12,229 research outputs found

    Kl3γ+K^+_{l3\gamma} decays revisited: branching ratios and T-odd momenta correlations

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    We calculate the branching ratios of the K+π0l+νlγ(l=e,μ)K^+ \to \pi^0 l^+ \nu_l\gamma (l = e, \mu) decays, and the T-odd triple momenta correlations ξ=q[pl×pπ]/MK3\xi=\vec{q}\cdot[\vec{p}_l \times \vec{p}_\pi]/M^3_K, due to the electromagnetic final state interaction, in these processes. The contributions on the order of ω1\omega^{-1} and ω0\omega^0 to the corresponding amplitudes are treated exactly. For the branching ratios, the corrections on the order of ω\omega are estimated and demonstrated to be small. We compare the results with those of other authors. In some cases our results differ considerably from the previous ones.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; references adde

    Searching for Composite Neutrinos in the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We analyze signals in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in theories where the small Dirac neutrino masses arise as a consequence of the compositeness of right-handed neutrinos. In such theories, the right-handed neutrinos are massless ``baryons'' of a new strong gauge interaction. We find that the results crucially depend on whether or not the new strong sector undergoes chiral symmetry breaking. In the case with chiral symmetry breaking, we find that there are indeed signals in the CMB, but none of them is a direct consequence of neutrino compositeness. In contrast, if the underlying theory does not undergo chiral symmetry breaking, the large scattering cross-section among the composites gives rise to a sizable CMB signal over a wide region of the parameter space, and it can potentially probe whether the neutrino mass spectrum is hierarchical, inverse hierarchical, or degenerate. We also discuss collider constraints on the compositeness in the context of the CMB signals.Comment: 26 pages. References and clarifying comments added. Version appearing to JHE

    Experimental Status of Exotic Mesons and the GlueX Experiment

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    One of the unanswered and most fundamental questions in physics regards the nature of the confinement mechanism of quarks and gluons in QCD. Exotic hybrid mesons manifest gluonic degrees of freedom and their spectroscopy will provide the data necessary to test assumptions in lattice QCD and the specific phenomenology leading to confinement. Within the past two decades a number of experiments have put forth tantalizing evidence for the existence of exotic hybrid mesons in the mass range below 2 GeV. This talk represents an overview of the available data and what has been learned. In looking toward the future, the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Laboratory represents a new initiative that will perform detailed spectroscopy of the light-quark meson spectrum. This experiment and its capabilities will be reviewed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 2nd Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadron Physics GHP06, Nashville, TN (10/22-10/24/06

    Quantum switch for single-photon transport in a coupled superconducting transmission line resonator array

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    We propose and study an approach to realize quantum switch for single-photon transport in a coupled superconducting transmission line resonator (TLR) array with one controllable hopping interaction. We find that the single-photon with arbitrary wavevector can transport in a controllable way in this system. We also study how to realize controllable hopping interaction between two TLRs via a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). When the frequency of the SQUID is largely detuned from those of the two TLRs, the variables of the SQUID can be adiabatically eliminated and thus a controllable interaction between two TLRs can be obtained.Comment: 4 pages,3 figure

    Minimal Length Uncertainty Relation and Hydrogen Atom

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    We propose a new approach to calculate perturbatively the effects of a particular deformed Heisenberg algebra on energy spectrum. We use this method to calculate the harmonic oscillator spectrum and find that corrections are in agreement with a previous calculation. Then, we apply this approach to obtain the hydrogen atom spectrum and we find that splittings of degenerate energy levels appear. Comparison with experimental data yields an interesting upper bound for the deformation parameter of the Heisenberg algebra.Comment: 7 pages, REVTe

    Model for Small neutrino masses at the TeV Scale

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    We propose a model for neutrino mass generation in wich no physics beyond a TeV is required. We extend the standard model by adding two charged singlet fields with lepton number two. Dirac neutrino masses mνDMeVm_{\nu_D} \leq MeV are generated at the one loop level. Small left handed majorana neutrino masses can be generated via the seesaw mechanism with right handed neutrino masses MRM_R are of order TeV scale.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Dark Matter in Gauge Mediation from Emergent Supersymmetry

