33 research outputs found

    Morfologi Daun Durian (Durio zibethinus L.) dan Keanekaragaman Genetiknya Berdasarkan Marka ISSR

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     AbstrakData keanekaragaman durian (Durio zibethinus L.) yang terbatas merupakan salah satu kendala yang dihadapi dalam pengelolaan dan pengembangannya di Indonesia. Keanekaragaman genetik dapat ditinjau berdasarkan ciri morfologi yang didukung dengan ciri molekuler. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekerabatan antar aksesi berdasarkan dendrogram yang menggabungkan data morfologi daun dan polimorfisme Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR). Pengamatan ciri morfologi mengacu pada deskriptor durian dan ektraksi DNA dengan metode CTAB yang telah dimodifikasi. Setelah berhasil diekstraksi, DNA durian diamplifikasi dengan tujuh primer ISSR untuk analisis polimorfisme. Konstruksi dendrogram yang terbentuk merupakan hasil analisis menggunakan program NTSYS. Berdasarkan 15 ciri morfologi yang diamati terdapat 5 ciri yang sangat membedakan antara kelompok aksesi durian. Lai (D. kutejensis) memiliki daun lebih panjang hingga 24 cm dan lebar hingga 16 cm dibandingkan 28 aksesi durian dengan panjang hingga 16 cm dan lebar hingga 9 cm. Hasil amplifikasi diperoleh sebanyak 35 pita dan 31 pita bersifat polimorfik dengan persentase polimorfisme berkisar antara 66,7–100%. Persentase polimorfisme pada penelitian ini dapat mencapai 100% dengan primer ISSR 842, PKBT 4, dan PKBT 5. Konstruksi dendrogram ciri morfologi mempunyai koefisien kemiripan sebesar 0,56–0,91 dan membentuk dua kelompok yang tidak memisahkan aksesi-aksesi durian dengan Lai. Ciri polimorfisme ISSR dapat digunakan untuk merekonstruksi dendrogram menjadi dua kelompok dengan koefisien kemiripan sebesar 0,48–0,96. Dendrogram ciri polimorfisme ISSR secara tegas memisahkan aksesi-aksesi durian dengan Lai. Pohon kekerabatan 28 aksesi durian dan Lai di Kecamatan Serpong telah direkonstruksi untuk pertama kalinya.AbstractLimited data on the diversity of durian (Durio zibethinus L.) is one of the obstacles encountered in its management and development in Indonesia. Genetic diversity can be reviewed based on morphological characteristics supported by molecular characteristics. This study aimed to determine the relationship between accessions based on a dendrogram that combines leaf morphology and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) polymorphism data. Observation of morphological features refered to durian descriptors and DNA extraction using the modified CTAB method. After successful extraction, durian DNA was amplified with seven ISSR primers for polymorphism analysis. The dendrogram construction is formed the NTSYS program. Based on the 15 morphological characteristics observed, 5 characteristics greatly distinguished the durian accession group. Lai (D. kutejensis) had longer up to 24 cm and wider up to 16 cm leaves than 28 durian accessions with a length (16 cm) and width (9 cm). The amplification results were obtained 35 bands and 31 out of them were polymorphic with polymorphic PCR product ranged 66.7–100%. The percentage of polymorphism could reach 100% with ISSR 842, PKBT 4, and PKBT 5 primers. The dendrogram construction based on morphological characteristics had an interaction coefficient of 0.56–0.91 and formed two groups which did not separate durian accessions with Lai. The ISSR polymorphism feature can be used to reconstruct the dendrogram into two groups with a slope coefficient of 0.48–0.96. The dendrogram based on the ISSR polymorphism feature explicitly divides durian accessions with Lai. The cluster analysis of 28 durians and Lai accessions in Serpong District has been reconstructed for the first time

    Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) sebagai Bioindikator untuk Polusi di Sekitar Terminal Lebak Bulus

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    Jakarta as one of the biggest city in Indonesia, it own more than 6.506.244 units of motor vehicles. The combustion of fossil fuels in motor vehicles can cause air pollution. Station is represented as one of heavy pollution location. The observation has be done by abservate the amount of vehicles, stomatal characteristic, and weight of dust on Angsana leaves, which growth around Lebak Bulus station. As the result, there is relation between weight of dust on leaf and stomatal characteristic, with r value = 1. The level weighat of dust on leaf has effect to stomata conditions, such as surface of stomata become smaller and shape of stomata become irregular, but amount and size of stomata didn’t influenced. In some case, leaf can be identifid by visible symptoms of injury such as chlorotic at the leaf veins, which caused by SO2 or black or brown flecks at the leaf veins, which caused by NOx

