201 research outputs found

    Increasing Investment in STEM Education for Females: Policy Considerations

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    During this difficult economic time, as policy makers decide how to use their limited resources to help prepare the rising generation for the demands of an ever-changing workforce, aligning K-12 educational priorities with higher education and economic development can help maximize public dollar investments in STEM education, particularly when females are given access to STEM and STEM-related education and programs. Smart public policy initiatives can help increase the representation of women in the technology, research and development, and innovation departments. The purpose of this article is to provide policy recommendations that could help increase gender diversity and participation in STEM education pipelines and stimulate innovation. Viewing public dollar investments in female STEM education as an economic development tool not only encourages diverse participation in traditionally male dominated industries but can help leverage STEM education into an economic driver that promotes strong technology sectors in state economies

    Low dose infliximab for prevention of postoperative recurrence of crohn's disease: Long term follow-up and impact of infliximab trough levels and antibodies to infliximab

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    Objective In patients with postoperative recurrence of Crohn's disease endoscopic and clinical remission can be maintained for up to 1 year with low infliximab doses (3 mg/Kg). However, in theory low-dose infliximab treated patients could develop subtherapeutic trough levels, infiximab antibodies, and might loose response to therapy. To verify this hypothesis infliximab pharmacokinetics and clinical/endoscopic response were checked in a group of patients treated in the long term with low infliximab doses. Design Infliximab antibodies, infliximab levels, highly-sensitive CRP and fecal calprotectin were measured during the 8-week interval in 5 consecutive patients in clinical (Crohn's Disease Activity Index < 150) and endoscopic (Rutgeerts scores 0-1) remission after one year of therapy with infliximab 3 mg/Kg. For comparison with reported standards, infliximab pharmacokinetics and inflammatory parameters were also tested in 6 Crohn's disease patients who did not undergo surgery and who were in clinical remission while on infliximab 5 mg/ Kg. Patients on low infliximab dose also underwent colonoscopy after 18 additional months of therapy. Results Highly sensitive CRP and fecal calprotectin increased in all patients during the 8-week interval. Infliximab trough levels were lower in patients treated with the low dose compared to controls (mean\ub1SE: 2.0\ub10.3 vs 4.75\ub10.83 \uceg/mL respectively p<0.05). Infliximab antibodies were present in two of the subjects treated with low infliximab dose and in none of the controls. However, in low dose-treated patients after 18 additional months of therapy endoscopy continued to show mucosal remission and none of them developed clinical recurrence or side effects. Conclusions Patients treated with low infliximab doses had lower trough levels compared to patients treated with 5 mg/Kg and some developed antibodies to infliximab. However, low infliximab doses sustained clinical and endoscopic remission for a total of 30 months of treatment

    Nevada Workforce Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Study 2023

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    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) metrics enable organizations to set concrete goals and self-monitor their performance. In 2021, Nevada’s legislature passed Senate Bill No. 267 (SB267), authorizing the University Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) to study DEI benchmarks in the State. The study is designed to produce actionable results capable of informing policy and employer best practices in Nevada. Workforce Study data was collected for the 2022 calendar year with study participation taking place between January 2-April 30, 2023. The questions in the study were crafted based on DEI public policy considerations as well as metrics for gauging the scope of offerings available to women in Nevada’s workforce and were codified into statute as part of SB 267. As Nevada’s economy continues to diversify, it is important that Nevada companies have the ability to attract and retain diverse talent. As women continue to become disproportionately impacted in the workplace, it is critical that in addition to equal pay for equal work, employers offer benefits that improve quality of life outside of work and set women up for success. Competent, educated, and qualified women exist in Nevada’s current workforce. Despite having the necessary experience, many women are not identified for hiring and are systematically overlooked for promotion. The Nevada Workforce Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Study (Workforce Study) aims to measure how women experience the Nevada workforce environment, identify employer best practices, celebrate what employers are getting right, and use the study data to make recommendations. In order to provide context for how women transition through their careers, the study considers the different hierarchical levels within a business or organization. It is particularly useful to see the vertical progression into managerial and executive roles. Our study data support other studies’ findings that suggest there is a “broken rung” for advancement into managerial positions.i Unsurprisingly, there are bottlenecks and barriers specific to women’s’ career trajectories that become apparent. Using the benchmarks from the initial study data from 2021, it is possible to measure changes, create a framework upon which we can build sound public policy initiatives, and create mechanisms for identifying employer best practices. We also now possess the tools for educating companies and reinforcing the value of diversity initiatives in the workplace. With this snapshot of the corporate pipeline, predictive and initiative-taking measures become possible. One way these data translate into tangible results is through identifying desirable skill sets that can expand career opportunities. That knowledge empowers companies to collaborate with talent and emerging leaders to create pathways for determining attractive skills sets, measure additional skills, and recognize the benefits of obtaining career enhancing certifications. The purpose for collecting this data is twofold: 1) To commend employers for their achievements in DEI and thereby inspire others to do the same, and 2) To establish a means for determining and developing workforce best practices

