76 research outputs found

    Pola Penanaman Karakter Mulia Terhadap Anak Didik Dalam Keluarga Berdasarkan Nilai Yang Terkandung Dalam Hadits

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    Education is the most important part in human life who has morals and progress. Education can be carried out by everyone in an educational institution, but the primary education should be implemented through family education which is instilled by parents towards their family members from an early age. For this paper, the author will describe the nature and understanding of education in the family; What are the hadiths about education in the family; how the methods and aspects of family education based on the hadiths. The author uses the literature review (library research), with the primary data sources from the hadiths relating to children's education in the family. Study in this paper, Islamic education requires a simultaneous process and sustainable which involves aspects of disciplinary learning and compliance to implement Islamic education towards students. Education in the family, can be found patterns that must be implemented in the family environment, for the formation of a happy family according to what was taught by the prophet Muhammad SAW, and according to the word of Allah SWT in Q.S. Lukman: 13-1

    Theoanthropocentric: Learning Strategies for Improving Students’ Conceptual Understanding

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    Learning objectives can be achieved in various ways, one of which is by implementing learning strategies. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of Theoanthropocentric learning strategies for improving students’ conceptual understanding skills. The research population is all junior high school students (SMP), and the sample comprises students from class VIII. The random cluster sampling technique was used to choose the study’s sample. The data collection method used in this research is the conceptual understanding test. Descriptive and inferential statistics serve for data analysis, including the independent t-test. The results show a significant difference between the conceptual understanding of students who used Theoanthropocentric learning strategies and those who did not use Theoanthropocentric learning strategies. The descriptive statistical test results show that the students in the experimental group have a higher mean score than students in the control group. The independent t-test result has strengthened the statistical test results, namely, 0.00 (p 0.05), from the finding, it follows that the application of theoanthropocentric learning strategies has an enormous impact on improving students’ conceptual understanding skills. Therefore, the Theoanthropocentric approach could be used as a solution to improve students’ conceptual understanding skills

    Effectivity of interactive multimedia with theocentric approach to the analytical thinking skills of elementary school students in science learning

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    This study aims to analyze the effectivity of interactive multimedia with the theocentric approach on the analytical thinking skills of elementary school students in science learning. This study used a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental type. The sampling technique used cluster random sampling with 67 students. The data were collected through analytical thinking skills tests given before and after science learning. The data analysis technique used descriptive and inferential statistics analysis by comparing the increase in the average results of the test and t-test. The research results show that the increase of the average value of students' analytical thinking skills in the experimental class is higher, which is an increase of 44.74% compared to the control class which only increases by 17.20%. The results of the t-test also show that there is a significant effect between interactive multimedia with theocentric approach on students' analytical thinking skills with a significance value of 0.00 (<0.05). Therefore, interactive multimedia with the theocentric approach is effectively used to improve the analytical thinking skills of elementary school students in science learning

    Integrasi Iptek dengan Imtaq pada pelajaran MIA di MAN Insan Cendekia Tapanuli Selatan

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    The dichotomy of science in madrasa, science and technology material has not been integrated with Islam and vice versa. Habibie founded Insan Scholar to unite IPTEK with IMTAQ, and MAN IC South Tapanuli was no exception. This study aims to describe, discover, and explain the integration of IPTEK white IMTAQ of MIA subject groups in MAN Insan Cendekia South Tapanuli. The conclusions of this study are: The curriculum integration implemented at MAN Insan Cendekia South Tapanuli is the development of a curriculum set by the government. There are two patterns used by teachers in curriculum integration, namely Islamization of general science, and Spiritualization of learning. This can be seen from the integration steps contained in the plan, implementation, and evaluation of the program, namely: 1) Read greetings and prayers, 2) Apperception and ensure students memorize Qur’an and Hadith, 3) Review material from a general and Islamic angle, 4) Bringing students out of the room for natural learning, 5) Providing exercises and questions that can improve IPTEK and IMTAQ, 6) Motivation and re-awareness that all truth comes from God, 7) Closed with Kafaratul Majelis prayers and greetings
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