    Keragaan Malai Mutan Padi Generasi M1 Hasil Iradiasi Gamma

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    Pemanfaatan iptek nuklir dalam pemuliaan tanaman di Indonesia telah banyak dirasakan dengan telah dihasilkan beberapa varietas padi dalam kurun waktu empat dekade terakhir. Perubahan keragaan tanaman padi pada generasi awal merupakan akibat dari pengaruh radiasi yang bersifat acak terhadap genetik tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari keragaan karakter agronomi, khususnya morfologi malai mutan padi pada generasi M1 hasil mutasi induksi pada dosis optimum 200 dan 300 Gy. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap dengan 3 ulangan, mengunakan jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm dengan satu bibit per lubang. Dosis radiasi yang digunakan yaitu 0, 200, dan 300 Gy, menggunakan dua varietas padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter malai seperti jumlah malai, jumlah cabang primer, jumlah cabang sekunder, dan jumlah gabah isi mengalami penurunan seiring meningkatnya dosis iradiasi hingga 300 Gy. Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan karakter jumlah gabah hampa yang semakin meningkat sebagai respon terhadap dosis iradiasi, sedangkan karakter panjang malai tidak mengalami perubahan berarti akibat perlakukan iradiasi gamma pada generasi M1

    Androgynomonoecious Jatropha curcas: Chromosomes, Isozymes, and Flowers Gender

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    Jatropha curcas (J. curcas) is usually monoecious plants, which have male and female flowers on the same inflorescence. However, J. curcas can be found as an androgynomonoecious plant (have male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers), even though very rare. Androgynomonoecious J. curcas can be identified after six months of planting when it had started flowering. Therefore, it is important to identify the characteristics of androgynomonoecious J. curcas that can differentiate between androgynomonoecious and monoecious plants in earlier stages of growth. The objectives of the research were to observe isozymes, chromosome and flowers gender of androgynomonoecious and monoecious J. curcas Banten and Lampung accessions. Seeds from five genotypes of J. curcas were used in the research. The observation was carried out on the chromosome and isozymes (Peroxidase and Esterase isozymes) could be used as markers to differentiate androgynomonoecious and monoecious plants. Observations about the flower gender from offsprings derived from different seeds were important to know the inheritance of flower gender. The androgynomonoecious and monoecious J. curcas were diploid with number of chromosomes 2n=2x=22. The chromosomes of androgynomonoecious have longer than that of monoecious J. curcas. The isozymes of androgynomonoecious J. curcas had four alleles and monoecious J. curcas (Banten female monoecious) had three alleles. The flower inflorescence and gender derived from androgynomonoecious plants were unstable, due to androgynomonoecious is intermediate state

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) Pada Sistem Hidroponik Deep Flow Technique dengan Penambahan Pupuk Organik Cair

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     AbstrakKale merupakan tanaman hortikultura yang kaya antioksidan, karotenoid, dan antosianin. Kale dapat dibudidayakan secara hidroponik dengan menggunakan AB mix sebagai pupuk, namun nutrisinya sering mengendap di dasar bak sulit terserap oleh akar. Penambahan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) yang disemprotkan ke daun diharapkan dapat menjadi nutrisi tambahan bagi tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kale terhadap penambahan POC pada sistem hidroponik Deep Flow Technique (DFT). Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 5 perlakuan, yaitu dosis POC (0; 10; 20; 30; dan 40 mL/L). POC disemprotkan ke daun setiap minggu sejak hari ke-0 sampai 35 hari setelah tanaman. Analisis data menggunakan sidik ragam (ANOVA) dan uji lanjut DMRT pada taraf 5%. Penambahan POC berpengaruh nyata pada pertumbuhan tanaman kale (P <0,05), yaitu POC konsentrasi 10 mL/L dapat meningkatkan panjang akar tanaman (41,25 cm) dan berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap parameter lainnya seperti tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, berat basah, dan kering tanaman serta berat layak konsumsi. Namun, tanaman kale yang disemprot POC memiliki nilai rata-rata semua parameter lebih tinggi dari kontrol (0 mL/L). Perlakuan POC 10 mL/L memiliki rata-rata parameter pertumbuhan dan produksi lebih tinggi dari yang lainnya, sehingga berpotensi meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kale pada sistem hidroponik DFT.AbstractKale is a horticultural plant that is rich in antioxidants, carotenoids and anthocyanins. Kale can be cultivated hydroponically using AB mix as fertilizer, but the nutrients often settle at the bottom of the tub and are difficult for the roots to absorb. The addition of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) which is sprayed through the leaves is expected to provide additional nutrition for plants. This research aims to analyze the growth and production response of kale plants to the addition of POC in the Deep Flow Technique (DFT) hydroponic system. The study used a randomized block design with 5 treatments, namely POC doses (0; 10; 20; 30; and 40 mL/L). POC is sprayed on the leaves every week from day 0 to 35 days after planting. Data analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and further DMRT test at the 5% level. The addition of POC has a significant effect on the growth of kale plants (P <0.05), namely POC concentration of 10 mL/L can increase plant root length (41.25 cm) and has no significant effect on other parameters such as plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter. , wet and dry weight of the plant and weight suitable for consumption. However, kale plants sprayed with POC had an average value of all parameters higher than the control (0 mL/L). The 10 mL/L POC treatment has higher average growth and production parameters than the others, so it has the potential to increase the growth and production of kale plants in the DFT hydroponic system

