22 research outputs found

    Express: A database of transcriptome profiles encompassing known and novel transcripts across multiple development stages in eye tissues

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    Advances in sequencing have facilitated nucleotide-resolution genome-wide transcriptomic profiles across multiple mouse eye tissues. However, these RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) based eye developmental transcriptomes are not organized for easy public access, making any further analysis challenging. Here, we present a new database “Express” (http://www.iupui.edu/∼sysbio/express/) that unifies various mouse lens and retina RNA-seq data and provides user-friendly visualization of the transcriptome to facilitate gene discovery in the eye. We obtained RNA-seq data encompassing 7 developmental stages of lens in addition to that on isolated lens epithelial and fibers, as well as on 11 developmental stages of retina/isolated retinal rod photoreceptor cells from publicly available wild-type mouse datasets. These datasets were pre-processed, aligned, quantified and normalized for expression levels of known and novel transcripts using a unified expression quantification framework. Express provides heatmap and browser view allowing easy navigation of the genomic organization of transcripts or gene loci. Further, it allows users to search candidate genes and export both the visualizations and the embedded data to facilitate downstream analysis. We identified total of >81,000 transcripts in the lens and >178,000 transcripts in the retina across all the included developmental stages. This analysis revealed that a significant number of the retina-expressed transcripts are novel. Expression of several transcripts in the lens and retina across multiple developmental stages was independently validated by RT-qPCR for established genes such as Pax6 and Lhx2 as well as for new candidates such as Elavl4, Rbm5, Pabpc1, Tia1 and Tubb2b. Thus, Express serves as an effective portal for analyzing pruned RNA-seq expression datasets presently collected for the lens and retina. It will allow a wild-type context for the detailed analysis of targeted gene-knockout mouse ocular defect models and facilitate the prioritization of candidate genes from Exome-seq data of eye disease patients

    RNA-binding proteins in eye development and disease: implication of conserved RNA granule components

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    The molecular biology of metazoan eye development is an area of intense investigation. These efforts have led to the surprising recognition that although insect and vertebrate eyes have dramatically different structures, the orthologs or family members of several conserved transcription and signaling regulators such as Pax6, Six3, Prox1, and Bmp4 are commonly required for their development. In contrast, our understanding of posttranscriptional regulation in eye development and disease, particularly regarding the function of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), is limited. We examine the present knowledge of RBPs in eye development in the insect model Drosophila as well as several vertebrate models such as fish, frog, chicken, and mouse. Interestingly, of the 42 RBPs that have been investigated for their expression or function in vertebrate eye development, 24 (~60%) are recognized in eukaryotic cells as components of RNA granules such as processing bodies, stress granules, or other specialized ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. We discuss the distinct developmental and cellular events that may necessitate potential RBP/RNA granule-associated RNA regulon models to facilitate posttranscriptional control of gene expression in eye morphogenesis. In support of these hypotheses, three RBPs and RNP/RNA granule components Tdrd7, Caprin2, and Stau2 are linked to ocular developmental defects such as congenital cataract, Peters anomaly, and microphthalmia in human patients or animal models. We conclude by discussing the utility of interdisciplinary approaches such as the bioinformatics tool iSyTE (integrated Systems Tool for Eye gene discovery) to prioritize RBPs for deriving posttranscriptional regulatory networks in eye development and disease. WIREs RNA 2016, 7:527-557. doi: 10.1002/wrna.1355 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website

    The Tudor-domain protein TDRD7, mutated in congenital cataract, controls the heat shock protein HSPB1 (HSP27) and lens fiber cell morphology

