111 research outputs found

    Global and Planet Development Models: Theories, Models, Evaluation, and Vision

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    The transformation of global development models from industrialization, technocratic, scientific, and information to economic and free trade models are emerging in the globalization era. Fundamentally, theories of development explore reasons for poor countries and their strategies towards development, which rich and poor countries adopt in order to alleviate the poorest. Many thinkers, economists, philosophers, and scientists are unable to confirm the best models for global development models. This paper focuses on analyzing models, theories, and rationales to find out about the global and planet development models. The study period is from 1944 to 2020. Theories of development originate from modernist model, dependency model, and post development model. According to modernization theory, a number of internal barriers are the reasons why ‘third world’ countries are poor. Dependent theory states that poverty in developing countries is due to a 400-year history of colonialism and slavery. World systems theory argues that countries are underdeveloped due to history of extractive institutions. Neoliberalism philosophy, as a path of development, involves free trade, less government interference, and fewer restrictions on business. As per post development theory principles, development must have social justice, inclusivity, and sustainability. UN model for sustainable development is achieving economic and social development without environmental damage. Globalization theory is a process whereby the world becomes more interconnected. The role and models of international organizations adopted for global development are TNC’s western capitalist-industrialist development model, WTO facilitating free trade based on US-led capitalist model, World Bank funds development in poor countries and adopted neo-liberalism model in third world countries, IMF- global sustainable economic growth and stability model, and UNO-Worldwide cooperation and coordination model to solve international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. Although man journeys to planets because of abundant economic resources floating up in space, Mars's colonization interest is because of its similarities to earth. The moon industrialization rationality comprises of building materials, water, fuel, oxygen, and other useful resources. The results show planet development model such as planet agriculture model, space economy model, colonization of mars and industrialization of moon, and global multilateral initiations. The UN, World Bank, IMF, WTO, and TNCs should also use the prophecy of “Think Universally and Act regionally and locally”. The future global and planet development model includes transformation from industrialization, technocratic, scientific, free trade, information, and economic models to knowledge intensive, space economy (network and solar energy), mars colonization, and moon industrialization which are the new future models

    The Theory and Economics of MARS and MOON Colonization: Steps and Policy Advocacy

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    World-renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has said that humanity will face a choice between space colonization and extinction. NASA wants to put a human on an asteroid by 2025 and on Mars by 2030. Scientific discoveries solve global economic and interplanetary economic problems. Economics and Science are two important drivers for mankind welfare. The economic driver of man would pursue extraterrestrial life. New Economics deal the economic driver of industrialization of moon and colonization of mars. The present study focuses on the theory, economics, steps and possibilities of colonization of mars and moon in specific and other planets in general. The study is based on frame work of vision and the metaanalysis of history of intellectual Economics and inter planetary explorative space research. The study analyzes historical planetary space research evidences, insights and rationales on colonization of Mars, Moon and other planets and life possibilities and steps to achieve. It also analyzes the theory and New Economics that bridges economics opportunities and Inter planetary space colonization which is imperative for extraterrestrial life and prosperity. The study uses meta-analysis of inter planetary research which has done by NASA, Japan, UK, Germany, Russia, India, Netherlands and other countries. The study found that surface conditions and the presence of water on Mars make it the most hospitable of life. New studies suggest that Moon more hospitable to life. It was reported that some lichen and cyanobacteria survived. Mars's north and south poles are attracted great interest as settlement sites. The ultimate viability of all this really comes down to economics. In theory, the resources floating up in space be the economic fuel necessary to take us to the stars. The Law of abundance may bring down the price of such commodities (including energy). Mars–Earth trade may provide an economic rationale for continued settlement of the planet. This is possible because of breakthroughs happened in space and rocket science. The path to a human colony could be prepared by robotic systems. These systems locate resources, such as ground water or ice that would help a colony grow and thrive. Mars colonization is advocated by several non-governmental groups for a range of reasons and with varied proposals. One of the oldest groups is the Mars Society who promote a NASA program to accomplish human exploration of Mars

    Global Agriculture: Vision and Approaches

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    The perceived limits to producing food for a growing global population have been a source of debate and preoccupations for ages. Experts and the public alike seem to alternate between pessimism and optimism, anxiety and complacency, about the world food situation and outlook. Agriculture in the 21st century has multiple challenges. Globally, Agriculture it seems is back on the development agenda to meeting the Millennium Development Goals. The main objective of the paper is to analyse and trace insights of past and present of global agriculture and frame new vision of it. The status of global agriculture in general and continents and country-wise policies in particular from 61 countries of 6 continents were collected and insights are analyzed. These continent-wide policies can safeguard each country’s independence. New Vision for Agriculture calls for a new approach. The new approach of global leaders has aligned around the New Vision for Agriculture. Development of a “Road map for Achievement of the Vision is providing a framework for action and collaboration for global leaders. These includes exchanging ideas, collaborating with international scientists and agricultural institutions is part of the solution. The study found that agriculture must be global agenda in future and all countries should fix minimum support price policy must be world prices with 20% extra. The “double by 2050” analysis from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization revealed that food production in the developing countries would need to almost double The study found that developing countries have witnessed higher demands (2025) for wheat, maize, soybean, pig meat, poultry meat, sheep meat, beef and veal, whereas developed countries have witnessed higher demands for sugar. The globe has to develop a new strategy and global policies to meet the requirements of the rice. The future task of CGIAR&FAO must act as intelligent think tank on acquaint, analyse global research knowledge on future technologies, inventions, income models, latitude based science, space technologies, farm computer, Global Agricultural Growth and Policy coordination, climate financing, genetically modified crops on Mars, understanding too many variable effects on agriculture, digital agriculture, industrial farming, International Agricultural Education and transfer to capacity building of NARES System

