif guru-guru terhadap peranan GPKKo dalam pengurusan kokurikulum di sekolah menengah kebangsaan di daerah Kuala Terengganu.Peranan GPKKo dikaji berdasarkan aspek-aspek pengurusan GPKKo sebagai perancang, pengelola, pemimpin dan pengawal kokurikulum di sekolah.Kajian juga untuk mengenal pasti penglibatan pelajar dalam aktiviti kokurikulum berdasarkan dimensi; interaksi psikologi dan juga interaksi fizikal. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 171 orang guru yang sedang berkhidmat di dua buah sekolah menengah kebangsaan di daerah Kuala Terengganu. Analisis deskriptif yang melibatkan min dan sisihan piawai digunakan untuk melaporkan hasil kajian yang telah dijalankan.Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pentingnya peranan GPKKo di sekolah mempraktikkan peranan pengurusan kokurikulum yang berkesan, agar para guru dan pelajar akan lebih bermotivasi dalam memastikan kejayaan pelaksanaan aktiviti kokurikulum di sekolah.Ianya selaras dengan inspirasi negara sepertimana yang terkandung di dalam Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2015