    Las Vegas metropolitan area social survey 2010 highlights

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    UNLV sociologists conducted the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area Social Survey (LVMASS) to identify the socio-spatial distribution of attitudes and attributes relevant to urban sustainability in the Las Vegas Valley. The project goal is to understand how Las Vegas residents think about urban sustainability issues across three dimensions: 1) natural environment; 2) community and quality of life; 3) economy

    An Ileal Crohn's Disease Gene Signature Based on Whole Human Genome Expression Profiles of Disease Unaffected Ileal Mucosal Biopsies

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    Previous genome-wide expression studies have highlighted distinct gene expression patterns in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) compared to control samples, but the interpretation of these studies has been limited by sample heterogeneity with respect to disease phenotype, disease activity, and anatomic sites. To further improve molecular classification of inflammatory bowel disease phenotypes we focused on a single anatomic site, the disease unaffected proximal ileal margin of resected ileum, and three phenotypes that were unlikely to overlap: ileal Crohn's disease (ileal CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), and control patients without IBD. Whole human genome (Agilent) expression profiling was conducted on two independent sets of disease-unaffected ileal samples collected from the proximal margin of resected ileum. Set 1 (47 ileal CD, 27 UC, and 25 Control non-IBD patients) was used as the training set and Set 2 was subsequently collected as an independent test set (10 ileal CD, 10 UC, and 10 control non-IBD patients). We compared the 17 gene signatures selected by four different feature-selection methods to distinguish ileal CD phenotype with non-CD phenotype. The four methods yielded different but overlapping solutions that were highly discriminating. All four of these methods selected FOLH1 as a common feature. This gene is an established biomarker for prostate cancer, but has not previously been associated with Crohn's disease. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed increased expression of FOLH1 in the ileal epithelium. These results provide evidence for convergent molecular abnormalities in the macroscopically disease unaffected proximal margin of resected ileum from ileal CD subjects

    Randomised clinical trial: individualised vs. weight-based dosing of azathioprine in Crohn's disease

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    Azathioprine (AZA), a pro-drug metabolized to the active metabolites 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6TGN), is a steroid-sparing therapy for Crohn’s disease (CD). This trial investigated whether AZA therapy is optimized by individualized dosing based on thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) activity and 6TGN concentrations

    Race and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in an Urban Healthcare System