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    Mutations of the RNA granule component TDRD7 (OMIM: 611258) cause pediatric cataract. We applied an integrated approach to uncover the molecular pathology of cataract in Tdrd7−/− mice. Early postnatal Tdrd7−/− animals precipitously develop cataract suggesting a global-level breakdown/misregulation of key cellular processes. High-throughput RNA sequencing integrated with iSyTE-bioinformatics analysis identified the molecular chaperone and cytoskeletal modulator, HSPB1, among high-priority downregulated candidates in Tdrd7−/− lens. A protein fluorescence two-dimensional difference in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE)-coupled mass spectrometry screen also identified HSPB1 downregulation, offering independent support for its importance to Tdrd7−/− cataractogenesis. Lens fiber cells normally undergo nuclear degradation for transparency, posing a challenge: how is their cell morphology, also critical for transparency, controlled post-nuclear degradation? HSPB1 functions in cytoskeletal maintenance, and its reduction in Tdrd7−/− lens precedes cataract, suggesting cytoskeletal defects may contribute to Tdrd7−/− cataract. In agreement, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed abnormal fiber cell morphology in Tdrd7−/− lenses. Further, abnormal phalloidin and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) staining of Tdrd7−/− fiber cells, particularly those exhibiting nuclear degradation, reveals distinct regulatory mechanisms control F-actin cytoskeletal and/or membrane maintenance in post-organelle degradation maturation stage fiber cells. Indeed, RNA immunoprecipitation identified Hspb1 mRNA in wild-type lens lysate TDRD7-pulldowns, and single-molecule RNA imaging showed co-localization of TDRD7 protein with cytoplasmic Hspb1 mRNA in differentiating fiber cells, suggesting that TDRD7–ribonucleoprotein complexes may be involved in optimal buildup of key factors. Finally, Hspb1 knockdown in Xenopus causes eye/lens defects. Together, these data uncover TDRD7’s novel upstream role in elevation of stress-responsive chaperones for cytoskeletal maintenance in post-nuclear degradation lens fiber cells, perturbation of which causes early-onset cataracts

    RNA-binding protein mediated post-transcriptional control of gene expression in eye development and disease