    Universal Laws, Nature Laws, God Laws, Spiritual, Philosophical & Science Laws: Origin, Rationales, Prophesy, and Human Well-Being

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    The natural world is built and operated by universal laws. Stephen Hawking prophecy states that by understanding the working of the universe, you will know and understand the mind of God. This paper focuses on analyzing different universal laws and their origin, rationale, and prophecy. This research is a framework of the science, rationale, vision, and metaanalysis of universal laws. The findings revealed that natural law, in philosophy, is a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and is derived from nature. Natural law theory is concerned with two basic principles, which are morality and legality. God's eternal law is not fully cognizable by humans in His everlasting plan. The scientific laws of nature consist of many principles which were earlier assumed as Nature’s laws. The first spiritual law of success is pure potentiality which says humans are pure consciousness. The 12 universal laws are inherent and unchanging principles that ancient people intuitively discovered through their fact-finding efforts. The law of Newton’s gravity is considered “universal” and it is applicable on all bodies having a mass (sun, moon, earth, apple, etc.). The 7 cosmic laws are fundamental principles that control everyone and everything. God designed nature’s laws and blessed humans with rationality to understand them. Also, God's eternal law can be discovered by observing the behaviour of animals and planets, as well as understanding how people should behave

    The Origin of the Universe: Big Bang to God Theory

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    The universe is full of mystical things. Since ages, the belief that God became the Universe is a theological doctrine that has been developed. Evolutionary biologists and Modern scientists still believes in Big Bang theory. Many thinkers, theologians, philosophers, and scientists are unable to confirm the exact process of the origin of the universe. Hence, this paper focuses on analyzing the history of theologians, mythologists, philosophers, cosmologists and scientists research evidences, insights, theories, and rationales to find out about the origin of the universe. The study uses metaanalysis of universe origin scriptures, research, insights, and bibliographies which was put forth by theologians, philosophers, cosmologists, and scientists. The study found that as per Bhagavad-Gita, God is the source of all spiritual, intellectual, and material world. In 1996, Pastor Bob Burridge of the Genevan Institute for Reformed Studies reveals that as per Christian theology, God becoming the universe is not accordant with it. In the 1940s, Charles Hartshorne identified pandeism as a possible model of God’s nature as God is capable of changing. In 2001, Scott Adams surmised that an omnipotent God annihilated himself in the Big Bang. This is considered as per mythologist’s world created from dead deity physical substances. All Catholic scientists reported that God’s light and love revealed his creation. Physicist Bernard Haisch in his book entitled “The God Theory” concluded that the deity became the universe. Alan Dawe's (2011) book titled “The God Franchise” concludes that human knowledge is a briefly separated piece of God’s skill. Raphael Lataster (2013), Australian religious studies Scholar, projected that "Pandeism is the future God-concept of all". There is a long list of Catholic scientists who in their quest for learning maintained God at the origin of all existence. Theology and mythology proofs are not conforming with both science and philosophy. The Evolving God concept is also a wrong idea of metaphysics. If it is so, man would have been found under developed state. Jafree Ozwald explains that based on human request, the universe is not able to fulfill it but God does. The universe is not God. God is God. The study concludes that God created the universe from nothing and He is yet to manifest Himself. God is a supernatural power and has a divine holy nature that is omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. The study suggests that the sharing of knowledge, debate, discussions, and consensus based on their evidences and perceptions among theologists, philosophers, mythologists, and scientists on the universe origin is a future task

    International Trading Prices Of India’s Oilseed Crops: Growth Rates, Elasticities And Foreign Trade Policy

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    World prices influence international trade and so economic precision is required. This foreign trade research study examines exports and imports of India’s major oilseeds from 1990-91 to 2015-16. The methodology employed is the estimation of CAGR, Instability Index, Export import price elasticities of oilseeds and identification of top export import destinations. The results show that export prices of groundnut, soybean, niger, safflower, sesamum and sunflower were higher than import prices indicating that India has a comparative advantage in these crops. The terms of trade of India’s oilseeds were found to have increased for all oilseeds except mustard crop. The exports price growth rate of groundnut, niger, safflower and sunflower were higher than imports. The study found that among oilseeds, mustard (0.97 %) has high export elasticity and that export imports prices of groundnut, soybean, safflower, sunflower and niger crops were found to be stable. It also found that India’s major exports destinations for groundnut, soybean, niger seeds, sesamum, and sunflower are Indonesia, USA, South Korea and Philippines respectively, whereas major imports destinations are Germany, USA, Nigeria and Ukraine for groundnut, soybean, sesamum, and sunflower respectively. The study suggests that multilateral trade relationship with countries having high export imports share would help in smooth trade of oilseeds. These findings have important implications for policy research and R&D strategies in response and re-orientation of the R&D system to the changing trade scenario to benefit from WTO

