188 research outputs found

    Topology of the conceptual network of language

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    We define two words in a language to be connected if they express similar concepts. The network of connections among the many thousands of words that make up a language is important not only for the study of the structure and evolution of languages, but also for cognitive science. We study this issue quantitatively, by mapping out the conceptual network of the English language, with the connections being defined by the entries in a Thesaurus dictionary. We find that this network presents a small-world structure, with an amazingly small average shortest path, and appears to exhibit an asymptotic scale-free feature with algebraic connectivity distribution.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revte

    Nature's role in sustaining economic development

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    In this paper, I formalize the idea of sustainable development in terms of intergenerational well-being. I then sketch an argument that has recently been put forward formally to demonstrate that intergenerational well-being increases over time if and only if a comprehensive measure of wealth per capita increases. The measure of wealth includes not only manufactured capital, knowledge and human capital (education and health), but also natural capital (e.g. ecosystems). I show that a country's comprehensive wealth per capita can decline even while gross domestic product (GDP) per capita increases and the UN Human Development Index records an improvement. I then use some rough and ready data from the world's poorest countries and regions to show that during the period 1970–2000 wealth per capita declined in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, even though the Human Development Index (HDI) showed an improvement everywhere and GDP per capita increased in all places (except in sub-Saharan Africa, where there was a slight decline). I conclude that, as none of the development indicators currently in use is able to reveal whether development has been, or is expected to be, sustainable, national statistical offices and international organizations should now routinely estimate the (comprehensive) wealth of nations

    On The Problem of Particle Production in c=1 Matrix Model

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    We reconsider and analyze in detail the problem of particle production in the time dependent background of c=1c=1 matrix model where the Fermi sea drains away at late time. In addition to the moving mirror method, which has already been discussed in hep-th/0403169 and hep-th/0403275, we describe yet another method of computing the Bogolubov coefficients which gives the same result. We emphasize that these Bogolubov coefficients are approximately correct for small value of the deformation parameter. We also study the time evolution of the collective field theory stress-tensor with a special point-splitting regularization. Our computations go beyond the approximation of the previous treatments and are valid at large coordinate distances from the boundary at a finite time and up-to a finite coordinate distance from the boundary at late time. In this region of validity our regularization produces a certain singular term that is precisely canceled by the collective field theory counter term in the present background. The energy and momentum densities fall off exponentially at large distance from the boundary to the values corresponding to the static background. This clearly shows that the radiated energy reaches the asymptotic region signaling the space-time decay.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures. Section 6 is modified to clarify main accomplishments of the paper including a discussion comparing stress-tensor analysis with those preexisted in literature. Other modifications include minor changes in the text and addition of one reference. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    The nature of economic development and the economic development of nature

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    Contemporary models of growth and development are founded on a category error: they ignore nature as a form of productive capital. Using as backdrop two recent books on the Indian economy that are representative of the prevailing orthodoxy, I review and in part extend an emerging literature that integrates development and environmental thinking. Contributors to the literature have reworked the economics of the household, communities, and other non-market institutions, reframed national accounting, reconstructed the theory of macro-economic development and public and trade policy, and revised the theory of collective action. In this paper I focus on a small part of the literature: economic evaluation. I develop the notion of sustainable development and construct a unified language for sustainability and policy analyses. I show that by economic growth we should mean growth in wealth - which is the social worth of an economy's entire set of capital assets - not growth in GDP nor the many ad hoc indicators of human development that have been proposed in recent years. The concept of wealth invites us to extend the notion of capital assets and the idea of investment well beyond conventional usage. I also show that by sustainable development we should mean development in which wealth (per head) adjusted for its distribution does not decline. This has radical implications for the way national accounts are prepared and interpreted. I then provide an account of a recent publication that has put the theory to work by studying the composition of wealth accumulation in contemporary India. Although much attention was given by the study's authors to the measurement of natural capital, due to a paucity of data the value of natural capital is acknowledged by them to be under-estimated, in all probability by a large margin. The study reveals that the entire architecture of contemporary development thinking is stacked against nature. These are still early days in the measurement of the wealth of nations, but both theory and the few empirical studies we now have at our disposal should substantially alter the way we interpret the progress and regress of nations

    The Methodology of Modern Macroeconomics and the Descriptive Approach to Discounting

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    Critics of modern macroeconomics often raise concerns about unwarranted welfare conclusions and data mining. This paper illustrates these concerns with a thought experiment, based on the debate in environmental economics about the appropriate discount rate in climate change analyses: I set up an economy where a social evaluator wants to determine the optimal time path of emission levels, and seeks advice for this from an old-style neo-classical macroeconomist and a new neo-classical (modern) macroeconomist; I then describe how both economists analyze the economy, their policy advice, and their mistakes. I then use the insights from this thought experiment to point out some pitfalls of the modern macroeconomic methodology

    Dopamine Regulates Angiogenesis in Normal Dermal Wound Tissues

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    Cutaneous wound healing is a normal physiological process and comprises different phases. Among these phases, angiogenesis or new blood vessel formation in wound tissue plays an important role. Skin is richly supplied by sympathetic nerves and evidences indicate the significant role of the sympathetic nervous system in cutaneous wound healing. Dopamine (DA) is an important catecholamine neurotransmitter released by the sympathetic nerve endings and recent studies have demonstrated the potent anti-angiogenic action of DA, which is mediated through its D2 DA receptors. We therefore postulate that this endogenous catecholamine neurotransmitter may have a role in the neovascularization of dermal wound tissues and subsequently in the process of wound healing. In the present study, the therapeutic efficacy of D2 DA receptor antagonist has been investigated for faster wound healing in a murine model of full thickness dermal wound. Our results indicate that treatment with specific D2 DA receptor antagonist significantly expedites the process of full thickness normal dermal wound healing in mice by inducing angiogenesis in wound tissues. The underlined mechanisms have been attributed to the up-regulation of homeobox transcription factor HoxD3 and its target α5β1 integrin, which play a pivotal role in wound angiogenesis. Since D2 DA receptor antagonists are already in clinical use for other disorders, these results have significant translational value from the bench to the bedside for efficient wound management along with other conventional treatment modalities

    Dopamine Regulates Mobilization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells during Wound Angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis is an important step in the complex biological and molecular events leading to successful healing of dermal wounds. Among the different cellular effectors of wound angiogenesis, the role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is of current interest due to their transdifferentiation and proangiogenic potentials. Skin is richly innervated by sympathetic nerves which secrete dopamine (DA) and we have recently shown that concentration of DA present in synaptic cleft can significantly inhibit wound tissue neovascularization. As recent reports indicate that MSCs by mobilizing into wound bed play an important role in promoting wound angiogenesis, we therefore investigated the effect of DA on the migration of MSCs in wound tissues. DA acted through its D2 receptors present in the MSCs to inhibit their mobilization to the wound beds by suppressing Akt phosphorylation and actin polymerization. In contrast, this inhibitory effect of DA was reversed after treatment with specific DA D2 receptor antagonist. Increased mobilization of MSCs was demonstrated in the wound site following blockade of DA D2 receptor mediated actions, and this in turn was associated with significantly more angiogenesis in wound tissues. This study is of translational value and indicates use of DA D2 receptor antagonists to stimulate mobilization of these stem cells for faster regeneration of damaged tissues

    Identifying New Therapeutic Targets via Modulation of Protein Corona Formation by Engineered Nanoparticles

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    We introduce a promising methodology to identify new therapeutic targets in cancer. Proteins bind to nanoparticles to form a protein corona. We modulate this corona by using surface-engineered nanoparticles, and identify protein composition to provide insight into disease development.Using a family of structurally homologous nanoparticles we have investigated the changes in the protein corona around surface-functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) from normal and malignant ovarian cell lysates. Proteomics analysis using mass spectrometry identified hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) that is found exclusively on positively charged AuNPs ((+)AuNPs) after incubation with the lysates. We confirmed expression of HDGF in various ovarian cancer cells and validated binding selectivity to (+)AuNPs by Western blot analysis. Silencing of HDGF by siRNA resulted s inhibition in proliferation of ovarian cancer cells.We investigated the modulation of protein corona around surface-functionalized gold nanoparticles as a promising approach to identify new therapeutic targets. The potential of our method for identifying therapeutic targets was demonstrated through silencing of HDGF by siRNA, which inhibited proliferation of ovarian cancer cells. This integrated proteomics, bioinformatics, and nanotechnology strategy demonstrates that protein corona identification can be used to discover novel therapeutic targets in cancer