109 research outputs found


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    Thyroid impairment are rising dominantly in Indian Population in an alarming rate. Hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism are the most common thyroid diseases in India. An important measure to thyroid abnormality is hormone replacement therapy. Herbal treatment to thyroid diseases are getting importance over hormone replacement. The aim of this review is to give information over herbs that has been tried over model organism or herbs that has been used traditionally for correction of thyroid dysfunction. About a number of 23 plants have been mentioned in this review which may have potential thyroprotective effects

    Inequality in Educational Attainment: Urban-Rural Comparison in the Indian Context

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    The article tries to compare urban and rural literacy of fifteen selected Indian states during 1981 - 2011 and explores the instruments which can reduce the disparity in urban and rural educational attainment. The study constructs Sopher's urban-rural differential literacy index to analyze the trends of literacy disparity across fifteen states in India over time. Although literacy disparity has decreased over time, Sopher's index shows that the states of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Odisha, Maharashtra and even Karnataka faced high inequality in education between urban and rural India in 2011. Additionally, the Fixed Effect panel data regression technique has been applied in the study to identify the factors which influence urban-rural inequality in education. The model shows that the following factors can reduce literacy disparity between urban and rural areas of India: low fertility rate in rural women, higher percentages of rural females marrying after the age of 21 years, mother's educational attainment and their labour force participation rate in rural areas.Comment: 20 pages, 7 table

    Gender wage gap in the agricultural labor market of India: An empirical analysis

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    Abstract. The gender wage gap in the agricultural labor market is observed in all the states of India. This paper will try to identify possible policies which can reduce this gender wise wage discrimination in agricultural labor market. We consider the period between 2010-11 to 2015-16 and 18 major states of India. The possible factors which can create an impact on gender wage gap are the expansion of MGNREGP, Self Help Group, primary education among rural women, expenditure on the social sector as a percentage of Net state domestic products and the cropping intensity. It initially assumes that Cropping Intensity of a state in a specific time is very much dependent on the net irrigated area of that state in that time. Our endogeneity test supports our claim. So, Instrumental variable method is applied in our Fixed Effect panel regression. The result shows that expansion of primary education among women, the number of self-help groups in the state and enhancement of cropping intensity through improving irrigation facility can play a significant role to reduce the male and female wage discrimination in the agricultural labor market in India. But participation of women in MGNREGP and social sector expenditure as a percentage of NSDP fails to create any impact on the gender wage gap.Keywords. Agricultural labor market, Gender wage gap, Panel data, Instrumental variable.JEL. C23, C26, J16, J43

    In vitro studies on quality assessment and ethnobotany of Acampe rigida (Buch.-Ham. ex Sm.) P.F.Hunt encountered in Ultapani Forest Range, Assam

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    Acampe rigida (Buch.-Ham.ex Sm.) P.F.Hunt (Family: Orchidaceae), locally known as ‘Miral Baha’ among the Santhal community of Ultapani Forest Range, BTR, Assam, blooms in the month of July to November. The present study was aimed to carry out the ethnobotanical studies, macroscopic, pharmacognostic, preliminary phytochemical and heavy metal analysis of A. rigida. Apart from being an eye-catching ornamental plant, it has a number of medicinal potentialities as folk medicine among the Santhal community where the leaves are used for recovering throat cancer and epilepsy and the paste helps in relieving rheumatism, healing wound as tonic to strengthen the body and increase blood in the body. Parenchyma cells, stomata, fibre were observed in the microscopic examination of powdered plant part. The pulverised leaves colour, odour, flavor/taste and texture were all satisfactory. Preliminary phytochemical screening of A. rigida leaves aqueous extract confirmed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, steroids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, whereas phlobatannins was absent. Heavy metal tests revealed that the samples were free from bismuth, cadmium and lead. The present studies might be significant to establish the pharmacognostic and phytochemical standards of this orchid species and may help in the identification, to ensure quality and purity and standardization of the herbal drug

    Distant delayed hypersensitivity reactions after taking spike protein containing adenoviral vector vaccine for COVID-19

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    COVID-19 epidemic is still going on and various SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are available for emergency administration since December 2020. It has many side effects as other vaccines, but as it is a new vaccine, different side-effects are not well-known to us. Here, we are reporting one side-effect, appearance of distant delayed hypersensitive reaction lesions after covid vaccine

    Gender Wage Gap in The Agricultural Labor Market of India: An Empirical Analysis

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    The gender wage gap in the agricultural labor market is observed in all the states of India. This paper will try to identify possible policies which can reduce this gender wise wage discrimination in agricultural labor market. We consider the period between 2010-11 to 2015-16 and 18 major states of India. The possible factors which can create an impact on gender wage gap are the expansion of MGNREGP, Self Help Group, primary education among rural women, expenditure on the social sector as a percentage of Net state domestic products and the cropping intensity. It initially assumes that Cropping Intensity of a state in a specific time is very much dependent on the net irrigated area of that state in that time. Our endogeneity test supports our claim. So, Instrumental variable method is applied in our Fixed Effect panel regression. The result shows that expansion of primary education among women, the number of self-help groups in the state and enhancement of cropping intensity through improving irrigation facility can play a significant role to reduce the male and female wage discrimination in the agricultural labor market in India. But participation of women in MGNREGP and social sector expenditure as a percentage of NSDP fails to create any impact on the gender wage gap

    Gender Wage Gap in The Agricultural Labor Market of India: An Empirical Analysis

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    The gender wage gap in the agricultural labor market is observed in all the states of India. This paper will try to identify possible policies which can reduce this gender wise wage discrimination in agricultural labor market. We consider the period between 2010-11 to 2015-16 and 18 major states of India. The possible factors which can create an impact on gender wage gap are the expansion of MGNREGP, Self Help Group, primary education among rural women, expenditure on the social sector as a percentage of Net state domestic products and the cropping intensity. It initially assumes that Cropping Intensity of a state in a specific time is very much dependent on the net irrigated area of that state in that time. Our endogeneity test supports our claim. So, Instrumental variable method is applied in our Fixed Effect panel regression. The result shows that expansion of primary education among women, the number of self-help groups in the state and enhancement of cropping intensity through improving irrigation facility can play a significant role to reduce the male and female wage discrimination in the agricultural labor market in India. But participation of women in MGNREGP and social sector expenditure as a percentage of NSDP fails to create any impact on the gender wage gap

    Accessibility of Institutional Credit among the Agricultural Labour Households and its Impact on their Livelihood

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    Despite the major structural changes in the Indian credit system, landless and near landless agricultural labour households are still facing difficulties while accessing formal credit services. The paper tries to examine the possible factors influencing the accessibility of institutional credit by agricultural labour households and its role in their livelihood. Based on a village-level field investigation in the district of East Medinipur, West Bengal, the study shows that the Possession of operational land, membership of SHG, diversified farm and non-farm income, and higher financial literacy index are the significant determinants to increase the possibility of receiving institutional credit for these households. Using the two-stage least square method, the paper further reveals that the monthly per capita income of the agricultural labour households can increase if they use institutional and non-institutional sources of loans in income-generating activities. The study also suggests that the lower the age of the household head and the less dependency on the informal credits for consumption purposes of the households, the higher the possibility of improving the livelihood of the agricultural labour households
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