    The Political Economy of Global Agriculture: Effects on Agriculture, Farmers, Consumers and Economic Growth

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    International political economy deals with mutual interaction of international politics and international economics. The ever-changing political scenarios, be it right-wing or left-wing, agriculture in particular has been neglected. The main focus of the paper is to study the effects of political economy on agriculture, farmers, consumer welfare and economic growth. The data on indicators collected from FAO,World Bank, IMF, UNDES, WEF, OECD, CGIAR reports. The growth rates, Agricultural Orientation Index (AOI) and statistical-analysis estimated. Globally, political and economic systems, international governments like World Bank, IMF and WTO’s attitude towards agriculture is poor. Agriculture must be brought on global political agenda for sustainable food security, economic growth and development and to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s). The protection of producers and consumers is being based on political will of governments. The study concludes for developing countries, stimulus package is required for the development of agriculture. The political economy of AOI indicates that the countries which have more than 1 will spend more budget in budget allocation towards agriculture. The study found that, clearly agriculture globally is not on the priority list for the local central governments in allocating their budgets towards agriculture. The study suggests that, economic minded politicians and political minded economists who has knowledge of social, political and economic systems are required in efficient economic system of agriculture

    The Theory of Agricultural Price Bubble & Price Crash in Global Economy

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    Agricultural prices play greater role in living Economics. Since many decades’ farmers faced declining agricultural prices and low prices in developing countries. Therefore, in these countries agricultural price policies are under closer appraisal.  Government and policy makers worry about inflation. Economic precision is required in determining prices. This understanding led to conception of the study. The specific objectives are to review various agricultural price theories, research evidences and construct the theory of agricultural price bubble and crash and their effect on macro economy and suggest measures to improve. The study reviews various agricultural price theories, concepts, policies, research gaps and do meta-analysis and formulated the theory of Agricultural prices bubble and price crash. Since 1950, many development economists and practitioners prophesy in developing countries is that low agricultural commodities prices discourage poverty alleviation. Many countries are unable to make successful pricing policies due to there is not enough operative methodological and theoretical support for decision-making. According to the economic theory of cooperativism, the entities come closer to the pecking order theory. Unexpected changes and changes in regulations can have significant impact on the profitability of farming activities. “Demand channel" is the crucial factor in elucidation of commodity price growth. Future prices moments in agriculture have fat-tailed distributions and display quick and unpredicted price jumps. World Trade Organization study highlights the importance of strengthening multilateral disciplines on both import and export trade interventions to food price fluctuations to reduce beggar-thy-neighbor unilateral trade policy. The theory of NAFTA regionalism did not lead to regionalization and not increasing share of intraregional international trade. In EU countries land rents in modern agriculture causing upward trend in agricultural land prices. Information friction, agricultural supports, agricultural price & trade policies, agricultural price transmission are responsible price fluctuations. In economic theory, asymmetric price transmission has been the subject of considerable attention in agricultural gaps. Selection of forecasting models are based on chaos theory. Chaos in agricultural wholesale price data provides a good theoretical basis for selecting forecasting models. This theory can be applied to agricultural prices forecasting. Novelties in agricultural products fluctuations research offer scientific basis in planning of agricultural production

    Marketing efficiency of vegetables in developing economies: Evidences for critical intervention from Rajasthan, India

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    The purpose of the study is to identify the marketing channels, the relative profitability, and marketing efficiency of vegetables in a developing country, India, and identify points for critical intervention. The study uses field level data collected from farmers who cultivate carrot and tomato. Farm level data was collected from 240 farmers, 60 wholesalers (traders/contractors) and 60 retailers. Farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee is about 25% in carrot and 41% in tomato. The marketing efficiency index in prominent channels of 0.33 in carrot and 0.71 in tomato is quite low. The most common and important constraint is the non-adherence of traders with the prescribed auction system leading to lower price realisation to the farmers, followed by excessive deductions from value realised. Suggestions are provided to enhance marketing efficiency


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    ABSTRACT: Ground water is the main principal source for drinking water and other activities in Andhra Pradesh. It is the basic duty of every individual to conserve water resources. The present study attempts to bring an acute awareness among the people about the quality of ground water by taking water samples from 33 specific locations in Anantapur district to characterize the physicochemical parameters of Ground water. To assess the quality of groundwater, each parameter was compared with the standard desirable limit of that parameter in drinking water as prescribed by different agencies. This paper is a new study on water quality parameters in analyzing Anantapur district drinking water