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    Lachke, Salil A.Eye development in vertebrates is initiated in late gastrulation and involves coordinated morphogenesis between the optic vesicle and the non-neural surface ectoderm resulting in the formation of the neural retina and the lens, respectively. While transcription and signaling events required for eye development are well understood, post-transcriptional control of gene expression, especially mediated by RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) is less clear. This represents a significant knowledge-gap as RBPs are important regulatory molecules in the cell that can control the fate of their target mRNAs by interacting with them throughout the mRNA life-cycle and mediating their processing, intra-cellular transport and localization, stability, translation into protein, and ultimately, their degradation. This is also a significant knowledge gap because there are similar number of RBPs encoded by the human genome as there are transcription factors, but the former class of proteins are not as well understood in the context of organogenesis and birth defects as compared to the latter. ☐ While high-throughput sequencing has identified several RBPs to be expressed in the eye, the functional significance in eye development for the vast majority of these factors is yet to be determined. Recently, the Lachke laboratory has identified two conserved RBPs required for eye development, Tdrd7 and Celf1, whose deficiency in the lens results in cataract in vertebrates. To further investigate the importance of RBP-mediated post-transcriptional gene expression control in eye development, I applied a systems-based bioinformatics tool iSyTE (integrated Systems Tool for Eye gene discovery) to identify two new RBPs, Rbm24 and Caprin2, which are enriched during early mouse lens development, but whose molecular function in eye development had thus far not been determined. In this research dissertation, I have characterized the function of both Rbm24 and Caprin2 using constitutive and conditional targeted gene deletion mouse models. Further, in collaboration with Dr. Diane Slusarski’s laboratory (University of Iowa), zebrafish rbm24a knockout (by CRISPR/Cas9) and knockdown (by morpholino) mutants were generated and characterized. Together, these findings have led to a comprehensive understanding of the function of these RBPs in vertebrate eye development. ☐ Rbm24-targeted deletion in mouse and rbm24a-CRISPR/Cas9-targeted knockout or morpholino-knockdown in zebrafish causes the developmental defects microphthalmia (small eye) or anophthalmia (no eye). Rbm24 deficiency leads to apoptotic defects in the mouse ocular tissue as well as downregulation of eye development markers such as Sox2, Lhx2, Jag1, E-cadherin and -Crystallins. Further, similar to the observations in the mouse, sox2 expression is also found to be reduced in rbm24a-morphant zebrafish, indicating the conservation of the Rbm24-Sox2 regulatory module in vertebrate eye development. About 20% of human anophthalmia cases are linked to SOX2 mutations alone. Therefore, I focused on investigating the post-transcriptional molecular mechanism of Rbm24-mediated Sox2 regulation. Sox2 is an intronless gene whose encoded mRNA contains AU-rich regions (ARE) in its 3’UTR. Interestingly, Rbm24 is known to bind to ARE sites in target mRNA. Therefore, to test if Rbm24 directly binds to Sox2 mRNA in vitro and in vivo, I performed RNA-Electrophoretic Mobility Shift assay (EMSA) and RNA-Immunoprecipitation (RIP), respectively. RNA-EMSA showed that Rbm24 protein directly binds to a 20 bp oligomer based on the mouse Sox2 mRNA sequence, and that an intact ARE is necessary for this protein-RNA binding. In turn, RIP assay on E14.5 wildtype mouse ocular tissue suggests that Rbm24 directly binds to Sox2 mRNA in vivo in eye development. To understand the biological significance of this direct Rbm24 protein-Sox2 mRNA molecular interaction, I performed an RNA-decay assay in NIH3T3 cells by co-transfected them with an Rbm24-overexpression vector and a Renilla luciferase reporter vector. In this assay, the Renilla luciferase gene ORF (open reading frame) is fused with the mouse Sox2 mRNA 3’UTR, which contains the three intact ARE sites, and reporter transcripts were quantified after Actinomycin-D treatment to transfected cells. This analysis demonstrates that in conditions of Rbm24 over-expression, the intact Sox2 3’UTR can render increased stability to the reporter transcript. Thus, Rbm24 positively controls Sox2 expression by binding to ARE sites in its 3’UTR and increasing its mRNA stability. Further, mutation analysis in the RNA-decay assay extends the in vitro observation that the binding of Rbm24 to the Sox2 mRNA 3’UTR depends on ARE by providing in vivo evidence that the presence of the ARE sites is necessary for the stability effect rendered by the Sox2 mRNA 3’UTR upon Rbm24 overexpression. Further, because Sox2 is one of the original four Yamanaka pluripotency/cellular reprogramming factor (along with Oct4, Klf4 and c-Myc), I investigated the impact of Rbm24 on the expression of other reprogramming factors such as Oct4, Klf4, c-Myc as well as, Nanog, another established pluripotency factor. I find that over-expression of Rbm24 in several different cell lines such as NIH3T3 (mouse embryo fibroblast cell line), 21EM15 (mouse lens epithelial cell line) and C2C12 (mouse myoblast cell line) results in the up-regulation of Sox2, Oct4 and Klf4. Further, in Rbm24-overexpressed C2C12 cells, Nanog and c-Myc are also upregulated. These data highlight that Rbm24 mediates post-transcriptional control of key transcription and pluripotency factors in vertebrate development. ☐ To gain insight into the function of the other newly identified RBP, Caprin2, in lens biology, I first performed expression analysis of Caprin2 in mouse lens development using in situ hybridization, western blotting and immunostaining. These experiments validate the iSyTE prediction that Caprin2 mRNA and protein are highly expressed and enriched in mouse embryonic and postnatal lens. I generated lens-specific Caprin2 conditional knockout (cKO) mouse mutants using a lens-Cre deleter line Pax6GFPCre. Phenotypic analysis of Caprin2cKO/cKO mice, wherein Caprin2 is expected to be deleted in the lens starting from E9.5 due to Cre-mediated re-arrangement of the Caprin2 alleles, revealed two distinct eye defects at variable penetrance. Wheat germ agglutinin staining and scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that Caprin2cKO/cKO mutants have an abnormally compact “lens nucleus”, which is the core of the lens comprised of centrally located terminally differentiated fiber cells. Further, at a reduced penetrance (8%), I find that Caprin2cKO/cKO mutants exhibit an ocular defect wherein the lens and the cornea remain attached by a persistent stalk, resembling the human developmental defect termed Peters anomaly. These data suggest that a conserved RBP Caprin2 functions in distinct morphological events in mammalian eye development. ☐ Together the findings in this dissertation have demonstrated that conserved RBPs such as Rbm24 and Caprin2 have evolved distinct functions in vertebrate eye development and their deficiency leads to microphthalmia and anophthalmia, and lens defects and Peters anomaly, respectively, thus impacting the study of ocular defects in humans.University of Delaware, Department of Biological SciencesPh.D

    Transcriptome analysis of developing lens reveals abundance of novel transcripts and extensive splicing alterations