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasingly common among non-Caucasian populations, but interracial differences in disease characteristics and management are not well-characterized. We tested the hypothesis that disease characteristics and management vary by race among IBD patients in an ethnically diverse healthcare system. A retrospective study of the safety net healthcare system of San Francisco, CA, from 1996 to 2009 was undertaken. Patient records with International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD9) codes 555.xx, 556.xx, and 558.xx were reviewed. Adult patients with confirmed IBD diagnoses were included. Interracial variations in disease characteristics and management were assessed broadly; focused between-race comparisons identified specific differences. The 228 subjects included 77 (33.4%) with Crohn’s disease (CD), 150 (65.8%) with ulcerative colitis, and 1 (0.4%) with IBD, type unclassified. The race distribution included 105 (46.1%) white, 34 (14.9%) black, 35 (15.4%) Hispanic, and 51 (22.4%) Asian subjects. Asians and Hispanics were diagnosed at older ages (41.0 and 37.1 years, respectively) and had shorter disease durations (5.4 and 5.2 years, respectively) than whites (30.5 years at diagnosis and 8.6 years duration, P &lt; 0.05) and blacks (31.7 years at diagnosis and 12.1 years duration, P &lt; 0.05). CD was more common among blacks (50% of subjects) than Asians (25.5% of subjects, P = 0.015). The Montreal classification of IBD was similar among races. Hispanics were less likely than others to be treated with 5-aminosalicylates (5-ASA), immunomodulators, and steroids. Medical and surgical management was otherwise similar among races. Modest race-based differences in IBD characteristics exist in this racially diverse healthcare system, but the management of IBD is similar among race groups

    NOD2 Mutations and Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibodies Are Risk Factors for Crohn's Disease in African Americans

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    NOD2 mutations and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) are associated with Crohn’s disease (CD), ileal involvement and complicated disease behavior in whites. ASCA and the three common NOD2 mutations have not been assessed in African American (AA) adults with CD

    Host Genes Related to Paneth Cells and Xenobiotic Metabolism Are Associated with Shifts in Human Ileum-Associated Microbial Composition

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    The aim of this study was to integrate human clinical, genotype, mRNA microarray and 16 S rRNA sequence data collected on 84 subjects with ileal Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or control patients without inflammatory bowel diseases in order to interrogate how host-microbial interactions are perturbed in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Ex-vivo ileal mucosal biopsies were collected from the disease unaffected proximal margin of the ileum resected from patients who were undergoing initial intestinal surgery. Both RNA and DNA were extracted from the mucosal biopsy samples. Patients were genotyped for the three major NOD2 variants (Leufs1007, R702W, and G908R) and the ATG16L1T300A variant. Whole human genome mRNA expression profiles were generated using Agilent microarrays. Microbial composition profiles were determined by 454 pyrosequencing of the V3–V5 hypervariable region of the bacterial 16 S rRNA gene. The results of permutation based multivariate analysis of variance and covariance (MANCOVA) support the hypothesis that host mucosal Paneth cell and xenobiotic metabolism genes play an important role in host microbial interactions

    Mucosal Healing in Ulcerative Colitis: A Comprehensive Review

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease characterized by periods of remission and periods of relapse. Patients often present with symptoms such as rectal bleeding, diarrhea and weight loss, and may require hospitalization and even colectomy. Long-term complications of UC include decreased quality of life and productivity and an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Mucosal healing (MH) has gained progressive importance in the management of UC patients. In this article, we review the endoscopic findings that define both mucosal injury and MH, and the strengths and limitations of the scoring systems currently available in clinical practice. The basic mechanisms behind colonic injury and MH are covered, highlighting the pathways through which different drugs exert their effect towards reducing inflammation and promoting epithelial repair. A comprehensive review of the evidence for approved drugs for UC to achieve and maintain MH is provided, including a section on the pharmacokinetics of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha drugs. Currently approved drugs with proven efficacy in achieving MH in UC include salicylates, corticosteroids (induction only), calcineurin inhibitors (induction only), thiopurines, vedolizumab and anti-TNF alpha drugs (infliximab, adalimumab, and golimumab). MH is of crucial relevance in the outcomes of UC, resulting in lower incidences of clinical relapse, the need for hospitalization and surgery, as well as reduced rates of dysplasia and colorectal cancer. Finally, we present recent evidence towards the need for a more strict definition of complete MH as the preferred endpoint for UC patients, using a combination of both endoscopic and histological findings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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