    Keragaman dan Kepadatan Populasi Burung di Kawasan Hijau Cibinong Science Center (CSC) LIPI, Jawa Barat

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    AbstrakBurung merupakan satwa liar yang berperan penting dalam penyusun rantai makanan, membantu penyerbukan, mengendalikan populasi serangga hama, dan agen penyebar biji yang bermanfaat untuk meregenerasi hutan secara alami. Peran penting terhadap lingkungan yang menjadikan burung sebagai indikator kualitas lingkungan. Cibinong Science Center (CSC) LIPI merupakan kawasan yang seiring waktu mengalami perubahan lanskap karena terdapat bangunan-bangunan baru yang menyebabkan area terbuka hijau menjadi berkurang. Hal tersebut menyebabkan satwa liar kehilangan tempat tinggal, berkembang biak, tempat bermain, dan sumber pakan salah satunya ialah burung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk monitoring keanekaragaman dan kepadatan populasi burung di Kawasan CSC LIPI sebagai dampak perkembangan suatu kawasan. Penelitian dilakukan pada Januari-Juli 2020 di Kawasan Hijau CSC LIPI dengan menggunakan metode Point Count. Hasil penelitian ini tercatat sebanyak 40 spesies burung dengan kepadatan populasi tertinggi pada spesies Lonchura punctulata (7,18 ind/ha), Pycnonotus aurigaster (6,43 ind/ha), dan Collocalia linchi (2,76 ind/ha) dan kepadatan populasi terendah pada spesies Arachnothera longirostra, Artamus leucorhynchus, Eurystomus orientalis dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 0,03 ind/ha. Pola persebaran spesies burung di Kawasan CSC LIPI menunjukkan kategori mengelompok. Seiring berjalannya waktu, keragaman spesies maupun kepadatan populasi akan mengalami penurunan atau peningkatan sesuai dengan ketahanan adaptasi terhadap perubahan kondisi lingkungan dan persaingan dengan organisme lain.Abstract Birds are wild animals that play an important role in building the food chain, helping pollination, controlling insect pest populations, and seed dispersal agents that are useful for natural forest regeneration. An important role in the environment that makes birds an indicator of environmental quality. Cibinong Science Center (CSC) LIPI is an area that over time experiences changes in the landscape because there are new buildings that cause the green open area to decrease. This causes wild animals to lose their homes, breeds, places to play and sources of food, one of which is birds. This study aims to monitor the diversity and density of bird populations in the LIPI CSC area as a result of the development of an area. The study was conducted in January-July 2020 in the green house of CSC-LIPI area using the Point Count method. The results of this study recorded that 40 bird species with the highest population density were Lonchura punctulata (7.18 ind/ha), Pycnonotus aurigaster (6.43 ind/ha) and Collocalia linchi (2.76 ind/ha) and the density the lowest population was Arachnothera longirostra, Artamus leucorhynchus, Eurystomus orientalis with each value of 0.03 ind/ha. The distribution pattern of bird species in the CSC-LIPI area shows clustered categories. Species diversity and population density over time will decrease or increase in accordance with the resilience of adaptation to changes in environmental conditions and competition with other organisms.Keywords:  Landscape ecology;  Population density;  Distribution pattern

    Angsana (Pterocarpus Indicus) sebagai Bioindikator untuk Polusi di Sekitar Terminal Lebak Bulus

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    Jakarta as one of the biggest city in Indonesia, it own more than 6.506.244 units of motor vehicles. The combustion of fossil fuels in motor vehicles can cause air pollution. Station is represented as one of heavy pollution location. The observation has be done by abservate the amount of vehicles, stomatal characteristic, and weight of dust on Angsana leaves, which growth around Lebak Bulus station. As the result, there is relation between weight of dust on leaf and stomatal characteristic, with r value = 1. The level weighat of dust on leaf has effect to stomata conditions, such as surface of stomata become smaller and shape of stomata become irregular, but amount and size of stomata didn\u27t influenced. In some case, leaf can be identifid by visible symptoms of injury such as chlorotic at the leaf veins, which caused by SO2 or black or brown flecks at the leaf veins, which caused by NOx

    Akumulasi Logam Timbal (Pb) Pada Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Mikoriza

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     AbstrakPencemaran tanah oleh logam timbal (Pb) merupakan salah satu bentuk pencemaran yang sangat berbahaya bagi mahluk hidup. Salah satu tanaman bioakumulator penyerap logam berat di lingkungan adalah tanaman bayam (Amaranthus tricolor L.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh aplikasi pupuk mikoriza terhadap akumulasi Pb pada akar, batang, dan daun serta pertumbuhan tanaman bayam. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan dosis pupuk mikoriza, yaitu 0 g, 5 g, 10 g, dan 15 g per polybag. Jumlah Pb yang diaplikasikan ke media tanam adalah 5 ppm per polybag. Akumulasi Pb tertinggi terdapat pada tanaman bayam dengan perlakuan 5 g pupuk mikoriza. Rata-rata akumulasi Pb di akar, batang, dan daun pada perlakuan ini berturut-turut adalah 103,57 ppm; 36,67 ppm; dan 8,60 ppm. Pertumbuhan tanaman bayam pada perlakuan 5 g pupuk mikoriza lebih baik dari perlakuan lainnya, yaitu memiliki rata-rata tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun tertinggi pada minggu ke-4 (9,7–12,5 cm dan 6,9–8,6 helai). Aplikasi pupuk mikoriza dapat meningkatkan akumulasi Pb pada akar, batang, dan daun serta meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman bayam pada dosis 5 g per polybag.AbstractSoil pollution by lead (Pb) is a form of pollution that is very dangerous for living creatures. One of the bioaccumulator plants that absorb heavy metals in the environment is spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.). The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of mycorrhizal fertilizer application on Pb accumulation in roots, stems and leaves as well as spinach plant growth. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with treatment doses of mycorrhizal fertilizer, namely 0 g, 5 g, 10 g, and 15 g per polybag. The amount of Pb applied to the planting media is 5 ppm per polybag. The highest Pb accumulation was found in spinach plants treated with 5 g of mycorrhizal fertilizer. The average accumulation of Pb in roots, stems and leaves in this treatment was 103.57 ppm; 36.67 ppm; and 8.60 ppm. The growth of spinach plants in the 5 g mycorrhizal fertilizer treatment was better than the other treatments, namely having the highest average plant height and number of leaves in the 4th week (9.7-12.5 cm and 6.9-8.6 pieces). Application of mycorrhizal fertilizer can increase Pb accumulation in roots, stems and leaves and increase the growth of spinach plants at a dose of 5 g per polybag.

    Potensi Jenis Tumbuhan Bawah Berkhasiat Obat di Hutan Kota Raggawulung, Kabupaten Subang

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    The objective of this research was to know the understory species diversity and to identified the potency of medicinal plants in Ranggawulung Urban Forest. The method of this research is vegetation analysis using circular plot (4 m in diameter), we used 30 plot in the site. We counted number of individuals and species richness. Importance Value Index, Simpson's, and Shanon-Wiener Index was calculated to describe it's diversity. The result showed Ranggawulung Urban Forest had high of understory diversity (Shanon-Wiener Index 3,36). There was 56 understory species, and 19 of them was identified as medicinal plants. There are Ageratum conyzoides, Piper aduncum, Sida rhombifoli, Eupatorium odoratum, and Turnera ulmifolia. The utilization of this potency and the effort to conserve both ex-situ and insitu are also elaborated