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    Abstract Lens development involves a complex and highly orchestrated regulatory program. Here, we investigate the transcriptomic alterations and splicing events during mouse lens formation using RNA-seq data from multiple developmental stages, and construct a molecular portrait of known and novel transcripts. We show that the extent of novelty of expressed transcripts decreases significantly in post-natal lens compared to embryonic stages. Characterization of novel transcripts into partially novel transcripts (PNTs) and completely novel transcripts (CNTs) (novelty score ≥ 70%) revealed that the PNTs are both highly conserved across vertebrates and highly expressed across multiple stages. Functional analysis of PNTs revealed their widespread role in lens developmental processes while hundreds of CNTs were found to be widely expressed and predicted to encode for proteins. We verified the expression of four CNTs across stages. Examination of splice isoforms revealed skipped exon and retained intron to be the most abundant alternative splicing events during lens development. We validated by RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing, the predicted splice isoforms of several genes Banf1, Cdk4, Cryaa, Eif4g2, Pax6, and Rbm5. Finally, we present a splicing browser Eye Splicer ( http://www.iupui.edu/~sysbio/eye-splicer/ ), to facilitate exploration of developmentally altered splicing events and to improve understanding of post-transcriptional regulatory networks during mouse lens development

    Anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles in mice: evidence for induced structural and functional sperm defects after short-, but not long-, term exposure

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) nanoparticles (TNPs) are widely used commercially and exist in a variety of products. To determine if anatase TNPs (ATNPs) in doses smaller than previously used reach the scrotum after entry in the body at a distant location and induce sperm defects, 100% ATNP (2.5 or 5 mg kg−1 body weight) was administered intraperitoneally to adult males for three consecutive days, followed by sacrifice 1, 2, 3, or 5 weeks later (long-) or 24, 48 or 120 h (short-term exposure). Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of ANTP in scrotal adipose tissues collected 120 h postinjection when cytokine evaluation showed an inflammatory response in epididymal tissues and fluid. At 120 h and up to 3 weeks postinjection, testicular histology revealed enlarged interstitial spaces. Significantly increased numbers of terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling-positive (apoptotic) germ (P = 0.002) and interstitial space cells (P = 0.04) were detected in treated males. Caudal epididymal sperm from the short-term, but not a long-term, arm showed significantly (P < 0.001) increased frequencies of flagellar abnormalities, excess residual cytoplasm (ERC), and unreacted acrosomes in treated versus controls (dose-response relationship). A novel correlation between ERC and unreacted acrosomes was uncovered. At 120 h, there were significant decreases in hyperactivated motility (P < 0.001) and mitochondrial membrane potential (P < 0.05), and increased reactive oxygen species levels (P < 0.00001) in treated versus control sperm. These results indicate that at 4-8 days postinjection, ANTP induce structural and functional sperm defects associated with infertility, and DNA damage via oxidative stress. Sperm defects were transient as they were not detected 10 days to 5 weeks postinjection

    Dynamic regulation and requirement for ribosomal RNA transcription during mammalian development

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    Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transcription by RNA polymerase I (Pol I) is a critical rate-limiting step in ribosome biogenesis, which is essential for cell survival. Despite its global function, disruptions in ribosome biogenesis cause tissue-specific birth defects called ribosomopathies, which frequently affect craniofacial development. Here, we describe a cellular and molecular mechanism underlying the susceptibility of craniofacial development to disruptions in Pol I transcription. We show that Pol I subunits are highly expressed in the neuroepithelium and neural crest cells (NCCs), which generate most of the craniofacial skeleton. High expression of Pol I subunits sustains elevated rRNA transcription in NCC progenitors, which supports their high tissue-specific levels of protein translation, but also makes NCCs particularly sensitive to rRNA synthesis defects. Consistent with this model, NCC-specific deletion of Pol I subunits Polr1a, Polr1c, and associated factor Tcof1 in mice cell-autonomously diminishes rRNA synthesis, which leads to p53 protein accumulation, resulting in NCC apoptosis and craniofacial anomalies. Furthermore, compound mutations in Pol I subunits and associated factors specifically exacerbate the craniofacial anomalies characteristic of the ribosomopathies Treacher Collins syndrome and Acrofacial Dysostosis-Cincinnati type. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that diminished rRNA synthesis causes an imbalance between rRNA and ribosomal proteins. This leads to increased binding of ribosomal proteins Rpl5 and Rpl11 to Mdm2 and concomitantly diminished binding between Mdm2 and p53. Altogether, our results demonstrate a dynamic spatiotemporal requirement for rRNA transcription during mammalian cranial NCC development and corresponding tissue-specific threshold sensitivities to disruptions in rRNA transcription in the pathogenesis of congenital craniofacial disorders.</p