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    We investigated the viability of neutralino dark matter in the gauge mediation from emergent supersymmetry proposal. In this proposal, supersymmetry is broken at Planck scale and consequently, the gravitino is superheavy and completely decouples from the low energy theory. Squarks and sleptons obtain their soft masses dominantly through gauge mediation with other mechanisms highly suppressed. The lightest supersymmetric partner, in contrast to traditional gauge mediation, is a neutralino which is also a dark matter candidate. By explicit calculation of the low energy spectra, the parameter space was constrained using the WMAP observed relic density of dark matter, LEP2 Higgs mass bounds, collider bounds on supersymmetric partners and exotic B-meson decays. We found that the model has intriguing hybrid features such as a nearly gauge-mediated spectrum (the exception being the superheavy gravitino) but with a dominant mSUGRA-like bino-stau coannihilation channel and at large tanβ\tan \beta, A-resonance-like annihilation.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Possible Excess in Charged Current Events with High-Q^2 at HERA from Stop and Sbottom Production

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    We investigate a production process e^+p \to \st X \to \sb W^+ X at HERA, where we consider a decay mode \sb \to \bar{\nu}_e d of the sbottom in the framework of an R-parity breaking supersymmetric standard model. Both processes of the stop production e^+ d \to \st and the sbottom decay \sb \to \bar{\nu}_e d are originated from an R-parity breaking superpotential λ131L^1Q^3Dc^1\lambda'_{131} \hat{L}_1 \hat{Q}_3 \hat{D^c}_1. One of signatures of the process should be a large missing transverse momentum plus multijet events corresponding to hadronic decays of the WW. It is shown that the signal could appear as an event excess in the charged current (CC) processes e+pνXe^+p \to \nu X with the high Q2Q^2 at HERA. We compare expected event distributions with the CC data recently reported by the H1 and ZEUS groups at HERA. Methods for extracting the signal from the standard CC processes are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure

    New calibrations and time stability of the response of the INTERCAST CR-39

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    We present new calibrations of different production batches (from 1989 to 1999) of the INTERCAST CR-39, using the BNL-AGS 1 A GeV iron beam. The comparison with previous results, obtained with the 158 A GeV lead beam from the CERN-SPS shows that, while each production batch has a different calibration curve (mainly due to minor differences in the production conditions), the aging effect is negligible. We also tested the dependence of the CR-39 response from the time elapsed between exposure and analysis (fading effect). The fading effect, if present, is less than 10%. It may be compatible with the experimental uncertainties on the bulk etching rate vB.Comment: 9 pages, 4 EPS figures, .pdf file. Talk presented by M. Giorgini at the 20 Int. Conf. on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, Portoroz (Slovenia), Aug 28-Sep 1, 200

    Tracing CP-violation in Lepton Flavor Violating Muon Decays

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    Although the Lepton Flavor Violating (LFV) decay μ+e+γ\mu^+\to e^+ \gamma is forbidden in the Standard Model (SM), it can take place within various theories beyond the SM. If the branching ratio of this decay saturates its present bound [{\it i.e.,} Br(μ+e+γ)1011(\mu^+ \to e^+\gamma)\sim 10^{-11}], the forthcoming experiments can measure the branching ratio with high precision and consequently yield information on the sources of LFV. In this letter, we show that for polarized μ+\mu^+, by studying the angular distribution of the transversely polarized positron and linearly polarized photon we can derive information on the CP-violating sources beyond those in the SM. We also study the angular distribution of the final particles in the decay μ+e1+ee2+\mu^+\to e^+_1 e^- e^+_2 where e1+e^+_1 is defined to be the more energetic positron. We show that transversely polarized e1+e_1^+ can provide information on a certain combination of the CP-violating phases of the underlying theory which would be lost by averaging over the spin of e1+e^+_1.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure