249 research outputs found

    Unusual landing of Trachinocephalus myops by trawlers at Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour

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    On 7.11.2008 unusual landings of the lizardfish Trachinocephalus myops (bluntnose lizardfish) was recorded at Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour by multiday trawlers. The lizardfish landings at Visakhapatnam Harbour is usually dominated by Saurida undosquamis and Saurida tumbil. However, other lizardfishes viz., S. micropectoralis, S. longimanus and T. myops are also recorded

    Largest goatfish, Upeneus moluccensis (Bleeker, 1855) caught off Visakhapatnam

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    Goatfish constitute an important demersal fishery resource landed at Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour. They formed 14.4% of the trawl landings of the harbour and comprised of Upeneus vittatus (57.0%), Upeneus sulphureus (24.6%), Upeneus moluccensis (18%) and Upeneus tragula (0.4%). Parupeneus heptacanthus and Parupeneus indicus occur rarely in the fishery. During 2005 - 2009, the annual goatfish catch of Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour was in the range of 2177 - 3463 t with an average catch of 2859 t. The annual average landings of U. moluccensis during 2005 -'09 was 515 t forming 18% of the total goatfish catch at the fishing harbour. They are mainly exploited by bottom trawlers along with marginal exploitation by both drift and bottom set gillnets

    Derivational Morphology of Assamese Lexical Word Categories

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    Word formation by derivation is very productive in Assamese. A significant amount of words in Assamese owe their origin to derivation. The analysis in this paper takes into account the derivational processes related with lexical word categories, and, numerous bound morphemes that are used in the derivational process in the language. This analysis helps us to understand some of the important aspects of Assamese morphology. These aspects are - role of class maintaining and class changing morphemes, derivation of word from synonyms, productivity of derivational morphemes, morphophonemic changes in root as a result of affixation of derivational morphemes, presence of allomorphs of various bound morphemes, ability of a morpheme to derive words from different word categories. The significance of this papers lies in the fact that  these  word formation processes could help develop morphological rules that can be used for developing computational morphological tools like- stemmer, spell checker, tagger etc

    First record of the goatfish, Parupeneus heptacanthus Lacepède, 1801 (Family: Mullidae) at Visakhapatnam Fisheries Harbour

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    On the13th of July 2009, unusual heavy landings of Aluterus monoceros (unicorn leather jacket) of the family Monacanthidae were observed along the coast, from Vizhinjam to Marianadu about 40 km north of Vizhinjam (Fig. 1). These fishes, locally known as “komban clathy” or “mara clathy” are rarely observed in large numbers in the landings at Vizhinjam which has become a subject of surprise to the fishermen. This has been the first incident of such a heavy landing of bigger sized unicorn leather jacket in this area

    Globalization Posing Challenges to Examine the Relevance of Postcolonial Criticism in Future

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    It has become very difficult today to assume that we are living in a world which is postcolonial just in the sense that the curse of colonialism is over. The questions of how one nation is dominating the other and how such dominating forces can be resisted have become the salient issues of the anti-colonial movements worldwide. The postcolonial studies are focusing on the contemporary neocolonial tendencies especially after when America has invaded Afghanistan and has also attacked Iraq for building a New American Empire. Globalization seems to have changed the world so radically that it has become meaningless if we try to perceive the world either from the perspectives of how the European colonizers wanted it to be or as totally decolonized from any exploitative networks. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri in their seminal work, Empire (2000) have argued that they have used the term ‘Empire’ to refer to the emergence of a new sovereign power in the world politics which is predominating over all the other nations in contemporary times. According to them, one can understand this present-day power structure best by comparing it with how the European powers had maintained their sovereignty and empires during the colonial period. Simon Gikandi has accurately observed that, what is very new in globalization is that it has appropriated certain identical postcolonial terms like ‘hybridity’ and concepts like the ‘other’. All these different postcolonial terms and concepts had always been ignored by the former social scientists. This paper will be exploring why it is irrelevant to assume that this new postcolonial globalized culture, as it is reflected in some postcolonial literary images and narratives, does not seem to have any functional impact in changing the socio-cultural relationships of the people of this contemporary global world. This paper will also focus on why in the contemporary globalization the native is found to be contaminated by the west and therefore dangerously ‘un-otherable’ and no longer available as the pure. This paper will also address as to how globalization apart from carrying the overwhelming connotations of cosmopolitanism and evaporating the geo-political centres and margins, is intensifying the pre-existing global asymmetries and pre-empting the postcolonial critics from analyzing the operative networks of the contemporary neoimperial forces

    Heavy landing of juveniles of lizardfish Saurida undosquamis (Richardson) at Visakhapatnam

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    Andhra Pradesh has a coastline of 974 km and continental shelf area of 33,227 km. The annual marine fish landings of the state ranged from 2,08,305 to 2, 33,900 t during 2006 to 2009 with an annual average landing of 2, 22,928 t. Highest catch of 2,33,900 t was observed in 2009 and lowest of 2,08,305 t in the year 2007. Among the demersal resources, lizardfish is one of the dominant group. Lizardfish is sold and consumed in both fresh and dried condition at Visakhapatnam and is preferred by poor people as a protein supplement and also used in value added products. Lizardfish is locally called ‘Badematta’ and it supports a regular fishery

    Tuna fish waste as an aquafeed substitute at Visakhapatnam

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    Tuna is an important group of large pelagics in the waters along the Visakhapatnam coast and constitute a major component of the exploited marine fishery resources. The annual average landings of tunas in Andhra Pradesh during 2006 -2010 was 29,360 t, which accounts for 26.4% of the national tuna catch. The highest catch of 32,369 t was recorded in 2009 and the lowest catch of 27,046 t was recorded in 2006. Visakhapatnam alone contributes to half the total tuna catch for the state. The tuna fishery at Visakhapatnam is contributed mainly by Euthynnus affinis and Thunnus albacares with small amounts of Katsuwonus pelamis and Auxis thazard. They are mainly exploited by hooks and line and by gillnets. They are locally called ‘suralu’ and support a regular fishery. Visakhapatnam is the major fishing harbour where tuna fish is brought from different landing centres and transported for export

    సముద్రములో చేపల సాగుకు అవసరమైన మూరింగుకు యాంత్రిక పరిజ్ఞ్యానం (Engineering aspects of mooring for offshore cage farming of finfishes)

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    Cage culture has been demonstrated as a suitable tool to enhance marine fish production in coastal areas by Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in recent years. Cage farming fully depends on the cage stability in the sea considering the rough weather conditions throughout the seasons which differs from place to place. The design and installation of offshore cage needs basic understanding on their behavior in actual sea conditions. As a cage system operates in open sea, it is subjected to currents, waves and winds. The mooring and anchoring system helps to keep the cage in sea against drifting

    Home As a Mobile and Flexible Domestic Space in Amitav Ghosh’s Alternative Ideas of Cosmopolitanism

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    In this globalized cosmopolitan world, the concept of home has become one of the most crucial socio-cultural perceptions, playing a significant role in establishing community and transnational relationships both at the local and the global level. Amitav Ghosh’s alternative ideas of cosmopolitanism are committed to criticizing the neo-imperial characteristic of the contemporary capitalist cosmopolitan world. This paper argues that Amitav Ghosh through his selected fiction - The Shadow Lines (1988) and The Hungry Tide (2004) - has shown how breaking away from the conventional, constrictive ideas and established definitions of home, that often run the risk of becoming the birthplace of many of the communal, regional or national fanatic ideologies, contributes to forming alternative ideas of home and family that are more mobile and flexible in nature and how they are instrumental in shaping individuals as true cosmopolitans